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and bone of our bones! We will come back again and be brethren with you again."

26. But the fifteen placed their fingers to their nostrils and said: "Nay, cumarouse; we will not of you, inasmuch as ye have proved false brethren when need was to stand firm Ye shall not come back again unto us, nor will we be brethren with you again from this time forth forevermore. Selah"

27. Then did the three score wax exceeding wroth; and they reviled at Charles, otherwise the Duke, and Hudson, which had stood high among the tribe of the Brotherhood, and Albert, the mighty man of stomach, which had caused them to put their names unto the parchment

28. Unto these spake the three score: "Why did ye this thing? Behold the evil ye have visited upon us, and upon our children's children, even unto the third or fourth generation!" And the three score set upon them with clenched hands, and did smite them and drive them out from before their face; yea, with much reviling and great cries drove they them out.

29. And Joseph, who weareth heavy sandals, reviled they also; nevertheless, they drove him

not out from before their face.

30. Now, when they had done these things, the three score returned again to those which had not signed the parchment, and they said unto them: 31. "See, now-ye are few. Ye cannot be a tribe alone; for how can ye protect yourselves from them which would overthrow you? Let us, therefore, again we beseech you, become one with you; let us be brethren together once more!"

32. But the fifteen which had stood firm bit their thumbs and answered and said unto them, "Verily, we say unto you, we are few; but if we are not able to defend ourselves alone against our enemies, how much more, then, would we be unable to protect you, also, with ourselves, against them that would trample us? Ye are not able to protect yourselves, inasmuch as ye became affrighted by that which was not an enemy, but only the semblance thereof."

33. Then were the three-score greatly exercised and said: But we say unto you we will come back and be brethren with you again. If ye let us not among you freely, then we will compel you to receive us back again; and when ye have done that, lo, we will be three-score and ye but three-fourths of a score. And it shall come to pass that all the sorrows which ye now bring forth upon us shall be visited seven-fold upon your grandmothers' grandmothers.

34. But the fifteen were not abashed worth a cent. Rathermore, stood they firm and said with loud voice, ye shall not come back among us nor be brethren with us again.

35. Then answered the three-score, with much gnashing of teeth and wagging of the tongue, We will appeal unto the great ruler of us all, beneath whom is even Francis, the mighty, yea, even to the courts of the great nation whose tributaries we are, will we appeal. And it shall come to pass in that day that the great chief who sitteth in the uppermost seat in the court shall send us back to you, and one with us, who shall bear a parchment more grievous than that we have signed, which readeth: In the name of the mighty nation of Jerwhose servants ye are, I say unto you let these men, even these three-score whom ye have cast out, come back among you to be brethren with you. And it shall be that ye will take us back fest he who is sent with us seize upon you and cast you into darkness and into chains, whence ye come not forth until we are numbered among you.


36. And the fifteen answered, We say unto you we will not take you back, nor shall ye at any time be brethren with us again. And it shall come

to pass in that day when ye are sent back to us and one with you, yea, even in that self same day will we be no more a Brotherhood, but will separate the stamps in the treasury among ourselves and wander up and down the highways of the earth making merry and being glad, rather than that ye should be brethren with us again. 37. And the fifteen bit their thumbs at the threescore and departed from their sight.

We give above an extract containing another chapter, showing in a condensed form the trials and tribulations attendant upon unfaithfulness. We commend it to the careful perusal of the interested.

[From the Emporia News.]

THE EMPORIA OUTRAGE. Commencing Thursday, April 11, about noon, this has been one of the eventful weeks in the history of Emporia-perhaps the most so we have ever had.

One of the surprising things about the transactions here in the time specified is the part taken by our heretofore level-headed Governor, George T. Anthony. We have looked in vain to find the motive that actuated him to take the steps he did. George T. Anthony has not been in the habit of making an unfavorable exhibition of himself, whatever other faults he may have possessed. But we fear the verdict of an impartial jury, sitting upon his actions here, for the past week, would be anything but complimentary to the Governor's judgment, discretion and dignity. At no time had the strike created any disturbance here that our authorities could not quell. This he could have easily ascertained. He has friends here. It is only but six miles distant from his office by rail, and two trains a day. We suppose he has about him a person who draws pay as Adjutant General of the State. It will be something new in Kansas affairs if he has not. But the Governor seems to have taken other counsels. He was assured by the Mayor of this city and the Sheriff of the county that there was no disturbance. Notwithstanding this he sent a body of militia here. He must have been influenced by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Company, who desired to leave no stone unturned that would bring odium and the total responsibility of the strike upon a handful of the members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. We think the latter was the motive that actuated the railroad company. If this company could make it appear that a few engineers belonging to the organization were causing all the trouble, upsetting the business of the country, and threatening cities and even human life, with dire destruction, then it was expected public sentiment would demand, "away with them!" Of course some minor acts of lawlessness were done, but how can you anticipate that a man is going to throw a stone or disable some piece of machinery? On Sunday two of the leading strikers were arrested in broad day light. Did Anthony or the railroad company hear of any attempts to hinder the process of the law? Did they hear of attempts to rescue their comrades on the part of the strikers, or of any confederating or conspiring parties to defy law and imperil the public peace of the State of Kansas? Not a bit of it.

Had the Governor been here as a private citizen he would have gone to the depot without having the approaches to that building pointed out by his devoted tads. He would have discovered nothing at all, up to the arrival of his troops, out of the

it would have been at any previous day that the road had secured engineers and firemen to take the place of the strikers.

About noon, however, our citizens were astonished beyond measure to learn that a company of sixty armed men and three officers had arrived here by special train, said to be militia from Leavenworth, to suppress the "riots."

way, either about the railroad or city. The sending of troops here was a most ridiculous farce, on the part of the Governor, and raised the just indignation of our peace officers who were doing their duty, and the citizens, which took shape in a large public gathering, whose expressions are found in the resolutions. The farce would have been comparatively trivial had it not been for the tragical turn it took on Tuesday, and which cast a As the result of Gov. Anthony's decision, a deep gloom over the community. It would other- meeting of citizens was held Monday evening at wise have ended in nothing worse than ridicule, the Court House. The meeting was a large one, and giving the hungry tatterdemalions a few comprising both the bone and sinew and the bussquare meals at a first-class hotel, where it is clean iness men and property owners of our city and and nice, something that many of them were evicounty. George W. Frederick called the meeting dently not used to, all at the expense of the glori- to order, and on motion, ex-Governor Eskridge was ous commonwealth. But we do not know how made chairman, and J. R Graham of the Empothe Governor will reconcile his unnecessary and ria News, H. X. Deefendorf, of the Topeka Comuncalled for foolishness with the death of a valu-monwealth, J. M. Davis, of the Emporia Sun, and able and peaceable citizen of the State, whose life H. W. McCune, of the Emporia Ledger, were was of more value than the show of bristling mil- made Secretaries. Mr. Graham being called upon itary promptness to suppress the-wind. to explain the object of the meeting, did so in a brief speech, and W. W. Scott, Esq., was then called for and spoke at length. On motion of Wm. S. Jay, the chair appointed a committee of five to report resolutions, and pending the deliberations of the committee, Mr. Eskridge addressed the meeting. The committee then came in and reported the following preamble and resolutions which were unanimously adopted:

The indignation of our citizens at this arrival of troops here, and "such troops," the rustiest looking set of scalawags and tramps ever seen in one body-three of them being immediately identified as recently discharged convicts from the penitentiary-was intense, and Sheriff Conner, Mayor Watson, County Attorney Sedgewick and County Commissioners D. S. Gilmore, Isaac A. Taylor and L. A. Wood, united in a telegram to Governor Anthony, protesting against the injustice, thus done to Emporia, and asking him to immediately

retire his body guard.

Saturday Sheriff Conner put an ample guard over the company's property, and informed the officers that there was no danger whatever; that he could and would protect their employes and property from all molestation, and that they could run their freights as well as passenger trains in safety just as soon as they could get men to run the locomotives. This information he also telegraphed Governor Anthony, and by Saturday everything here was perfectly quiet and orderly, and no excitement whatever existed. Meantime, however, Governor Anthony had been so importunate, as the telegraphic correspondence shows, in insisting on furnishing arms for militia purposes, that Sheriff Conner concluded he might as well have the expense footed by the State, and agreed to accept twenty-five muskets and authority to swear in twenty-five men, if he found any use for so doing, never dreaming that Governor Anthony would make this acquiescence in his own importunate offers an excuse for sending a mustering officer or troops here.

county are now and always have been entirely WHEREAS, The city of Emporia and Lyon peaceable and law-abiding, and no sympathy has sition to the running of railroad trains or with been felt or expressed here for any unlawful oppoefforts to intimidate railroad employes from working during the present strike on the A., T. & S. F. railroad, or any other occasion; and

WHEREAS, The sheriff of Lyon county had fully responded to the Governor's call to protect the railroad trains and employes and property from molestation, and has for days had an ample force of citizens on duty to ensure the peace against all violation, and no obstacle exists here to the running of either freight or passenger trains, except the absence of engineers willing to run them; and

WHEREAS, NO city or county officer, and no respectable or responsible citizen had made any application for troops, no excitement had been felt or danger apprehended by our citizens, and no cause whatever had existed to justify the expense to the public treasury and the libel on the fair name of this city and county which the sending of troops here has caused; therefore

Resolved, That in thus sending, without consultation with our local authorities or citizens, an armed body of men from the city of Leavenworth, calling themslves militia, to suppress imaginary lawlessness in a peaceable community, Governor Anthony has aired his military authority at the expense of his previous reputation for good sense and considerate judgment, and the citizens of Emporia and Lyon county hereby express their indignation at the unwarrantable and unprovoked insult thus offered to them, and their emphatic condemnation of such an executive outrage upon

Sunday everything was peaceable, not a threat being heard. Sheriff Conner had sworn in twenty of our best citizens as deputies, and put them on guard at the round house and over the engines, telling the officers of the road to go ahead and run the locomotives as soon as they could get engineers here. The strikers manifested no animosity whatever One engine was put under steam and drew another up to the tank, which had been filled again, and it was understood that all the locomotives were to be made ready to take freight trains, to be run, it was reported, by the engineers on the way from Topeka. The railroad off-law and propriety. cers, however, for some unexplained reason, Resolved, That we demand the immediate withstopped the work of preparing the locomotives for service, although there was not the slightest obsta-drawal of said troops from this city and county, cle in the way of using them the moment engineers were ready to run them. A supply of engineers and firemen did arrive, however, on the Sunday train from Topeka, and went to work unmolested at 4 A. M. Monday to get steam up on the locomotives, and that forenoon began to make up freight trains, and a freight train arrived from the west, and the business of the road was evidently fully resumed and the strike at an end, as

and inform Governor Anthony that whenever troops are needed to uphold the law here, they will be applied for by regularly constituted authorities, and by responsible business men and tax-payers, none of whom have advised him to resort to any such extraordinary absurdity as the placing of Emporia under the protection of military from other cities.

Resolved, That we call upon our fellow-citizens

throught the entire State to note our protest against this high-handed attempt to brand Emporia as a city where lawlessness is permitted, and we appeal to the facts of the case, and to the unblemished reputation this city and county have enjoyed since their organization, to justify us in demanding from Governor Anthony the fullest reparation in his power for the insult he has so weakly and so imprudently permitted himself to be made the medium of offering to as peaceable and law-abiding a community as can be found in the United States.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this meeting furnish a copy of these resolutions to Governor Anthony and to the newspaper press for publication.

ing representatives of the Emperor of Germany, the King of Wurtemberg, the Duke of Baden, and some of the leading Continental railways, an International Federation for promoting the observance of the Lord's day was formed. This Federation now proposes a new competition for a work, in popular and attractive form, on the Sundayrest in its relations especially to persons employed in railway traffic. It aims to show how, by the great development of the means of intercommunication, increasing numbers of persons are being treated as mere machines. Deprived of the rest necessary to their health and of the advantages of family life and public worship, they become by degrees materialized and forced into a course deplorable in its results to themselves and [From the Kansas City Times.] to society. It would emphasize the evils of the loss of the salutary provisions of the Lord's day to COTTONWOOD, KAS., April 15, 1878.-A sad acci- the persons so employed and also the greater risks dent occurred at Cottonwood Station this afternoon resulting therefrom to the safety of travelers. It at 5 o'clock. Some emigrants had arrived on the would trace the moral responsibility of these evils mixed train, and the family were getting off the to owners and managers, to the public and to govtrain. The conductor announced that the passen-ernments. No assault is intended upon the extengers should get out, and the engineer having gone sive interests involved in railway industries. The beyond the platform, without any notice whatever, Federation above all seeks its ends in the spirit of backed the train violently, and ran over a little the words of Christ, "the Sabbath was made for girl ten years old. Two little boys were caught man," and of that word of the prophet Isaiah, apunder the train, but escaped. Mr. Pettibone, who propriated by the Lord to Himself: "I am come is an officer of the railroad, treated the whole mat-to proclaim liberty to the captive and deliverance ter with contempt, and it is a good thing the train to those who are oppressed.' moved off, or he would have been tarred and Accordingly:feathered. The little girl died in about an hour after being hurt. The engineer did not even ring the bell as he approached the crossing at the depot. This is the kind of engineers that the recent strike has put on, instead of efficient engineers, whom the new management has put on the road.

If Strong and Pettibone continue to run the Santa Fe Railroad much longer, emigrants may be assured that their lives are not safe at all on their cars. It is a shame in what a manner this railroad is treating its patrons. Yours,

1. The Federation opens a competition for a work of about 300 pp. 12mo., which shall present, in the form of a narrative or tale, the deplorable results of the privation of Sunday-rest, to those employed in the public service and especially on railways, in the threefold point of health, the family life, and moral and religious well-being; and which shall give an authentic picture of the life of persons under the yoke of this new servitude

2. A sum of at least 3,000 francs (600 dollars) is to be placed at the disposal of the jury, and the first premium, if one be awarded, shall not be less than 2,000 francs (400 dollars).

3 The Federation reserves to itself the property of successful works and the right of translation; but will confer with the authors as to the publication and circulation of the first edition. Subsequent editions will belong to the authors; but are not to be published or altered without consent of 4. MSS. will be received in English, German, French or Italian; and the jury will contain rep

the Federation.

J. T. W. Inasmuch as there has appeared in the associated press reports a statement which has been generally copied by the press of the country to the effect that the strike on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad was begun at the dictation of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, which as-resentatives of each of these languages. sertion has been promptly contradicted 5. Each MS. must bear a device, which is also to be inscribed on a sealed envelope containing the from this office, we give above extracts author's name and address, and should be sent by from the Emporia News, published directly December 10th, 1879, to the Secretary of the Fedat the seat of war, and leave it to our read-eration, 43 Route de Carouge, Geneva, Switzerers to judge of the case and determine for themselves upon whose shoulders the blame should rest.

PRIZE WORK ON THE SUNDAY-REST, Within a few years past, much interest has been awakened, and numerous societies have been organized in Europe with reference to securing to all classes the enjoyment of the weekly rest-day. The Swiss Society has given several premiums for essays on different aspects of the question. The last competition was on "the hygienic value of the Sabbath," and a large number of treatises were offered by German, French and English writers. At the International Congress held at Geneva, in September, 1876, in the interest of the same cause, at which some 400 delegates, includ


6. Unsuccessful works must be claimed within six months after the adjudication.

E. DELUZ, Secretary,

DR. L. H. DE LAHARPE, Prof.,
and others,

Executive Committee of the International Fed-
eration for the Observance of the Lord's-Day.
GENEVA, Dec. 10, 1877.

The undersigned has been asked to give publicity to the above in this country, in the hope that some of our practised American writers may be induced to compete. The evils referred to, if not yet as wide-spread here as in Europe, are pressing more and more heavily upon large classes among us, and the conditions of the problem are sufficiently alike in the two countries. It is thought that the recent labor disturbances on our railways may furnish important facts and suggestions.

It is to be noted, that it is not an essay that is wished, but a popular and attractive story, written in a spirit of fairness and justice to all classes concerned. It is hoped that the amount offered for premiums may be considerably increased.


Secretary N. Y. Sabbath Committee, 31 Bible
House, New York.
Jan. 17, 1878.

SPECIAL NOTICES. Information is wanted of Patrick Hanley, who when last heard from, was running engine No. 66 on the Illinois Central Railroad from Dunleith to Amboy, Illinois. Any one knowing his whereabouts will confer a favor by addressing this office.

All members of Pittsburgh Division No. 50 who desire to retain their membership, are hereby reWe gladly give place to the above circu-quested to communicate with Winfield Scott and definitely state what they intend to do.

WINFIELD SCOTT, F. A. E. 928 Penn St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Brother George Rapine or "Lapine," as some pronounce his name, of Division No. 51, is requested by his mother to return home at the earliest oppor tunity, as her health is very poor. Any one know

lar for we feel it to be an effort in the right direction, and we give it our heartfelt God speed. It is particularly requested by the Secretary of the N. Y. Sabbath Committee that our members and readers who have any facts to communicate, showing the ex-ing or hearing of him, will confer a favor upon her tent to which railway employes are depriv- by notifying him of her request. ed of Sunday rest, will send them to Rev. W. W. Atterbury, 31 Bible House, N. Y. City.

[blocks in formation]

An assessment of one dollar per member for the payment of each of the above claims is bereby ordered to be collected and forwarded to the General Secretary within thirty days from date of notice.

Members of the Insurance will remit to their Secretary within thirty days from the date of this notice, and the Secretaries to the General Secretary within ten days thereafter on penalty of forfeiting their membership failing to do so.

For information regarding the exact condition of the membership of our Association, see tabular statement in May JOURNAL.

Yours &c.,

L. B. GREENE, Gen'l Sec.

P. M. ARTHUR. President.


FRED A. GILMORE, F. A. E. of Div. 51.


At a special meeting of Division No. 118, B. of L. E., March 29, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:

WHEREAS, Miss Carrle Smith, daughter of our worthy Chief, has worked a beautiful motto in the following words, "Love One Another," we, the undersigned committee, in behalf of the Division, sincerely thank our dear little friend for the interest she has manifested in our Order, trusting the beau tiful and well-chosen words may prove a link to bind us more closely in brotherly love, which is so essential to our welfare.

We are requested by the F. A. E. of Columbia Division No. 101 to state that the publishing of the name of Jacob Neff, as expelled, was an error, and that he is a member in good standing. Although it is not a mistake of our making, we gladly make the correction in justice to a worthy Brother.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to Miss Carrie Smith, and also to the ENGINEERS' JOURNAL for publication.


C. D. ATKINSON, Committee.

At a regular meeting of Division No. 54, B. of L. E., held at their hall April 15, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

WHEREAS, Mrs. Caskey, the wife of Brother Clark Caskey, has presented this Division with a handsom ly worked and neatly framed motto, with the words, Sobriety. Truth, Justice and Morality" artistically arranged, being her own handiwork;

Resolved, That we accept this beautiful gift and accord it a prominent place in our hall, and hereby tender our sincere thanks to Mrs. Caskey for this evidence of her appreciation and of the practical interest she has taken in our Order.

Resolved, That Mrs. Caskey be presented with a copy of these resolutions and that they be printed in the ENGINEERS' JOURNAL and our local papers. J. B. VAIL, F. A. E.


At a regular meeting of St. Paul Div. No. 150, the following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, That the thanks of this Division be and are hereby tendered to E. W. Winter, Superintend ent, M. Ellis, Master Mechanic, and George Webster, Round House Foreman, for their many acts of kind. ness during our late Brother, Wm. Flora's painful sickness and for assistance rendered after his death. Resolved, That these resolutions be sent to the ENGINEERS' MONTHLY JOURNAL for publication. WM. L. GALLUP,

[blocks in formation]

At a special meeting of Point St. Charles Division No. 89, held at their hall April 8, 1878, it was

Resolved, That we, the engineers of Point St. Charles station of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, do hereby return our most heartfelt thanks to the Mechanical Superintendent and Locomotive Foreman who did their utmost to oblige by granting leave of absence to all enginemen and firemen who could possibly be spared from duty, to attend the funeral of our late Brother, Thomas Pringle, whose death the Brotherhood sincerely regret. HENRY RICHMOND, F. A. E.

At a regular meeting of Hudson Division No. 135, held April 4, 1878, the following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, That the thanks of this Division be ten. dered to the officers of the Erie Railway for their kindness in running a special train from Jersey City to Paterson and return, for the accommodation of the members of Division No. 185, and friends, to at. tend the funeral of our late Brother, Robert Salisbury.

Resolved, That our thanks be tendered Divisions 53, 54 and 171 for their kindness and respect in attending the funeral of our late Brother.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions with the seal of the Division attached, be presented to the widow of our deceased Brother, and also published in the ENGINEERS' JOURNAL.

G. W. GAGE, Committee.

[blocks in formation]

138-R. Andrews, R. B. Atkinson, John Alderson,
F. R. Betters, M. H. Betters, Ed. Ingram,
Joseph Johns, J. Kearney, J. A. Mor-
risey, J. McMurray, C. E. Merchant, J.
Swearinger. T. H. Templeton, John Ra
gan and John Gillespie, for violating
their obligations.

John Keogh, ignominiously for traducing
the good name of members and violation
of obligation.

4-C. Wise, for violation of obligation.
51-W. Jones, W. J. Hukell, A. Maguler and J.
H. Bartley, for violation of obligation.
83-Robert Kelsey, for drunkenness.
121-J. N. Branham A. L. Padgett, J. F. O'Reiley,
M. Redding, O. F. Miller, J. Buckley, F.
I. Shaver and J. W. Bell, for violation of

Patrick Clary, for burning an engine. 75-George Alexander and James Bowinan, for violation of obligation. 104-George Brenneman, for violating his obligation.

130-J. M. Anderson, E. Naude and W. Hastings, for violating their obligations.

117-L. Fogel, L. Hutchins, J. Walkerman, D. Mahony, J. S. Jones, J. Worswick, W. Worswick, A. Diefenbach, D. Colgrove, R. McLennan, T. F. Judge, M Murphy, C. G. Loop and A. Brown, for unbecom ing conduct.

W. E. Raynor, R. M. Gushard and Paul Hoffman, for non-payment of dues and defrauding the Division.

Jacob Decker, for non-payment of dues and deserting his family. 58-A. H. Bortrel, for vfolating his obligation and withholding the property of the Di. vision.

Wm. Falkenberg, for drunkenness. 111-J. C. Allen, for unbecoming conduct. 139-J. H. Long, B. Blummer, N. Miller, Z. S. Johnson, D. T. Wilson, J. H. Felton, R H. Ealey and A. L. Clark, for violating their obligations.

104-David Leyman, N. Devine, W. Baight, Chas.
Lockard and T. Welsh, for violating their

102-A. Messer, for unbecoming conduct.
159-E. A. Woods, and B. J. Lewis, for violation
of their obligations.

47-George Tibbetts, G. H. Tracy, F. M. Tracy,
Charles Willas, A. J. Wiles, B. Wakeman,
A. B. Wallace, James Wyman, L. Wedge
and Jos. Shusler, for violating their obli-


Brother Wm. Flora, of St. Paul Division No. 150, died after a painful illness, January 18, 1878.

Catherine, wife of Brother Wright Godfrey, of Fort Wayne Division No. 12, died at Saginaw, Mich., March 21, 1878, of inflammation of the lungs, after an illness of but three days. Aged 39 years and 3 months.

Brother Frank A. Hupp, of Galesburg Division No. 62, dfed of Pneumonia, March 20, 1878.

Brother Thomas Pringle, of Point St. Charles Division No. 89, died of Consumption, April 1, 1878. Brother Robert Salisbury, of Hudson Division No. 135, died of Pneumonia, March 21, 1878. Appropriate resolutions were adopted in each of the above instances.

MARSHALL, TEX., April 9, 1878. At a called meeting of the engineers in the employ of the Texas & Pacific Railway Company, held at their hall on the 7th instant, the following prea mble and resolutions were adopted:

WHEREAS, God, in His infinite wisdom, has deemed best to remove from our midst, by the hand of death, our beloved offleer, John A. Hanglin, therefore be it

Resolved, That in the person of our late muchesteemed Master Mechanic, Mr. John A. Hanglin, those of us who particularly served under his iminedlate supervision found a true and well-tried friend, kind and generous hearted, charitable to all, the model of gentlemen in his department. It was only to know him to love and respect him.

Resolved, That in the death of Mr. John A. Hanglin, the company have lost a valuable and well-tried officer, the employes a kind and indulgent friend, the poor one who never turned a deaf ear to their entreaties, the wife the most kind and loving of husbands, the children a most devoted and indulgent father, and the community one of its most honorable and upright citizens.

Resolved, That we extend to his bereaved wife and family our sincere sympathy and condolence, and assure them that his memory will long be cherIshed by us.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be printed in the ENGINEERS' MONTHLY JOURNAL, and a copy thereof furnished each member of the family.

WM. J. WALDRON, Div. 187.

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