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4646. Si (Mimnermus uti censet) sine amore jocisque Nil est jucundum, vivas in amore jocisque.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 6, 65.

If nothing, as Mimnermus strives to prove,
Can e'er be pleasant without wanton love,
Then live in wanton love, thy sports pursue. (?)

4647. Si monumentum requiris, circumspice.

his monument, look around


(L.)-If you seek

Inscription on Sir C. Wren, on the north door of S. Paul's Cathedral. Applicable to any great man whose best monument consists in the beneficial results which he has produced.

4648. Si mora pro culpa est, ego sum maturior illo. (L.) Ov. M. 13, 300.—If lateness is a fault, I am at least earlier

than he.

4649. Simplex munditiis.

Neat but not gaudy.

4650. Simulac duraverit ætas

(L.) Hor. C. 1, 5, 5.-So trim so Plain in thy neatness.-Francis.

Membra animumque tuum, nabis sine cortice.

(L.) Hor. S. 1, 4, 120.

When riper years have seasoned brain and limb,
You'll drop your corks, and like a Triton swim.-Conington.

4651. Simul flare sorbereque haud factu facile 'st.
Ego hic esse et illic simul haud potui. (L.) Plaut.
Most. 3, 2, 104.—It is not easy to whistle and drink at
one breath; I could not be here and there at the same

4652. Si mutabile pectus

Est tibi, consiliis, non curribus, utere nostris,
Dum potes, et solidis etiamnum sedibus adstas.

Phoebus to Phaethon.

(L.) Ov. M. 2, 145.

To change your mind if yet you choose,
My counsel, not my chariot, use

While yet you may, and solid ground

'Neath your aspiring feet be found.-Ed.

4653. Si natura negat, facit indignatio versum. (L.) Juv. 1, 79.

Though Nature grudge poetic fire,

Just indignation will inspire.-Ed.

4654. Sincerum et nisi vas, quodcunque infundis acescit.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 54.

Unless the vessel whence we drink is pure,

Whate'er is poured therein turns foul, be sure.-Conington.

4655. Sine Cerere et Libero friget Venus. (L.) Prov. Ter. Eun. 4, 6.-Without Ceres (bread) and Liber (wine) Venus (love) starves.

Cf. Love in a cottage, love upon a crust

Is, God forgive me, misery, ashes, dust. (?)

4656. Sine cura. (L.)-Without a care. A sinecure, an appointment where the only duty consists in receiving the salary.

4657. Sine fuco et fallaciis homo. (L.) Cic. Att. 1, 1, 1.-A man devoid of circumlocution or prevarication. Cf. the French, Sans phrase.

4658. Sine labe monstrum. (L.) Scalig. A faultless monster. Said of Virgil.

4659. Sine nervis. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 1, 2.-Nerveless, emasculated. Said of tame, frigid poetry.

4660. Sine prole, abbrev. s. p. (L.)—Without offspring; as, e.g., ob. (obiit) s. p.-He died without leaving any issue. 4661. Sine qua non. (L.)—Without which not. An indispensable or absolutely necessary condition. He made a sine qua non of being allowed to bring his daughter with him.

4662. Sine rivali teque et tua solus amares. (L.) Hor. A. P. 444. You live, untroubled by advice

Sole tenant of your own fool's paradise.—Conington.

Cf. Cic. Tusc. 5, 22, 63: In hoc enim genere nescio quo pacto magis quam in aliis suum cuique pulcrum est: adhuc neminem cognovi poetam, qui sibi non optimus videretur.-I don't know why, but in this class of men more than in any other, each man's own goose is a swan. I never yet knew a poet that did not think himself the best writer of his day.

4663. Singula de nobis anni prædantur euntes. Eripuere jocos, Venerem, convivia, ludum: Tendunt extorquere poemata.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 55.

Years as they roll cut all our pleasures short;

Our pleasant mirth, our loves, our wine, our sport,
And then they stretch their power, and crush at last
Even the power of singing of the past.-Anth. Trollope.

4664. Singula quæque locum teneant sortita decenter.


Hor. A. P. 92.—Let each subject keep its allotted place in language suiting its position.

4665. Si nimis est legisse duos, tibi charta plicetur

Altera divisum sic breve fiet opus. (L.) Mart. 4, 83. -If it be too much labour to read both volumes, close one of them thus divided, the task will become a short one.

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4666. Si noles sanus, curres hydropicus. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 34.-If you won't run (take exercise) when in health,

you'll be running fast enough when the dropsy has got hold of you.

4667. Si non errasset, fecerat illa minus. (L.) Mart. 1, 22, 8.Had she not erred, her history had been less.

Said of the hand which M. Scævola thrust into the flames, after his fruitless attempt to assassinate Lars Porsena.

4668. Si nos servaremus in necessariis unitatem, in non necessariis libertatem, in utrisque charitatem, optimo certe loco essent res nostræ. (L.) Rup. Meldenius, Parænesis votiva, etc., ad Theol. August. Conf., 17th cent.-If we would only observe unity on necessary points of doctrine, liberty on non-necessary ones, and charity in both, our prospects would certainly be in the best possible condition.

4669. Si nous n'avions point de défauts, nous ne prendrions pas tant de plaisir à en remarquer dans les autres. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 35, § 31.—If we had not ourselves so many faults, we should not feel so much pleasure in remarking on those of other people.

4670. Si nous ne nous flattions pas nous mêmes, la flatterie des autres ne nous pourroit nuire. (Fr.)-If we did not entertain a too flattering opinion of ourselves, the flattery of others could not injure us.

4671. Sint Mæcenates, non deerunt, Flacce, Marones.

Virgiliumque tibi vel tua rura dabunt. (L.) Mart. 8, 56, 5.-Let there only be Maecenases, Flaccus, and Maros will be forthcoming: your own fields, even, will produce a Virgil. Let there only be plenty of good patrons, and poets will not be wanting.

4672. Si numeres anno soles et nubila toto,

Invenies nitidum sæpius isse diem. (L.) Ov. T. 5, 8, 31.

If you count cloud and sunshine thro' the year,
You'll find the total less of foul than fair.-Ed.

4673. Si parva licet componere magnis. (L.) Virg. G. 4, 176.— If one may compare small things with great.

4674. Si poema loquens pictura est, pictura tacitum poema debet esse. (L.) Auct. Her. 4, 28, 39.-If a poem is a speaking picture, a picture ought to be a silent poem.

4675. Si possem, sanior essem,

Sed trahit invitam nova vis, aliudque cupido
Mens aliud suadet: video meliora proboque,
Deteriora sequor.

I would be saner if I could,

(L.) Ov. M. 7, 18.

But a strange force impels me 'gainst my will.
This passion urges, judgment that I see

The better way, and I approve, and yet

I follow what is worse. -Ed.

4676. Si possis, suaviter, si non, quocunque modo. (L.)—By gentle means, if you can, if not, some how or other.

4677. Si qua, metu dempto, casta est, ea denique casta est. (L.) Ov. Am. 3, 4, 3.—If a woman preserves her chastity when she has nothing to fear, then she is chaste indeed.

4678. Si qua recordanti benefacta priora voluptas
Est homini, quum se cogitat esse pium,
Nec sanctam violasse fidem, nec fœdere in ullo
Divom ad fallendos numine abusum homines;
Multa parata manent in longa ætate, Catulle,
Ex hoc ingrato gaudia amore tibi.

If there's a joy to muse on days of yore,

(L.) Cat. 76, 1.

To think that one's been generous, true, and kind;
That plighted faith has ne'er been broken, nor
Oaths falsely sworn to other's hurt designed-

Then you've, Catullus, joys enough in store

To blot this misplaced passion from your mind.-Ed.

4679. Si qua voles apte nubere, nube pari. (L.) Ov. H. 9, 32. -If you wish to marry suitably, marry your equal.

4680. Si quid aliud est in philosophia boni, hoc est, quod stemma non inspicit: omnes, si ad primam originem revocentur, a Diis sunt. (L.) Sen. Ep. 44.—If there be one good thing in philosophy it is this, that it takes no account of descent: all men, if you trace them back to their original source, sprung from the gods.

4681. Si quid novisti rectius istis

Candidus imperti; si non, his utere mecum.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 6, 67.

If you can mend these precepts, do:

If not, what serves for me may serve for you.-Conington.


4682. Si quid per jocum Dixi, nolito in serium convertere. Plaut. Poen. 5, 5, 42.—If I have said anything in joke, don't take it all seriously (literally).

4683. Si quis. (L.)—If any one.

A formula read in church on

behalf of a candidate for ordination in the Church of England, requiring any opposer to state reasons why the candidate should not be ordained.

4684. Si quis Deus mihi largiatur, ut ex hac ætate repuerescam et in cunnis vagiam, valde recusem. (L.) Cic. Sen. 23, 83.-If a god were to offer me at my present age to become a child again and cry in a cradle, I should certainly


4685. Si sit prudentia. (L.) Juv. 10, 365.—If you are but guided by prudence. M. of Lords Auckland and Henley.

4686. Si sol splendescat Maria purificante

Major erit glacies post festum quam fuit ante.

If Candlemas day be fair and bright
Winter will have another flight.

4687. Siste modum, dixit, neque enim fortuna querenda
Sola tua est: similes aliorum respice casus,

Mitius ista feres.


(L.) Ov. M. 15, 493.

Hippolytus consoling Egeria.

Control yourself, he said, for your sad lot

Is not the only sad one: look at other's woes

Resembling yours, or worse, and then you'll bear

This grief of yours more patiently.-Ed.

4688. Sit anima mea cum illo (or illis). (L.)-May my soul hereafter be in his or their company! Kindred spirits.

4689. Sit bona librorum et provisæ frugis in annum

Copia, neu fluitem dubiæ spe pendulus horæ.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 107.

Let me have books and stores for one year hence,
Nor make my life one flutter of suspense.-Conington.

4690. Si te propositi nondum pudet, atque eadem est mens
Ut bona summa putes aliena vivere quadra.

Trebius, if you still retain that

Shameless notion that true bliss is

(L.) Juv. 5, 1.

Eating crumbs from other men's tables. -Shaw.

Line 1 is lit. If you are not ashamed of the idea, and are still of the same way of thinking, etc.

4691. Si tibi deficiant medici, medici tibi fiant

Hæc tria; mens hilaris, requies, moderata diæta.

(L.) Schola Salern.

If doctors fail, here's my prescription; try it:
These three; good spirits, rest, and moderate diet.-Ed.

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