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times not one-third of the membership of the Brotherhood were members of the Insurance Association, and to our personal knowledge hundreds of them have squandered twice the amount that it would have cost them to have been insured, gratifying foolish desires.

this means of protection, we may leave them destitute.

There is another matter our attention has been called to. The idea seems to prevail among the heirs of the insured that they are to receive three thousand dollars, regardless of the number of members. To correct that idea and remove all doubt upon the subject, we ask you to read the following Article XXVII of By-Laws:

If the members of the Insurance Association shall fall short of a sufficient number to make the

only the amount collected shall be paid, less the cost of collection; but should the number of members exceed three thousand then the surplus over $3,000 shall go to make good the deficiency on claims where less than $3,000 shall have been paid, commencing with the first claim paid less than that amount.

It will be seen by the foregoing that the amount received, when below three thousand dollars, depends wholly upon the number of paying members. It must be apparent to all that the only way to keep our insurance up to three thousand dollars is

An eminent writer on insurance has said of it: "In our civilization life insurance is the necessary complement of mechanical improvement. Before steam engines, cotton and woolen factories, iron roads, horse-mowing machines, and other mod-amount of collections equal to $3,000 on each claim, ern victories of mind over matter, the arts of livelihood were very differently distributed. Nearly all were then more or less producers. But before this generation was born the distaff and the shuttle dropped from millions of hands, the cards played with underwent a change, and almost every man's home became a sort of palace of fine arts; producing much very good for home consumption, but having no marketable value abroad. The consequence is, that in every family there is, as the average fact, a division of labor and only one life is de-for each one to retain their membership. voted to the arts that produce simply happiness at first hand. The revenue or material resourses of every family are vastly increased from the old primitive order of things; but as the whole depends, especially in the outset of the family career, on one life rather than all, the failure of that one life brings a calamity unknown before. If a proportionate revenue cannot be main tained after this life, it had almost been better that none had ever existed. Life insurance comes in as a financial inven tion by which capital, in the shape of a productive life-a life directing and controlling some branch of the wealth-begetting or wealth-distributing machinery of the age--can perpetuate itself, or convert a part of its productive energy into a contingent fund that will be immediately available in case of death."

These views, so ably presented, should command the attention of every Brother that loves his family. They show forth strong reasons for such an association as ours. With a small outlay, distributed through each year, we can secure to our loved ones a competence, but by neglecting

We are mutually dependent upon each other. Were it possible for our members to obtain a better or more reliable life insurance than we offer, we would gladly say to them, embrace the opportunity, but we know it is utterly impossible to do so; hence our anxiety to have them participate in the benefits of ours. At no time has it cost our members over one and a half per cent. for an insurance of $3,000, which is cheaper than you can get insured in any reliable company. Besides, it is some satisfaction to know that the money we have paid went to relieve the wants of our Brothers' families. Demagogues may blind men to their true interests for a time, but the awakening is sure to come, and with it will come full punishment for the deceivers.

There never yet has been a good cause promulgated by the decrees of the Almighty, or by the wisdom of good men, that has not been met by persistent persecution from those who seek to build themselves up on the ruins of others. Let each member resolve, come what may, "I will do my duty," and our Insurance will be a success.

[From the Omaha Bee.]

THE COMMUNISTIC BUGBEAR. The cry of communism, as at present indulged in by a large portion of the press, is, judging by the frequency of its application, simply a term, like many others, applied to define an indefinite idea. It seems to be a handy word to explain every kind of disaffection and disagreement, and saves time in making an investigation into causes to explain certain effects. It is in this respect a strong reminder of the words spiritualism and electricity, as often applied by modern professed wiseacres. If any phenomenon occurs that they are not intelligent enough to comprehend, they immediately say that it is the work of spirits, or it is an electrical phenomenon, It is that every mob of tramps, whiskey-bummers, gamblers and other loafers is at once transformed into a regular organization or band of communists. So addicted to this style of explanation of affairs have some writers become that, when an organization of respectable mechanics meets to consult upon the most trivial subject, and they hear of it, they are pointed out as a most dangerous element of


capitalists, who, by a change of stock from road to road as elections of directors take place, put their friends in control. It is thus within the power of this dozen capitalists to regulate the price of labor and thereby their net profits at any moment by a simple combination. A trifle of a reduction on each employe results in millions to those nabobs. No one for a moment cries Cæsarism when these men join hands to satiate their greed at the expense of the prosperity of the whole country, yet if a labor organization, which is but the outgrowth of capital organization, attempts to thwart the schemes so profitable to these leaders and so detrimental to themselves, its members are at once decried as enemics of order and public peace. There can be but one result ultimately of this kind of gambling with public prosperity and peace, and that is, the government, instead of arming its citizens to keep themselves down, will have to regulate railway company rates, which are now the gauge of all other labor rates. If all roads were regulated as to rates of freight per mile, and according to the gradients, then, in place of the cut-throat competition which the workingmen must pay for with depleted wages, the patronage of railway companies would be dependent upon their treatment of customers and their relative facilities for making the traveler convenient.

This problem is one that will have to be met sooner or later. It will not be a question how to keep labor organizations down, but rather how to prevent the unjust combinations which breed the discontent.

We need but look at this matter from an Omaha stand-point to show that this red spectre of communism is to a great extent a mere phantom. In Omaha the great mass of workingmen are mechanics; they are men, to a great extent, of families; they have children, for whose future they cherish as high hopes as the wealthiest of our citizens do for their own, and they are saving and accumulating means gradually for the future. Does it look reasonable that these men tolerate In these days, when there seems to be a any sentiments looking to an equal division of settled determination on the part of the property with loafing vagabonds who infest gambling dens, or loaf around whiskey shops, wait- press and those in authority to charge all ing for a customer to invite them to the bar? the ills that the country has been subjected Does any sensible person suppose that they believe in destroying property only to bring to to labor organizations, it is refreshing to increased taxation to themselves? It would be find a paper that has the manliness to acabsurd to suppose such a case. But it will be urged in evidence, that last year's strike in Pennsylva- knowledge the right of laboring men to comnia proved such to be the case. Now, while it is bine for their own maintenance and protrue that they destroyed property under many serious aggravations, and in the midst of great ex-tection, and to point out the real cause of citement, it will be found, after careful investiga- the trouble which all have felt in a greater tion, that the cause of that difficulty was as much attributable to those who injudiciously attempted or less degree and have groaned under. to use force indiscriminately, as to those who subsequently gave vent to their rage in the general movement that followed. If the same amount of brain-work and money were expended in efforts to ameliorate the condition of workingmen as is devoted to arguments for raising standing armies, and spent in buying arms, ammunition and maintaining soldiers to keep them down, there would, perhaps, be less cause for disaffection. What often gives rise to unfortunate results is that thieves, cut-throats and gamblers who are allowed to loaf about to a great extent in every community take advantage of the excitement which prevails during labor disputes and create a terror for which the workingmen are afterwards held responsible. Another irritant that gives rise to bad blood is the publication of unjust and illfounded rumors reflecting upon organizations as revolutionary bodies when no such thoughts are entertained.


As affairs are at present, the bulk of labor in this country is derived from railway companies. Carefully compiled statistics show that the amount of capital invested in railways in the United States in 1875 aggregated a trifle over four hundred and sixty thousand million dollars. This vast wealth under existing state of things is subject to the control at any moment of a half a dozen leading

There may be a possibility of so joining hands as to crush out any existing labor organization, but it is not within the power of all the combined wealth of the country to prevent others from springing into existence, and the more bitter the persecution the more determination will there be to organize to meet it, and the surest, and in fact the only way to effect a lasting peace is to recognize their right to exist and direct their actions by kind treatment. We have no sympathy with communism, nor do we believe that there is ground for the alarm that seems to fill the minds of those who are always ready to accept any charge made against those who depend upon their labor to provide the necessaries of life, however absurd it may be; for were such a movement to occur it would, in the end,

affect their own class more than any other,
and they are not so blind that they cannot
see it.
It is to be hoped other papers will
take the common sense view that the Bee
does, for it would go a long way toward
bringing about a better state of feeling than
exists at present.




Gentlemen: As we were denied the privilege of stating to the officers of the company our grievauces, we take this method of presenting to you the reasons which forced us to the only course left us. Recognizing the fact that all men ought to have good reasons for any action, and knowing that you have a right to know those reasons, we herewith present them to you. For the past eight months the engineers and firemen of this road have quietly submitted to "unjust treatment," "ill usage,' "overtaxed strength" (in long hours and runs), "unjustifiable suspension and discharge," "unwarrantable reduction of wages," crowded upon them by the subordinate officials of this road, until it became unbearable and culminated in a large majority of them stopping work on Thursday, April

4, 1878.


1st. ILL USAGE-The engineers and firemen of this road made a contract with the Superintendent, Mr. Morse, liberal and fair in all its features, and Mr. Morse had pledged his word that the contract should be lived up to so long as he was on the road. The engineers and firemen carried out their part of the contract to the letter; all know the result. "Faithful work," "interest manifested everywhere," and "general prosperity." For a time all were contented, each trying to outdo the other in realizing the company's interest; no accident occurring to mar the company's good name. Scarcely three months elapsed before advantage was taken of the men by "lengthening out divisions," "overburdening the trains," and by adding to the already long hours of a day's serA system vice The men labored on in silence.

of harrassing the men by goad and insult and es-
pionage, was then inaugurated by W. H. Pettibone,
Div. Supt., H. V. Farries, M. M., Cook, Foreman
(The character of the first
at Pueblo, and others.
and last named officials will hardly bear investi-
gation.) The occasional protests on the part of the
men to these men were met by threat and scorn,
or no notice paid whatever.

24 The men have pulled overburdened trains, making their day's work oftentimes eighteen to twenty hours in length, compelled to do extra work along the line of the road in "switching," at "terminal stations," "construction work," (stopping regular trains for the purpose), and oftentimes when exhausted by continuous running night and day. Any accident however trivial (resulting from want of sleep) would be met by threatened discharge, suspension or abuse, (men having been on duty seventy-two continuous hours.)

3d. Engineers and firemen discharged, one after another, without cause, without a hearing-and incompetent men taking their places, the Division Superintendent, by gift, giving to his friends places, neither earned by superiority or length of service, purposely keeping some from work, etc.

4th. An unwarrantable reduction of wages, that


took effect Feb 1, 1878, in direct violation of the
Indiscriminately cutting the wages of
the men by a well worded schedule, so written
that every advantage could be taken and several
constructions could be placed upon each state-
ment, at figures far below those of other roads.
Compelling men to do hours of extra work, "run-
ning over long divisions," "doubling them
around," "unloading material," "iron," "ties,"
and "stone," "repairing track," "loading stock,"
for which nothing was allowed the men. Numer-
ous instances can be quoted in proof of the above,
and such was the feeling among the men that none
had a lease of his situation beyond the trip, and
every particle of interest the men had in their
work was lost. Attempts were made to speak to
Messrs Morse and Strong, in vain, and on the 4th
of April it culminated in an agreement to stop
work. And when the men at public meetings in
Topeka and Emporia presented their reasons for
their action the indignation of the people knew no
The affair was not a Brotherhood affair,
nor has the Brotherhood anything to do with it
except some of the men who stopped work are
members of the organization; on the contrary, it
was an individual affair between the engineers
and firemen on the one hand, and the officials of
Despite the false state-
the road on the other
ments made by these officials that the affair "was
a Brotherhood affair," that "we had no griev-
ances," that "we were desperate men to be shot
down by the hired Governor and his hired mili-
tia," that we had "assigned no cause,'
had "offered no committee;" the people know
the truth, and let the result be what it may, the
people and the men are satisfied that it was an act
of self-defense and will so go upon the record.


that we


W. S. Ross,

[blocks in formation]

In our last issue we submitted extracts from different papers published on the line of the A. T. & S. F. R. R., giving their views upon the difficulty between the officers of the road and the employes. These extracts did not, of course, explain the

causes that led to the extreme measures determined upon by the men interested, and as they have prepared and submitted to the President and Directors of the road, a circular setting forth in detail the indignities and abuses that have been heaped upon them, we give it in full, that our readers may see whether or not there was any cause of complaint. Any man, or body of men, have a right to expect and demand fair treatment, proper rest and a just compensation for labor performed, and if these are not accorded it is a privilege that can neither be denied nor taken away, to make a manly statement of the grievances, whatever, they may be, and ask their redress, without denying one of the great principles for which our fathers fought, and neither the public, the railroad companies, or the men can afford to do it. The public cannot afford it, because they are interested in having a class of men in these responsible positions who understand their duties and responsibilities, and who have the selfrespect necessary to make them an honor to it and not a disgrace. The companies cannot afford it because you cannot deprive men of what they know to be theirs by all the rules of justice and equity, without at the same time taking from them all interest in the work performed beyond that which is actually necessary to avoid transgression of rules, and if there be no interest taken it matters not how vigilant the officers may be, it is impossible to get the business of the road done with a degree of economy which will follow fair usage and a regard for the welfare of the men employed. In speaking of the late trouble on the A. T. & S. F. Road, the Railway Age says:

Mr. Arthur, Chief of the Engineers' Brotherhood, has written a card in regard to the late strike on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Road, in which his sole excuse for the strike is that the General Manager of the road is not agreeable to the Brotherhood. Mr. Arthur has done very much of late years to lead to the conviction that popularity with the Brotherhood and good management cannot long exist together.

It is, perhaps, too much to expect that we shall not be misrepresented if we find it necessary to criticise the actions of those who show themselves to be the enemies of men who, by the force of circumstances, are compelled to depend upon the labor

of their hands for the means to sustain themselves and their families, but we have a right to, and do take exceptions, to an utter departure from truth under any circumstances. What we said in the card was that prior to Mr. Strong's assuming the management of the road, all was peace, and harmony and good feeling prevailed, that we knew him to be an arbitrary, exacting and unscrupulous man-and that by his illtreatment of the men while on the C. B. & I. road an open rupture very nearly took place. We further said that we knew nothing of the details of the trouble, but from our knowledge of Mr. Strong, we were not willing to concede that in this case the men were entirely at fault and the officers blameless. If this language can by any manipulation be construed into meaning that "the only excuse for striking is because the General Manager is not agreeable to the Brotherhood," then we must confess that we do not understand plain English, for when it is remembered that we stated distinctly that we knew nothing of the affair beyond what we gathered from the daily papers, and that it was in no sense of the word a Brotherhood matter (which statement the circular substantiates), it will be admitted that there was no necessity for us to attempt to excuse it; but one thing is certain, as we have done heretofore we shall continue in the future, to contend for any body of men who are illy treated, whether it conduces to popularity or otherwise. If others see fit to prostitute their convictions of right and fair-dealing for the sake of the favor it brings, they are at liberty to do so.

THE MACHINE SHOP OF THE NATIONAL TUBE WORKS. This establishment has been recently placed under the superintendence of Mr. Wm B. Mack, inventor of the Mack Injector; and his son John is its foreman. It is in the rear of Sumner street, in the building reared by the late Otis Tufts. Recently the shop has been remodeled; new floors have been laid, new lathes and machinery introduced, and it is now as nearly perfect as any esThe fore

tablishment of the kind can be made.

man, though quite young, not yet twenty-one years of age, is not only a thorough mechanic, but a man of genius in his line, ever ready to adopt what is new or useful in his business. All his calculations are made agreeably to the metric system, as it is more uniform and accurate than that now in general use. It is in this shop that the famous injectors are manufactured, injectors that are

superseding the use of pumps for supplying water to steam-boilers of every description. A few days since we noticed a large locomotive boiler, intended for the Boston & Albany Railroad; it has two of these injectors and no pumps; and all the leading railroads and many steamers have them in active operation. Besides these, safety-valves and other fine work are manufactured in this shop, and give unqualified satisfaction.

On the premises the National Tube Works have vast stores of tubes of every description, which they send all over the country, from Massachusetts to California, to Mexico, South America and the Dominion Their tubes, as well as their injectors, have a national reputation. We understand that they propose to build tubular railroad cars upon an improved principle, which will not only be stronger, but lighter than any now in general use, and their premises in East Boston will probably be fitted up for their manufacture. Those who take an interest in mechanism would do well to inspect this shop, and see how the famous injectors are made and tested.-Boston Traveler.

We are pleased to note the prosperity of the National Tube Works, for we know them to be among the most enterprising and reliable of the manufacturing firms of the country, and what they engage in they push forward to a successful termination. Their tubes are all that is claimed for them, as near perfection as it can be hoped to reach; and of the Mack Injector it is not necessary to speak, their merits are so generally known that they need no endorsement at our hands. Suffice it to say, however, that every road in New England is now using these injectors and the average of the sales is constantly on the in


All members of Pittsburgh Division No. 50, who desire to retain their membership, are hereby directed to communicate with this office.

SPECIAL NOTICES. Information is wanted of Richard Ely, who formerly ran on the L. S. & M. S. R. R., between Toledo and Cleveland. Any one knowing his whereabouts will confer a favor by addressing


1295 Luther st., Cleveland, O. If any one has any knowledge of Robert Campbell, formerly an engineer on the Hudson River Road, it will be considered a favor if they will correspond with this office.

Wanted information concerning Brother O. H. Jackson, of Indianapolis Division No. 11, who, when last heard from, was at Salamanca, N. Y. Address,

Jos. DORY, 94 East Mich. Road,

Indianapolis, Ind. Also, any one knowing the whereabouts of Walter S. Phelps will confer a favor by corresponding with

the above.

Information is wanted of R. A. Horrell, a fireman, who, when last heard from, was at Fort Wayne, Ind. Any one knowing his whereabouts will confer a favor by addressing this office.


On Tuesday evening, April 16th, at a meeting of Belleville Division No. 189, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the members were the recipients of quite a number of visitors, headed by Mrs. J. Kain and Mrs. S. McNeil, some well-filled baskets being with the party, and the following articles for presentation: A bound copy of the Holy Bible, an elegant Altar Cloth, a neatly framed Motto-"Love one Another," and six official chairs. On entering the hall, Mrs. J. Kain addressed the Division as follows:

Officers and Members of Belleville Division No. 189, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers: We, your wives and friends, have assembled here for the purpose of proving to you the interest we feel in your prosperity and happiness. We have, therefore, brought this token of our regard. Although a trifle, we hope you will accept it as an emblem of love and conndence we repose in you, our husbands. We need not tell you we believe this to be a noble work, and that our love and prayers for your safety are ever yours, but doubtless, to most of you, this has become an old story. But one thing more we would say. If you would make home and its surroundings happy, let each Brother strive by the precepts contained in this book (the Bible) to stand by the beautiful mottoes you have chosen as a guiding star, namely, "Sobriety. Truth, Justice and "Justice, Truth and Morality. By your Morality." generous nature, by your manly acts, we believe God has been liberal in bestowing these virtues upon every Brother within the sound of my voice. Sobriety! What shall we say of this noble motto, on which the three others so entirely depend? Let every employe on any road, let his station be what it may, be guided by this motto. Remember not only your domestic happiness, but the happiness and the lives of thousands of your fellow beings, are daily being entrusted to your care. As you value your reputation as men, as you value your hope of heaven, show to the world, to your families, that this motto, at least, shall be sacred to your keeping. Oh! take heed that the bonds that bind you together be not broken. Should you see an erring Brother, be not an instrument, either by silence or example, to encourage him in his downward course, but rather prove yourself a brother by a gentle reproof, by a word of warning, and then shall we say of them And may Indeed, are they a band of Brothers!" we, as mothers, sisters and wives, do all in our power to encourage duty, even though it be at a sacrifice of personal enjoyment. Let us not neglect our duty, nor indulge in any pleasure which might cause contention between our Brothers and those by whom they are employed. Though should censure rest upon any-we can feel that as each has performed her part, so will God deal justly with us and in the end will right surely triumph, and by so doing shall we merit the reward which awaits us in heaven.

Brother H. Mayo, our C. E., replied in behalf of the Division as follows:

Ladies: It becomes my duty as Chief Engineer of Division No. 189, B. of L. E., to accept these beautiful and appropriate presents which you have been pleased to present to us, and return you the sincere and heartfelt thanks of our Division. This Bible is not only beautiful and appropriate, but it is a useful and necessary present, for without its being open and in its place, this Division could do no business. In this Holy Book we find the constitution and by-laws of the Supreme Being, whose Division comprises the whole universe; and upon the precepts that this Book teaches we have the foundation of our Order, and our motto-also rule-"Do unto others as ye would others do unto you," and

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