Page images

Let each have his own again, said Cyrus; and, when he was departed, one spoke of his clemency; and another of his valour; and another of his beauty and the graces of his person. Upon which Tigranes asked his wife, if she thought him handsome. Really, said she, I did not look at him.-At whom then did you look ?—At him who said he would lay down his life for me.-Cyropædia, L. III.

Page 205, line 13.

He turns their thoughts to Him who made them all; "When such is the ruling, the habitual sentiment of our minds," says Paley, "the world becomes a temple and life itself one continued act of worship."-We breathe aspirations all day long.

Page 207, line 3.

Through the night,

Hers the mournful privilege," adsidere valetudini, fovere deficientem, satiari vultu, complexu."-TACITUS.

Page 207, line 5.

She sits silent by,

We may



friends in life; but we can only a discovery," says Gray, " which I never made till it was too late."

have one mother; 66

The child is no sooner born than he clings to his mother; nor, while she lives, is her image absent from him in the hour of his distress. Sir John Moore, when he fell from his horse in the battle of Corunna, faltered out with his dying breath some message to his mother; and,

who can forget the last words of Conradin, when, in his fifteenth year, he was led forth to die at Naples, "O my mother! how great will be your grief, when you hear of it?"

Page 208, line 6.

'dust to dust'

How exquisite are those lines of Petrarch!

Le crespe chiome d'or puro lucente,

E'l lampeggiar d'ell angelico riso,
Che solean far in terrà un paradiso,

Poca polvere son, che nulla sente.

Page 208, line 15.

He goes, and Night comes as it never came!

These circumstances, as well as some others that follow, are happily, as far as they regard England, of an ancient date. To us the miseries inflicted by a foreign invader are now known only by description. Many generations have passed away since our country-women saw the smoke of an enemy's camp.

But the same passions are always at work every where, and their effects are always nearly the same; though the circumstances that attend them are infinitely various.

Page 209, line 9.

Such as the heart delights in—and records
Within how silently-

Si tout cela consistoit en faits, en actions, en paroles, on pourroit le décrire et le rendre en quelque façon : mais comment dire ce qui n'étoit ni dit, ni fait, ni pensé

même, mais goûté, mais senti.-Le vrai bonheur ne se décrit pas.-ROUSSEAU.

Page 210, line 7.

A Walk in Spring-GRATTAN, like those with thee How welcome to an old man is the society of a young one! He, who is here mentioned, would propose a walk wherever we were, unworthy as I was of his notice; and One as great if not greater, when we were interrupted in his library at St. Anne's and I withdrew but for a moment to write down what I wished so much to remember, would say when I returned "Why do you leave me?" words which few would forget and which come again and again to me when half a century is gone by.

Page 210, line 22.

and, when all are there,

So many pathetic affections are awakened by every exercise of social devotion, that most men, I believe, carry away from public worship a better temper towards the rest of mankind than they brought with them. Having all one interest to secure, one Lord to serve, one Judgment to look forward to, we cannot but remember our common relationship, and our natural equality is forced upon our thoughts. The distinctions of civil life are almost always insisted upon too much, and whatever conduces to restore the level, improves the character on both sides. If ever the poor man holds up his head, it is at church; if ever the rich man looks upon him with respect it is there; and both will be the better the oft

ener they meet where the feeling of superiority is mitigated in the one and the spirit of the other is erected and confirmed.-PALEY.

Page 210, line 24.

That House with many a funeral-garland hung A custom in some of our country-churches.

Page 211, line 22.

Soon through the gadding vine, &c.

An English breakfast; which may well excite in others what in Rousseau continued through life, un goût vif pour les déjeûnés. C'est le temps de la journée où nous sommes le plus tranquilles, où nous causons le plus à notre aise.

The luxuries here mentioned, familiar to us as they now are, were almost unknown before the Revolution.

Page 213, line 1.

With honest dignity,

He, who resolves to rise in the world by Politics or Religion, can degrade his mind to any degree, when he sets about it. Overcome the first scruple, and the work is done. "You hesitate," said one who spoke from experience. "Put on the mask, young man; and in a very little while you will not know it from your own face."

Page 213, line 3.

Like HAMPDEN struggling in his Country's cause,

Zeuxis is said to have drawn his Helen from an assemblage of the most beautiful women; and many a Writer of Fiction, in forming a life to his mind, has recourse to the brightest moments in the lives of others.

I may be suspected of having done so here, and of having designed, as it were, from living models; but, by making an allusion now and then to those who have really lived, I thought I should give something of interest to the picture, as well as better illustrate my meaning.

Page 213, line 6.

Careless of blame while his own heart
Careless of ruin—


"By the Mass!" said the Duke of Norfolk to Sir Thomas More, "By the Mass! master More, it is perilous striving with princes; the anger of a prince is death.”—“ And is that all, my lord? then the difference between you and me is but this-that I shall die to-day, and you to-morrow."-ROPER's Life.

Page 213, line 9.

On thro' that gate misnamed,

Traitor's gate, the water-gate in the Tower of London.

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