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of the household. As some of them were accustomed to writing, they would frequently produce à fable, à story, or dialogue, adapted to the age and understanding of the young people. It was always considered as a high favour when they would so employ themselves; and when the pieces were once read over, they were carefully deposited by Mrs. Fairborne in a box, of which she kept the key. None of these were allowed to be taken out again till all the children were assembled in the holidays. It was then made one of the evening amusements of the family to rummage the budget, as their phrase was. One of the least children was sent to the box, who putting in its little hand, drew out the paper that came next, and brought it into the parlour. This was then read distinctly by one of the older ones; and after it had undergone sufficient consideration, another little messenger was

dispatched for a fresh supply; and so on, till as much time had been spent in this manner as the parents thought proper. Other children were admitted to these readings; and as the Budget of Beechgrove Hall became somewhat celebrated in the neighbourhood, its proprietors were at length urged to lay it open to the public. They were induced to comply; and have presented its contents in the promiscuous order in which they came to hand, which they think will prove more agreeable than a methodical arrangement. Thus, therefore, without further preface, begins the





Tut. Come, my boys, let us sit down awhile under yon shady tree. I don't

know how your young legs feel, but mine are almost tired.

Geo. I am not tired, but I am very


Har. And I am hot, and very dry


Tut. When you have cooled yourself you may drink out of that clear brook. In the mean time we will read a little out of a book I have in my pocket.

[They go and sit down at the foot of the tree.]

Har. What an amazing large tree! How wide its branches spread! Pray what tree is it?

Geo. I can tell you that. It is an Oak. Don't you see the acorns?

Tut. Yes, it is an Oak-the noblest tree this country produces;-not only grand and beautiful to the sight, but of the greatest importance from its


Har. I should like to know something about it.

Tut. Very well; then, instead of reading, we will sit and talk about Oaks. George, you knew the Oak by its acorns should you have known it if there had been none?

Geo. I don't know-I believe not.

Tut. Observe, then, in the first place, that its bark is very rugged. Then see in what manner it grows. Its great arms run out almost horizontally from its trunk, giving the whole tree a sort of round form, and making it spread far on every side. Its branches are also subject to be crooked or kneed. By these marks you might guess at an Oak even in winter, when quite bare of leaves. But its leaves afford a surer mark of distinction, since they differ a good deal froin those of other trees, being neither whole and even at the edges, nor yet cut like the teeth of a

saw, but rather deeply scolloped, and formed into several rounded divisions. Their colour is a fine deep green. Then the fruit

Har. Fruit!

Tut. Yes-all kinds of plants have what may properly be called fruit, though we are apt to give that name only to such as are food for man. The fruit of a plant is the seed, with what contains it. This, in the Oak, is called an acorn, which is a kind of nut, partly inclosed in a cup.

Geo. Acorn cups are very pretty things. I have made boats of them, and set them swimming in a basin.

Tut. And if you were no bigger than a fairy, you might use them for drinking cups, as those imaginary little beings are said to do.

Pearly drops of dew we drink,
In acorn-cups fill'd to the brink,

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