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scribers by our grant of incorporation; and at the same time to grant unto such corporation so incorporated, a valuable tract of land in a proper place within our good city of Philadelphia.

"In order whereto, we do by these presents, give, grant, and commit unto you, our said lieutenant governour, full power, commission, and authority, by one instrument or grant of incorporation, to be issued in our names, and to be sealed with the great seal of our said province, to incorporate and erect into a body politick or corporate, by such name or title as to you shall seem most apt and convenient, all and every such persons, who already have subscribed and paid, or at any time hereafter shall subscribe and pay the sum of ten pounds or more, of current money of our said province, towards the founding and establishing a Hospital for the recep tion and relief of lunaticks, and other distempered and sick poor within our said province, such corporation to have continuance to such contributors and their successours for ever; and to grant all usual, common, proper reasonable powers of a corporation unto such corporation, and their successours; and particularly for the making of such reasonable and lawful by-laws, rules and orders, as to the said corporation, or the major part of them, when duly assembled in such manner as shall be therein appointed, shall seem useful and necessary for the well ordering, regulating and governing the said Hospital; for the regulation of the future elections of managers, treasurer or treasurers, and other necessary officers and ministers thereof; for limiting their num bers, trusts, and authorities, and the times and durations of their respective continuance in their offices, and the


causes and manner of removing any of them (if occasion should require) and generally, for the well ordering all other matters and things, any way relating to or concerning the good government, estate, lands, rents, revenues, interest, monies and goods, and all other the business and affairs of the said Hospital, and of the poor therein, and of the officers and ministers thereof. And also to grant, that all such by-laws, rules and orders, so to be made as aforesaid, shall be from time to time inviolably observed by all concerned, according to the tenour and effect of them, provided they be reasonable in themselves, not repugnant to the laws of Great Britain, or of our said province, and be first approved by us, or such of us, our heirs or assigns, proprietaries of our said province, as shall for the time being be in America, and by the chief jus tice, and speaker of the assembly for the time being, under our and their hands and seals, in case we, or either of us, or the heirs or assigns of us, or of either of us, or any of them, shall for the time being happen to be in America; but in case we, or either of us, nor any of the heirs or assigns of either of us, proprietaries of our said province, shall happen from time to time to be in America, then being first approved by and under the hands and seals of the governour or lieutenant governour, the chief justice, the speaker of the assembly, and the attorney general of our said province for the time being, or by any three of them. And also to grant and appoint such persons to be present and immediate officers of such corporation (until a future election of new ones) as have already been chosen or appointed by the subscribers thereto; and to grant power to the said corporation, and

to their successours, to take and receive, and to hold and enjoy, for the use of the said corporation, any lands, tenements or hereditaments within our said province, not exceeding in the whole the yearly value of one thousand pounds at the time of such taking of the gift, grant, alienation, bequest or devise of any person or persons whatsoever; and also to take, receive, hold and enjoy, any goods or chattels, to any value whatsoever: and to grant unto the said corporation power to use a common seal for the business of the said corporation, and the same at pleasure to alter and change; but you are in such our grant of incorporation to insert one or more express provisoes and conditions, that no general meeting of the members of such corporation, or any persons acting under them, shall sell or convert into money, any real estate, given or to be given to the said corporation (unless directed so to do by the donor or donors of the same) nor shall employ or dispose of any principal money or other effects, which are or shall be given or added for the purpose of increasing of the capital stock of the said corporation, in any other manner than by applying the annual rent, revenue, income, or interest of the same, towards the entertainment and cure of the sick and distempered poor, that shall from time to time be brought and placed in or under the care of the said Hospital, and the officers and ministers thereof, for the cure of their diseases, from any part of our said province, without partiality or preference. And also that fair, full, and plain accounts in writing, of all subscriptions, benefactions, donations, and gifts of every kind to the said corporation, and of the disposal, employment and disbursements

of the same, and of the rents, revenues, incomes, interest and produce arising therefrom, and of the disposal thereof, and of all salaries paid to any officers or servants, shall constantly lie open in some publick part of the Hospital, for the free view and inspection, at all times in the day, of any subcriber or contributor; and that an account of the same, signed by three or more of the managers, be, from time to time, once in the month of October, in every year, published in the Gazette, or other news paper, printed in our said province, for the information of all persons. And that the books, accounts, affairs, economy, disposition, and management of the said Hospital, and of all the estate, rents, revenues, and interest thereof, and of all the managers, treasurers, officers, ministers and servants thereof, and every matter and thing relating to the same, or to any of them, and all abuses concerning the same (if any such should ever happen) shall at all times be subject to the inspection, free examination and reformation of such visiters, not exceeding four in number, as we, our heirs or assigns, proprietaries of the said province, or the lieutenant governour of the said province for the time being, shall from time to time appoint, so as the chief justice, and the speaker of the assembly of our said province for the time being, be always two of such visiters.

"And we do hereby give, grant and commit to you, our said lieutenant governour, further power, commission, and authority, in and by the same instrument or grant of incorporation to be so issued as aforesaid, to give and grant unto, and for the use of the said corporation, and their successours for ever, all that part of the

square or parcel of vacant land, in our said city of Philadelphia, herein after described: that is to say, all that piece or parcel of land situated, lying, and being on the north side of Sassafras street, between Sixth and Seventh streets from Delaware, containing from east to west on Sassafras street three hundred and ninety six feet, or thereabouts, little more or less, and from south to north, on Sixth and Seventh streets, three hundred feet, and bounding northward on other vacant land, part of the same square, reserved to us, to hold unto, and to the use of the said corporation and their successours, to and for the use of the said Hospital for ever, rendering to the hands of our receiver-general, and of the receivergeneral of us, our heirs, or assigns, proprietaries of the said province for the time being, in our said province, for our use, the yearly rent of five shillings of lawful money of Great Britain, on the first day of March in each and every year henceforth for ever, under a declared and express proviso and condition to be contained in such grant of incorporation, that if, at any time hereafter, there shall not be a constant succession of contributors to meet yearly and choose managers and officers, then the said tract of land thereby to be granted, shall revert and return to us, our heirs and assigns, proprietaries of our said province, as in our first and former estate. And you are to insert in such grant, all such other proper clauses and matters, not contrary to, or inconsistent with, the directions hereby given, as to you shall seem proper and reasonable; and particularly for the enrolment of the said grant in the master of the rolls office in Philadelphia.

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