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4941. Te sine nil altum mens inchoat.

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(L.) Virg. G. 3, 42. -Without thy aid my mind can compass nothing great.

Without thee, nothing lofty can I sing. (?)

Addressed by the poet to his friend and patron, Mæcenas. 4942. Testimonium animæ naturaliter Christianæ. (L.) Tert. Apol. 17. Evidence of a soul naturally Christian. The notion of a Supreme Being entertained by the heathen, even amongst their idolatrous worship, is a testimony to the truth of Christianity.

4943. Tête d'armée! (Fr.)-Head of the army! Last words of Napoleon as he expired in the midst of a thunderstorm. 4944. Tetigisti acu. (L.) Plaut. Rud. 5, 2, 19.-You have touched it with the needle. You have hit the nail on the head.

4945. Tetrum ante omnia vultum. (L.) Juv. 10, 191.-A countenance hideous beyond all conception. Motto of Steele's Spectator 17 on the Ugly Club.

4946. Te veniente die, te decedente canebat. (L.) Virg. G. 4, 466. At dawn, at eve he sang of thee alone.-Ed.

4947. Oéλw, Oéλw pavîval. (Gr.) Anacreon?--I will, I will be mad! Cf. Horace's imitation (C. 2, 7, 28), Non ego sanius Bacchabor Edonis; recepto Dulce mihi furere est amico.

4948. Oeds avaídela. (Gr.)?-Effrontery is divine (a god). 4949. Θνήσκειν μὴ λέγε τοὺς ἀγαθούς. (Gr.) Callim. Ep. 10. Say not that the good die. They live in other worlds. 4950. Tibi summum rerum judicium di dedere; nobis obsequi gloria relicta est. (L.) Tac. A. 6, 18.-To you the gods have given the supreme ordering of affairs; to us is left the glory of obeying your commands. Addressed to the aged debauchee Tiberius, by M. Terentius, when exculpating himself from collusion with the conspiracy of Sejanus. 4951. Tief zu denken und schön zu empfinden ist Vielen gegeben, Dichter ist nur, wer schön sagt was er dacht' und empfand. (G.) Geibel. ?-To think deeply and to feel beautifully is given to many, but he is only a poet who beautifully expresses what he thinks and feels.

4952. Tiens à la vérité. (Fr.)-Stick to the truth.

Motto of

Lord de Blaquiere. (2.) Tiens à ta foy.-Hold to thy faith. Motto of Earl Bathurst,

4953. Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes.

Whate'er it be, a Greek I fear

(L.) Virg. A. 2, 49.

Though presents in his hand he bear.-Conington.

Distrust your enemies even when (or especially when) they approach you in flattering guise.

4954. Timet pudorem. (L.)-He fears shame. Motto of Viscount


4955. Timor Domini fons vitæ.

(L.)—The fear of the Lord is a

fountain of life. Lord Dunboyne.

4956. Tirer le diable par la queue. (Fr.)-To be very hard up. 4957. Tirez le rideau, la farce est jouée. (Fr.)-Draw the curtain, the farce is played out. Dying words of Rabelais, as he expired in a fit of laughter. (See Works, Ed. Dupont, Paris, 1865, vol. i. p. xvii.)


4958. Tò S'e viкáтw. (Gr.) Esch. Ag. 121.-May the right prevail. Motto of Brighton College.

4959. Todte Hunde beissen nicht. (G.) Prov.-Dead dogs do not bite.

4960. Τὸ γαμεῖν, ἔαν τις τὴν ἀλήθειαν σκοπῇ,

Κακὸν μὲν ἐστιν, ἀλλ' ἀναγκαῖον κακόν. (Gr.) Menand

Incert. Com. p. 230.-Marriage, if one consider the truth, is an evil, but a necessary evil.

4961. Τὸ γὰρ τρέφον με, τοῦτ' ἐγὼ κρίνω θεόν. (Gr.) ?-What finds me bread is God to me.

4962. Toga virilis. (L.)-The manly costume.

The Roman

youth, on attaining a certain age, assumed the toga virilis, or dress of a man.

4963. Τὸ καλόν. (Gr.)-The beautiful. Beauty, either of physical or, more often, of moral qualities. Moral beauty, virtue (French, le beau); opp. to Tò aiσxpóv, shame, disgrace. (Cf. Cicero's opposition of honestum and turpe.) 4964. Tolle jocos-non est jocus esse malignum. (L.)-Stop such joking, there is no fun in being malignant. natured jokes.


4965. Tolle moras, semper nocuit differre paratis. (L.) Luc. 1, 281.-An end to delays! It has always been hurtful to postpone when you are ready to act.

4966. Tolle periclum, Jam vaga prosiliet frænis natura remotis. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 7, 74.

But take away the danger, in a trice
Nature unbridled plunges into vice.-Conington.

4967. Tollere hæc aranea Quantum est laboris ! (L.) Phædr. 2, 8, 23. What a labour to remove all these cobwebs ! Superfluous matter and wordiness of style obscuring the subject of any book.

4968. Tollite barbarum Morem. (L.) Hor. C. 1, 27, 2.—Away with such a barbarous custom (habit).

4969. Τῶν εὐτυχούντων πάντες εἰσι συγγενεῖς. (Gr.) ?—Everyone is kinsman to the fortunate.

4970. Tonto, sin saber Latin, nunca es gran tonto. (S.) Prov. -A fool except he knows Latin, is never a very great fool.

4971. Tò πрежóν. (Gr.)—That which is becoming, or decorous. 4972. Torrens dicendi copia multis

Et sua mortifera est facundia.

A full and rapid flow

(L.) Juv. 10, 9.

Of eloquence lays many a speaker low.-Gifford.

4973. Tota jacet Babylon; destruxit tecta Lutherus, Calvinus muros, sed fundamenta Socinus. (L.) ?—All Babylon (the Catholic Church) is in ruins. Luther destroyed the roof, Calvin the walls, and Socinus the foundations.

4974. Tota licet veteres exornent undique ceræ

Atria, nobilitas sola est atque unica virtus.

'Tis only noble to be good.

Though ancestors adorns your walls,
And busts of heroes crowd your halls,
Yet Virtue you'll confess to be
The one and sole nobility.-Ed.

(L.) Juv. 8, 20.

4975. Totam hodie Circus Romam capit. (L.)

Juv. 11, 195.-

The whole of Rome is to-day at the Circus.

The Circus Maximus of Tarquinius Priscus (between the Palatine and Aventine hills) was capable of holding 100,000 spectators. Gladiatorial shows and races took place there.

4976. Tota teguntur

Pergama dumetis : etiam periere ruinæ. (L.) Luc. 9, 968.
And straggling wild-thorn covers all the ground
Where once was Troy; the very ruins are gone.-Ed.

The last words are often quoted of the rapid disappear-
ance of old buildings, monuments, societies, or associa-
tions of former years.

4977. Τὸ τέχνιον πᾶσα γαῖα τρέφει. (Gr.); in (L.) Quævis terra alit artificem. Suet. Ner. 40.-Every country will sup

port an artist. Celebrated reply of Nero when the astrologers predicted his destitution.

4978. Totidem verbis. (L.)—In so many words. He expressed himself totidem verbis, in so many words.

4979. Toties quoties. (L.)-As often, so often. As often as the offence shall be committed, so often shall the penalty be enforced.

4980. Totis diebus, Afer, hoc mihi narras,

Et teneo melius ista quam meum nomen.

(L.) Mart. 4, 37, 6.

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4981. Toto cœlo. (L.)-By the whole heavens. Said of any great difference of opinion.

I differ toto cœlo from X.


disagree "by whole diameters." Cf. Macr. S. 3, 12, 10: Toto cœlo errare, to be very greatly mistaken.

4982. Tot premit ordinibus tot adhuc compagibus altum Edificat caput. Andromachen a fronte videbis ; Post minor est: credas aliam.


(L.) Juv. 6, 502.

With row on row the lofty structure's reared,
So that the lady who in front appeared

A second Andromache, if you view the dame

Behind, is stunted, and scarce seems the same. -Ed.

4983. Tot rami quot arbores. (L.) So many branches, so many


As many trees as branches.

Motto of the R.

Asiatic Society, with emblem of a banyan tree.

4984. Totus mundus exercet histrioniam. (L.) Petr. Fr. 10.All the world acts the player. "All the world's a stage." 4985. Τοῦ ἀριστεύειν ἕνεκα. (Gr.)-In order to excel. Motto of Lord Henniker.

4986. Toujours. (Fr.)—Always. Earl of Seafield. (2.) Toujours prêt.-Always ready. Motto of Earls of Antrim and Clanwilliam. (3.) Toujours propice.-Always propitious.

Motto of Lord Cremorne.

4987. Toujours en vedette. (Fr.)-Always on guard. Motto of Frederick the Great.

4988. Toujours perdrix. (Fr.)-Always partridges. Said of anything which occurs in wearisome repetition.

The phrase is traced to Henry IV. It appears that on being rebuked for his gallantries by his Confessor, the king revenged himself on his spiritual father by giving him nothing but partridges for dinner for several days in succession; and when the priest complained, Henry remarked that need of variety was evidently as much felt by the Confessor as by his penitent. Büchmann (Gefl. W. p. 370) refers to a Spanish Collection of Ballads (printed by Vallés, Barcelona, 1837) in which occurs:

Como dice el adagio,

Que cansa de comer perdices. gets tired of eating partridges.

(S.)-As the adage goes, one

4989. Tourner autour du pot. (Fr.)-To beat about the bush. 4990. Tous les genres sont bons hors le genre ennuyeux.


Volt. L'Enf. Prod. Pref.-All kinds are good except the kind that bores you.

4991. Tous les hommes sont foux, et malgré tous leurs soins, Ne diffèrent entr'eux, que du plus ou du moins. (Fr.) Boil. -All men are more or less mad, and notwithstanding all their pains, they only differ in degree.

4992. Tous les méchants sont buveurs d'eau ;

C'est bien prouvé par le déluge. (Fr.) Segur. All the wicked are water-drinkers, the deluge is a proof of it.

4993. Tout bien ou rien. (Fr.)—All good or none. Earl of Gainsborough.

4994. Tout chemin mène à Rome. (Fr.) Prov.—All roads lead to Rome.

4995. Tout citoyen est roi sous un roi citoyen. (Fr.) Favart, Trois Sultanes, 1760.-Every citizen is a king under a citizen king. Curious that this should have been written under Louis XV. instead of Louis Philippe !

4996. Tout d'en haut. (Fr.)—All from above. Lord Bellew.
4997. Tout doit tendre au bon sens : mais pour y parvenir
Le chemin est glissant et pénible à tenir.

(Fr.) Boil. A. P. 1, 45.

Before you good sense as your aim ever keep,

Though the path that leads thither be slipp'ry and steep.-Ed

Cf. Id. ibid. cant. 3, 413:

Au dépens du bon sens gardez de plaisanter.-Take care not to sacrifice good sense in your desire to be witty.

4998. Tout éloge imposteur blesse une âme sincère. (Fr.) Boil. ? -All deceitful praise wounds an honest heart.

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