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At the same time we cannot help feeling suspicious, in the first instance, of such publications as the present. We have seen so many of them, that have come forth with the highest pretensions, prove nothing more than mere jobs of trade, that we are instinctively on our guard when we take them in hand, against anticipated charlatanism. Their aspect is ominous;-they wear a loose livery; they are redolent of paste; they betray the mangling of the scissars. Instead of exhibiting the labour and the skill which such compilations, more than most others, demand, they display the redundant symptoms of work by contract; and we feel, in turning them over, all the annoyance which results from the double mischief of a good thing marred in the execution, and operating as a hindrance to a more spirited undertaking.

From all these depraved symptoms, the work before us, so far as the present specimen extends, is entirely free; and if it be conducted to the end with equal ability, it will form one of the most useful and attractive publications of the present day. Of the two sections, though Syria is the most entertaining, Palestine is the best done; it contains a masterly compression, marked, in some instances, by specific originality, of most that is truly valuable in the best of modern explorations. Maundrell, Pococke, Burkhardt, and Dr. Richardson, have supplied the ground-work; but a host of other travellers have contributed to the superstructure, and a list of important 'desiderata' is subjoined. As an example of the composition, we shall transcribe the eloquent and comprehensive

" CONCLUDING REMARKS. 'Having now traversed the whole Land of Israel west of this boundary, from Beersheba to Dan, we close here our account of Palestine; preferring, for the convenience of the arrangement, to include the districts east of the Jordan, under the general denomination of Syria, which in strictness applies to the whole country. The parts we have described, how


ever, are all that are usually comprehended under the term Holy Land; although, as the scene of Scripture history, the theatre of miracle and of prophecy,-the Peninsula of Mount Sinai, the shores of the Idumean Sea, and the coasts of Asia Minor, might lay claim to the appellation. But we have now visited the whole of Palestine, Judea, Samaria, and Galilee— those countries which, above all others under the sun, are interesting to the Christian. And abhorrent alike from reason and from true piety, as is the superstition that has grafted itself upon this interest, yet, the curiosity which inspires the traveller, in reference more peculiarly to these scenes is rational and laudable. Troy and Thebes, if Athens and Rome, are visited with classic enthusiasm, much more worthy of awakening the strongest emotions in the mind of a Christian, must be the country whose history as far transcends in interest that of every other, as its literature (if we may apply that term to the divine volume) excels in sublimity, all the ethics, and philosophy, and poetry, and eloquence of the heathen world. This sentiment of interest or of reverence has, indeed, no necessary connexion with religious principle or enlightened worship; for it may actuate alike the pious and the profligate. And, in the character of the Greek or Romish pilgrim, it is too generally found in connexion with an utter destitution of moral principle. The savage fanaticism of the Crusades was an illustration of this fact on a grand scale; and the same spirit that breathed in Peter the Hermit, yet survives; the same fanaticism in a milder form actuates the pilgrims who continue to visit the Holy Sepulchre, with the view of expiating their sins by the performance of so meritorious a penance. The Mussulman hadgi, or the Hindoo devotee, differs little in the true character of his religion, from these misguided Christians, and as little perhaps in his morals as in his creed. Only the stocks and stones in which their respective worship alike terminates, are called by less holy names. It becomes the

Protestant to avoid the appearance of symbolizing with this degrading and brutalizing idolatry. But were all this mummery swept away, and the Holy Land cleared of all the rubbish brought into it by the Empress Helena, the holy sepulchre included, more than enough would remain to repay the Christian traveller, in the durable monuments of Nature. We know not the spot where Christ was crucified; nor can determine the cave in which, for part of three days, his body was ensepulchred; nor is the exact point ascertainable from which he ascended to heaven. The Scriptures are silent, and no other authority can supply the information. But there are the scenes which he looked upon, the holy mount which once bore the temple, that Mount Olivet which once overlooked Jerusalem ;-there is Mount Gerizim overhanging the Valley of Shechem, and the hill where once stood Samaria ;-there is Nazareth, within whose secluded vale our Lord so long awaited the time appointed for his public ministry, the Plain of Gennesareth and the Sea of Galilee,-the mountains to which he retired, the plains in which he wrought his miracles, the waters which he trod,-and there the Jordan still rolls its consecrated waters to the bituminous lake where Sodom stood.' pp. 363-365.

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An editor of such a work as the present, would, we imagine, feel some difficulty in determining his plan. Mere digest would serve the purpose of conveying information in a small compass, but it would be in great peril of proving uninteresting and in

Rome. Two peasants of MacerataFeltre, near Fort Leo, in digging a pit, at the beginning of May, discovered something concealed below the surface. They informed their master, who immediately came to the spot with three friends and a smith. With great difficulty they raised from the ground a brass chest bound with iron. The smith opened it, and they found in it the following valuable articles :many rods and vessels of gold; a crown ornamented with diamonds; a great quantity of female ornaments; cloths of Amianthus with borders em

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sipid to general readers. Analysis would ensure much repetition without an equivalent in valuable result. Mere extract would be nothing more than the paste-and-scissar system, and must perforce be wofully guilty of the mortal sin of preterition. The editor of the "Modern Traveller" has taken the effectual way of combining all the three. He has introduced enough of extract and anecdote to give spirit, freshness, and variety to the work, with sufficient analysis and reference to convey a general notion of what has been contributed by different authorities; and he has blended the whole together, and given it completeness, by a judicious digest of the great mass of his materials. He has, above all, imparted unspeakable value to his volumes, by the recognition, not forced or obtrusive, but explicit, of the great principles of morality and religion. The adoption of Routes,' as one of the principal vehicles of description, though not always practicable, has, in countries but partially known, the double advantage of indicating the lines which have been previously traversed, and of directing future travellers to the tracts of country which still require investigation. In short, these little volumes contain the pith of many an expensive volume; and while they will serve the traveller as a pocket companion, and the general reader as a useful compendium, they will be found singularly available for the purposes of education, at an age somewhat advanced beyond the mere elements of geographical knowledge.

broidered in gold; gold candlesticks, with ancient inscriptions, &c. The chest is five feet long, two broad, and two and half deep. We impatiently expect farther particulars of this interesting discovery. Some persons conjecture that these jewels may have belonged to Berengar, Duke of Ivrea and King of Italy, who, in his war with the Emperor Otho I., fort fied himself with his Queen Gilda, in the celebrated rock of St. Leo, where he was beseiged, and, together with his consort, fell into the hands of Otho, who sent them both to Germany.



(Edin. Philosophical Journal.)


HE public have heard a great deal during the last year of institutions being established in different parts of the island, for the diffusion of scientific knowledge among operative mechanics, and several periodical publications in a cheap form, have of late appeared with the same laudable purpose. It is an important epoch in the history of the country, and a spirit has been awakened, which, if properly directed, may be productive of the most beneficial effects, not only by ameliorating the moral condition of a great mass of the people, but also by increasing the skill and prosperity of our various branches of manufacture. We are of opinion, therefore, that a brief account of the School of Arts of Edinburgh, which has now existed for three years, will be acceptable to our readers.

It is to Dr. Birkbeck that the merit is unquestionably due, of having first proposed a plan for conveying scientific instruction to mechanics. While he was resident in Glasgow, and held the situation of Lecturer in the Andersonian Institution, about the year 1801, he gave lectures on Chemistry and Natural Philosophy to operative mechanics on certain days set apart for that purpose, a plan which was followed up by his successors, and has been considerably extended and improved by Dr. Ure, who now delivers the lectures in that establishment. The valuable suggestions which Dr. Birkbeck had thrown out remained unheeded for twenty years; for we believe, that, during the whole of that time, the lectureship which he had founded, was the only thing of the sort that existed in the united kingdom.

About the autumn of 1820, Mr. Leonard Horner proposed the establishment of a school in Edinburgh, in which such branches of science as would be useful to mechanics in the exercise of their trade, might be taught at convenient hours, and at an expense that would be within their reach, upon a plan similar to that of the Glasgow Institution. Having communicated his

design to Dr. Brewster, who entered warmly into his views, a sketch of the plan was drawn up, such as was thought probable might be carried into effect; and it was circulated among some of the most considerable master mechanics, with a request that they would read it in their workshops, and take down the names of such of their workmen as expressed a desire to obtain instruction of the kind proposed. This was accordingly done, and in the course of a fortnight between 70 and 80 names were put down. A Committee of several scientific gentlemen, and of master mechanics, was inmediately formed for bringing the scheme before the public; it met with very general approbation, and a liberal subscription having been raised, a regular association was formed, under the title of "The School of Arts, for the instruction of Mechanics, in such branches of physical science as are of practical application in their several trades." The Institution was opened in October 1821, each student paying 15s. for a ticket, which entitled him to attend all the lectures, and have the use of the library for a year. Such was the eagerness for admission, that after 420 tickets were sold, the book was obliged to be closed, as the room could not accommodate a greater number. The lectures delivered the first year, were on the principles of Chemistry and their application to the arts, on the elementary principles of Mechanical Philosophy, on Architecture, and on Farriery. At the close of these lectures at the end of April, one lecture a week on each subject having been de-livered during the preceding seven months, there was established a class for Architectural and Mechanical Drawing, which continued for four months. There was established also an excellent library, containing nearly 500 volumes of the best elementary works on the sciences taught in the school, together with some of the works of greatest authority in the mechanical arts. These books the students have the privilege

of taking to their own houses, and they may be exchanged once a fortnight. The first session terminated very successfully; and it appears from the First Report of the Directors, that the, students followed the lectures with the most profound attention and the deepest interest. It is stated in that report, that no audience accustomed to observe all those restraints which are the marks of good breeding and good education in the more elevated ranks of society, could have conducted themselves with more perfect propriety and decorum."

The following year the plan of instruction was in some degree changed, it having been found that the attention of the students had been too much distracted by variety; and that, in order to make the institution really useful, by conveying solid instruction to the mechanics, it was necessary to direct their whole attention to the acquisition of the elementary principles of chemistry and mechanical philosophy; as these were quite sufficient for all the time they could bestow, and were the branches of science of most general application in the mechanical arts. The Directors obtained also this year the powerful assistance of Professor Leslie in digesting their plan of instruction; and upon his suggestion a class was established for the higher branches of Arithmetic, and the ele

ments of Algebra and Geometry, with their application. Without this instruction it was obvious, that the students could derive very little benefit from the lectures on Mechanical Philosophy, and what was of still more importance, without the knowledge of Algebra they could make no use of some of the most valuable works in the library.

The course of instruction during the second year was, a lecture once a week upon Chemistry, once a week upon Mechanical Philosophy, and the Mathematical Class met twice a week. This plan has also been followed during the last year, and the Drawing Class and Library continue on the same plan as the first year.

The Institution continues to gain ground in the estimation of those for whose benefit it was established, and it has now assumed all the characters of a regular seminary of instruction.

It is supported by the fees of the students, and an annual subscription among the inhabitants of Edinburgh, and other friends of the institution. The management of its affairs is conducted by Eighteen Directors, chosen annually at a General Meeting of the Subscribers. Many of the details are managed by Committees of the students themselves, appointed by the Directors, who act gratuitously, and are found to conduct the business entrusted to them with great assiduity and skill.


The theory that there are open seas round both the Earth's Poles, has received strong corroboration within the last few months. We have now on our table a letter from a Naval Officer at Drontheim, who notices the fact that Capt. Sabine had good weather, and reached 80° 81' north latitude without obstruction from the ice, so that the Expedition might easily have proceeded farther had its object so required. And we have also had the pleasure to meet recently with a British Officer, who, with two vessels under his command, last season, penetrated to 74° 25′ south latitude in the Antarctic circle, which is above three degrees beyond Cook's utmost limit. Here he found the sea perfectly clear of ice, and might have

prosecuted his voyage towards the Pole, if other considerations had permitted. There was no field ice in sight towards the South; and the water was inhabited by many finned and humpbacked whales. The longitude was between the South Shetland Islands, lately discovered, and Sandwich land: this proves the former to be an archipelago (as was supposed,) and not a continent. The voyage is remarkable as being the utmost South upon record, and we hope to be favoured with other particulars of it. At present we have only to add, that the variations of the needle were extraordinary, and the more important as they could not readily be explained by the philosophical principles at present maintained on the subject.

(Mon. Mag.)



HENRY ordered the carriage, and quitted the Louvre, followed by the Dukes of Montbazon and Epernon, Marshal de Lavardin, de Roquelaure, de la Force, de Mirabeau, and Liancourt, first equerry. Mathieu the historian affirms, that when Ravillac understood the king had given orders for his carriage, he with an air of exultation muttered between his teeth : "I hold thee fast thou art lost!" At that moment, says the Journal d'Etoile, Vitry made his appearance; when the king said, “I neither require you nor your guards; for these forty years past I have almost uniformly been the captain of my own guards; I will not have any one to surround my carriage." The coachman then having inquired where he was to drive? Henry replied in a peevish tone, "Convey me from hence." On passing before the hotel de Longueville, the driver repeated the former question; when the king said, "To the Cross of Trahoir:" and on arriving at the spot, he observed in a bewildered manner, "To the SaintsInnocents." By a most unfortunate fatality, Henry, on a sudden, desired that the curtains of the carriage might be raised; for at that period there were no glasses to the vehicles, which were closed in by leather curtains. Had they been down, the assassin could not have directed his aim, nor struck the fatal blow!

No unfortunate event had been witnessed during the queen's coronation, notwithstanding the opinion that had prevailed throughout the city that some dreadful misfortune would occur. The day having passed happily, public disquietude had in consequence in a great measure subsided; and the populace, re-animated by the presence of their adored monarch, made the air ring with their accustomed acclamations, as he proceeded on his route. Henry, who usually felt touched at these demonstrations of love, appeared insensible on this occasion; neither did he

10 ATHENEUM VOL. 2. 2d series.

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direct a single glance of curiosity on the decorations which were preparing in the streets and public places, in honour of the approaching entrance of Mary de Medicis into Paris. Thoughtful, and, as it were, collected within himself, the king remained absorbed in the profoundest reverie, when the carriage was suddenly stopped at the end of the street Ferronnerie, in consequence of two waggons, the one loaded with wine and the other with corn, which blocked up the way. Numerous stalls, then placed at the termination of that street, rendered the passage very narrow; and Henry the Second, a few days previous to his death, had in consequence commanded their removal : this order, if executed, would have allowed a free passage to carts and waggons, in which case the regicide could not have perpetrated his diabolical deed. The king's foot pages quitted the vehicle, in order to see the way cleared, when Francis Ravillac the most execrable of murderers, who had followed the vehicle, placed his foot upon a spoke of one of the hind wheels, on the side where the monarch was seated and supporting himself with one hand upon the door of the carriage, he with the other struck the king with a two-edged knife. The first blow thus inflicted grazed the second and third ribs, and would not have proved mortal; upon which the king exclaimed, "I am wounded!"—at the same instant he received a second stab, the weapon piercing his heart, when the monarch expired on the instant. So determined was this execrable assassin, that he had intended a third blow, which, however, struck the sleeve of the duke de Montbazon, who had raised his arm to parry off the weapon.

Francis Ravillac was a native of Angouleme, where he followed the avocation of a school-master till the age of 31 or 32. Mathieu surmises that he was of unsound mind; but, according to the ideas usually conceived

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