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sively, who all treated him like a son. So strong quitted England, was unluckily published from was the attachment of his master at Wash, his office. It was written by a clergyman to that even in the future troubles of the poet's commemorate the destruction of the Bastile in life he supported him, not merely with empty 1789, and was sung openly at Belfast in 1792. consolation, but with more solid and substantial The war broke out nine months after it was writaid. The master sought out his former servant ten, and half the newspapers in the kingdom when he was on the point of being tried in a court of law for libel, and comforted and consoled him.

had printed it; yet the unlucky ballad-singer, at whose suggestion it was carried to the press to strike off a few copies, was arrested selling them The bent of Montgomery's mind was still to- at Wakefield, became evidence against the printwards literature. A newspaper which had been er, and in 1795 Montgomery was found "guilty very popular, published at Sheffield by a Mr. of publishing." This would not do for the serGales, had received many of the young poet's vile judges, who made the jury re-consider their contributions. This paper was called the "Shef- verdict, and, after an hour's hesitation, they field Register." It does not appear that Mont- brought in a verdict of guilty. Montgomery gomery contributed any political writing to its was fined twenty pounds, and imprisoned for pages, his communications being chiefly poetical; three months in the Castle of York. As always but he assisted Mr. Gales in his occupation, and happens in a country like England, when freedom removed to Sheffield for that purpose in 1792. of mind is interfered with, the sufferer is borne In the following year Montgomery was assailed above persecution by those honest sympathizing by illness, during which he was nursed, and spirits that step forward to his support. Montgomost kindly treated, in the family of Mr. Gales, mery found his newspaper and business carefully having been, as usual, successful in winning the superintended by a friend, and he was welcomed sympathies of those around him. It was not from prison as the victim of an unjust sentence. long after this that a political prosecution was in. On his deliverance from his incarceration, he stituted against the proprietor of the "Sheffield resumed his professional labors, and avoided Register," and Mr. Gales left England to avoid a every extreme in politics. He printed numerous prosecution. At that time the quailing cause of essays in his paper, under different heads; some arbitrary authority, and divine political right, was humorous, others serious, but all agreeable and making its last struggles against freedom and entertaining. These essays were published in a common sense. Libels were sought for, and pros-volume, long out of print, and now not easily ecuted with rigor, and not even the most cautious individual of honest principles could be When the emissaries of the law lie in wait deemed safe from attack. Montgomery, on the to entangle a victim, they never fail to discover departure of Mr. Gales, being assisted by a friend, some charge, that may be twisted to bear them became the publisher of the newspaper himself; out in their object. Montgomery had scarcely the name of which he changed to that of the resumed his duties, when two men were killed "Iris." It was now conducted with less party in a riot in the streets of Sheffield by the solviolence than before, while a greater variety of diery. He gave a narrative of the circumstances miscellaneous matter was to be found in its col- correct enough, there is no doubt; but a volunums. The cause supported by Montgomery was teer officer, who was also a magistrate, feeling always that of political independence, humanity, his dignity or honor hurt by the statement, and freedom. The tone of his paper was ex-preferred a bill of indictment for libel against ceedingly temperate, but firm: indeed it was so the printer. It was tried at Doncaster in January moderate as to give offence to all violent party 1796. The defence made justified the truth of men who dealt in extremes, and imagined the the statement on very satisfactory testimony; cause of liberty could only be supported by but in vain-Montgomery was found guilty, and noisy declamation. In his newspaper he had a sentenced to six months' imprisonment and a series of articles inserted under the title of "The fine of thirty pounds. It is remarkable, that Enthusiast," which attracted particular attention from being pictures of his own mind. There were other articles which drew much notice, from the impress of genius they exhibited.


before the death of the individual who was the cause of this prosecution, he seemed conscious of the injustice he had done Montgomery, by treating him with sedulous attention after the Notwithstanding the moderation of our poet- expiration of his term of imprisonment; and editor, it was not long before the fangs of the har- once, when presiding in a court of justice, callpies of the law were upon him. A song written ing him from among the crowd to sit by his and prepared for publication before Mr. Gales side on the bench, that he might be kept from

the annoyance and pressure of the mob. The moniously and touchingly written. The "World poet took his seat accordingly; and it was, no before the Flood," which appeared in 1812, is doubt, a proud triumph to his feelings. perhaps the least popular of his productions. During this imprisonment it was that he wrote In this work his wonted piety and the effects of his poems entitled "Prison Amusements," though his early education strongly appear, while he he did not publish them until 1797. In the has introduced various enlivening incidents to prison he was well accommodated, and had every break the uniformity of the subject. Since this indulgence afforded him; a large yard supplied poem, “Greenland," "The Pelican Island,” and him with an airy promenade. He is also said numerous occasional pieces, have dropped from to have amused himself in composing a work his pen. His thoughts are all remarkable for of some bulk of a humorous character, but which their purity. He is the poet of religion and has not seen the light. He went to Scarborough morality. His political principles are those of a for the benefit of his health, as soon as he was free Englishman. liberated. This happened in July 1796, his

In person, Montgomery is below the middle health having been much affected by anxiety height, and of slender frame; his complexion and imprisonment. It was from a visit to the fair, and hair yellow. His limbs are well prosame place subsequently, that he composed his portioned. There is a cast of melancholy over his poem of "The Ocean" in 1805. It was singular features, unless when they are lighted up by conthat the author of the "Prison Amusements" versation, and then his eyes show all the fire of should have suffered that and other published genius. In manner he is singularly modest and works to sleep from want of making them more unobtrusive, especially among strangers. It is known-he allowed them to drop into complete only in intercourse with his friends that he oblivion. In 1806 appeared "The Wanderer of opens with a power and eloquence which few Switzerland," which, in spite of a severe criti- would expect of him. Though kind and amiable, cism in the Edinburgh Review, conferred upon he can wound keenly by wit and sarcasm in him great and deserved celebrity. It was not argument, but it is without a tincture of ill-na. until then that he took his station among the ture, and he generally conveys himself the cure better order of his country's poets. It is said for the wounds he inflicts, by the kindness with he was on the point of publishing another poem which he winds up his conclusions. As a poet, in preference, which has not yet been given to he ranks only in the second class of British living the world, though nearly ready for the press at writers. He never falls low, and rarely rises high; the time "The Wanderer of Switzerland" ap- his character may be designated as that of the peared. Mr. Bowyer printed Montgomery's next calm river, rather than the romantic torrent, work, "The West Indies," in a most expensive but his course is peculiarly his own. He is very form, with superb embellishments: nearly ten little of an imitator, and deserves immortal eulogy, thousand copies of the different editions were in that he has written no line

Bold. The humane feelings of the author appear to predominate in this work; it is har.

which dying he could wish to blot.


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|ton of Uri, the birth-place of Swiss independence.

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"Not the pangs of 'Hope deferr'd'
My tormented bosom tear:—
On the tomb of Hope interr'd
Scowls the spectre of Despair.

[blocks in formation]

"There my life, a silent stream, Glid along, yet seem'd at rest; Lovely as an infant's dream

On the waking mother's breast.

"Till the storm that wreck'd the world, In its horrible career,

Into hopeless ruin hurl'd

All this aching heart held dear.

"On the princely towers of Berne
Fell the Gallic thunder-stroke;
To the lake of poor Lucerne,
All submitted to the yoke.
'REDING then his standard raised,
Drew his sword on Brunnen's plain;'
But in vain his banner blazed,
REDING drew his sword in vain.
"Where our conquering fathers died,
Where their awful bones repose,
Thrice the battle's fate he tried,
Thrice o'erthrew his country's foes.3
"Happy then were those who fell
Fighting on their fathers' graves!
Wretched those who lived to tell
Treason made the victors slaves!3

"Thus my country's life retired,
Slowly driven from part to part;
Underwalden last expired,
Underwalden was the heart.4

1 Brunnen, at the foot of the mountains, on the borders of the Lake of Uri, where the first Swiss Patriots, Walter Furst of Uri, Werner Stauffacher of Schwitz, and Arnold of Melchtal in Underwalden, conspired against the tyranny of Austria in 1307, again in 1798, became the seat of the Diet of these three forest cantons.

2 On the plains of Morgarthen, where the Swiss gained their first decisive victory over the force of Austria, and thereby secured the independence of their country; Aloys Reding, at the head of the troops of the little cantons, Uri, Schwitz, and Underwalden, repeatedly repulsed the invading army of France. 3 By the resistance of these small cantons, the French General Schawenbourg was compelled to respect their independence, and gave them a solemn pledge to that purport; but no sooner had they disarmed, on the faith of this engagement, than the enemy came suddenly upon them with an immense force; and with threats of extermination compelled them to take the civic oath to the new constitution, imposed upon all Switzerland.

4 The inhabitants of the Lower Valley of Underwalden alone

"In the valley of their birth,
Where our guardian mountains stand;
In the eye of heaven and earth,
Met the warriors of our land.

"Like their sires in olden time,
Arm'd they met in stern debate;
While in every breast sublime

"Gallia's menace fired their blood:
With one heart and voice they rose;
Hand in hand the heroes stood,
And defied their faithless foes.

"Then to heaven, in calm despair,
As they turn'd the tearless eye,
By their country's wrongs they sware
With their country's rights to die.
"Albert from the council came
(My poor daughter was his wife :
All the valley loved his name;
Albert was my staff of life).

"From the council-field he came :
All his noble visage burn'd;
At his look I caught the flame;
At his voice my youth return'd.

"Fire from heaven my heart renew'd,
Vigor beat through every vein;
All the powers, that age had hew'd,
Started into strength again.

"Sudden from my couch I sprang,
Every limb to life restored;
With the bound my cottage rang,
As I snatch'd my fathers' sword.

"This the weapon they did wield
On Morgarthen's dreadful day;
And through Sempach's iron field
This the plowshare of their way.


"Then, my spouse! in vain thy fears
Strove my fury to restrain;
O my daughter! all thy tears,
All thy children's, were in vain.

"Quickly from our hastening foes,
Albert's active care removed,
Far amidst the eternal snows,

Those who loved us,-those beloved.2

resisted the French message, which required submission to the new constitution, and the immediate surrender, alive or dead, of nine of their leaders. When the demand, accompanied by a menace of destruction, was read in the Assembly of the District, all the men of the Valley, fifteen hundred in number, took up arms, and devoted themselves to perish in the ruins of their country.

1 At the battle of Sempach, the Austrians presented so impenetrable a front with their projected spears, that the Swiss were repeatedly compelled to retire from the attack, till a native of Underwalden, named Arnold de Winkelried, commending his family to his countrymen, sprung upon the enemy, and burying as many of their spears as he could grasp in his body, made a breach in their line; the Swiss rushed in, and routed the Austrians with a terrible slaughter.

2 Many of the Underwalders, on the approach of the French army, removed their families and cattle among the Higher Alps; and themselves returned to join their brethren, who had en

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