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1. Translate into German :

Every one has heard the saying of Heine that the Englishman loves liberty as if she were his lawful wife, the Frenchman loves her as his mistress (Mätresse), and the German as his old grandmother. But the turn Heine gives to this saying is not so well known, and it is by this turn (Wendung) that he shows himself the born poet he is. For he continues thus: And yet no one can tell how things may turn out. For the grumpy (mürrische) Englishman, in a fit of ill-temper, is capable of one day putting a rope round his wife's neck, and taking her to Smithfield to be sold. The inconstant Frenchman may become unfaithtful, and flutter about the Palais Royal after another mistress. But the German will never quite abandon his old grandmother. He will always keep for her a nook in the corner of his chimney, where she can sit and tell her fairy tale.' It is not possible to touch more happily both the weakness and the strength of Germany-pedantic, simple, enslaved (geknechtet), free, ridiculous, admirable Germany! (Matthew Arnold.)

2. Show that the German-Bein, Brief, Gift, der See, Uhr, Abendmahl, Invalide, Braut, Thier, Stuhl, Dose, Collegium, Stube, Zaum, mean things quite different from the cognate English nouns. How would you turn into German the English-bone, brief, gift, sea, hour, evening-meal, an invalid, bride, deer, stool, dose, college, stove, a team (of horses)?

3. What is meant by the German compound nouns :-Ohrfeige, Feenspuk, Ortsbehörde, Oberst a. D., Curhaus-Verwaltung, Güterverkehr, Zeitungs-Abonnement, Reichs-Eisenbahn-Amt, Landwehr?

4. Translate the following German idioms :-Er steht unter dem Pantoffel-Er brach sich die Gelegenheit dazu vom Zaune-Sie giessen das Kind mit dem Bade aus-Sie haben sich um ein grosses Vergnügen gebracht-Man bricht den Stab zu eilig über mich-Ich mag keinen Pumpe nickel.

5. Translate: Eines Morgens berichteten die Mägde ihren Herrschaften ein wunderbares Ereigniss. Vor dem öden Hause habe ein prächtiger Wagen gestanden, mit schönen Pferden bespannt, und ein Bedienter habe den Schlag gehalten. Dann sei die Thür des öden Hauses aufgegangen, und zwei schön gekleidete Herren seien herausgetreten, wovon der eine der alte Fremde, und der andere wahrscheinlich der junge Herr gewesen, der so schwer Deutsch gelernt habe und so rasend tanze. Die beiden seien in den Wagen gestiegen, der Bediente hinten auf's Brett gesprungen, und der Wagen, man stelle sich vor! sei geradezu auf Bürgermeister's zugefahren. Als die Frauen solches von ihren Mägden hörten, rissen sie eilends die Küchenschürzen und die etwas unsauberen Hauben ab, und versetzten sich in Staat. Es ist nichts gewisser,' sagten sie, indem Alles umherrannte, um das Besuchzimmer das zugleich zu sonstigem Gebrauch diente aufzuräumen, als dass der Fremde jetzt seinen Neffen in die Welt einführt. Der alte Narr war seit zehn Jahren nicht so artig, einen Fuss in unser Haus zu setzen, aber es sei ihm wegen des Neffen verziehen, der ein charmanter Mensch sein soll.' So sprachen sie und ermahnten ihre Söhne und Töchter, recht manierlich auszusehen wenn die Fremden kämen, sich gerade zu halten, und sich einer besseren Aussprache zu bedienen als gewöhnlich. (Hauff.)

6. Subject for a German essay :-Obstgarten-Diebereien.






1. Find the focus conjugate to a given point for rays passing through a solid sphere of glass.

2. What is the fact known as Foucault's pendulum experiment; and what is the theory accounting for it by the Earth's rotation ?

3. What is meant by the Lunar Ecliptic Limits? Show how to find them.

4. A carriage moves on a railroad with a given velocity round a curve of given radius; find the inclination of the road (transversely) in order that the carriage may not be overturned towards the outside.

5. What is the least depth of fluid (density p) in which a cone (height h, density) may rest with its axis vertical, and its vertex at the bottom of the fluid ?

6. The attraction of a homogeneous spherical shell of matter on an external point is the same as it would be if all the matter were concentrated at the centre?


7. Find the time occupied by the Sun in rising on a given day.

3. Find the latitude by simultaneous observations of the altitudes of two known stars.

9. Find the minimum deviation of a definite ray passing through a prism.

10. A uniform rod, inclined at any angle to the horizon, is just im. mersed in a fluid; divide it into four parts which shall be equally pressed.

11. A uniform rod rests over a smooth peg, its lower end being supported by a rough horizontal plane; find its limiting position of equilibrium.

12. Three particles, whose masses are m1, m2, m3, are placed in a smooth circular tube; they attract each other with forces proportional to their masses and directly as their distances; find when they shall remain in equilibrium.


13. Explain Flamsteed's method of obtaining accurately the right ascension of a star. What are the peculiar advantages of the method? 14. Determine the difference of lengths of the forenoon and afternoon arising from the change in the Sun's declination on a given day, at a given place on the Earth's surface.

15. Equal weights of two liquids, whose densities are p and p', are mixed together, and in the process the nth part of the whole volume disappears; find the density of the mixture.

16. A rectangle has one side in the surface of a liquid; divide it by a horizontal line into two parts on which the pressures are equal.

17. Two thin convex lenses of given focal lengths are placed at a given distance apart, their axes coinciding; find the focal length of a lens equivalent to a combination of the two.

18. Two weights rest on a smooth vertical circle, and are connected by a string which passes over a smooth peg vertically over the highest point of the circle; find the position of equilibrium.



1. The cycloid is the only plane curve that is tautochronous ?

2. A particle is placed on the outer surface of a sphere, and is attracted towards the three vertices of an octant on the sphere by forces varying as the first power of the distance; find its positions of equilibrium.

3. Determine the position of equilibrium of a triangular prism which floats on a liquid and has its edges horizontal.

4. If be the angle of incidence of a ray on a prism whose dispersive power is a, and mean refractive index μ, and 1 the angle of emergence of the mean ray from a second prism whose constants are μ w1 the combination is achromatic if

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5. Determine the aberration of a star in right ascension and in declination.

6. A homogeneous sphere is placed on a rough inclined plane, determine the motion.


7. Two smooth heavy rings slide on two rods which meet, a string connecting the rings passes through a third heavy ring; give the condition of equilibrium.

8. Two heavy rings connected by a string of given length slide on a rough rod inclined to the horizon; if a third heavy ring slide on the string, find the greatest distance at which the original rings can rest on the rod.

9. Determine the position of the ecliptic, relatively to the horizon and the meridian, at any given time.

10. Parallel rays are incident in a given direction, on a reflecting plane curve; given the caustic by reflection, find the equation of the original


11. A body moves in the circumference of a circle: find the law of force tending to any given point.

12. A body moves in an ellipse: how does Newton determine the force tending to the centre ?


13. Assuming the law of universal gravitation, prove, by Newton's methods, Kepler's three laws of planetary motion.

14. Write down the equations of motion of a particle moving under the action of given forces in a rough tube in the form of a plane curve. If the tube be a vertical circle, and gravity the only acting force, find an equation to determine the coefficient of friction so that the particle when let fall from the extremity of a horizontal diameter may just stop at the bottom of the tube.

15. A circle is described through the vertex, the focus, and any point on a parabola; prove that the time of describing the arc of the parabola between the vertex and that point (the acting force being in the focus) varies as the perpendicular let fall from the centre of the circle on the axis of the parabola.

16. Find the time of the year when twilight is shortest at a given place on the Earth's surface.

17. A pencil of rays is reflected at a spherical surface; find the radius of the least circle of aberration, and the distance of its centre from the geometrical focus.

18. A solid cone is immersed in a liquid in such a position that one of its edges is vertical; compare the whole pressure on the curved surface with that on the base.

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1. Beginning. φεῦ τοῦ ξυναλλάσσοντας ὄρνιθος βροτοῖς, κ. τ. λ. Ending, πληγείς θεοῦ μάστιγι παγκοίνῳ δάμης

Sept. con. Thebas, 597–609.

3. Beginning, ἀλλ ̓ εὖ νιν ἀσπάσασθε, καὶ γὰρ οὖν πρέπει κ. τ. λ. Ending, διπλά δ' ἔτισαν Πριαμίδαι θαμάρτια.

4. Beginning, τίπτε μοι τόδ' ἐμπέδως, κ.τ.λ. Ending, δίναις κυκλούμενον κέαρ.

Agam., 524-538.

Ibid., 975-998.

5. Beginning, ὦ πιστὰ πιστῶν ἡλικές θ' ήβης ἐμῆς, κ.τ.λ. Ending, τί δ ̓ ἐστὶ Πέρσαις νεοχμὸν ἐμβριθὲς κακόν ;

Perse, 681-695.

6. Beginning, νῦν καταστροφαί νέων, κ. τ. λ.

Ending, μων δὲ μάταν παρηγορεί.

Eum., 490-508.

1. Müller remarks the difference of the modes in which the Epic and the Tragic poet contemplated the events which they describe ?

2. Explain the tragic idea of πρώταρχος ἄτη as shown in the plays of Eschylus? How far does this conception appear in Homer?

3. How does Clytemnestra seek to justify her conduct ?

4. How does Paley argue for the antiquity of the text found in the Medicean MS. and of the corrections and additions met in the same MS. ?

5. What circumstances observed in the writings of Eschylus often aid in ascertaining the probable text?

6. Describe the arrangements at Athens for producing a play on the stage?

7. Hermann and Paley consider that the words χρόνος παρήβησεν in the fourth passage refer to Homer. What is the allusion?

8. (a).

οὔτε μεῖον οὔτ ̓ ἴσον λελιμμένοι. τιν ̓ ἐκ τῶνδ ̓ ἐικάσαι λόγος πάρα; How does Paley read and explain these lines? (b). δύναμιν οὐ σέβουσα παράσημον ἄινῳ· Translate this passage and explain the allusion. (c). καὶ μαρτυρειτε συνδρόμως ίχνος κακῶν ῥινηλατούσῃ τῶν πάλαι πεπραγμένων. Translate and explain this passage.


βωμοῦ πατρῴου δ ̓ ἀντ ̓ ἐπίξηνον μένει, θερμῷ κοπείσης φοινίῳ προσφάγματι. Translate; and explain construction of κοπείσης.

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