Voice Therapy for Children: The Elementary School Years |
Common terms and phrases
activity adult airstream allergic angry aphonia approach appropriate Ask the child awareness phase boys cavity changes characteristics clinician communication consonants coughing cues describe effect emotional evaluation example exhalation factors feedback feelings frequently fundamental frequency goals habituated hard glottal attacks hoarseness hyperfunctional hypernasality important inappropriate increase inhalation interaction interpersonal intubation Journal of Speech laryngeal loudness level mechanism mouth sounds movement muscles nasal consonants nodules normal observed occur oral Otolaryngology patterns pauses peer pharyngeal phonation phonatory phonemes pitch level prolonged replenishing breaths respiration respiratory tract result sentences situations sometimes speaker specific Speech and Hearing speech-language pathologist stoma Superman talking teacher tell tension throat tone focus tracheostomy velopharyngeal velopharyngeal inadequacy vibrations vocal abuse vocal behavior vocal folds vocal fry vocal nodules vocal symptoms vocal tract voice disorders voice problems voice therapy program voiced continuants vowel sounds words young children