wife for adultery, cruelty, or desertion, and now called Judicial separation. (2.) A vinculo matrimonii.Divorce from the conjugal tie, or, Dissolution of Marriage. In England, as in countries governed by canon law, divorce a vinculo was legally unknown and was only possible, until the passing of the Divorce Act, by special Act of Parliament; now, the matrimonial bond may be dissolved by the sentence of the Secular Court, and the parties divorced contract fresh marriages. 240. A merveille. (Fr.)-Wonderfully, astonishingly. Such a one has acquitted himself à merveille. 241. Amicitiæ virtutisque foedus. (L.)-The bond of friendship and virtue. Motto of Grand Order of Wurtemburg. 242. Amicitiam trahit amor. (L.)-Love draws friendship. Motto of Wiredrawers' Company. 243. Amici vitium ni feras, prodis tuum. (L.) Pub. Syr. ?— Unless you make allowances for your friend's foibles, you betray your own. 244. Amico d'ognuno, amico di nessuno. (It.) Prov.-Everyone's friend is no one's friend. "A favourite has no friends."-Gray. 245. Amicorum esse communia omnia. (L.) Prov. Cf. Cic. Off. 1, 16, 51.-Friends' goods are common property. (Translated from the Greek—τὰ τῶν φίλων κοινά.) 246. Amicorum, magis quam tuam ipsius laudem, prædica. (L.) -Expatiate rather in your friend's praise, than in your own. Cf. Laudet te alienus, et non os tuum; extraneus, et non labia tua. Vulg. Prov. 27, 2.-Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips. 247. Amicum ita habeas posse ut fieri hunc inimicum scias. (L.) Decim. Laber. ?-Live with your friend as if you knew he might some day become your enemy. Cf. Ex inimico cogita posse fieri amicum. Sen. ?-Consider that of an enemy you may be able to make a friend; and the Prov., Ama tanquam osurus; oderis tanquam amaturus.Love, as one that may hate; hate, as one that may hereafter love and, Ita amare oportere, ut si aliquando esset osurus. Cic. Am. 15, 59.-One ought so to love as if it were possible that love might turn to hatred. This last maxim is attributed to Bias (one of the Seven), and condemned by Scipio as destructive of all true friendship. Cf. also ὅ τ ̓ ἐχθρὸς ἡμῖν ἐς τοσόνδ ̓ ἐχθαρτέος, · ὡς καὶ φιλήσων αὖθις, ἔς τε τὸν φίλον (Gr.) Soph. Aj. 679. Who is my foe, I must but hate as one Whom I may yet call friend: and him who loves me, Whose love is not abiding.-Calverley. 248. Amicum Mancipium domino et frugi, quod sit satis, hoc est Ut vitale putes. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 7, 2.-A faithful servant to his master and an honest, as honesty goes, but not too good to live. 249. Amicus animæ dimidium. (L.)-A friend is the half of my life. 250. Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur. (L.) Enn. ap. Cic. Am. 17, 64.-Real friends are best known by adversity. 251. Amicus humani generis. (L.)—A benefactor of the human race. A title fittingly given to all that have conferred lasting obligations upon their fellow-men. Wilberforce, Macaulay, Sharpe, Channing, the liberators of the slave; Simpson and Jenner, the inventors of chloroform and vaccination; Davy, the author of the safety-lamp; and Franklin of the lightning-conductor, are so many humani generis amici, friends of mankind at large. 252. Amicus Socrates, sed magis amica veritas. (L.) ap. Rog. Bacon, Opus Maj.-Socrates is dear to me (is my friend), but truth is dearer still. In Don Quixote, vol. ii., cap. 8, occurs, Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas.-Plato is dear to me, but truth is dearer still. Cf. Plato, Phœdo, 91, where Socrates says of himself, vueîs δὲ μέντοι, ἄν ἐμοὶ πείθησθε, σμικρὸν φροντίσαντες Σωκράτους, τῆς δὲ ἀληθείας πολὺ μάλλον. (Gr.)-If you will be guided by me, you will make little account of Socrates, and much more of truth. Consideration for our friends, or for the opinions of those we value, must not be preferred to the interests of truth; for Magna est veritas et prævalet. (L.) Vulg. Esdras, 3, 4, 41.-Great is truth, and mighty above all things. 253. Amicus usque ad aras. (L.)—A friend even to the very altar, to the last extremity. 254. Amis, de mauvais vers ne chargez pas ma tombe. (Fr.) Passerat.-Friends, I beg you not to load my tomb with bad verses. Last line of epitaph written for himself, and a parting injunction which others than the friends of the poet would do well to observe. 255. Amissum non flet, quum sola est Gellia, patrem. Si quis adest, jussæ prosiliunt lacrymæ. Non dolet hic, quisquis laudari, Gellia, quærit, Ille dolet vere, qui sine teste dolet. (L.) Mart. 1, 34, 1. Jane weeps not for her dad when none is by: Not by its wish for praise is true grief shown: He mourns indeed who mourns when he's alone.-Ed. Cf. Plerique enim lacrimas fundunt, ut ostendant; et toties 15. Very many shed tears merely for show; and have per- 256. Amitié, que les rois, ces illustres ingrats Sont assez malheureux pour ne connaître pas. (Fr.) Volt. Henriad, 8.—Friendship, which kings, as ungrateful as they are exalted, are unhappy enough not to know. 257. Amittit merito proprium, qui alienum appetit. (L.) Phædr. 1, 4, 1.- Who covets another's goods, deservedly loses his own. From the fable of the Dog and the Shadow, who lost the morsel in his mouth through attempting to snatch its reflection in the water. 258. Amo. (L.)—I love. Motto of Duke of Buccleuch and Lord Montague. 259. Amores De tenero meditatur ungui. (L.) Hor. C. 3, 6, 24.-She dreams of love while yet a child,-lit., while her nails are still soft. "Fresh from the nursery."Calverley. 260. Amore sitis uniti. (L.)-Be ye joined together in love. Mottoes of the Tin-Plate and Wire-Workers' Companies. 261. Amor et melle et felle est fecundissimus. (L.) Plaut. Cist. 1, 1, 70.—Love is a thing most fruitful both in honey and in gall. A mixture of sweet and bitter. 262. Amor et obœdientia. (L.)—Love and obedience. Motto of Painter-Stainers' Company. 263. Amor patriæ. (L.)—The love of one's country. 264. Amor proximi. (L.)-Love for one's neighbour. 265. Amor tutti equaglia. (It.)—Love reduces all to one common level. 266. Amour avec loyaulté. (Fr.)-Love with loyalty. Motto of Queen Katharine Parr. 267. Amour fait moult, argent fait tout. (Fr.) Prov.-Love can do much, money everything. 268. Amour, tous les autres plaisirs Ne valent pas tes peines. (Fr.) Charleval?—O love, thy pains are worth more than all other pleasures. The preceding lines are: Bien que mes espérances vaines Fassent naître en mon cœur d'inutiles désirs, Amour, tous les autres plaisirs Ne valent pas tes peines. The pleasing pain. Though my hopes are but idle and vain, Cannot match, Love, the bliss of thy pain.-Ed. 269. Amphora cœpit Institui: currente rota cur urceus exit? That crockery was a jar when you began, (L.) Hor. A. P. 221. It ends a pitcher: you an artist, man!-Conington. 270. Ampliat ætatis spatium sibi vir bonus; hoc est Vivere bis vita posse priore frui. (L.) Mart. 10, 23, 7. A good man makes his lifetime doubly last, Thus would I double my life's fading space; 271. Am Rhein, am Rhein, da wachsen uns're Reben! (G.) Claudius. Song of the Rhine wine.-On the Rhine, on the Rhine, there grow our vines ! 272. Amt ohne Geld macht Diebe. out salary breeds thieves. (G.) Prov.-Office with 273. Ανάγκα δ' οὐδὲ θεοὶ μάχονται. (Gr.) Simon, 8, 20.-Even the gods do not battle against necessity. Needs must when the d- drives. 274. Anche il mar, che è si grande, si pacifica. (It.) Prov.Even the sea, for all it is so great, grows calm. The most hot-tempered man is sometimes cool. 275. Anche la rana morderebbe se avesse denti. (It.) Prov.— Even the frog would bite if it had teeth. 276. Anch' io sono pittore! (It.)—I too am a painter! Exclamation of Correggio before the St Cecilia of Raphael at Bologna. 277. An dives sit omnes quærunt, nemo an bonus. (L.)?—Everyone inquires if he is well off, no one asks if he is a good man or no. 278. A nemico che fugge, fa un ponte d'oro. (It.)-Make a bridge of gold for an enemy who is flying from you. Facilitate the natural disappearance of any evil. 279. An erit qui velle recuset Os populi meruisse, et cedro digna locutus. Linquere, nec scombros metuentia carmina, nec thus? Is there a man who can the public mind (L.) Pers. 1, 41. Cf. Ne... Deferar in vicum vendentem thus et odores, Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 219. Lest I (i.e., my book) should travel down the street where they sell spice and sweets and pepper, and the kind of goods they wrap in waste paper. May my works never descend so low as to reach the public through the grocer ! 280. ̓Ανὴρ ὁ φεύγων καὶ πάλιν μαχήσεται. (Gr.) The man who runs away will fight again. He that fights and runs away May live to fight another day; Can never rise to fight again. Menand. -Ray's Hist. of Rebellion, p. 48 (Bristol, 1752). Tertullian, de Fuga in Persecutione, cap. 10, quotes- battle again. (L.)-He who flies will fight in And Scarron, +1660, has the lines Qui fuit, peut revenir aussi, Qui meurt, il n'en est pas ainsi. (Fr.)—He who flies can also return again, which is not the case with him who dies. 281. Anglica gens, optima flens, pessima ridens. (L.) Med. Lat.-The English people are best at weeping, worst at laughing. 282. Anglice. (L.)—In English, or, according to the English fashion or custom. 283. Anguillam cauda tenes. (L.) Prov.-You've got an eel by the tail. Your opponent is a slippery fellow. 284. Animal implume bipes. (L.)—A featherless biped. Cf. Plato's (Def. 415 Α) ἄνθρωπος ζῷον ἄπτερον. 285. Anima magis est ubi amat, quam ubi animat. (L.) S. Aug. ?—The soul is more where it loves, than where it lives. |