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we found ourselves safe at the bottom, in a region where the Gospel had doubtless been forever unknown.

We called on the chief and proposed a meeting. He appointed it to-morrow about noon at the council house. We then rode about six miles to Soti's father's, having travelled about twenty miles. Some of the neighbours came and spent the evening with us. We improved the time in singing, prayer, and conversation on the great doctrines of religion.

Wednesday, 19. Spent the morning in conversation with Soti's father, a very old man. After breakfast we all kneeled before our common Lord, to implore his blessing, and then set off for the council house about six miles distant. The road being bad, and our horses fatigued, we concluded to walk, being accompanied by our dear Cherokee friends. About fifty men besides some women and children assembled. After prayer and singing, brother Thomas gave them a short account of Christians at the north, their method of raising money, making clothes, &c. for the support of schools, &c. He also stated the contents of a letter from Mr. Hicks. After this I spoke of the Bible, as being the only light to guide us in safety through this world. I dwelt particularly on the way of salvation, pointed out in the Bible, through our divine Lord and Savior.

I told them of his coming into the world, his character, miracles, sufferings, death, resurrection, ascension, invitation to sinners, &c. and of his ability and willingness to save all who come to him. After this we sang, and prayed, and took our leave of the assembly. Before we left them, however, they wished to know when we would come again, stating that they needed some one to tell them often of these great truths, and expressed much gratitude for our present visit. We returned to Soti's father's and spent the evening in conversation, singing, &c. We attended prayer as usual, but Soti, who appears really serious, and inquiring after God, wished us to pray again. O how dear these poor people seemed to me. I often wept at the thought of leaving them exposed to all the wiles of Satan with no one to guide them to the fold of Jesus.

This town lies near the line of North Carolina; is almost entirely surrounded by mountains; contains from one to two hundred families, and but one individual, that I know of, able to speak English. Af ter breakfast, and after commending this dear family and people to God by prayer, we set off for Long Town. We returned a different way from that we came, in order to visit J. Arch's friends, and also to cross the mountain at a place where it is not so high, though steeper for a short distance. About 10 o'clock we arrived at brother J.

Arch's mother's, where we found his brother, uncles, sisters, &c. assembled to meet us according to previous arrangement. Here we had a precious interview with these dear people; and after dinner, having spent about two hours with them, we set out for Long Town. The mountain, and the path generally, were very bad, so that we did not arrive at the place where we had apponted a meeting, until near sun set. Many of the people had returned home. The chiefs and a few others were yet waiti ag. I told the chiefs I would meet them the next morning. Some of the people, however, thought the meeting was to be that night; and a numerous assembly met at the council house, and about 9 o'clock sent for me. I told them, that by an arrangement with the chiefs, I was to meet them the next morning. Brother Thomas and Soti went with them, and spent a good part of the night in talking, &c.

In the morning before sunrise, they sent again for me to come. I accordingly went, and found perhaps 200 people assembled, and fifteen or twenty young women or girls engaged in a dance. Their appearance was neat, their dress good; but what a difference would religion make, in all their feelings and behavior. Soon their music ceased, and all was still.

After singing and prayer, I spoke to them in substance, nearly as yesterday, at Otter Town. They heard with the utmost attention; and were endeared to me more and more. After an address of perhaps an hour and a half, and commending them again to God, we took an affectionate leave. The men and boys, and many of the women and girls, came and shook hands with us; after which the old chief, with a distinguished dress and appearance, arose and spoke at some length, thanking us for our kindness in visiting them, &c. He then shook hands, and thus we took our leave of this dear people. I saw none in the assembly who were not full Cherokees, and none were able to understand English. This town is near the head of the valley river.

Friday, 21. Rode down the river ten or twelve miles to Tellico; called on the chief and proposed a meeting. He appointed this evening, at the council house, and immediately sent messengers to give information. About dark we went to the place appointed. The people continued coming, till after 9 o'clock. We then commenced meeting, having, I should judge, near 200 hearers. As they were ignorant of the first principles of religion, I thought best to go over nearly the same ground as in Otter and Long Towns. They seemed attentive to all I said. Our meet. ing continued about an hour and a half. We then took leave of these dear people, a

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little before 11 o'clock, and returned to the chief's. O may the Lord be with them, and fix his word in their hearts, as a nail in a sure place, and may their souls be saved in the last great day.

Extract from the Speech of the Rev. Mr.
Somers, at the third anniversary of the
New York Bethel Union.

It is true, Mr. President, as stated in
your Report, that nearly 2000 years have
elapsed since the command was given "Go
ye into all the world, and preach the gos-
How few there
pel to every creature."
are who have obeyed this injunction, by
preaching the gospel to sailors! and dur-
ing the short period employed in this holy
service, how little has been achieved!
For the moral and religious improvement
of every other part of the community,
seminaries of learning have been erected;
academies of arts and sciences have been
established; churches have been built;
benevolent Societies, of every description,
have been originated, and carried into
successful operation: But alas! how few
have been our efforts to meliorate the mor-
al wretchedness, and to save the souls, of
poor sailors. That very class of men to
are the men who
whom we owe most,
have been least benefitted by our Chris-
tian brethren. Why is it thus? are they
incapable of religious improvement? No,
sir, the finger of heaven seems to point to
them, as of all men the most likely
to welcome the tidings of salvation by Je-
Bus Christ. It is not mere fancy. I appeal
to facts. Where is the ship commanded
by a pious Captain, whose crew do not
give evidence of respect for the Sabbath
and Ir.stitutions of Jehovah? what vessel
has ever been employed to convey the
heralds of Salvation to foreign climes,
where one or more of the ship's company
have not experienced, under their instruc-
tion, the precious influences of the grace
of God. Let the Board of this Bethel
Union speak-when did they enter a Sail-
or's Boarding House, or mount the deck of


vessel to hold a prayer meeting, and have not beheld a listening throng who came to bow the knee before the God of the winds and waves? never have I preached the Gospel to a more interesting and solemn audience, than to a company of sailors collected on the deck of a ship. And, sir, it is a cheering truth, that when seamen are converted to God, none are more ardently devoted to the cause of Jesus, none display greater intrepidity and pious zeal in doing good to others. Witness the Bethel Missions in England, sir; when I contemplate those devout sailors, who traverse the docks, and streets, and Vol. VI.-No. 2.


lanes, on the Sabbath day, for the express
purpose of constraining their wicked ship-
mate to come to the house of prayer, I
blush for the supineness of christians a-
round me.

Sir, the claims of sailors upon your
Christian munificence are as imperious as
they are righteous-imperious, because
they are annually dying by thousands,
and righteous, because to them we owe
not only the introduction of the gospel
into this country, but it is by their toils
that we enjoy our wealth and prosperity as
a nation. It is by their aid that we plant
the standard of the cross under the scorch-
ing beams of an Indian sun, on the Islands
of the sea, and on the desolate plains of
the Holy Land. By them science and re-
ligion have been carried from shore to
shore; they have borne the heat of sum-
mer, and the blast of winter, to promote
the wealth and the happiness of man;
yet they seem to be the only mortals who
live, or rather linger out a wretched ex-
istence, and then die unpitied and un-

Mr. Somers stated, that there are in different parts of the world, 67 Bethel Unions; 33 Marine Bible Societies, and 15 Churches and floating Chapels, dedicated to the spiritual illumination of sailors; but Mr. President, although this presents a cheering prospect," what are these among so many?" Upwards of a million of men are employed as mariners, but of that number, not less than one hundred thousand sail under the star-spangled banners of America. It must be acknowledged that much has been done, and also that more remains to be accomplished; for although we can supply them with Bibles, perhaps not more than one in twenty have yet received the gift: admitting that they all had Bibles, and were all christians, we could not accommodate them with the preached Gospel, as there exists not more than one Mariners' Chapel for every sixty thousand seamen,


(Extract from the last Report.) Adverting to the great increase of the Society's funds and exertions, the Report states that "during the first thirteen years, the gross amount of its receipts only amounted to £22,000; in the last year alone, they had received upwards of £32,000. In the tenth year of the Society, they had only nine missionaries employed, not one of whom was an English clergymen; they have now more than ninety European missionaries, of whom, twenty-two are English clergymen. No less than nineteen labourers had been sent out to their respective destinations during the past year. The offers for missionary

service were very numerous, and the Committee endeavoured to use the utmost care in the selection of those which were accepted. Fifty-seven persons had offered their services during the past year, of whom eighteen had been accepted, twenty-seven declined, and twelve were still under consideration.-Twentytwo students were now preparing at the Society's expense for future service.


The Society have now no less than two hundred and thirty native labourers of varions descriptions; many most intelligent, assiduous, and devoted characters. Society need only refer to the names of Abdool Messee, and Mr. Bowley, as examples, whose steady course proves that native teachers are every way competent to form and instruct Christian churches. Nor is the African mission destitute of similar characters, who undergo a degree of exertion which no European can sustain, and of whom our missionaries state that they teach schools, distribute rations, plan buildings, and superintend their erection, visit the sick, and, in short, as Mr. Johnson expresses it, do any thing and every thing; so that he can never sufficiently praise God for such assistance. With these examples before us, what should discourage us from hoping, that God will raise up sufficient teachers from among themselves, to supply the wants of the perishing heathen? Nothing is wanting to effect this, but the Divine blessing on our exertions. Already, nearly twenty African youths are preparing for instructors of their countrymen. Meanwhile, from every part of the world, and especially from the East, from Calcutta, Cotym, &c. more assistance is earnestly required.

Respecting the West African Mission, the Report says, "In commencing this mission, the colony of Sierra Leone was not primarily contemplated. Unforeseen circumstances bare collected on that spot 17,000 inhabitants, of whom 15,000 are negroes, and nearly 10,000 liberated slaves. The Society have here twentyeight European labourers, assisted by a great number of native teachers. Captain Sabine, of the Royal Engineers, after spending six weeks in the colony, states, that the representation of the improved condition of the negroes is perfectly true; and that he is persuaded there is not to be seen in the world a community so large and so irreproachable. This community, the Committee remark, is founded on the word of God, which renders other laws almost unnecessary, of which some pleasing instances were related.

At CEYLON, the Society report they have eleven European labourers and twenty-three native assistants. The schools contain 500 children, of whom about one-eighth are girls. The mention

of female children leads to a subject of incalculable importance; wherever boys' schools are instituted, the natives begin to expect girls' schools also. This is joyful intelligence to those who know that the degraded state of the females tends even more than caste itself to retard the progress of Christianity.

In closing the Report, the Committee advert to the progress the Society has made. At the end of the first ten years the Society had only about 200 scholars, they have now 11,000. They had not more than twenty hearers, they have now many thousands; they had not one single convert, they have now above a thousand stated communicants; and while they are thus successful, their coadjutors in all other missionary societies meet with similar prosperity. An interest in the conversion of the heathen is common to all. An union in prayer for the outpouring of the Spirit generally prevails. The sum now annually raised is magnificent compared with the former penury, however small in comparison of the magnitude of the object. More than one thousand pounds is daily raised for the evangelizing of the world.


The Reports of the British and Foreign, and French Protestant, Bible Societies, each forming a volume of about 250 pages, have lately reached this country. From the mass of interesting facts which they exhibit, our limits suffer us to select only a very few.

The Committee of the British and Foreign Society advert, in the first instance, to the Protestant Bible Society at Paris, and its auxiliaries in other parts of France. The Central Society at Paris is rapidly exhausting, by the distribution of the Scriptures in its own immediate sphere, and supplies to auxiliary societies, those large editions with which its depository has been stocked. It has undertaken a stereotype edition of Ostervald's Bible.Of Martin's Bible 36,000 copies have been provided; and stereotype plates of a large edition completed. The Society is now supported by thirty-six auxiliaries, one consistorial society, twenty-eight branch societies, and forty-nine associations, of which seventeen exist in Paris alone; making a sum of one hundred and fourteen Bible Institutions in various parts of France. The Report of the Paris Society, taking a survey of these Institutions, says, "Nismes gave the first example of those small Bible Associations, the formation of which, in our country, we had so ardently desired, and which constitute the real strength, the immoveable basis, on which rests the great British and Foreign Bible Society. These Associations, six of

which now exist in the city of Nismes, are composed of laborers and mechanics, who, being unable to give a large sum at once, deposit every week, in the hands of one of their number, the small contributions which they deduct from the wages earned by the sweat of their brow.

At Calvisson, more than four thousand of our brethren, gathered together in the open air, because the church could not contain them, raised their prayers to Heaven, and implored the Divine blessing on Bible Societies.

M. Soulier also gave us a lively and af. fecting account of the eagerness with which the multitude of Protestants at Sommières assembled at the first general meeting of a Branch Society which was formed in that city.

In conclusion, Gentlemen, the second city in the kingdom, a city whose name and example exercises a just and natural influence over a great part of France, Lyons, has witnessed the formation of a Bible Society; and the distinguished names which appear among those appointed to direct its concerns, afford us the assurance of its becoming an efficient auxiliary.

We may therefore affirm, with a humble conviction of the imperiections attendant upon our exertions, yet with an animated feeling of gratitude to Divine Providence, that there is scarcely any portion of Protestant France, from her opulent and industrious cities down to her poorest hamlets, in which some efforts have not been made, or at least some desires excited, for the propagation of the Holy Scriptures."

The circulation of the Scriptures in France is not confined to the Protestants. By the agents of the British and Foreign Bible Society, upwards of 12,000 Bibles and Testaments of the French Catholic version, have been circulated during the year, and an additional donation of 5,000 New Testaments has been recently made to the Society for Mutual Instruction

From the Bible Society of the United Netherlands, (says the Report of the British and Foreign Society,) the committee have received very encouraging accounts.

The Central Society at Amsterdam has now nearly sixty auxiliaries; and 5,896 Bibles, and 4,339 New Testaments were issued during the last year from the depository of the Society. Among its auxiliaries, the "Merchant-Seamen's Society" has been distinguished by its activity. Many striking proofs of the salutary effect produced among the sailors by the diligent and faithful use of the Bible, have been recorded

The numerous Bible Societies in the different cantons of Switzerland labor with zeal to supply the want of the Scriptures among the natives of their country, whether speaking the French, German, or Italian language. The Basle Society has con

tinued its extensive distribution of the Scriptures in these languages. The Zurich Society has circulated, during the ten years which have elapsed since its formation, nearly 6,000 Bibles and Testaments. The St. Gall Society, during the eight years of its existence, has circulated upwards of 21,000 copies of the Scriptures, both among the Protestants and Roman Catholics in its immediate sphere.

Very satisfactory details have been received from the Bible Societies established in Germany. The Wurtemberg Society had issued 5528 Bibles, and 2620 Testaments, during the year, making the total amount of its issues, for domestic purposes only, 63,994. At the head of the donations to the society appears a recent grant of 500 florins from its royal patron, the King. Among various bequests, there is one of 1500 florins from a Roman Catholic lady. The Bible Society of the grand duchy of Baden has adopted active measures to ascertain the want of the Scriptures in Carlsruhe, and in the surrounding territories. Returns of the estimated deficiency from thirty-three districts make it exceed ten thousand copies, a number still supposed to fall far short of the real amount. The reports from various other Societies are similar.-The Frankfort Society has distributed, in its seventh year, nearly 9000 Bibles and Testaments. The Herrnhut Branch of the Saxon Bible Society has circulated during the last year, 10,375 New Testaments of Gosner's and Van Ess's versions, and 1710 Bibles in the German and Bohemian languages.The Hanoverian Society has issued 16,784 copies.

The Hambro-Altona Bible Society has circulated, since its establishment, 18,839 Bibles, and 1908 Testaments, and has commenced a new edition of Luther's version, consisting of 20,000 copies.

The Committee, adverting to the labours of Dr. Leander Van Ess, among his Roman Catholic brethren in Catholic Germany say, "It appears from a printed document published at Darmsdadt by this indefatigable advocate of your cause, in August 1822, that he had circulated, from the commencement of his operations, up to May of the same year, 456,870 copies of his New Testament, besides 8,934 copies of Luther's German Bible, and a number of copies in the Greek, Latin and Hebrew languages. His supporters among persons of his own religious persuasion were on the increase."

From Prussia an official letter ascribes to the direct influence of the Bible Society a growing spirit of harmony, which is observable among all classes of Christians in that country. Dr. Pinkerton confirms the general tenor of this opinion by the following remarks: "The cause of the Prussian Bible Society, and of every oth

er Christian and humane institution, continues to prosper in Berlin, und genuine Christianity is now making very encouraging progress in every part of the Prussian dominions, but especially in this city. Here, within the last ten years, God has raised up a number of able preachers and professors, who are unanimous in the defence of his cause, and the pleasure of the Lord prospers in their hands."-From the presses of the Canstein Institution at Halle has lately issued a beautiful edition of the Hebrew Bible after Simonis, which was out of print.-The Thuringian Bible Society at Erfurt has distributed in seven years, 6805 Bibles.-The annual issues of the Berg Society vary from 1000 to 2000 Bibles, besides Testaments.--The Elberfield Committee had resolved, notwithstanding the exhaustion of their funds, to undertake a new edition of 10,000 copies of the Psalter.-The Cologne Society state that there is "a growing desire felt for that Divine light and consolation which flow from the word of God." The issues of the Scriptures by the Cologne Society, among Protestants and Roman Catholics, school children and soldiers,have been very great.-The Neuwied Bible Society continues to receive the support of the prince and his family. "The introduction of the Testament into several Catholic parishes (writes the treasurer of the Society,) is a subject of real exultation. Exclusively of the Catholic clergymen, noticed in our Report, several others have applied for New Testaments, for the purpose of distributing them among the youth at school."-The Silesian Bible Society at Breslau has supplied the prisons of several fortresses with the Scriptures.-The First Report of the Freystadt and Sprottau Society states, that the schoolmasters having represented to their youthful circles the Divine blessing attending the Scriptures, had the gratification of seeing the children, both of the rich and the poor, come forward with contributions, amounting to 100 dollars, accompanied by assurances that these should be annually repeated.

The Bible Societies in the Danish do minions continue to receive the sanction of his Majesty the King, who has facilitated their proceedings by various privileges. The total number of Bibles and Testaments issued by the Danish Society since its formation amounts to 44,169 copies in the Danish language, and 10,000 in the Icelandic. Among the recent contributors to this institution appear 120 students of the university of Copenhagen, candidates for holy orders, or students in Divinity Dr. Boisen, Bishop of Lolland, whose diocese comprehends 120 parishes, writes:

"We have not less than twelve Bible associations in this diocese. I have circu

lated, in this year alone, 2500 New Testaments. "Dean Helgasen, secretary to the Icelandic Bible Society, says, "It is a well founded opinion, that every family throughout this island is now in possession of a Bible or a New Testament. This sacred volume is read with diligence, during the long winter evenings."-The West Indian possessions of his Danish Majesty have been supplied with Creole New Testaments for the use of the Negroes.

The Swedish Bible Society has issued, during its seventh year, 20,000 Bibles and Testaments, from the depository at Stockholm, of which 1,803 Bibles and 265 Testaments, were distributed gratuitously.

The progress of the Bible cause in Syria, India, the South Seas, Africa, and South America, we are compelled to pass over, noticing only the Calcutta Society, whose distribution of the Scriptures during its eleventh year, "amounted to more than 12,000 copies, of whieh 4,000 were of Bibles and Testaments, in about twenty Asiatic languages; besides upwards of 900 copies of the English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Danish and Greek versions."

The Russian Bible Society has 267 Auxiliaries and Associations. In the nine years which have elapsed since its establishment, it has printed, or caused to be printed at its expense, 104 editions of the Holy Scriptures, in 26 languages, the number of copies being 507,600.

The British and Foreign Bible Society issued during the year ending March 31,1823. 123,127 Bibles,

136,723 Testaments; which, together with those issued at the expense of the Society, from foreign presses, since the commencement of the Institution, amount to three millions, eight hundred and serenly five thousand, four hundred and sevenly four copies of the Holy Scriptures.

From the addresses, letters &c. contained in the Reports before us, the following will, we think, be read with interest.

The venerable Antistes Hess, of the SwisChurch." If we take a retrospective glance, how much have we seen, that we are happy to have outlived; and again how much have we experienced which it has afforded us joy to have witnessed for instance this blessed promulgation of the word of God. What glorious things do we anticipate by the eye of faith, as about to develope themselves, when we are no longer on earth.

T. P. Platt, Esq.-"My residence in France has not yet been long, but it has been long enough to persuade me that the Bible Society is one of the greatest blessings that Divine Providence has ever bestowed upon that country. Societies and Institutions, philanthropic, moral, red

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