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4999. Toute revelation d'un secret est la faute de celui qui l'a confié. (Fr.) La Bruy. -The disclosure of a secret is the fault of him who first confided it.

5000. Toutes les fois que je donne une place vacante, je fais cent mécontents, et un ingrat. (Fr.) Louis XIV.-Every time I give away a vacant place, I make a hundred persons discontented, and one ungrateful.

5001. Tout est contradiction chez nous: la France, à parler sérieusement, est le royaume de l'esprit et de la sottise, de l'industrie et de la paresse, de la philosophie, et du fanatisme, de la gaieté et du pédantisme, des loix et des abus, de bon goût et de l'impertinence. (Fr.) Volt.? With us all is one mass of contradiction. France, seriously speaking, is the country of wit and folly, of industry and idleness, of philosophy and fanaticism, of gaiety and pedantry, laws and transgressions, good taste and vulgarity.

5002. Tout est doux, et rien ne coûte, pour un cœur qu'on veut toucher. (Fr.)-Everything is sweet, and costs no trouble for a heart that you wish to touch.

5003. Tout est perdu fors l'honneur. (Fr.)—All is lost save our



This celebrated saying is found in slightly different shape in the letter written by Francis I. to his mother after the battle of Pavia. 'Madame, pour vous advertir comment se porte le ressort de mon infortune, de toutes choses ne m'est demouré que l'honneur et la vie qui est saulve. . . j'ay prié qu'on me laissast pour écrire ces lettres," etc. Champollion, Captivité de Francois I., p. 129.— Madame, I have begged to be allowed to write this letter, to inform you what hope I have of recovering from my present misfortune, in which all that remains is my honour, and my life which is safe, etc. 5004. Tout est pour le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes possibles. (Fr.) Volt. Candide.-All is for the best in the best possible of worlds. A skit which Voltaire puts into the mouth of Dr Pangloss, as a hit at the optimist doctrines of Leibnitz.

5005. Toute vérité, nue et crue, n'a pas assez passé par l'âme. (Fr.) Joubert?—A truth stated in all its original nakedness and crudity, shows that it has not been sufficiently revolved in the soul.

5006. Tout faiseur de journaux doit tribut au malin. (Fr.) La Font. Letter to M. S. de Troyes.-Every journalist owes toll to the evil one.

5007. Tout finit par des chansons. (Fr.) Beaum. Mar. de Figaro.-Everything ends in songs (or in being sung).

The chief topics of the day find their way generally into some popular rhymes.

5008. Tout flatteur vît au dépens de celui qui l'écoute. (Fr.) La Font. Corbeau et Renard.-Every flatterer lives at the expense of those who listen to him.

5009. Tout le monde se plaint de sa mémoire, et personne ne se plaint de son jugement. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 42,

§ 89.-Every one complains of his memory, but none of their defective judgment.

5010. Tout par raison. (Fr.)-Everything according to reason. Maxim of Richelieu.

5011. Tout soldat français porte dans sa giberne le bâton de maréchal de France. (Fr.) E. Blaze, La vie mil. sous l'Empire, vol. i. p. 5.-Every French soldier carries a field-marshal's baton in his knapsack. Attributed to


5012. Tout va à qui n'a pas besoin. (Fr.) Prov.-Everything goes to the person who does not need it.

5013. Tout vient à point à qui sait attendre. (Fr.) Prov.Everything comes to the man who will have the patience to wait for it.

5014. Tout vient de Dieu. (Fr.)—All things come from God. Motto of Lords Clinton and Leigh.

5015. Traduttori, traditori. (It.) Prov.-Translators, traitors. 5016. Trahit ipse furoris

Impetus, et visum est lenti quæsisse nocentem.

(L.) Lucan. 2, 110.

Rage drags them on, and 'twere a waste of time

To judge if they were guilty of the crime.-Ed.

Peculiarly applicable to the proceedings of the Revolution-Committee of '93 and its agents.

5017. Trahit sua quemque voluptas. (L.) Virg. E. 2, 65.—Each follows his own peculiar pleasure.

5018. Transeat in exemplum. (L.)—Let it stand as a precedent. Let it be remembered as an example worthy of imitation. 5019. Tre cose belle in questo mondo: prete parato, cavaliere armato, e donna ornata. (It.) Prov.-Three things are beautiful in this world: a priest in his vestments, a knight in armour, and a woman in her jewels.

5020. Tre donne e un papero fanno un mercato. (It.) Prov.Three women and a goose make a market.

5021. Tremblez, tyrans, vous êtes immortels.

(Fr.) Delille, L'Immortal. de l'âme.

Tremble, ye tyrants, for ye cannot die,
Immortal is your fame, or infamy!-Ed.

5022. Tres mihi convivæ prope dissentire videntur

Poscentes vario multum diversa palato.

Quid dem! quid non dem? Renuis tu, quod jubet alter :
Quod petis, id sane est invisum acidumque duobus.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 61.

Three guests, I find, for different dishes call,

And how's one host to satisfy them all?

I bring a neighbour what he asks, you glower,
Obliging you, I turn two stomachs sour.-Conington.

5023. Tria juncta in uno. (L.)—Three joined in one. Motto of

the Order of the Bath.

5024. Tria sunt enim

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quæ sint efficienda dicendo: ut doceatur is, apud quem dicetur; ut delectetur, ut moveatur vehementius. (L.) Cic. Brut. 49, 185.-There are three points to be aimed at in speaking: to instruct, to please, to affect powerfully.

5025. Tribus Anticyris caput insanabile. (L.) Hor. A. P. 300. -A head not three Anticyræ could cure.

5026. Trinitas in Trinitate. (L.)-Trinity in Trinity. Motto of the Trinity House.

5027. Tristi fummo nel aer dolce. (It.) Dante, Inf. 7, fin.— Sad were we in the sweet air. Said of those who repine without cause.

5028. Tristis eris, si solus eris. (L.) Ov. R. A. 583.— You will be sad if you live alone.

5029. Tros Tyriusve mihi nullo discrimine agetur. (L.) Virg. A. 1, 574.- Whether Trojan or Tyrian, it shall make no difference in my treatment of them. I shall act impartially towards all.

5030. Truditur dies die,

Novæque pergunt interire lunæ. (L.) Hor. C. 2, 18, 15.
Day presses on the heels of day,

And moons increase to their decay.-Francis.

5031. Tu dic, mecum quo pignore certes. (L.) Virg. E. 3, 31. -Say for what stake you will contend with me. Name your bet.

5032. Tu, Domine, gloria mea. (L.)-Thou, O Lord, art my glory. Lord de Tabley.

5033. Tu dors, Brutus, et Rome est dans les fers!

(Fr.) Volt. Mort de César.

What! Brutus, dost thou sleep, and Rome in chains?-Ed. 5034. Tuebor. (L.)—I will protect. Motto of Lords Torrington and Strafford.

5035. Tui me miseret, mei piget. (L.) Enn. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 31, 66.—I am sorry for you, vexed with myself.

5036. Tum denique homines nostra intelligimus bona

Quum, quæ in potestate habuimus, ea amisimus. (L.) Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 39.-We begin to appreciate our blessings when we have lost them.

5037. Tu mihi curarum requies, tu nocte vel atra

Lumen, et in solis tu mihi turba locis. (L.) Tib. 4, 13, 11.
My rest from care, my star in darkest night,

My company when alone, constant delight.-Ed.

Inscribed by a Chartreux around the walls of his study. 5038. Tum inese (si quid loquar audiendum)

Vocis accedet bona pars. (L.) Hor. C. 4, 2, 45.—Then, if I can say anything worth listening to, I will heartily add the tribute of my voice.

5039. Tunc autem consummata est infelicitas, ubi turpia non solum delectant, sed etiam placent: et desinit esse remedio locus, ubi quæ fuerant vitia, mores sunt. (L.) Sen. Ep. 39, fin.-Then is the lowest stage of degradation reached, when abominable practices produce not merely pleasure but satisfaction; and all hope of remedy vanishes when vice itself has become habitual.

5040. Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito

Quam tua te fortuna sinet. (L.) Virg. A. 6, 95.
Yet still despond not, but proceed

Along the path where fate may lead.—Conington.

5041. Tu ne quæsieris, scire nefas, quem mihi quem tibi Finem di dederint, Leuconoe. (L.) Hor. C. 1, 11, 1.— Enquire not, Leuconoe, for thou mayst not know what end the gods have appointed either for thee or for me.

5042. Tunica propior pallio est. (L.) Plaut. Trin. 5, 2, 30.— My tunic is nearer to me than my cloak.

Cf. the old proverb, "Near is my coat, but nearer is my skin," i.e., charity begins at home; or in Greek, drwτeρw † yóvu kvńμn, Theocr. 16, 18.-My leg is further than my knee.

5043. Tu nihil invita dices faciesve Minerva.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 385. Take care to say or do nothing in opposition to the natural bent of your genius, i.e., against the grain; or as Boileau says, Si son astre, en naissant, ne l'a formé poète. (Fr.)—If his star did not make him a poet at his birth. 5044. Tu pol si sapis, Quod sis nescis. (L.) Ter. Eun. 4, 4, 53. -You, hark ye, if you are wise, will not know what you do know. You must affect ignorance.

5045. Tu proverai si come sa di sale
Lo pane d'altrui, e com' é duro calle
Lo scendere e'l salir per l'altrui scale.

(It.) Dante, Par. Cant. 17, 58.

Cacciaguida prophecies Dante's exile.
Thou shalt prove

How salt the savour is of other's bread :
How hard the passage, to descend and climb
By other's stairs.-Cary.

5046. Tu quamcunque Deus tibi fortunaverit horam
Grata sume manu; neu dulcia differ in annum,
Ut quocunque loco fueris, vixisse libenter

Te dicas.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 11, 22.

Seize then each happy hour the gods dispense,
Nor fix enjoyment for a twelvemonth hence
So you may testify with truth, where'er

You're quartered, 'tis a pleasure to be there.-Conington.

5047. Tuque, O! dubiis ne defice rebus. (L.) Virg. A. 6, 196. -And oh! desert me not in this troublous affair!

5048. Tu quoque. (L.) You also. A tu quoque is a vulgar and idle retort in the same terms as those of your opponent. The common "So are you!" "You're another!" are instances.

5049. Tu quoque, Brute. (L.)-Thou also, Brutus! Sometimes quoted as Et tu, Brute!

Exclamation of Julius Cæsar on recognising M. Junius Brutus amongst his murderers. Suet. C. J. Cæsar, 82, says that the actual words were, Kal σú, Tékvov. (Gr.)—Thou too, my son?

5050. Turba gravis paci, placidæque inimica quieti. (L.) Mart. de Spect. 4, 1.-A crowd that disturbs one's peace, and is the enemy of calm quiet. Said of informers. 5051. Turba remi sequitur fortunam, ut semper, et odit

Damnatos. (L.) Juv. 10, 73.-The Roman crowd follows, as ever, the lead of fortune, and hates those that are condemned.

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