II. THE FRIENDSHIP OF NATURE. By Fune. III. A TRIP TO ENGLAND. By Goldwin Smith July. IV. FROM A NEW ENGLAND HILLside. August. IX. THE AIMS OF LITERARY STUDY. . X. THE NOVEL-WHAT IT IS. By XI. AMIEL'S JOURNAL, Vol. I. Trans 1896 January. February. lated by Mrs. Humphry Ward. March. XII. AMIEL'S JOURNAL, Vol. II. Trans lated by Mrs. Humphry Ward. April. MACMILLAN & CO., 66 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. THE JOURNAL INTIME OF HENRI-FRÉDÉRIC AMIEL TRANSLATED WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY MRS. HUMPHRY WARD VOL. II. NEW YORK MACMILLAN AND CO. LONDON: MACMILLAN & Co., LTD. 1896 All rights reserved THE NEW YORK 93196 ASTOR, LENOX AND 1898 COPYRIGHT, 1893, BY MACMILLAN AND CO. First Edition (2 Vols. Globe 8vo) 1885. Second Norwood Press: [Where no other name is mentioned, Geneva is to be understood as the author's place of residence.] 11th April 1868 (Mornex sur Salève).I left town in a great storm of wind, which was raising clouds of dust along the suburban roads, and two hours later I found myself safely installed among the mountains, just like last year. I think of stayThe sounds of the ing a week here. . . village are wafted to my open window, barkings of distant dogs, voices of women at the fountain, the songs of birds in the lower orchards. The green carpet of the plain is dappled by passing shadows thrown upon it by the clouds; the landscape has the charm of delicate tint and a sort of languid grace. Already I am full of a sense of wellbeing, I am tasting the joys of that contemplative state in which the soul, issuing from itself, becomes as it were the soul of a country or a landscape, and feels living within it a multitude of lives. Here is no more resistance, negation, blame; everything is affirmative; I feel myself in harmony with nature and with surroundings, of which I seem to myself the expression. The heart opens to the immensity of things. This is what I love! Nam mihi res, non me rebus submittere conor. 12th April 1868 (Easter Day), Mornex, Eight A.M.-The day has opened solemnly and religiously. There is a tinkling of bells from the valley: even the fields seem to be breathing forth a canticle of praise. Humanity must have a worship, and, all things considered, is not the Christian worship the best amongst those which have existed on a large scale? The religion of sin, of repentance, and reconciliation - the religion of the new birth and of eternal life is not a religion to be ashamed of. In spite of all the aberrations of fanaticism, all the superstitions of formalism, all the ugly superstructures of hypocrisy, all the fantastic puerilities of theology, the Gospel has modified the world and consoled mankind. Christian humanity is not much better than Pagan humanity, but it would |