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mass, by dispersion from the regions of greatest to those of least fluid pressure. Thus the fluid pressure is relieved in those portions in which the compression and liquefaction of the ice had set in, accompanied by the lowering of temperature. On the removal of this cause of liquidity-the fluid pressure, namely, the cold which had been evolved in the compressed parts of the ice and water, freezes the water again in new positions, and thus a change of form, or plastic yielding of the mass of ice to the applied pressures, has occurred. The newly-formed ice is at first free from the stress of the applied forces, but the yielding of one part always leaves some other part exposed to the pressure, and that, in its turn, acts in like manner; and, on the whole, a continual succession goes on of pressures being applied to particular parts-liquefaction in those parts— dispersion of the water so produced, in such directions as will relieve its pressure, and recongelation, by the cold previously evolved, of the water on its being relieved from this pressure. Thus the parts recongealed after having been melted must, in their turn, through the yielding of other parts, receive pressures from the applied forces, thereby to be again liquefied, and to enter again on a similar cycle of operations. The succession of these processes must continue as long as the external forces tending to change of form remain applied to the mass of porous ice permeated by minute quantities of water.

POSTSCRIPT received 22nd April, 1857.

It will be observed that in the course of the foregoing communication, I have supposed the ice under consideration to be porous, and to contain small quantities of liquid water diffused through its substance. Porosity and permeation by liquid water are generally understood, from the results of observations, and from numerous other reasons, to be normal conditions of glacier ice. It is not, however, necessary for the purposes of my explanation of the plasticity of ice at the freezing point, that the ice should be at the outset in this condition; for, even if we commence with the consideration of a mass of ice perfectly free from porosity, and free from particles of liquid water diffused through its substance, and if we suppose it to be kept in an atmosphere at or above 0° centigrade, then, as soon as pressure is applied to it, pores occupied by liquid water must in

stantly be formed in the compressed parts in accordance with the fundamental principle of the explanation which I have propounded -the lowering, namely, of the freezing or melting point by pressure, and the fact that ice cannot exist at 0° cent. under a pressure exceeding that of the atmosphere. I would also wish to make it distinctly understood that no part of the ice, even if supposed at the outset to be solid or free from porosity, can resist being permeated by the water squeezed against it from such parts as may be directly subjected to the pressure, because the very fact of that water being forced against any portions of the ice supposed to be solid will instantly subject them to pressure, and so will cause melting to set in throughout their substance, thereby reducing them immediately to the porous condition.

Thus it is a matter of indifference as to whether we commence with the supposition of a mass of porous or of solid ice.

II. "On the part which the Silicates of the Alkalies may play in the Metamorphism of Rocks." By T. STERRY HUNT, Esq., of the Geological Survey of Canada. Communicated by THOMAS GRAHAM, Esq., F.R.S., Master of the Mint. Received March 30, 1857.

In my last communication to the Royal Society on the Metamorphic Silurian Strata of Canada, I endeavoured to show, from the results of analyses of the altered and unaltered rocks, that it is the reaction between the siliceous matters and the carbonates of lime, magnesia, and iron of the sedimentary deposits, which has given rise to the serpentines, talcs, pyroxenites, chlorites, and garnet rocks of the formation. I then cited the observation of Bischof that silica, even in the form of pulverized quartz, slowly decomposes these carbonates at a temperature of 212° F., with evolution of carbonic acid ; the same author mentions that a solution of carbonate of soda has the power of dissolving quartz under similar conditions *. Desiring to verify these observations, I have since made the following experi


* Bischof's Chem. and Phys. Geology, Eng. Edition, vol. i. p. 7.

Colourless crystalline quartz was ignited, finely pulverized, and then boiled for an hour with a solution of its weight of perfectly pure carbonate of soda; the amount of silica thus dissolved was 1.5 per cent. of the quartz, but on repeating the treatment of the same quartz with a second portion of the carbonate, only 35 per cent. was dissolved. The object of this process was to remove any soluble silica, and the quartz thus purified was employed for the following experiments, which were performed in a vessel of platinum.

I. 1000 parts of quartz and 200 of carbonate of soda were boiled with water for ten hours, and the mixture was several times evaporated to dryness, and exposed for a few minutes to a temperature of about 300° F. The amount of silica taken into solution was 12 parts.

II. A hydro-carbonate of magnesia was prepared by mingling boiling solutions of sulphate of magnesia and carbonate of potash, the latter in excess; the precipitate was washed by boiling with successive portions of water. 1000 parts of quartz were mixed with about as much of this magnesian carbonate and boiled as above for ten hours. An excess of hydrochloric acid was then added, the whole evaporated to dryness, and the magnesian salt washed out with dilute acid. The residue was then boiled for a few minutes with carbonate of soda, and gave 33 parts of soluble silica.

III. A mixture of 1000 parts of quartz, 200 of carbonate of soda with water, and an excess of carbonate of magnesia was boiled for ten hours, and the residue, treated as in the last experiment, gave 148 parts of soluble silica. The alkaline liquid contained a little magnesia but no silica in solution. That the soluble silica was really combined with magnesia was shown by boiling the insoluble mixture with sal-ammoniac, which, dissolving the carbonate, left a large amount of magnesia with the silica. This silicate was readily decomposed by hydrochloric acid, the greater part of the silica separating in a pulverulent form.

The third experiment was suggested by some observations on the reactions of silicate of soda with earthy carbonates. Kuhlmann has remarked the power of carbonate of lime to abstract the silica from a boiling solution of soluble glass*, and it is known that alumina

* Comptes Rendus de l'Acad. des Sciences, Dec. 3rd and Dec. 10th, 1855, where will be found many important observations on the alkaline silicates.


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exerts a similar action. I have found that when artificial carbonate of magnesia in excess is boiled with a solution of silicate of soda, the latter is completely decomposed with the formation of carbonate of soda, and a silicate of magnesia which gelatinizes with acids; and I have long since described this reaction in the evaporation of alkaline mineral waters*. This mutual decomposition of carbonate of magnesia and silicate of soda, conjoined with the power of carbonate of soda to dissolve silica, leads to a curious result. If we boil for some hours a mixture of ignited silica, obtained from the decomposition of a silicate by an acid (and consequently readily soluble in an alkaline carbonate), with a small portion of carbonate of soda and an excess of hydrocarbonate of magnesia, we obtain a dense powder which contains all the silica united with magnesia, and may be boiled with carbonate of soda and sal-ammoniac without decomposition. It is obvious from the above experiments that similar results may be obtained with quartz, although the process is much slower; it would doubtless be accelerated under pressure at a somewhat elevated temperature, which would enhance the solvent power of the alkaline carbonate.

Silicates of potash and soda are everywhere present in sedimentary rocks, where decomposing felspathic materials are seldom wanting, and these salts in the presence of a mixture of quartz and earthy carbonates, aided by a gentle heat, will serve to effect a union of the quartz with the earthy bases, eliminating carbonic acid. A small amount of alkali may thus, like a leaven, continue its operation indefinitely and change the character of a great mass of sedimentary rock. Such a process is not only a possible but a necessary result under the circumstances supposed, and we cannot, I think, doubt that alkaline silicates play a very important part in the metamorphism of sedimentary rocks, which are composed for the most part of earthy carbonates, with siliceous, aluminous, and felspathic materials.

The direct action between the carbonates and silica must necessarily be limited by their mutual insolubility, and by the protecting influence of the first-formed portions of earthy silicate; but with the solvent action of a small portion of alkali which is changed from

* Reports of the Geol. Survey of Canada, 1851-53-54.

+ It is well known that small portions of alkalies are seldom or never wanting in the earthy silicates, such as serpentine, talc, pyroxene, asbestus, epidote, idocrase, and even beryl and corundum. See the memoir of Kuhlmann already cited.

silicate to carbonate, and then back again to silicate, the only limit to the process would be the satisfying of the mutual affinities of the silica and the basic oxyds present.

III. "On the Comparison of Transcendents, with certain applications to the Theory of Definite Integrals." By GEORGE BOOLE, Esq., Professor of Mathematics in Queen's College, Cork. Communicated by Professor W. F. DONKIN, F.R.S. Received March 16, 1857.


The following objects are contemplated in this paper :

1st. The demonstration of a fundamental theorem for the summation of integrals whose limits are determined by the roots of an algebraic equation.

2ndly. The application of that theorem to the comparison of algebraical transcendents.

3rdly. Its application to the comparison of functional transcendents, i. e. of transcendents in the differential expression of which an arbitrary functional sign is involved.

4thly. Certain extensions of the theory of definite integrals both single and multiple, founded upon the results of the application last mentioned.

In the expression of the fundamental theorem for the summation of integrals, the author introduces a symbol, O, similar in its definition to the symbol employed by Cauchy in the Calculus of Residues, but involving an additional element. The interpretation of this symbol is not arbitrary, but is suggested by the results of the investigation by which the theorem of summation is obtained. All the general theorems demonstrated in the memoir either involve this symbol in their expression, or are immediate consequences of theorems into the expression of which it enters.

The author directly applies his theorem of summation both to the solution of particular problems in the comparison of the algebraical transcendants, and to the deduction of general theorems. Of the

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