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Cf. id. 14, 123.-Sunt quædam vitiorum elementa.—
There are certain rudiments in vice. Vice has its stages
like every other pursuit. See Beaumont and Fletcher,
King and no King, A. 5, S. 4:

There is a method in man's wickedness,
It grows up by degrees.

1714. Fœdum inceptu, foedum exitu. (L.) Liv. Præf. 10.—A bad beginning and a bad ending.

1715. Fonum habet in cornu, longe fuge, dummodo risum Excutiat sibi, non hic cuiquam parcit amico.

(L.) Hor. S. 1, 4, 33.

Beware! he's vicious! So he gains his end,

A selfish laugh, he will not spare a friend.-Conington.

Lit. "He has hay on his horn," as though a dangerous


1716. Fol à vint-cinq carats, dont les vint-quatre sont le tout. (Fr.) Bonaventure, Despensiers. He is a madman of twenty-five carats, when twenty-four is the highest ratio known. A pure unadulterated madman; an unalloyed ass.

1717. Folia sunt artis et nuga mera. (L.) App. M. 1, p. 106, 8.-Mere artistic trifles.

1718. Foliis tantum ne carmina manda:

Ne turbata volent rapidis ludibria ventis.


But O commit not, I implore,

(L.) Virg. A. 6, 74.

To faithless leaves thy precious lore,

Lest by the wind's wild eddies tost

Abroad they fly, their sequence lost.-Conington.

1719. Fons et origo mali. (L.)?—The source and origin of the

mischief. Cf. Origo et fons belli.

origin and cause of the war.

Flor. 3, 6.-The

1720. Forma bonum fragile est: quantumque accedit ad annos

Fit minor et spatio carpitur ipsa suo.

Et tibi jam cani venient, formose, capilli
Jam venient rugæ, quæ tibi corpus arent.

Jam molire animum, qui duret, et adstrue formæ,

Solus ad extremos permanet ille rogos.

(L.) Ov. A. A. 2, 113.

Fragile is beauty.

Fragile is beauty: with advancing years
'Tis less and less and, last, it disappears.
Your hair too, fair one, will turn grey and thin;
And wrinkles furrow that now rounded skin;
Then brace the mind, thus beauty fortify,

The mind alone is yours, until you die.—Ed.

1721. Format enim natura prius nos intus ad omnem
Fortunarum habitum; juvat, aut impellit ad iram,
Aut ad humum moerore gravi deducit et angit,
Post effert animi motus interprete lingua.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 108.

For Nature forms and moulds us inwardly

To suit each varying mood of Fortune's sway:
Now she delights, now she transports with rage,
Or bows to earth in woe: and, at each stage,
Whate'er the emotion be the spirit feels
The tongue, as her interpreter, reveals.-Ed.

1722. Forma viros neglecta decet. (L.) Ov. A. A. 1, 509.—An
unstudied dress is most becoming to men.

1723. Formosa facies muta commendatio est. (L.)

Pub. Syr.

169, Rib.-A beautiful face is a mute recommendation.

1724. Formosos sæpe inveni pessimos,

Et turpi facie multos cognovi optimos. (L.) Phædr. 3, 4, 6.-I have often found handsome men to be scoundrels, and ugly looking fellows to prove most excellent men. 1725. Forsan miseros meliora sequentur. (L.) Virg. A. 12, 153.-Perhaps a better fate is in store for us miserable


1726. Fors et virtus miscentur in unum. (L.) Virg. A. 12, 715.-Chance and force unite together.

Said of the combat between Turnus and Eneas, the words may be applied to any struggle in which the odds are equal and it is uncertain which side will prevail. Mr Conington renders it,

"Chance joins with force to guide the steel." 1727. Forsitan hæc aliquis, nam sunt quoque, parva vocabit: Sed, quæ non prosunt singula, multa juvant. (L.) Ov. R. A. 419. Perhaps some one will call these slight matters, and so they are, yet what is of little good by itself, combined with others effects much. The power of small things.

1728. Forte et fidèle. (Fr.)-Strong and loyal. Lord Talbot de Malahide.


1729. Fortem posce animum mortis terrore carentem,
Qui spatium vitæ extremum inter munera ponat
Naturæ, qui ferre queat quoscunque labores,
Nesciat irasci, cupiat nihil et potiores
Herculis ærumnas credat sævosque labores
Et Venere, et cænis, et pluma Sardanapali.

(L.) Juv. 10, 357.

Ask strong resolve, freed from the fears of death,
That counts 'mid Nature's gifts our latest breath:
That can with courage any toil support;
That knows not anger, and that covets naught:
Preferring the hard life Alcides led

To Love, or feasts, or luxury's downy bed.-Ed.

Line 1. First three words are the Motto of Lord Saye

and Sele.

1730. Fortes creantur fortibus et bonis ;

Est in juvencis, est in equis patrum
Virtus, nec imbellem feroces

Progenerant aquila columbam. (L.) Hor. C. 4, 4, 39.
Good sons and brave good sires approve :
Strong bullocks, fiery colts, attest
Their fathers' worth, nor weakling dove

Is hatched in savage eagle's nest.-Conington.

1731. Forte scutum salus ducum. (L.)—A leader's safeguard is a strong shield. Punning motto of Earl Fortescue, Lords Clermont and Carlingford, (Fortescue).

1732. Fortes fortuna adjuvat. (L.) Ter. Phorm. 1, 4, 26.Fortune helps the brave.

Cf. Fortibus est fortuna viris data. Enn. ap. Macr. S. 6, 1.Good fortune is given to brave men; also, Fortes enim non modo fortuna juvat, ut est in vetere proverbio, sed multo magis ratio. Cic. Tusc. 2, 4, 4.-It is not only fortune that favours the brave, as the old proverb says but, much more, forethought.

1733. Fortes indigne tuli

Mihi insultare: te, naturæ dedecus,
Quod ferre cogor te, bis videor mori.

(L.) Phædr. 1, 21, 10.

The dying Lion to the Ass that kicked him.

Ill have I brook'd that nobler foes

Should triumph o'er my dying woes:
But, scorn of nature, forced to lie

And take thy taunts, is twice to die. -Ed.

1734. Forti et fideli nihil difficile. (L.)-To the brave and loyal

nothing is difficult. Motto of Lord Muskerry.

1735. Fortior et potentior est dispositio legis quam hominis. (L.) Law Max.-The action of the law is in some cases superior to and overrides the expressed intention of the individual. This applies in contracts and disposition of property and similar cases where private arrangements are deficient in respect of what the law declares to be indispensable.

1736. Fortis cadere, cedere non potest. (L.)—The brave may fall but can never yield. M. of the Marquess of Drogheda. 1737. Fortissima Tyndaridarum. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 1, 100.Brave as the daughter of Tyndarus. A second Clytemnestra, Lady Macbeth, Judith.

1738. Fortis sub forte fatiscet. (L.)—A brave man will yield to a brave. Motto of Lord Castletown.

1739. Fortiter defendit triumphans. (L.)-It bravely defends, triumphing. Motto of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (2.) Fortiter, fideliter, feliciter.-Boldly, faithfully, successfully. Motto of Viscount Monk. (3.) Fortiter geret crucem.-He will bravely support the cross. Motto of Earl of Donoughmore.

1740. Fortitudini. (L.)-For bravery. Mil. order of Maria Theresa (Austria).

1741. Fortitudo in laboribus periculisque cernatur, temperantia in prætermittendis voluptatibus, prudentia in delectu bonorum et malorum, justitia in suo cuique tribuendo. (L.) Cic. Fin. 5, 23, 67.

The Cardinal Virtues.

Fortitude is shown in toil and danger: Temperance in declining sensual enjoyments: Prudence in the choice between good and evil Justice in awarding to every one his due.

1742. Fortuito quodam concursu atomorum.

(L.) Cic. N. D. 1, 24, 66.-By some accidental combination of atoms. Democritus' theory of the creation of the world.

1743. FORTUNA. (L.)-Fortune, personified as the Goddess of Chance, Luck, Fate.

(1.) Fortuna cum blanditur, captatum venit. Pub. Syr. 167, Rib.
When Fortune comes fawning, it is to ensnare. (2.) Fortuna
fortes metuit, ignavos premit. Sen. Med. 159.-Fortune fears the
brave, and tramples on the coward. (3.) Fortunam citius reperies,
quam retineas.
Pub. Syr. 168.-It is easier to meet with Fortune,
than to keep her. (4.) Fortuna meliores sequitur. Sall. H. 1, 48,
15.-Fortune befriends the better man. Cf. Fortuna, ut sæpe alias,
virtutem secuta est. Liv. 4, 37.-Fortune, as is not uncommon,

befriended valour. (5.) Fortunam reverenter habe, quicunque repente Dives ab exili progrediere loco. Aus. Ep. 8, 7.-Be respectful to Fortune, you who have all at once risen to wealth from a humble position. (6.) Fortuna multis dat nimis, satis nulli. Mart. 12, 10, 2.-Fortune gives many too much, enough to none. (7.) Fortuna obesse nulli contenta est semel ?-Fortune is never content with doing a man one injury only. (8.) Fortuna opes auferre, non animum potest. Sen. Med. 176.-Fortune may take my wealth, but not my spirit. (9.) Fortuna paginam utramque facit. Plin. 2, 7, 5, § 22.-Fortune fills both sides of the account, i.e., good or bad.

(10.) Fortuna sævo læta negotio, et

Ludum insolentem ludere pertinax,
Transmutat incertos honores,

Nunc mihi, nunc aliis benigna. Hor. C, 3, 29, 49.

Fortune, who loves her cruel game,

Still bent upon some heartless whim,

Shifts her caresses, fickle dame,

Now kind to me, and now to him.-Conington.

(11.) Fortuna nunquam sistit in eodem statu:
Semper movetur: variat et mutat vices,
Et summa in imum vertit, ac versa erigit.
Fortune to stay is never known;

She shifts and moves and changes places.
What's uppermost she'll topple down,

And what is underneath she raises.-Ed.


(12.) Fortuna vitrea est, tum quum splendet, frangitur.
Syr. 189, Rib.-Fortune is of glass; she glitters just at the moment
of breaking. "My hour is not come; when it does, I shall break
like glass." Saying of Napoleon III. (see N. Senior's Conver-
sations). Cf. Et comme elle (la gloire) a l'éclat du verre, Elle en a
la fragilité. (Fr.) Godeau, Ode to Louis XVIII.-And as glory
has the brilliancy of glass, it also shares its brittleness.

(13.) Iniqua raro maximis virtutibus

Fortuna parcit. (L.) Sen. Her. Fur. 325.-Spiteful
Fortune rarely spares those of great name.

(14.) Heu! Fortuna, quis est crudelior in nos
Te, Deus? ut semper gaudes illudere rebus
Humanis !

Hor. S. 2, 8, 61.

O Fortune! cruellest of heavenly powers,
Why make such game of this poor life of ours?


1744. Fortunæ cætera mando. (L.) Ov. M. 2, 140.—I leave the rest to fortune. I have exerted all the means in my power to insure success, the rest is in other hands.

1745. Fortunæ filius. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 6, 49.-A son of fortune. Fortune's favourite.

τῆς τύχης.

A lucky fellow. In Greek, wais


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