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954. Damnum absque injuria. (L.) Law Term.-Loss without injury (injustice), such as the result of competition in trade. 955. Damnum appellandum est, cum mala fama lucrum. (L.) Prov. Pub. Syr.-Gain made at the expense of reputation, is no better than so much loss.

956. Da modo lucra mihi, da facto gaudia lucro ;

Et fave ut emptori verba dedisse juvet. (L.) Ov. F. 5, 690.
The tradesman's prayer.

Put profits in my way, the joy of gain;

Nor let my tricks on customers be vain!-Ed.

Prayer to Mercury, the patron of thieves and shopkeepers.

957. Danda est remissio animis: meliores acrioresque requieti ut resurgent. (L.) Sen. Tranq. 15.-The mind should be allowed some relaxation, that it may return to its work all the better for the rest.

958. Da nobis lucem, Domine. (L.)—Grant us light, O Lord. Motto of Glaziers' Company.

959. Dans l'art d'intéresser consiste l'art d'écrire. (Fr.) Delille? -The art of writing well consists in its power of exciting interest.

960. Dans le nombre de quarante ne faut-il pas un zéro ? (Fr.) Boursault?—Among the forty (Academicians) there must be a zero.

Said of the French Academy, and still more true of the Society of Painters which bears the name in England. The amusing thing is, that it was the admission of La Bruyère into an academy of nonentities that prompted the lines, La Bruyère being the zero!

961. Dans les conseils d'un état, il ne faut pas tant regarder ce qu'on doit faire, que ce qu'on peut faire. (Fr.)-In the councils of states, we are not so much to deliberate on what we ought to do, as on what we can.

962. Dans les premières passions les femmes aiment l'amant, et dans les autres elles aiment l'amour. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 91, § 494.

In her first passion, woman loves her lover,

In all the others, all she loves is love. -Byron, Don Juan, c. 3, st. 3.

963. Dans le temps des chaleurs extrêmes,
Heureux d'amuser vos loisirs,

Je saurai près de vous amener les Zéphyrs
Les Amours y viendront d'eux-mêmes. (Fr.)

The Fan.

In summer times' stifling heat

Your amusement shall be my care;

The Zephyrs shall come at my beat,

The Loves of themselves will be there.-Ed.

Written by Lemierre on a lady's fan, and a favourite quotation in the mouth of Louis XVIII.

964. Dans l'opinion du monde, le mariage, comme dans la comedie, finit tout. C'est précisément le contraire qui est vrai: il commence tout. (Fr.) In the world's opinion marriage is everything, as it does on the stage. precise contrary is the real truth. everything.

Mme. Swetchine?— supposed to wind up The fact is, that the It is the beginning of

965. Dans un pays libre, on crie beaucoup quoiqu'on souffre peu; dans un pays de tyrannie on se plaint peu, quoiqu'on souffre beaucoup. (Fr.) Carnot? In a free country there is more crying out than suffering: under a despotism, there is little complaint, although the evils endured are considerable.

966. Dapes inemptas. (L.) Hor. Epod. 2, 48.-Unbought dainties. Produced at home; of our own growth.

967. Da populo, da verba mihi, sine nescius errem ;

Et liceat stulte credulitate frui. (L.) Ov. Am. 3, 14, 29.

To a faithless mistress.

Pray undeceive me not, nor let

Me know that I mistaken be.

I fain a little longer yet

Would cheat my fond credulity.-Ed.

968. Dari bonum quod potuit, auferri potest. (L.) Pub. Syr. ap. Sen. Ep. 8.-The goods that came by gift, can be as easily taken away. What we earn by our labours can only properly be said to be our own.

969. Das Alter is nicht trübe, weil darin unsere Freuden, sondern weil unsere Hoffnungen aufhören. (G.) Jean Paul-Old age is not sad because our pleasures, but because our hopes, have then ceased.

970. Das Alter macht nicht kindisch, wie man spricht, es findet uns nur noch als wahre Kinder. (G.) Goethe, Faust. -Age does not make us childish, as people say, it only finds us as children after all.

971. Das eben ist der Fluch der bösen That,

Dass sie fortzeugend Böses muss gebären.

(G.) Schill. Piccol. 5, 1.-That is the very curse of evil deeds, that they engendering their kind must bring forth evil.

972. Das Edle zu erkennen ist Gewinnst

Der nimmer uns entrissen werden kann. (G.) Goethe, Tasso. To appreciate what is noble is a gain that can never be taken from us.

973. Das Erste und Letzte was vom Genie gefordert wird, ist Wahrheitsliebe. (G.) Goethe, Sprüche.-The first and

last thing which is demanded of Genius, is love of truth. 974. Das Genie bleibt sich immer selbst das grösste Geheimniss. (G.) Schill, an Göthe. -Genius always remains the greatest mystery to itself.

975. Das Glück giebt Vielen zu viel, aber Keinem genug. (G.) Prov.-Fortune gives many a one too much, but no one


976. Das Leben heisst Streben. (G.) Prov.-Living means striving. Life is a struggle.

977. Das Leben ist die Liebe

Und des Lebens Leben Geist. (G.) Goethe, Westöstlicher Divan.-Life is love, and the life of Life, Spirit.

978. Das Leben ist nur ein Moment, der Tod ist auch nur einer. (G.) Schill. Mary Stuart.-Life is only a moment, Death is but another.

979. Das Naturell der Frauen

Ist so nah mit Kunst verwandt. (G.) Goethe, Faust.
-Nature in women is near allied to art.

980. Da spatium tenuemque moram, male cuncta ministrat
(L.) Statius Theb. 2, 703.


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981. Das schlechteste Rad am Wagen knarrt am meisten. (G.) Prov.-The worst wheel in the waggon creaks the loudest.

982. Das Schwerste klar, und Allen fasslich sagen,

Heisst aus gediegnem Golde Münzen schlagen. (G.)


Geibel-To put the most difficult matters clearly, so as to be understood of all, is to be making coins out of pure gold. 983. Das Universum ist ein Gedanke Gottes. (G.) Philos. Briefe. The universe is a thought of God. 984. Das Wenige verschwindet leicht dem Blick,



Der vorwärts sieht, wie viel noch übrig bleibt.
Goethe, Iphigenia. (Iphig. loq.)—The little (that is ac-
complished) is soon lost sight of by one who sees before
him how much still remains (to be done). Mr M. Arnold
quotes the words (Essays in Criticism) against self-
satisfied people, as

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a good line of reflection for weak

985. Das Wunder ist des Glaubens liebstes Kind. (G.) Goethe, Faust (Nacht).—Miracle is the dearest child of Faith. 986. Data fata secutus. (L.)-Following the fate decreed.

Motto of Lord St John.

987. Dat Deus immiti cornua curta bovi. (L.) Prov.-God sends a curst cow short horns.-Shakesp. Much Ado, 2, 1, 22.

988. Dat Deus incrementum. (L.)-God giveth the increase. Motto of Lord Crofton, and of Westminster School. 989. Da tempo al tempo. (It.) Prov.-Give time time. Don't be impatient.

990. Date obolum Belisario. (L.) ?—Give a penny to Belisarius ! The distinguished general of the reign of Justinian, during his short imprisonment in 563, has been represented by writers of fiction (Marmontel and others) as blind and beggared, and reduced to hanging out a bag from his prison bars, with the above appeal to a pitying public.

991. Dat veniam corvis, vexat censura columbas.

(L.) Juv. 2, 63.

[Who will deny that justice has miscarried?]
The crows escape, the harmless doves are harried.-Ed.
As we say, 66

one man may steal a horse, while another

may not look over a hedge."

992. Da veniam lacrymis. (L.) -Forgive these tears!

993. Davus sum non Edipus. (L.) Ter. And. 1, 2, 23.—I am

Davus not Edipus.

994. Dea moneta. (L.)-The goddess Money.

The almighty


Moneta or Mnemosyne (Remembrance), the mother of the Muses, was also a title of Juno, and from the circumstance of her temple in Rome being used for coining public money, comes the use of the word moneta, money, and mint. A curious derivation.

995. De asini umbra disceptare. (L.)-To argue about an ass's shadow. To dispute about trifles.

996. Debetis velle quæ velimus. (L.) Plaut. Am. Prol. 39.— You ought to wish the same as we do.

997. Debilem facito manu, Debilem pede, coxâ;

Tuber adstrue gibberum, Lubricos quate dentes;

Vita dum superest, bene est. (L.) Mæcenas ap. Sen. Ep. 101, 11.-Make me weak in the hands, feet, and hips; add to this a swollen tumour. Knock out my loosening teeth; only let life remain, and I am content.

998. Debito (or E debito) justitiæ. (L.) Law Term.-By debt of justice. In virtue of rights which have been fully allowed by law.

999. Debonnaire. (Fr.)—Debonair. Motto of Earl of Lindsay. 1000. De bon vouloir servir le roy. (Fr.)-To serve the king with good will. Motto of Earls Tankerville and Grey. 1001. De calceo sollicitus, at pedem nihil curans. (L.) Prov.Anxious about the appearance of the shoe, but regardless of the comfort of the feet.

1002. Deceptio visus. (L.)-A deception of the sight. An illusion. Ocular deception.

1003. Decet verecundum esse adolescentem.

(L.) Plaut. As.

5, 1, 6.—It is becoming in a young man to be modest.

1004. Decipimur specie recti; brevis esse laboro,

Obscurus fio.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 25.

One's led astray so by one's private views

Of good and bad; I try to be concise

And end in being obscure-an equal vice.-Ed.

The latter part of the quotation is said to have been humorously repeated by Thomas Warton on his snuffing out, when he would have snuffed, his candle.

1005. Decori decus addit avito.

honours of his ancestors.

(L.) He adds lustre to the Motto of the Earl of Kellie.

M. of Marq. of Westmeath.

1006. Decrevi. (L.)—I have decreed.

1007. Dedimus potestatem. (L.) Law Term.-We have given power. A writ or commission given to one or more, for the speeding of an act pertaining to some court.


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