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qui m'a invité demeure loin. 5. Voici la dame à qui j'ai donné des fleurs. 6. Vous avez jeté le lilas que je vous avais donné. 7. Voilà de quoi je lui parlais. 8. La cantatrice dont la voix est si belle est ici.

Exercise 55.

1. The child of whom I speak is not your son. 2. The lady whose humanity is so great. 3. The man for whom he works is ill. 4. The arm-chair on which you are (sitting) is not mine. 5. This is what we were talking about. 6. The friends whom I have invited live very far off. 7. They did not throw away the flower which you gave them. 8. That is the poor (man) to whom I gave

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The relative pronouns qui, que, quoi, dons are invariable, but lequel is variable.

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The relative pronouns are never understood in French as they are often in English: the child I love, l'enfant que j'aime.

INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS.-All the relative pronouns can be used in interrogative sentences, except dont: qui parle? who speaks? de qui parlez-vous? of whom do you speak?

There is an interrogative adjective quel, m. sing., quelle, f. sing., quels, m. plur., quelles, f. plur.: quel âge avez-vous? how old are you? quelle heure est-il? what o'clock is it?

L'aumône (f.), alms

la bague, ring

voisin, neighbour

voulez-vous? will you (have)?

le malheur, misfortune

jou-er, to play

il est arrivé, (it) has happened pari-er, to bet

pendant, during

Model Exercise.

1. Qui a parlé pendant la leçon? Moi, monsieur. 2. A qui avez-vous parlé, et de quoi avez-vous

parlé? A mon voisin, du devoir. 8. Que demande cet homme ? L'aumône. 4. Laquelle de ces deux bagues voulez-vous, celle-ci ou celle-là ? 5. Quel malheur est-il arrivé ? Un grand malheur. 6. Quelle heure était-il hier à cette heureci? La même heure qu'aujourd'hui. 7. Pour qui pariez-vous? Je ne parie jamais. 8. Le pauvre auquel j'ai donné de l'argent est encore là.

Exercise 56.

1. To whom have you spoken? To my neighbour. 2. What are you playing at? We are not playing, we are studying. 8. Which of these two hats will you have, this one or that one? This one. 4. What misfortunes has he had? (De) Great misfortunes. 5. What o'clock is it? Five o'clock (heures). 6. For whom will they bet? They have never betted. 7. The poor to whom you gave some bread has thrown it away. 8. What have you there? An applo.

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THE SECOND CONJUGATION “PUNIR," to punish. (Simple Tenses.)

(For the formation of tenses, see Lessons XXVIII. and XXX.)

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(For conjugating pun-ir interrogatively, etc., see Lesson XXVII., and donn-er, on pages 42 and 47.)

Exercise 57.

Write out the simple tenses of obé-ir, to obey.



(Simple Tenses.)

Pun-ir has an increase (iss) in the participle present; this increase will reappear naturally in the tenses, or parts of tenses, formed from the participle present, i.e. the plural of the present indicative, the imperfect indicative, the imperative (through the present indicative and subjunctive), and the present subjunctive.

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