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ALL worldly shapes shall melt in gloom, The Sun himself must die,

Before this mortal shall assume

Its Immortality!

I saw a vision in my sleep,

That gave my spirit strength to sweep
Adown the gulf of Time!

I saw the last of human mould,
That shall Creation's death behold,
As Adam saw her prime!

The Sun's eye had a sickly glare,
The Earth with age was wan,
The skeletons of nations were
Around that lonely man!
Some had expired in fight,-the brands
Still rusted in their bony hands;

In plague and famine some!
Earth's cities had no sound nor tread,
And ships were drifting with the dead
To shores where all was dumb!

Yet, prophet like, that lone one stood,
With dauntless words and high,
That shook the sere leaves from the wood
As if a storm passed by,

Saying, We are twins in death, proud Sun,
Thy face is cold, thy race is run,
"Tis Mercy bids thee go.

For these ten thousand thousand years
Hast seen the tide of human tears,

That shall no longer flow.

What though beneath thee man put forth
His pomp, his pride, his skill;

And arts that made fire, floods, and earth,
The vassals of his will;
Yet mourn not I thy parted sway,
Thou dim discrowned king of day;

For all those trophied arts

And triumphs that beneath thee sprang,
Healed not a passion or a pang
Entailed on human hearts.

Go, let oblivion's curtain fall
Upon the stage of men,
Nor with thy rising beams recall
Life's tragedy again.

Its piteous pageants bring not back,
Nor waken flesh upon the rack

Of pain anew to writhe;
Stretched in disease's shapes abhorred,
Or mown in battle by the sword,
Like grass beneath the scythe.

Ev'n I am weary in yon skies
To watch thy fading fire;
Test of all sumless agonies,
Behold not me expire.

My lips that speak thy dirge of death-
Their rounded gasp and girgling breath

To see thou shalt not boast.

The eclipse of Nature spreads my pall,The majesty of Darkness shall

Receive my parting ghost!
This spirit shall return to Him

That gave its heavenly spark;
Yet think not, Sun, it shall be dim
When thou thyself art dark!
No! it shall live again, and shine
In bliss unknown to beams of thine,
By him recalled to breath.
Who captive led captivity,
Who robbed the grave of Victory,-

And took the sting from death!

Go, Sun, while Mercy holds me up
On Nature's awful waste

To drink this last and bitter cup

Of grief that man shall taste-
Go, tell that night that hides thy face,
Thou saw'st the last of Adam's race,
On Earth's sepulchral clod,
The dark'ning universe defy
To quench his Immortality,

Or shake his trust in God!





DECEMBER, 18 4 3


From the Edinburgh Review.

I. Biographia Britannica Literaria; or, the Biography of Literary Characters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in Chronological Order. Anglo-Saxon Period. By Thomas Wright, M. A. Published under the Superintendence of the Royal Society of

Literature.. 8vo. London: 1842.

II. Transactions of the Royal Society of
Literature. Second Series. Vol. I. 8vo.
London 1843.

sketch of this royal foundation, which, though singular, as having emanated spontaneously from the Sovereign, yet presents in its formation, all the features of analagous associations, whether springing from private individuals or learned bodies pursuing similar objects. The original steps taken, the difficulties encountered, the gradual progress, and finally, the maturity of plans resulting in operations and effects which endure for many generations, and have an influence on them all, present details of curious interest, well deserving of literary record.

The "Royal Society of Literature" So wide is the realm, and so densely peo-originated in an accidental conversation pled with a noisy multitude is the Republic between the late learned and worthy Bishop of Letters, that we dare say there are many of St. David's (Dr. Burgess, afterwards of our readers who know very little about Bishop of Salisbury,) and an eminent perthe Society whose publications invite this son of the royal household, in October, notice. Yet it has been a number of years in 1820, respecting the various institutions existence, and was right royally founded which adorn the British name and nation. and munificently endowed by George the It was agreed that there seemed to be one Fourth. Among the literary institutions wanting for the encouragement and promoof the present century it holds a prominent tion of General Literature; and that if a place; and among its members and sup- society, somewhat resembling the French porters are many individuals of the highest Academy of Belles Lettres, could be estabrank in society, and the highest fame in lished, it might be productive of great adliterature and science. Thus, standing vantage to the cause of knowledge. This apart from the numerous private associa- suggestion was communicated to Sir Bentions formed for the cultivation and promo- jamin Bloomfield, and by him mentioned tion of particular classes of learning, a brief to the King; and his Majesty having exaccount of its origin and progress may not pressed his approbation, a general outline be unacceptable. Having all the necessary of the institution was, by command, subinformation at our command, we shall mitted to the royal perusal. From seed therefore commence with a historical thus fortuitously scattered, sometimes arise VOL. III. No. IV. 28

trees that furnish fruit and shelter to man- | productions were referred to a sub-comkind.

mittee of seven, and at a meeting in the British Museum, the prize was adjudged to the motto, “Come, bright Improvement;" and the poem, of which two hundred copies were afterwards printed at the expense of the society, was found to be written by Mrs. Felicia Hemans. The other premiums were renewed, the third being increas

In November, the Bishop of St. David's was summoned to Carlton House, for the purpose of devising the best mode of giving effect to the undertaking; and was entrusted with a full commission to arrange the plan of the society. He accordingly invited a few of his personal friends to assist him; and for some time they held freed to fifty guineas, and another, of the like quent (almost weekly) conferences on the subject. Their first meeting took place on the 30th of that month; and the parties present were, besides the Bishop, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, (Mr. Vansittart, now Lord Bexley,) the Right Hon. J. C. Villiers, (the last Lord Clarendon,) and Prince Hoare, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Academy, a gentleman distinguished for his love of learning. Letters were read expressing his Majesty's "eagerness to promote the object" in hand, and appointing an audience for its further considera. tion. A statement was printed by Mr. John Mortlock, an early friend and member of this initiative committee, and five hundred copies distributed. The title was "Royal Society of Literature for the Encouragement of Indigent Merit, and the Promotion of General Literature;" but the views and means it recommended were soon greatly modified and altered, to adapt them to the ultimate constitution approved of and munificently endowed by the King. A single part of the plan was, however, immediately acted upon, to give signs of public life in the society-namely, the offer of prizes for the following subjects:

sum, was proposed for the best poem on "The Fall of Constantinople in the XVth century." By March 1822, six Essays were received for the Homeric premium, and ten Poems on the Fall of Constantinople; but only one on the Greek language! Meanwhile, the Society continued to gather strength, enrolling among its first members the King, who again by letter spoke of "his anxiety for the success of the infant undertaking," the royal Dukes of York and Cambridge, (each subscribing 100 guineas,) the Bishops of Durham, Carlisle, Chester, and Gloucester, Sir M. Tierney, Archdeacon Nares, Dr. Gray, (afterwards Bishop of Bristol,) Sir Alexander Johnston, and others ;-several of whom immediately began to take a more or less active part in the proceedings of the committee. Among these, the earliest to be found on the list of attendances, were the Rev. Archdeacon Prosser, the Rev. H. H. Baber, the Rev. Lewis Way, Mr. William Jerdan, the Bishop of Bangor, and Mr. R. Westley Hall Dare. Towards the close of the London spring season of 1821, it was deemed expedient to appoint a provisional council, authorized to act till the Society should consist of two hundred members; and, on the 17th of May, the following were appointed, with three to constitute a quorum. The Bishop of St. David's, president, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Vansittart, the Bishops of Bangor, Lincoln, Chester, SalisII. For the Society's Premium, Fifty bury, Gloucester, Mr. J. C. Villiers, Sir A. Guineas-" Dartmoor; a Poem." Johnston, Sir M. Tierney, Archdeacon ProsIII. For the Society's Premium, Twenty-ser, Dr. Gray, Archdeacon Nares, Messrs. five Guineas-" On the History of the H. H. Baber, George Croly, Taylor Combe, Greek Language, and the Present Language of Greece, especially in the Ionian Isles; and on the difference between the Ancient and Modern Greek."

I. For the King's Premium, One Hundred Guineas-"On the Age, Writings, and Genius of Homer; and on the state of Religion, Society, Learning, and the Arts during that Period: collected from the writings of Homer."

Westley Hall Dare, W. Jerdan, and Prince Hoare. The sittings continued till the 26th of July, there being generally from three to seven or eight members present. To afford an ideaof the trouble of working out such a design, we may intimate the number of what may be reckoned little less than preliminary conferences and meetings. The earliest conferences previous to the 30th * At the first subsequent meeting of the commit-committee meetings between that date and November, 1820, were followed by fifteen

Anticipating somewhat the future result, we may here state, that five candidates appeared within the specified time for the second premium. Two others (as is not unusual with poets) were too late. Their

tee, these objectionable words were ordered to be cancelled; and the title then stood simply, "For the Encouragement of General Literature.'

the 17th of May ensuing, when the provisional council was appointed; and during

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