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nople the Treasury was not replenished sufficiently with money to enable the government to obtain the necessary sup plies for such an important undertaking. The destruction of the magazines at Grand Cairo will prevent the Pacha of Egypt from furnishing the expedition with warlike stores, and thus it must be either altogether abandoned for this year, or be so defective in every necessary quality as to render the power of the Ottomans during the fourth compaign against the independence of Greece weaker than


ALGIERS.-No certain intelligence bas been received of the differences being ad. justed between Eugland and Algiers. The port was blockaded, and the Dey, rejecting the terms proposed by the English Admi ral, was preparing for a bomba.diment. For this end he had secured his shipping and was bringing down large forces from the interior.

SOUTH AMERICA-The affairs of the Patriots in Peru and Chili are assuming an unfavourable aspect. Callao has fallen into the hands of the Royalists, through the treachery of the troops stationed in the forts, who mutined and hoisted the Spanish flag in consequence of not receiv ing their wages. Lima, also, is said to

have fallen into the hands of the Royalists. Want of funds seems to be the chief source of embarrassment to the Patriot


Mexico is disunited and full of disquietude. The famous Iturbide is on his way to that country from England, where he has been for some months past residing.He sailed in an armed vessel accompanied by a staff of fourteen persons, with a prospect of being joined by a numerous party in Mexico, who will assist him in recoverering his abdicated throne.

WEST AFRICA.-Intelligence has been received that Sir Charles M'Carthy, governor of the English settlements on the Gold Coast, had been attacked and defeated by a body of Ashantees. The battle wa fought on the 21st of January, near Sicondee, and lasted four hours, when Sir Charles, having expended all his ammunition, was surrounded, and his army completely routed. All his officers except one were killed or missing, and Sir C. himself was supposed to be among the slain. The Ashantees came down 15000 strong; the division of Sir Charles was less than one third that number. The Ashantees also sustained great loss and it was not known to what place they had retired.


To the Editor of the Christian Spectator.

It is a common and commendable practice, not only in our own country, but throughout the civilized world, to give some obituary notice of men who have been eminent for talents and piety; and who have deserved to have their memory embalmed, and handed down to posterity. The writer of the following article has been looking for and expecting something of the kind ever since the death of that great and good man, the HON. JESSE ROOT. An expectation that it would be done by an abler pen has kept him from the attempt, until this late hour. But one has done it, a regard for the virtues, talents and superior excellencies of departed worth, has induced him to send you the following, to be disposed of as you see fit.

as no

The HON. JESSE ROOT, who departed this life at his seat in Coventry, on the 29th of March 1822, was a native of that town. His ancestors were among the earliest and most respectable inhabitants of Coventry. His Father was Ebenezer Root, a worthy and valuable citizen, who came, when a youth from Northampton, with Thomas his Father. Thomas, the grand-father of Jesse Root, was the first Deacon of the church in Coventry. His mother was Sarah Strong the daughter of Joseph Strong, whose father was, also, from Northampton, and one of the early inhabitants of Coventry.

The subject of this memoir was born January 1737. The present period affords no documents from which any particular and very interesting occurrencies of his early life, or youthful days, can be disclosed, with one exception It is known to have been the opinion of his pious parents, and such godly persons as were best acquainted with his earliest days, that he experienced the renewing influences of the Holy Spirit, at four years of age. It was confidently believed, by those best acquainted with him, that he was pious from his earliest childhood.

After improving his mind in childhood and youth, by such advantages as were to be cujoyed at a common school in a country town, steps were taken to prepare his mind for an education of an higher grade. His thirst for improvement led to a colIt was soon evident, as legiate education

I was informed many years ago by his instructor in the first rudiments of the learned languages, that he had a mind above the common level. His progress was rapid, far beyond that of his fellow students. His academical education was at Nassau Hall, New Jersey, under the presidency of the celebrated BURR. He received the first honors of that institution in 1756, being then in the 20th year of his age.

At the close of his collegiate life Mr. Root returned to Connecticut, his native State, and put himself in a course of preparation for the gospel Ministry, on which

his heart was principally set. The Rev. Samuel Lockwood, afterwards the Rev. Dr. Lockwood, of Andover, a gentleman well known as an able, scientific and sound divine, and of great celebrity as a christian minister, with whom he resided, was his preceptor and guide in theological studies. On the 29th of March 1757, a little more than six months from his finishing his studies at College he was admitted as a Candidate for the Ministry. He was examined and licenced by a committee of the South Association of Hartford County. As a preacher he was able and acceptable. Popular talents, added to a sound mind and pleasing manner, commanded the attention and respect of the judicious and good. But, in this employment he was not to continue. After preaching for some length of time, it is believed not more than two, or at most three years, he turned his mind to the study of Law as a course of preparation for that professional business in which he was distinguished for many years.

That Mr. Root did not leave the desk for the bar from any degree of coldness towards the cause of Christ, nor any disaffection to the Christian Ministry, we may be assured, from his long course of experimental and practical piety; as well as his high estimation of, and almost unparalelled attachment to, the ministers of Christ. In him the faithful, dear Minister of Jesus ever found an open hearted, sincere, affectionate friend. His house was the place of their resort; and he ever took a lively interest in their respectability, usefulness, and comfort.

The writer of this is very confident that in a free conversation with Judge Root not long before his decease, he observed that the death of a brother in the war with the French and Indians, in the year 1759, made such a derangement of family prospects and concerns. as rendered his continuance with his parents necessarythat this induced him to think of shifting his profession, and endeavoring to serve God, and his fellow men, in some other employment. To this course he was advised by the two principal and most influential Lawyers in this part of Connecticut, and who were active in his introduction to the bar. At the February Term in Windham County, in 1763, he was reg ularly admitted and licensed as an Attorney at Law.

For many years Mr. Root was a learned and able Jurist, and one of the first and most powerful advocates at the bar of our courts. With frequent interruptions by the war of the revolution, and calls to important stations of honor and usefulness, he continued at the bar twenty seven years, until called to the bench of the Superior Court of this State.

He early took an active and lively interest in the concerns of his country in

general; and especially in the dispute between the then Colonies and the mother country. As an able, upright patriot be not only with his tongue, and pen, asserted the rights of his country, but held himself ready, whenever called, to risk his life in their defence. He possessed that spirit of true patriotism which prefered an honorable death, in defence of the civil and religious rights of men, to ignominious vassallage; or the chief station among a horde of slaves. In obedience to the call of the beloved Washington, whose confidential friend he ever was, he made immediate preparation to give up the sweets of domestic life, and join the army of his country, then reduced to a small number, and in continual, and great danger of being overcome and ruined. This was about the close of 1776. He received a Captain's commission from the Governor of the State, bearing date Dec. 31st, 1776enlisted a company in Hartford, where he then resided; and within three days from the date of his commission was on his march, with a full company of volunteers, to the aid of the distressed Father of his country. This commission, within a few days, was followed by an appointment to the rank of Lieut. Colonel of a Regiment, by the General Assembly of this State, then in session. From this he was advanced, during the season, to the rank of Adjutant General to a department; in which station he served till honorably discharged by Maj. Gen. Putnam the commander of the department. That branch of the army to which he was attached being reduced to oue Brigade, and the Regiment of volunteers, of which he was Lieut. Colonel, discharged, he returned to the duties and enjoyments of domestic life; and to those of a faithful citizen in his native state. But his well known worth did not suffer him to continue long in private life. In May 1779 he was chosen a Delegate to the Congress of the United States. In that station he was continued until the close of the war in 1783. In the most difficult and trying season which our country has witnessed-a period which tried men's souls,' he was one of the Governor's council of safety-one of those judicious, faithful, energetic men, placed in a highly responsible station, and to whose care were committed the most interesting and important concerns of the State, and which involved the vital interests of the nation.

Mr. Root was repeatedly, and for a succession of years, elected to a seat at the Council board, as one of the upper house of Assembly.

In May 1789 he was appointed an assistant Judge of the Superior Court of the State. In that station he served the public till the month of May 1796, when he was appointed presiding Judge, and chief Justice of the State. This office he held.


and faithfully discharged its arduous duties, till the session of the Assembly in May 1807, when he voluntarily, and for important reasons, declined a reappointment.

It was long a settled maxim with Judge Root, that offices of such high importance ought in all cases to be relinquished while in the full vigor of mental powers; so that the interests of the community might not suffer through the imbecility and unavoidable incompetency of its public ser. vants. On this ground he gave up public business, and retired to private life at three He took this step when score and ten. he was as capable of public service as at any period of his life; and when no law forbid his continuance :-a mark of a great mind, and sound wisdom. No man, it is believed, has, in this State, performed the duties of these high and important stations to greater advantage, and more general satisfaction. Few have equalled him. Possessing a sound mind, and extensive legal science, with a happy and pleasing manner of communication, his remarks on the bench were engaging, and his decisions luminous and impressive, while his reasoning was forcible and conclusive. He presided with solemn dignity, and at the same time with ease and a lovely mildness.

Decision, and readiness to express, frankly, an opinion on all points of importance, as well in the private capacity of a social friend, as in that of a Judge on the seat of justice, entered, deeply, into the character of Judge Root.

It is equally true of him that he was noHe ted for punctuality in business. would never admit the idea that there is time enough yet,' and this and that concern of weight might for the present be neglected. Impressed with the truth that now is the accepted time,' no appointment, no important business, was either neglected or postponed to a more convenient season.'

A distinguishing and most excellent trait of character in Judge Root was eminent piety. This gave a lustre to all his other accomplishments, and put the finishing stroke to his character. Pious in early life, as he advanced in years he grew in religious knowledge, in spiritual and holy exercises of heart, in love to God and man, in experimental acquaintance with the truths of God's word, with the connexion between this and the world to come, and with the influence of true faith upon all the duties and actions of life..

True piety is important and dignified in its appearance and influence in the lower stations and walks of life; but more especially so in such as are exalted to rule over men-to bear the civil sword, and be examples to their fellow-men. Religion in Judge Root appeared to uncommon advantage. It rendered him dignified on the seat of justice, venerable in the

house of God, interesting in religious con-
ference and prayer, useful in civil society,
lovely and pleasant as a private compan-
ion. The cause of Christ appeared to lie
near his heart, and to possess the warmest
affections of his soul. To promote and
secure this, he was ready to sacrifice ev-
ery other interest. He did not, as many
have done after pretending to preach
Christ, when he shifted his profession,
leave his religion behind him, crucify
afresh the Son of God, and put him to
open shame. He carried his religion from
the desk to the bar. He found it a solace
and support in adversity-the ground of
animation and joy in prosperity-a sure
guide to faithfulness in duty, and a pole-
star directing his path to a peaceful and
happy end of his labors.

is does not appear that Judge Root kept
a regular diary, although among his pa-
pers are a large number of manuscripts ou
religious subjects. In one of these he re-
cognizes a manifestation of God to his
soul, in a transporting and almost over-
whelming view of divine things.

It is dated 1 renton, Dec. 22,-1782.

"Friday morning, the happiest I ever beheld. Although I have frequently experienced something like it, I never had my heart so ravished with the beauty of divine things-the excellent glory of God the Father-the infinite love, condescension, and mercy of Jesus Christ the Son, towards our ruined race; and his boundless grace towards me, a poor, miserable sinful creature. The view was so transporting, I was scarce able to compose my. self to go down to my breakfast, or to conceal the tremor it produced in my nerves. Oh, my soul! what a blessed foretaste of the joys of heaven, with which thou wilt forever solace thyself! Oh! what is the world and all its pleasures to one moment's bliss?-what all the friendship of the world compared to the divine unfailing love of this greatest and best of friends?"

The glory of Christ, and his dignity, not only as the Son of God, but as God over all, he maintained with Christian He had a ardor, and manly strength. clear and impressive view of the bearing of this doctrine on the christian scheme in general. He did believe, and was ready to say, in the language of the Fathers, that it is Articulus stantis et cadentis eccles-that if this doctrine be given up, the basis of the church is destroyed-the gospel prostrated, and the foundation of the christian's hope swept away.

Well does the writer of this recollect with what scriptural knowledge, strength of argument, and christian fervor, he defended this fundamental truth, when it was attacked in the church to which he belonged. While some were oppressed with great fear, that a bold opposition to the dangerous error, might cause divis

ion, and rend the society in pieces, he said to this effect, No danger-the church is in good hands-God will take care of his own interest-We must pursue duly, and trust the issue with Him who has engaged to support his own cause.

Judge Root was a practical man. He well knew that the purposes of God are accomplished by means; and that we can trust in God for no desired good, only in putting forth suitable exertions to obtain it. While he firmly believed in experimental piety, he considered the comforting evidence as growing out of its effects. When piety exists in the heart, it shines in the life; and when the heart is warmed by the love of God, acts of piety appear as its genuine fruit. So he believed, and could say with the Apostle, shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. It is thought it might have been said while he lived,

"His fruits of holiness appear,
Like clusters on the vine."

He not only carefully attended all the public ordinances of religion; but it was a steady and regular part of his christian labors to relieve the wants of the poorto visit the chambers of distress-to converse, and pray with the sick and dying. The poor, the widow, and the fatherless around him, will remember his christian visits-his deeds of liberality, and love. The poet seems to have portrayed his character, emphatically :

"His liberal favors he extends,
To some he gives, to others lends;

A generous pity fills his mind;
Yet what his charity impairs,
He saves by prudence in affairs,
And thus he's just to all mankind "

Though Judge Root lived to a great age it could not be said he outlived his usefulness. His reason and judgment, as well as bodily activity held out to an uncommon degree. He was able to attend conferences, and prayer meetings and take an active part, at the advanced age of 85 years.

He cheerfully, and even to the last, devoted a portion of his time and strength to the rising generation; and was active and diligent in superintending schools, and laboring to render effectual the means of education. No longer than one week before his departure he spent the day in visiting schools, and instructing the chil

dren and youth. He returned in the evening from this service-sat up late-read some religious publications that he had received in the course of the day-retired to rest, and went out no more.

His last illness was short, only seven days, and extremely distressing. The distresses of the body, however, did not overcome and destroy his mental powers, nor shake his hope in God. His great mind withstood the wreck of nature, and looked with calm serenity, and a native dignity, abore the cloud. He possessed a placid and serene mind-lively hopesquiet submission, and exemplary patience. When asked in the course of his illness if he did not think it his last, he replied with a smile, "I do'nt know-I have been very sick several times, and recovered-But one thing I know, it will be as God plea


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A lively view of the evil of sin, and of the greatness of his own sin, entered deeply into his feelings He most freely acknowledged himself a great sinner; but added, as a comforting ground of hope, "We have a great Saviour." Hence one of his last and most feeling prayers," Pardon my sin, O LORD, for it is great." The infinite fulness of the atonement, and that resting entirely on the Deity of Christ, was all his hope. In view of this he was filled with animation and joy. Conversing but a day or two before his death, on divine things, he appeared to be peculiarly animated, and by joyful anticipations to rise above the world. At length, after a short pause, he said, "I must attend a little to my temporal affairs; appearing, as the friend conversing with him observed, that it was difficult to bring down his mind from the height he was soaring, and the glory he was contemplating, to attend to the grovelling trifles of the world.

On the morning previous to his death, he was thought by himself and his friends, to be actually dying. But he revived and struggled through the day. At the close of the day on the evening of which he died, and about the setting of the sun, he said to his daughter who stood by him," I sat out on a pleasant journey in the morning, and I shall get through to-night " These were the last words he distinctly uttered. And so it was his journey ended and his life closed, early in the evening. Thus lived, and thus died, The Hon. JESSE ROOT.

Mark the perfect man, and behold the up right; for the end of that man is peace.

Answers to Correspondents.

T. S.; M. K.; and an anonymous communication are received.

We have received two copies of a Communication on the Parable of the ten virgins. The writer's objections to the common allegorical exposition of the parable are undoubtedly just; but we would suggest, respectfully, whether the explanation given by himself be not equally objectionable on the ground that it is founded, like the other, on principles of interpretation which have always embarrassed rather than elucidated the sacred writings.



No. 8.]

AUGUST 1, 1824.

Keligious Communications.

For the Christian Spectator.


latter class, who are emphatically


A still more expeditious Way of styled false teachers' and blind

Doing Good.

PRAYER for the youth in our colleges has been urged by this, among other motives; that it is a more expeditious way of supplying the world with good ministers than to do it by means of Education Societies. The argument is this; that these youth being already far advanced in their education, would, in case of their being furnished with spiritual qualifications, be sooner employed in the infinitely important work of turning men to righteousness. The still more expeditious way of doing good, which I am about to propose, is to pray for the conversion of unconverted ministers. These are not merely far advanced in preparatory studies, but are actually invested with the ministerial office. No pecuniary expense is needed to prepare them to become good ministers of Jesus Christ. All they need is a new heart. And for this blessing all the friends of Zion ought devoutly to pray. But how do we know, it may be asked, that there are any ministers of this description? My first object will be to show that it is not uncharitable to believe, that teachers of this class are to be found in the Christian world, and within the pale of the visible Church. Unconverted ministers may be divided into two classes, namely, those who preach the truth, without having any experimental knowledge of it, and those who preach false doctrines. The Vol. VI. No. 8. 50

guides,' are more particularly intended in the request, which is now made of the friends of the Redeemer, to pray for the conversion of unconverted ministers.

Among the reasons which, lead me to believe that false teachers are now to be found in the Christian world, I will state the following.

1. Such teachers, we know, existed in the days of inspiration. There were false prophets in the Jewish, and false apostles and teachers in the Christian Church. This fact is made certain by those men who spake not of themselves, but as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. In some instances they even pointed out the false prophets and false teachers by name. Jeremiah mentions by name several of the false prophets of his day. In the days of Elijah, the false prophets in Israel were altogether more numerous than the true prophets. Paul complains much of the trouble which he had from false teachers. Such trouble he had in the churches of Galatia and Corinth. These teachers he evidently considered as destroying what he himself built up. In his second Epistle to Timothy he names Hymeneus and Philetus, as two corrupt teachers, whose word did eat

like a canker.

This proves beyond controversy to every man who believes the inspiration of the Scriptures, not merely that it is a possible thing that false teachers should exist; but that

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