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and the bill was thrown out by a majority of four votes.

On a general view of the progress and results of these parliamentary efforts, it is obvious, that a conviction of the necessity of legislative interference, in some way at least, has been gaining strength; and had the talent within the House, been equal to the support derived from petitions out of it, the issue would have been less doubtful: as it is, the object, for the present at least, has failed; and neither the friends nor the enemies of legislative interference have gained reputation by the contest, or exhibited themselves to advantage in the eyes of an enlightened nation. Sir Andrew and his supporters, piety has unhappily been dissociated from wisdom; while some of their most prominent opponents, by the irreligious flippancy with which they treated the subject, have evinced a lamentable destitution of both.



Our readers well know that it is not usual with us to divert their attention from religious topics to those of a political character. In proportion, however, as any event has a prospective bearing on our sacred, as well as our civil and social rights, it ceases to be merely political. The church has an interest in the movements of the Government as well as the world; and cannot regard with indifference any change in its administration, which may be likely to impede the free and unfettered propagation of evangelical truth. Without pretending to discover the motive which induced the change, or the mode by which it has been effected, there is a suddenness and a mysteriousness in the affair which cannot fail to impart to it an ominous and suspicious appearance. The policy of a government is sufficiently indicated by the character of its agents; and, in this respect, coming events sometimes cast their shadows before them. We doubt not but infinite wisdom will overrule it for good; but, so far as human agency is concerned, its origin at present is not to be traced ;— while, with regard to its issues, it is a cloud of impenetrable darkness.

We will proceed however to record the event in the language in which the Patriot has announced it to its readers.

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“On Saturday, the 15th, the astounding intelligence fell upon the metropolis like a thunder-bolt, that the King had turned out the Ministry; and we have now to announce that his "6 Highness the Field Marshal Chancellor Duke of Wellington has acceded to the military dictatorship of these realms. No resignation had been tendered by Lord Melbourne; no schism existed in the Cabinet; no dissatisfaction had been expressed in the highest quarter at the course which the Government was pursuing; there was no ominous note of warning. Although the mine had been long prepared, and the train laid, the firing of it had been left to be determined by occasion or cccident, so that the explosion, when it actually came, was a surprise even to the engineer.

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"It has the suddenness of an act without adviser, without motive. Lord Althorp becomes a peer, and Chancellor of the Exchequer must be appointed. Ergo, there must be a violent transition to an opposite system of government! Earl Spencer's death thus becomes the alleged cause, the actual pretext, of a revolution,-of that worst species of revolution, a restoration,-of that worst species of restoration, the recal of an anti-liberal, inveterate, incurable faction to the helm from which they had retired in despair before the indignant voice of the people. Here is what metaphysicians would call sequence without causation. There is no rational link between the royal determination and the alleged cause. the more unadvised, and sudden,and irrational the act of the Royal Prerogative may seem, viewed merely in connexion with the occasion, the more obvious and certain is it, that it was the result of advice sedulously instilled, and of a determination which only slumbered. The King has been deceived. Who are the deceivers, may be inferred from the representation of the Tories, that the people have dismissed the Reform Government. It is for the people to disprove this assertion. The faults of the Grey Cabinet, which occasioned the delays of last session,-the dissensions between the great leaders of Reform, such as Durham and Brougham, which have encouraged the Tories in their manœuvres by giving the appearance of division to the liberal camp ;--all these things will be forgotten in the great and all-absorbing question, whether this great country is to be governed upon the principles which have secured our civil and religious liberties, the principles which have given birth to all that

is valuable in our institutions, and which were working the reform of all that, through lapse of time or corruption, requires modification ;;-or upon the principles of an aulic council or a military


"If to be forewarned is to be forearmed, the result depends, under Divine Providence, upon the sound-hearted, religious, and enlightened portion of the British community. We have no fears as to the ultimate issue. We pray to God that we may not have to attain it through scenes of popular commotion and party conflict, which will strain the whole fabric of our social system, and shake the pillars of the state."

With a promptitude and decision befitting the occasion, the United Committee of the Metropolitan Dissenters assembled at Dr. Williams's Library, Redcross-street, on Tuesday the 18th, and passed the following Resolutions:HENRY WAYMOUTH, Esq., in the Chair. ،، Resolved,

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"That, while this Committee bows to the exercise of the Royal Prerogative, they have learned with feelings of unfeigned and profound regret, the sudden dismissal from His Majesty's councils | of his late confidential advisers; enter | taining, as they do, a cordial approbation of the general measures of their administration, and confiding in their principles as the sincere friends of civil and religious freedom,

، That, while this Committee cannot but express their disappointment and sorrow that the just claims of Protestant Dissenters have hitherto been postponed, they are convinced that such delay, on the part of His Majesty's late Government, arose chiefly from the obstructions to which they were subject, both from ecclesiastical and political opponents. The regret which this Committee feels at the dismissal of the late Administration is also greatly aggravated by the assurance, that it has occurred at a moment when its members were preparing the means of Redress for the chief practical Grievances of which Dissenters complain.

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'That, in the probable event of a general election, this Committee confidently anticipates, from the Protestant Dissenters throughout the empire, the most decided and uncompromising opposition to that political party, who have avowed themselves the unflinching opponents of their interests, and whose speeches and votes, on the Bill for the admission of Dissenters to the Universities, ought never to be forgotten. And, in the event of such election, this Committee


relies also on all classes of Dissenters, for the immediate adoption of measures best calculated to insure the return, as representatives to Parliament, of men liberal and enlightened in their views, the tried friends of religious liberty, national improvement, and universal freedom.

"That this Committee pledges itself to persevere in seeking the full and immediate relief of the practical grievances of Protestant Dissenters upon the principles they have repeatedly avowed. "That these Resolutions be published in the usual public journals.”



On Wednesday, Sept. 10th, a neat and commodious Baptist chapel was opened at Halifax. At half-past ten the Rev. J. Pridie (Indep.) commenced the services by reading and prayer; and Rev. S. Saunders, of Liverpool, preached from Ps. lxv. 4. The afternoon service was commenced at half-past two, by the Rev. J. Yeadon, of Horsforth; and the Rev. J. Acworth, A. M., of Leeds, preached from Ps. cxxxii. 15. At half-past six in the evening, the Rev. A. Ewing, A. M. (Indep.), read and prayed; and the Rev. R. Fletcher, of Manchester (Indep.), preached from Numb. x. 29. The day was exceedingly unfavourable, but the congregations were good,and the collections amounted to £94.

On the following Lord's-day, Sept. 14th, three sermons were delivered in the above chapel. The Rev. S. Saunders preached in the morning, from Rev. xxi. 1; and in the evening, from John xxi. 15-17. In the afternoon, the Rev. Dr. Steadman preached from John iii. 30. The collections on Lord's-day amounted to £ 106, making, with the amount collected on the day of opening, £200. The erection of this building, which will accommodate about 700 persons, besides room for a considerable Sunday-school, it is expected will cost nearly £1,600 ; towards which, the friends of the interest have contributed upwards of £900. Since the opening of the chapel the congregations have far exceeded the most sanguine expectations of its friends.


A neat and convenient meeting-house, erected at Lydney, Gloucestershire, for the use of the Baptist congregation in that village, was opened for divine worship on Wednesday, October 22, 1834. The morning service was commenced

by the Rev. John Fry, of Coleford, who read the Scriptures and prayed; the Rev. Samuel Nicholson, of Plymouth, preached from Ps. lxxxvii. 5, 6; and the Rev. John Davis, of Bristol (In dep.), concluded with prayer. In the afternoon, the Rev. J. H. Thomas, of Trowbridge, preached from James i. 5, 6. Prayer was offered at the commencement of this service by the Rev. J. Glanville, of Dursley, (Indep.); and at its close by the Rev. E. A. Claypole, of Ross. In the evening, after reading and prayer by the Rev. W. Williams, of Ryeford, the Rev. John Davies preached from John xxi. 17: "Lovest thou me?" and the service was closed with prayer by the Rev. John Jones, of Blakeney.

The congregation, in the evening, being much larger than could be accommodated in the new place, an additional service was held in the old meeting house, where the Rev. Evan Probert, of

Eastcoombs, read the Scriptures and prayed; and the Rev. Samuel Nicholson preached from Luke xv. 17—19, and concluded in prayer. The hymns were read by Messrs. Thos. Nicholson, of Lydney, Williams, Wright, of Lydbrook, Probert, Jones, of Newent, S. Nicholson, Fry, Thomas, and S. Taylor.

A numerous and respectable company dined together at the Lydney Inn. After dinner, contributions were announced from the Rev. Isaiah Birt and many other friends, amounting to upwards of eighty pounds, and fifty pounds were collected at the close of the services.

The circumstances of the Lydney congregation rendering it impracticable for them to adopt the usual plan of making personal application for assistance, their case has been presented by letter in various quarters, but hitherto only three donations have been received. More than three-fourths of the whole sum expended having been raised in the immediate neighbourhood, it is hoped friends at a distance will aid in the liquidation of the remaining debt; and it is the more necessary that this should be effected speedily, from the circumstance that the new place is already so thronged that it is probable further accommodation must shortly be provided, by the erection of a vestry and gallery.

Contributions may be forwarded to Mr. T. Nicholson, Lydney; or to either of the following ministers, by whom this case is cordially recommended :the Rev. John Jones, Blakeney, the Rev. Isaiah Birt, Hackney; the Rev. John Fry, Coleford; and the Rev. S. Nicholson, Plymouth.



the public settlement of Mr. Samuel On Tuesday, the 7th of October, Hewlett, late of Reading, as the pastor of the church of Christ meeting in Romney-street, Westminster, took place.

The service was commenced at two o'clock, with reading and prayer, by of Woolwich, stated the nature of a Mr. Stenson, of Chelsea; Mr. Cox, Gospel church, and asked the usual questions. One of the deacons gave an account of the leadings of Providence in reference to the connexion between Mr. Hewlett and the church. Mr. H. then gave an outline of his experience and call to the ministry, with his confession of faith. Mr. Peacock, of Goswell-street, offered the ordination prayer; delivered a most solemn charge to the and Mr. Pritchard, of Keppell-street, pastor, from Ezek. xl. 4. In the evening an appropriate sermon was preached to the people, from Eph. v. 1, 2, by Mr. Comb, of Oxford-street. Messrs.

Denham, of Unicorn-yard; Broad, of Kensington; Dovey, of Bermondsey; and Hamblin, of Walworth; took parts in the services of the day, which were well attended.


On Thursday, the 30th of October, Mr. R. Thomson, formerly Home Missionary at Walsingham, Durham, and pastor of the Baptist church assembling there, was publicly recognized as pastor of the Baptist church assembling in South-street, Perth. A meeting for fasting and prayer, was held in the forenoon, at which Mr. M'Millan, of Stirling presided, and the recognition of the pastor took place. In the afternoon Mr. D. M. Thompson, of Grenock, preached from Rev. ii. 23, (middle clause), and in the evening Mr. M'Ewen, of Tullimet, delivered a sermon appropriate to the occasion, from Exod. xxxiii, 16.


On Thursday, the 23rd of October, Mr. John M'Ewen was publicly ordained pastor of the Baptist church assembling at Tullimet, near Dunkeld. Mr. Thomson, Baptist minister of Perth, asked the usual questions, offered the ordination prayer, and delivered an address to the pastor, from 1 Tim. iii. 1. Mr. M'Lean, (Indep.,) of Aberfeldy, preached to the church, from 1 Thess. v. 12, 13, and concluded the interesting services of the day.

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Approaching Anniversary of the Mis.
sion, 233

Baptist Magazine, 559

Bodily Exercise necessary to Mental
Vigour, 285

British Colonies, 330
Burchell and Knibb's Letter, 379
Christian Solicitude Rewarded, 191
Claims of the Metropolis on Chris-
tians, 148

Classical Reading Improved, 61, 184
Corrective Criticism, 551

Counsel and Encouragement to Wi-
dows, 417

Deacons, the Annual choice of, 10,

Deaconship, Qualifications, &c., 53
Deputation to America, 464, 548
Emigration to America, 413
Exegetical Exercitations, 12, 57, 105,

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Motive and End, 553
Musical Festivals, 556
Oaths, 63

Pastoral Duty, 63
Paternal Counsel, 459

Plan for Ascertaining the Extent of

the Denomination, 550

Plea for the Visible Union of the
Church, 280

Query, 64, 194, 333

--, answered, 328

Reflections connected with the Meet-
ing at London Tavern, 7th of Au-
gust, 374

Sabbath, the Observance of, 231
Sermon. Rev. Abraham Booth, 497
Sermons-Rev. A. Fuller, Rom. viii.,


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Parliamentary Grant for the Educa-
tion of the Poor, 75

Poplar Thanksgiving Meeting, 436
Proposed Union among the two
Great Bodies of Irish Presby-
terians, 208

Protestant Dissenters' Appeal to Go-
vernment, 73

Meeting to ob-
tain Redress of Grievances, 255
Revival Meetings, 568
Sabbath, Observance of, 207

Duty of Christians respect-

ing Enforcing it, 208

A Brief History of Pro-
posed Enactments Relative to the
Observance of, 570
Slavery, Colonial, 164

Society for Relief of Aged and In-
firm Baptist Ministers, 208
Special Prayer Meeting, 77
Stepney Academical Institution, 346
Sunday School Mission, 435
The First of August celebrated, 392
The Young Men's Society, 205, 436
Wales, a Short Statement of, 437
Welsh Baptist Church in London,

Protestant Society for Protection of IRISH CHRONICLE:

Religious Liberty, 243

Religious Tract Society, 300
Sunday School Union, 254
Wesleyan Methodist Missionary,


Australia, a Letter of Inquiry, 257
Baptist Union Circular Letter, 476
Building Fund, 32, 345

Home Missionary Society, 35, 257,

Beverley, Yorkshire, 258

British and Foreign Bible Society,
253, 302

Sailors' 31, 250
Voluntary Church Society, 256
Christian Instruction Society, 253,

Copy of Petition to both Houses of
Parliament, 167

Dissolution of the Administration,

Eulogium on the late Rev. J. Hughes,


Falmouth. Revival of Religion, 433
Female Education in China, &c., an
Appeal to Christian Ladies, 477
Hindoo Law of Inheritance, 526
Important Case, 165

Income of the State Church, 481
Lady Hewley's Charity, 33
London Baptist Association, 168

New Mill, Herts., History of the
Church, 478

Orphan Daughters of Deceased Minis-
ters, 395

Address from the Committee, 37, 81,
169, 213, 261, 305, 353, 397, 441,

Annual Meeting, 305, 397

Ballina, Mayo; Case of a Meeting-
house, 485

Contributions, 40, 84, 127, 172, 216,

264, 354, 400, 444, 488

Death and Funeral of Rev. J. Ivimey,

Extracts from Mr. Finch's Sermon,

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