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38. Accusare nemo se debet nisi coram Deo. (L.) Law Max. -No man is bound to accuse himself unless it be before his God. When culprits wish to make confession, it is not received without their being cautioned by the court as to the consequences and permitted to put in a plea of not guilty.

39. Acer, et indomitus: quo spes, quoque ira vocasset,
Ferre manum, et nunquam temerando parcere ferro :
Successus urgere suos: instare favori

Numinis impellens quicquid sibi summa petenti
Obstaret gaudensque viam fecisse ruina.

Julius Cæsar.


Luc. 1, 146.

Undaunted, keen: where Hope or Passion called
He'd fight, nor ever sheathe the murderous sword.
To push advantage, follow up his star

(If Fortune smiled), and overturn all odds

That kept him from the prize-such was his plan:
Pleased at the ruins that bestrewed his way. -Ed.

40. Acheruntis pabulum.


Plaut. Cas. 2, 1, 12.-Food

for Acheron. A vicious abandoned character. A ne'erdo-weel.

41. Ach! warum, ihr Götter, ist unendlich

Alles, alles, endlich unser Glück nur?

(G.) Goethe,

Pandora.-Alas! why, ye gods, is all, all eternal, our happiness alone fleeting!

42. Ach wie glücklich sind die Todten! (G.) Schill. Das Siegesfest.-Ah! how happy are the dead!

43. A cœur vaillant rien d'impossible. (Fr.)-Nothing is impossible to a valiant heart. Motto of Jeanne d'Albret of Navarre, mother of Henry IV., and adopted by him as his own devise.

44. A confesseurs, médecins, avocats, la vérité ne céle de ton cas. (Fr.) Prov. From confessors, physicians, and lawyers, do not hide the truth of your case. Tell them the worst, that the remedy may be all the more speedy and effectual.

45. Acribus, ut ferme talia, initiis, incurioso fine. (L.) Tac. A. 6, 17.-As is generally the case with such movements, an impulsive beginning and a careless termination. It is comparatively easy to launch a movement amid every sign of excitement and zeal, the difficulty is to sustain action when the first novelty of the thing has worn off.

46. Acriora orexim excitant embammata. (L.) Col. 12, 57 fin.-Pungent sauces whet the appetite.

47. A cruce salus. (L.)—Salvation from the cross.

the Earl of Mayo.

Motto of

48. Ac si Insanire paret certâ ratione modoque. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 3, 27.—He would try to be mad with reason and method. He has method in his madness.

Why, the job's as bad

As if you tried by reason to be mad.—Conington.
Cf. Shakesp. Hamlet, 2, 2, 208:

Tho' this be madness, yet there is method in it.

49. Acta exteriora indicant interiora secreta. (L.) Law Max. -Outward acts indicate the exact intention.

Thus, a man having rights of common, if he cut down a tree on the common, is judged to have had an illegal intention in his mind, and must be considered in the light of a trespasser.

50. Actio personalis moritur cum persona. (L.) Law Max.-A personal right of action expires with the death of the person concerned.

Thus, in Osborne v. Gillett, Lord Bramwell held that a father might bring an action for negligence, whereby his daughter was killed but Chief Baron Kelly and Baron Piggott maintained that the maxim Actio personalis, etc., applied (42 Law J. Rep. Exch. 53).

51. Actio recta non erit, nisi recta fuerit voluntas, ab hac enim est actio. Rursus, voluntas non erit recta, nisi habitus animi rectus fuerit: ab hoc enim est voluntas. (L.) Sen. Ep. 95.-An action cannot be right if the intention prompting it be not right, since the intention constitutes the act. Again, the intention cannot be right unless the mind of the person is rightly disposed, for the intention springs from the mind.

52. Actum aiunt ne agas. (L.) Ter. Phor. 2, 3, 72.—What's done, they say, don't do again. You are wasting your time: acting to no purpose. Cf. Rem actam agis. Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 27.-You are doing work twice over.

53. Actum est de republicâ. (L.)?—It is all over with the constitution.

54. Actus Dei nemini facit injuriam. (L.) Law Max.-The act of God cannot be held in law to affect any man injuriously.

Thus, loss of goods at sea by the foundering of a vessel in a tempest falls upon the owner, not the carrier, and Res perit suo domino, the goods perish at the owner's risk.

55. Actus legis nemini facit injuriam. (L.) Law Max.—The action of the law cannot wrong any man.

If any one abuses authority given by law, he is held by law as if he had acted without any such authorisation. A right of way past a dwelling may not be so injured by the carts of the party possessing the right, as to make the road unserviceable to the tenants of the dwelling past which the right of way


56. Actus me invito factus, non est meus actus. (L.) Law Max.-An act done, to which I am not a consenting party, cannot be called my act.

57. Actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea. (L.) Law Max.The act itself does not make a man guilty unless his intentions were guilty.

58. A cuspide corona. (L.)-From the spear a crown. Motto of Viscount Midleton.

59. Acutum, prudens, et idem sincerum et solidum, et exsiccatum genus orationis. (L.) Cic. Brut. 84, 291.—A pointed and thoughtful style of oratory, and at the same time plain, solid, and dry in character. Cf. Nihil erat in ejus oratione nisi sincerum, nihil nisi siccum atque sanum. Id. ibid. 55, 202.-There was nothing in his (C. Cotta) speeches, but what was plain, solid, and


60. Ac veluti magno in populo quum sæpe coorta est
Seditio, sævitque animis ignobile vulgus,

Jamque faces et saxa volant; furor arma ministrat.
(L.) Virg. A. 1, 148.

As when sedition oft has stirred
In some great town the vulgar herd,

And brands and stones already fly,

(For rage has always weapons nigh).—Conington.

61. Adam muss eine Eva haben, die er zeiht was er gethan. (G.) Prov.-Adam must have an Eve, to blame for what he has done.

62. Ad calamitatem quilibet rumor valet. (L.) ? Pub. Syr.— Every rumour is believed, where disaster is concerned. Bad news travels apace.

63. Ad captandum vulgus. (L.)-To please the mob. A bait thrown out to gain the plaudits of the crowd.

64. Adde parum parvo, magnus acervus erit. (L.) Prov.— Add little to little, and you will have a great heap. Mony littles mak a muckle.

65. Adde quod injustum rigido jus dicitur ense; Dantur et in medio vulnera sæpe foro.

Miscarriage of Justice.

The sword of justice cuts in cruel sort,

(L.) Ov. T. 5, 10, 43.

And wounds are often dealt in open court.-Ed.

66. Addere legi justitiam decus. (L.)-It is an honourable thing to combine justice with law. Motto of Lord Norton.

67. A Deo et rege. (L.)-From God and the king. Motto of Earls of Chesterfield, Harrington, and Stanhope.

68. Adeo exornatum dabo, adeo depexum, ut dum vivat meminerit mei. (L.) Ter. Heaut. 5, 1, 77.—I'll give him such a dressing, such a hiding, that he'll remember me as long as he lives.

69. Adeo in teneris consuescere multum est. (L.) Virg. G. 2, 272.-So important is it to grow inured to anything in early youth. The value of sound principles, early instilled in the mind, is incalculable.

"Tis education forms the common mind;

Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined.-Pope, Ep. 1, 149. 70. Adeon'homines immutarier

Ex amore, ut non cognoscas eundem esse? (L.) Ter. Eun. 2, 1, 19.—Is it possible a man can be so changed by love, that one would not know him for the same person?

71. Ad eundem. (L.)-To the same degree.

A graduate of one university is permitted to enjoy the same degree at another, and is said to be admitted ad eundem sc. gradum (to the same degree), at the sister university. The coach that used to run (and may do so still) from Oxford to Cambridge and back, was facetiously called the ad eundem by the undergraduate wits.

72. Adhibenda est munditia non odiosa, neque exquisita nimis; tantum quæ fugiat agrestem ac inhumanam negligentiam. (L.) Cic. Off. 1, 36, 130.-It is right to observe a certain neatness in dress, without being foppish or dandified; and at the same time equally removed from a rustic and boorish slovenliness. In this, as in all else, the modus in rebus (moderation in things) is the principle dictated by good taste.

73. Ad hoc. (L.)-For this (special) purpose. A clause ad hoc was specially inserted in the covenant.

74. Adhuc sub judice lis est. (L.)—The point in dispute is still before the judge. The controversy is yet undecided.

75. Adieu, brave Crillon, je vous aime à tort et à travers. (Fr.)—Adieu, my brave Crillon, I love you without rhyme or reason.

The saying is quoted commonly in the above form as the conclusion of a letter of Henry IV. to a favourite. The original, however, runs: "Il n'y manque que le brave Grillon, qui sera toujours le bien venu et veu de moy. Adieu."-Nothing is wanting except the company of good Grillon, who will always have a hearty welcome and good wishes from me. Adieu. 76. Adieu la voiture, adieu la boutique! (Fr.) Prov.-Goodbye to the carriage, good-bye to the shop! There is an end of the business: the establishment is broken up.

77. Adieu, paniers, vendanges sont faites. (Fr.) Prov.-Goodbye, baskets! vintage is over! The work is over, and its accessories may be put away,

78. Adieu, plaisant pays de France!

O ma patrie, la plus chérie, etc. (Fr.) De Quer. Adieu, pleasant land of France! Oh! my country, the dearest in the world, etc. Supposed to have been sung by Mary Stuart on leaving the shores of France, but in reality an historical forgery of De Querlon, who admitted as much to the Abbé Menier de Saint-Léger.

79. Ad infinitum. (L.)-To infinity; without end.

Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em ; And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum (?). 80. Ad interim. (L.) In the meantime; provisionally. 81. A discrétion. (Fr.)-According to discretion.



82. Aditus ad multitudinem, ut in universorum animos tanquam influere possimus. (L.) Cic. Off. 2, 9, 31.Access to the ear of the masses, so that we are able, as it were, to insinuate ourselves into the affections of the multitude. This is one of the elements (according to Cicero) of the greatest human glory, and applicable to the enormous power wielded by any great speaker. 83. A diverticulo repetatur fabula. (L.) Juv. 15, 72.-To return from the digression. Like the Fr.-Pour en

revenir à nos moutons, q.v.

84. Ad Kalendas Græcas. (L.) At the Greek Kalends.

Aug. ap. Suet. Aug. 87.The next day after never.

As the Greeks had no Kalends, the phrase is used of anything that can never possibly take place. According to Suetonius the saying was often in the mouth of Augustus in speaking of the probability of his paying his creditors.


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