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your partner's? 4. He intends to go there, but he has no time to-day. 5. What do you want to-day? 6. I want my waistcoat, which (qui) is at the tailor's. 7. Are your clothes at the painter's? 8. They are not there, they are at the tailor's. 9. Where do you live, my friend? 10. I live at your sister-in-law's. 11. Is your father at home? 12. No, sir; he is not. 13. Where does your servant carry the wood? 14. He carries it to the Russian captain's. 15. Does the gentleman who (qui) is with your father, live at his house? 16. No, sir; he lives with me. 17. Is he wrong to live with you? 18. No, sir; he is right to live with me. 19. Whence (d'où) comes the carpenter? 20. He comes from his partner's house. 21. Has he two partners? 22. No, sir; he has only one, who lives here (ici). 23. Have you time to go to our house, this morning? 24. We have time to go there. 25. We intend to go there, and to speak to your sister. 26. Is she at your house? 27. She is at her (own) house. 28. Have you bread, butter, and cheese at home? 29. We have bread and butter there. 30. We have no cheese there, we do not like cheese. 31. Is your watch at the watchmaker's? 32. It (elle) is there. 33. Have you two gold watches? 34. I have only one gold watch. 35. Who intends to go to my father's, this morning? 36. Nobody intends to go there.




1. In the first person singular of the present of the indicative of almost all those French verbs, which in that person have only one syllable, and in those which end in ger or gir, the common interrogative form [L. 23, 9.] is not used. To render the verb interrogative, the expression est-ce que is prefixed to the affirmative form. [§ 98 (5.) (6.)]

Est-ce que je vends du drap?
Est-ce que je mange trop?
Est-ce que j'agis bien?

Do I sell cloth?
Do I eat too much?
Do I act well?

2. The first person singular of the indicative of avoir, to have; être, to be; aller, to go; pouvoir, to be able; devoir, to owe; savoir, to know, etc., may however, be conjugated interrogatively according to the general rules.

Ai-je vos mouchoirs?
Combien vous dois-je ?

Have I your handkerchiefs?
How much do I owe you?

3. The form est-ce que is always allowable, and in conversation and familiar writing generally preferable,' even when the first person singular of the present of the indicative of a verb has several syllables, [§ 98, (6.)]

Est-ce que je vous envoie des livres ?
Est-ce que je commence à parler?

Do I send you books?
Do I begin to speak?

4. Est-ce que may in conversation, be used with all the personз of those tenses susceptible of being conjugated interrogatively :- -Qu'estce que vous lisez? may be said, instead of, Que lisez-vous? What do you read?

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6. The article le, preceded by the preposition à is contracted into au before a noun masculine commencing, with a consonant, or an h aspirate; and into aux before a plural noun. [§ 13, (8.)]

Allez-vous au bal ou au marché? Do you go to the ball or to market &

7. À l'église means at or to church;

l'école, at or to school :

Nous allons à l'église et à l'école. We go to church and to school.

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8. Quelque part, means somewhere, anywhere; nulle part, nowhere,

Votre neveu où est-il ?

Il est quelque part.

Il n'est nulle part.


Where is your nephew?

He is somewhere.

He is nowhere.


Est-ce que je vais à l'école ?
Vous allez à l'église aujourd'hui.
Est-ce que je commence mon travail?
Est-ce que je parle anglais ?

Do I go to school?

You go to church to-day.
Do I begin my work?
Do I speak English?

Est-ce que j'envoie ce livre à mon Do I send this book to my brother?

frère ?

Allez-vous au marché demain ?

J'y vais après-demain.

Do you go to market to-morrow?
I go there the day after to-morrow.

1 No Frenchman, for example, would ever say demandé-je? do I ask? apporté-je? do I bring? etc., except perhaps in oratorical style or in poetry. This rule will apply also to the imperfect and past definite.

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1. Où est-ce que je vais ? 2. Vous allez chez le chapelier. 3. Est-ce que je vais à la banque? 4. Vous allez à la banque et au concert. 5. Est-ce que je coupe votre bois ? 6. Vous ne coupez ni mon bois ni mon habit. 7. Est-ce que je porte un chapeau vert? 8. Vous ne portez pas un chapeau vert, vous en portez un noir. 9. Votre écolier va-t-il quelque part? 10. Il va à l'église, à l'école, et au marché. 11. Ne va-t-il pas chez le perruquier ? 12. Il ne va nulle part. 13. Ne portez-vous point des bottes de cuir rouge? 14. J'en porte de cuir noir. 15. N'allez-vous pas chez le banquier? 16. Je ne vais pas chez lui, il est absent depuis hier. 17. Vient-il à la banque ce matin? 18. Il a l'intention d'y venir, s'il a le temps.1 19. A-t-il envie d'aller au concert? 20. Il a grande envie d'y aller, mais il n'a pas de billet. 21. Demeurez-vous dans ce village? 22. Oui, monsieur, j'y demeure. 23. Envoyez-vous ce billet à la poste?

24. Je l'envoie à son adresse.


1. Do I wear my large black hat? 2. You wear a handsome green hat. 3. Does the banker go to the hair-dresser's this morning? 4. He goes there this morning. 5. Does he intend to go to the bank this morning? 6. He does not intend to go there, he has no time. 7. Do you send your letters to the post-office? 8. I do not send them, they are not yet written (écrites). 9. Do I send you a note? 10. You send me a ticket, but I have no wish to go to the concert. 11. Does your brother go to school to-morrow. 12. He goes (there) to-day, and remains at home to-morrow. 13. Do I go there? 14. You

1 The ¿ of si is elided before il, ils, but in no other case. This is the only instance of the elision of i.

do not go anywhere. 15. Where do you go? 16. I am going to your brother's, is he at home? 17. He is not at home, he is absent. 18. Does your brother live in this village? 19. He does not; [L. 24. 12] he lives at my nephew's. 20. Are you wrong

to go to school? 21. No, sir; I am right to go to church and to school. 22. Do you wish to come to my house? 23. I like to go to your house, and to your brother's. 24. When are you coming to our house? 25. To-morrow, if I have time. 26. Does the banker like to come here? 27. He likes to come to your house. 28. Is the hair-dresser coming? 29. He is not yet coming. 30. What are you sending to the scholar? 31. I am sending books, paper, and clothes. 32. Where is he? 33. He is at school. 34. Is the school in the village? 35. It is there.




1. The verb aller, is used, in French, in the same manner as the verb to go, in English, to indicate a proximate future.

Allez-vous écrire ce matin?

Je vais écrire mes lettres.

Are you going to write this morning?
I am going to write my letters.

2. The verb venir is used idiomatically, in French, to indicate a past just elapsed. It requires, in this signification, the preposition de before another verb.

Je viens d'écrire mes lettres.
Nous venons de recevoir des lettres.

I have just written my letters.
We have just received letters.

3. Aller trouver, venir trouver, are used in the sense of to go to, to come to, in connection with nouns persons.

Allez trouver le ferblantier.
J'ai envie d'aller le trouver.
Venez me trouver à dix heures.

4. Aller chercher, means to go for,
Allez chercher le médecin.

Je vais chercher du sucre et du café.

or pronouns representing

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5. Envoyer chercher, means to send for, to send and fetch.

Envoyer chercher le marchand.
J'envoie chercher des légumes.

Send for the merchant.

I send for vegetables.

6. The first and second persons of the plural of the imperative are, with few exceptions, the same as the corresponding persons of the present of the indicative. The pronouns nous, vous, are not used with the imperative.


Allons, let us go;
Allez, go;

Envoyons, let us send;
Envoyez, send;

Venons, let us come;
Venez, come.

8. Tous, m. toutes, f. followed by the article les and a plural noun, are used, in French, in the same sense as the word every in English. Your brother comes every day. to school every morning.

Votre frère vient tous les jours.

Vous allez à l'école tous les matins. You go

9. Tout, m. toute, f. followed by le or la and the noun in the singular, are used for the English expression the whole, coming before

a noun.

Il reste ici toute la journée.

He remains here the whole day.

10. A day of the week or of the month, pointed out as the time of an appointment or of an occurrence, is not preceded by a preposition in French.

Venez lundi ou mardi.

Venez le quinze ou le seize avril.

Come on Monday or Tuesday.
Come on the fifteenth or sixteenth
of April.

11. When the occurrence is a periodical or customary one, the article le is prefixed to the day of the week or the time of the day.

Il vient nous trouver le lundi.
Il va trouver votre père l'après-midi.

He comes to us Mondays.

He goes to your father in the afternoon,


Je vais parler à votre père.
Nous venons de recevoir de l'argent.
Que venez-vous de faire ?

Je viens de déchirer mon habit.
Votre frère va-t-il trouver son ami?
Il va le trouver tous les jours.
Il vient me trouver tous les lundis.
Allez-vous chercher de l'argent?
Je n'en vais pas chercher.
Envoyez-vous chercher des livres


Allez-vous chez cette dame lundi?
J'ai l'intention d'y aller mardi.
J'y vais ordinairement le mercredi.
Il va à l'église le dimanche.

I am going to speak to your father.
We have just received money.
What have you just done?
I have just torn my coat.
Does your brother go to his friend?
He goes to him every day.
He comes to me every Monday.
Do you go and fetch money?
I do not. [L. 24. 12.]
Do you send for Arabic books?

Do you go to that lady's on Monday?
I intend to go there on Tuesday.
I generally go there Wednesdays.
He goes to church Sundays.

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