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numine salus,❞—thus translated it:

the patient."

Light versus Fire.

"God help

Lord Mansfield once exclaimed, in answer to some legal position of Mr. Dunning, "If that be law, Mr. Dunning, I may burn my law-books!" "Better read them, my lord," was the sarcastic rejoinder.

Corporations have no Souls.

On some one complaining of the injustice of a corporation, Lord Thurlow exclaimed, “How can you expect justice from a corporation? It has neither a body to be kicked nor a soul to be d-d!"

Knave of Clubs.

Lord Thurlow, wishing to see Dunning pri vately, went to the coffee-house which he was in the habit of frequenting, and asked a waiter if Mr. Dunning was there. The waiter, who was new to the place, replied that he did not know him. "Not know him!" cried Thurlow, with his usual oath.

"Go up-stairs, and if you see any gentleman who looks like the knave of clubs, tell him he is particularly wanted." The waiter

went up, and presently returned, followed by Dunning.


Thurlow having got into a dispute with a bishop concerning a living of which the chancellor had the alternate presentation, the bishop's secretary called upon him, and said, "My lord bishop sends his compliments to your lordship, and believes that the next turn to present to the living of belongs to his lordship." Thurlow replied, "Give my compliments to his lordship, and tell him I will see him d-d before he shall present." SECRETARY: "This, my lord, is a very unpleasant message to deliver to a bishop." THURLOW: "You are right it is so. Therefore tell the bishop that I will be d-d before he shall present."

A Foregone Conclusion.

Lord North, before his own experience of coalitions, said to one of a firm of tradesmen which had " Fog and Son" on its sign, "This is a very extraordinary coalition of yours, and cannot be expected to last, for either fog banishes sun or sun expels fog, and in either case there's an end of the partnership."

A Bright Example.

Lord Chatham, in the course of a conversation with Dr. Henneker, called upon him for a definition of wit. 66 My lord," said he, "wit is what a pension would be if given by your lordship to your humble servant, a good thing, well applied."

A Very Valiant Trencherman.

The Duke of Cumberland came one night into the greenroom at the Haymarket Theatre. "Well, Foote," said he, "here I am, ready to swallow all your good things." "Really," said Foote, "your royal highness must have an excellent digestion, for you never bring anything up again."

Small Measure.

Foote was dining with a thrifty Scotch peer, who decanted his wine sparingly, but descanted largely on its excellence and its "It is very little of its age," said Foote.


NOTE.--This pleasantry, attributed in several quarters to Foote, is also told of the anonymous "witty countryman" in seventeenth-century jest-books, and probably dates back to a remote antiquity. The jest itself is open to the reproach it conveys.

A Plain Case.

A gentleman praising the personal charms of a very plain woman in the presence of Foote, the latter said, "And why don't you lay claim to such an accomplished beauty?" "What right

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have I to her?" exclaimed the gentleman. Every right by the law of nations," replied Foote; "every right, as the first discoverer."

Ready to take a Joke.

When Lord Townshend was Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, he was annoyed by the importunities of the then Provost of Dublin, who was constantly soliciting for places. "My dear Hely," cried his lordship at last, "I have really nothing left to give you, except a majority of dragoons." "I accept it with pleasure," replied the provost. "What!" said his lordship, rather taken aback by this compliance, "do you want to wear a uniform? I assure you, my dear fellow, it wouldn't do at all. I only meant it as a joke." "And I accept it," replied the provost, "to show you how well I can take a joke."

Wide Awake.

When Lord Townshend was superseded by Lord Harcourt as Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, the latter, on his arrival at Dublin, suddenly disturbed Townshend at three o'clock in the morning at a drinking-party with some chosen friends. Lord Townshend, in no degree abashed, goodhumoredly congratulated his successor. "Your lordship," he said, "has certainly come among us rather unexpectedly, but you must admit that you did not find us napping."

Final and Fatal.

A volatile young nobleman after a plentiful sowing of wild oats at last married. "Now," said his countess to him, "I hope, my lord, you'll mend." "Madam," he replied, "I assure you this is my last folly."

Passing the Rosy.

Foote was once in company where the wine was producing more disturbance than concord. One gentleman so far forgot himself in debate as to throw a bottle at his antagonist's head; upon which, catching the missile in his hand, Foote

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