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Gardien, ne, s. m. & f. keeper, guar-

Garnir, v. a. to furnish, to trim.
Garnison, s. f. garrison.

Garnisoner, v. a. to garrison, fortify.
Gâté, e, adj. spoiled.
Gâteau, s. m. cake.

Gåter, v. a. to spoil.

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Gilet, m. waistcoat, vest.
Girafe, s. f. giraff.

Gisant, e, adj. (from Gésir), lying

Glacer, v. a. to freeze, congeal.
Glaces, s. f. pl. ice-creams.
Gladiateur, s. m. gladiator.
Glisser, v. a. & n. to slip or slide.

Gauche, adj. left; awkward; à Gloire, s. f. glory, fame, honor.

gauche, on the left.

Gaule, s. f. Gaul.

Gaulois, s. m. pl. Gauls.
Gazon, s. m. green turf.
Géant, s. m. giant.

Gémir, v. n. to lament, to sigh.
Gémissement, s. m. groan, mourn-

Gendarme, gens-d'armes, s. m. horse-
man in armor, soldiers.
se Gendarmer, v. r. to bluster.
Gendre, s. m. son-in-law.
Géner, v. a. to annoy, constrain,

Général, pl. généraux, s. m. gene-
ral, chief.
Géneral, e, adj. general, universal.
Généreusement, adv. generously.
Généreux, se, adj. generous.
Générosité, s. f. generosity.
Genêt, s. m. the broom-plant.
Genève, s. Geneva.

Génevois, e, adj. Genevan.

Glorieux, se, adj. & s. glorious
proud; boaster.

se Glorifier, v. r. to glory, to boast.
Gloser, v. a. to comment or gloss,"
to find fault, censure, criticise.
Glouton, ne, adj. gluttonous.
Gluau, x, s. m. a twig covered with
a glutinous substance, to catch

Gobelet, s. m. goblet, cup.
Goguenard, e, adj. & s. bantering

Goguenarderie, s. f. low jest.
Golfe, s. m. gulf.
Gonfler, v. n. to swell.

Gorge, s. f. throat; bill; narrow
passage between mountains.
Gorgone, s. f. Gorgon.
Gourde, s. f. gourd.

Gourmade, s. f. cuff, fisty-cuff.
Gourmand, e, adj. & s. gormandi-
zer; gourmand; epicure.
Gourmer, v. a. to cuff, to box.

Génie, s. m. genius, familiar spirit, Goût, s. m. taste, relish.


Génisse, s. f. heifer.

Genou, x, s. m. knee, se mettre à
genoux, to kneel down.
Genre, s. m. kind; style of writing.
Gens, s. m. & f. pl. people; servants,
attendants; les petites gens, the
common people.

Gentil, le, adj. pretty, ncat, genteel.
Gentilhomme, s. m. gentleman.
Gentilhommière, s. f. small country-
house of a gentleman.
Germain, e, adj. german; cousin-
germain, first cousin.
Germe, s. m. germ.
Geste, s. m. gesture, action.
Gibecière, s. f. game-bag.
Gibier, s. m. game.

Gigantesque, adj. gigantic; of a
great height.
Gigot, s. m. leg of mutton.

Goûter, v. a. to taste, relish, en-

Goutte, s. f. drop; gout; goutte à
goutte, drop by drop.
Gouvernante, s. f. housekeeper, go-


Gouvernement, s. m. command,

Gouverner, v. a. to govern, rule.
Gouverneur, s. m. governor.
Grâce, s. f. grace, favor, thanks,
pardon; divine favor; de grâce!
Gracieux, se, adj. agreeable, grace-
Graduellement, adv. gradually.
Grain, s. m. seed.

Gramen, s. m. a name given to se-
veral species of grass.
Grammairien, s. m. grammarian.
Gran 1, s. m. grandee, nobleman.

Grand, e, adj. grand, great, large, | Guenille, s. f. rag, tatter.

grown, tall.

à la Grande, adv. on a great scale, after the fashion of great lords. Grandeur, s. f. size, greatness; excellency, dignity. Grandiose, adj. & s. f. striking, imposing.

Grandir, v. n. to grow, grow large.
Grand'maman, s. f. grandmother.
Grand-père, s. m. grandfather.
Grand-visir, s. m. grand vizier.
Grange, s. f. barn.

Grappe, s. f. bunch, cluster; grappe
de raisin, cluster of grapes.
Gras, se, adj. fat, rich.
Gratter, v. a. to scratch.
Grave, adj. grave, serious.
Gravement, adv. gravely.
Graver, v. a. to engrave.
Gravité, s. f. gravity.

Gré, s. m. will, consent, fancy; sa-
voir bon gré, to take it kindly.
Grec, Grecque, adj. & s. Greek.
Grèce, s. f. Greece.
Grégoire, s. m. Gregory.
Grêle, s. f. hail.
Grenade, s. Granada.
Grenier, s. m. granary, barn.
Grenouille, s. f. frog.

Grève, s. f. sandy beach or shore.
Griffe, s. f. claw.
Griffon, s. m. griffin.
Grillade, s. f. broiled meat.
Griller, v. a. & n. to broil, to roast.
Grimace, s. f. wry face, grimace.
Grimper, v. n. to climb.
Gris, e, adj. gray.
Gronder, v. a. to scold.
Grondeur, s. m. scolder, grumbler.
Gros, s. m. dram, eighth of an ounce.
Gros, grosse, adj. big, coarse; large,
stout; en gros, wholesale, in ge-
neral, on the whole.
Groseille, s. f. gooseberry.
Grosseur, s. m. large size.
Grossier, e, adj. coarse, uncouth;

Grossièrement, adv. rudely, coarsely.
Grossièreté, s. f. grossness, coarse-


Grossir, v. a. to increase.
Grotesque, adj. comical.
Gué, s. m. ford, fording-place.

Guère, adv. but little; hardly; on ly; not much; seldom. Guéri, e, part. cured, healed. Guérir, v. a. to cure, to heal; v. n. to amend, to be cured. Guérison, s. f. cure, recovery. Guerre, s. f. war.

Guerrier, ère, adj. & s. warlike,


Guerroyer, v. a. to make war. Guet, s. m. watch; au guet, on the watch.

Guêtres, s. f. pl. spatterdashes, gait


Gueux, se, adj. beggarly, poor.
Guide, s. m. guide, director.
Guider, v. a. to guide, conduct.
Guigner, v. a. & n. to leer, to peep,
to have an eye or design upon a
person or thing.
Guillaume, s. m. William.
Guitare, s. f. guitar.


Habile, adj. clever, skilled, able. Habileté, s. f. skill, address, ability. Habillé, e, part. dressed. Habillement, s. m. suit of clothes, clothing.

Habiller, v. a. to dress.

Habit, s. m. coat, dress, clothes.
Habitant, s. m. inhabitant.
Habité, e, adj. inhabited.
Habiter, v. a. to inhabit, live in.
Habitude, s. f. habit.
Habitué, e, part. accustomed, used.
Habituellement, adv. habitually.
Habituer, v. a. to accustom, use.
Hache, s. f. axe.

Hai, interj. (expressing joy), hey!
Haie, s. f. hedge.

Haine, s. f. hatred.
Hair, v. a. to hate.
Haleine, s. f. breath; en haleine, at
work, in exercise.
Haleter, v. n. to pant.
Halicarnasse, nom prop. Halizar.


Hallebarde, s. f. halberd, spear Halte, s. f. halt.

Hameau, s. m. hamlet. |Hameçon, s. m. fish-hook

Hannon, s. m. Hanno.

Héritier, s. m. heir.

Hanter, v. a. & n. to haunt, keep Hérodote, s. m. Herodotus.

company with.

Haranguer, v. a. & n. to harangue, preach.

Harassé, e, part. harassed, fatigued. Hardes, s. f. pl. clothes.

Hardi, e, adj. bold, confident. Hardiesse, s. f. boldness, daring, confidence.

Hardiment, adv. boldly.
Hareng, s. m. herring.
Haricot, s. m. kidney-bean.
Harmonie, s. f. harmony.
Harmonieux, se, adj. melodious,

Harnais, s. m. harness, armor.
Haro (crier), to raise a hue and cry.
Hasard, s. m. chance.
Hasarder, v. a. to venture.
Hasardeux, se, adj. bold, dangerous.
Hâte, s. f. haste.

Håter, v. a. to hasten; se hâter, to make haste.

Haubert, s. m. hauberk, coat of mail. Hausser, v. a. to raise.

Haut, s. m. height, top; de haut en bas, from top to bottom; en haut, above.


Haut, e, adj. high, tall; loud. Hautement, adv. openly, plainly, boldly.

Hautesse, s. f. Highness.
Hauteur, s. f. pride; height, head.
Hé interj. eh! ho! hé bien! well!
Héberger, v. a. to harbor, to lodge.
Hébreu, x, adj. & s. Hebrew.
Heim! hem! interj. Hem!
Hélas! interj. alas!
Helvétie, s. f. Helvetia, Switzer-

Helvétique, adj. Helvetic, Swiss.
Hémistiche, s. m. hemistich, half-


Henri, s. m. Henry.
Herbe, s. f. herb, grass.

Herboriser, v. n. to go about gathering herbs.

Hercule, s. m. Hercules.

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Héroïque, adj. heroical. Héroïquement, adv. heroically. Héroïsme, s. m. heroism. Héros, s. m. hero. Hésiter, v. n. to hesitate. Heu! interj. good lack! Heure, s. f. hour, o'clock; tout à l'heure, not long ago, immediately; à la bonne heure, well and good; de bonne heure, betimes, early.

Heureusement, adv. safely, happily.

Heureux, se, adj. happy, fortunate.
Heurt, s. m. knock.

Heurter, v. a. & n. to knock, hit,
run against.
Hibou, s. m. owl.
Hideux, se, adj. hideous.
Hier, adv. yesterday.
Hippocrate, s. m. Hippocrates.
Hirondelle, s. f. swallow.
Histoire, s. f. history, story.
Historien, s. m. historian.
Historiette, s. f. pretty story.
Historique, adj. historical.
Hiver, s. m. winter.
Ho! interj. halloo! ho!
Holà! interj. ho there!
Homélie, s. f. homily, sermon.
Homère, s. m. Homer.
Hommasse, adj. (said of women)
masculine, manly.

Homme, s. m. man; homme de

bien, an honest man.

Honnête, adj. honest; genteel, de


Honnêteté, s. f. civility.
Honneur, s. m. honor.
Honorable, adj. honorable.
Honorer, v. a. to honor.

Honte, s. f. shame; avoir honte, to be ashamed.

Honteux, se, adj. timid, ashamed, shameful; pauvres honteux, the modest poor.

Hôpital, s. m. hospital.

Horde, s. f. horde.

Hérétique, adj. & s. heretical, he- Horloge, s. f. clock, time-piece.

Hérésie, s. f. heresy.

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Hors, prep. out; off; but, saving or | Imaginer, v. a. to imagine.

save, excepting; away; hors d'é-
tat, incapable.

Hospice, s. m. house, hospital.
Hospitalier, e, adj. hospitable.
Hospitalité, s. f. hospitality.
Hôte, s. m. landlord, host.

Hôtel, s. m. a nobleman's house, a

Hôtellerie, s. f. inn, hostelry.
Hôtesse, s. f. hostess.

Hotte, s. f. scuttle, dorser.
Houx, s. m. holly.

Huche, s. f. meal-tub, bin.
Huée, s. f. halloo.
Huile, s. f. oil.
Huit, num. adj. eight.
Huitième, num. adj. eighth.
Humain, e, adj. human.
Humanité, s. f. humanity, civility;
les humanités, the classics.
Humblement, adv. humbly.
Humecter, v. a. to moisten.
Humeur, s. f. humor, temper, fancy.
Humide, adj. wet.

Humiliant, e, part. humiliating.
Humilier, v. a. to humble.
Hune, s. f. top; petit mât de hune,

Hurler, v. n. to howl, yell.
Hussard, s. m. hussar, cavalier.
Hutte, s. f. hut, cabin.

Hydre, s. f. hydra, water-serpent.
Hydropique, adj. dropsical.
Hymen, s. m. marriage, wedlock.
Hypocondriaque, adj. hypochondri-


Hypocrite, adj. hypocritical.


Ici, adv. here; d'ici, d'ici là, hence,
henceforward; par ici, this way.
Idée, s. f. idea.
Ignoré, e, adj. ignorant.
Ignorer, v. a. to be ignorant.
Il, pron. he, it; pl. ils, they.
Ile, s. f. island, isle.

Iliade, s. f. the Iliad of Homer.
Illustre, adj. illustrious.

Illustrer, v. a. to adorn, make illus-

Image, s. f. image.
Imaginaire, adj. imaginary.

Iman, s. m. iman, Turkish priest.
Imbécile, adj. & s. silly, simpleton
Imitateur, s. m. imitator.
Imiter, v. a. to imitate.
Immédiatement, adv. immediately.
Immémorial, e, adj. out of mind,

Immense, adj. immense, vast.
Immobile, adj. immovable.
Immodestie, s. f. immodesty.
Immoler, v. a. to immolate, sacrifice.
Immortaliser, v. a. to immortalize.
Immortel, le, adj. immortal.
Imparfait, e, adj. imperfect.
Impassible, adj. impassible, incapa-
ble of suffering.

Impatience, s. f. impatience.
Impatient, e, adj. impatient, anxious.
s'Impatienter, v. r. to be impatient,
to fret.

Impératif, s. m. imperative mood, in

Impériale, s. f. roof of a carriage.
Impérieux, se, adj. haughty.
Impertinent, e, adj. impertinent

Impétueux, se, adj. impetuous.
Impétuosité, s. f. fury, violence.
Impie, adj. impious, wicked.
Impitoyable, adj. pitiless.
Implorer, v. a. to implore, beg.
Importance, s. f. consequence, im-

Important, e, adj. useful, important
Importer, v. n. to signify, matter
n'importe, no matter.
Importun, e, adj. troublesome, im-

Importuner, v. a. to importune, trou-
ble, incommode.
Importunité, s. f. trouble, importu.

Imposant, e, adj. imposing.
Imposer, v. a. to impose, put upon.
Impossible, adj. impossible.
Impôt, s. m. impost, tax.

Imprimer, v. a. to print, imprint.
Impropre, adj. improper.

Improviser, v. n. to make extempo.

rary verses.

Imposteur, s. m. impostor.

Imprévu, e, part. unforeseen.
Imprudemment, adv. imprudently.


à l'Improviste, adv. suddenly, una- | Inexpérimenté, e, adj. inexperienced
Inexprimable, adj. inexpressible.
Infailliblement, adv. infallibly.
Infame, s. m. & f. infamous man oi

Impudemment, adv. pertly, impu-


Impuissance, s. f. incapacity, ina-

Impunénient, adv. with impunity.
Impuni, e, adj. unpunished.
Imputer, v. a. to impute.
Inaltérable, adj. unalterable.
Inappréciable, adj. invaluable.
Inattendu, e, adj. unlooked-for.
Incapable, adj. incapable, unfit.
Incendie, s. m. conflagration, great

Incertain, e, adj. uncertain.
Incivil, e, adj. impolite, uncivil.
Incivilité, s. f. rudeness, incivility.
Incommode, adj. troublesome.
Incommoder, v. a. to disturb, annoy.
Incommodité, s. f. inconvenience.
Incompatibilité, s. f. incompatibility.
Incongruité, s. f. impropriety.
Inconnu, e, adj. & s. unknown.
Inconstance, s. f. fickleness, incon-

Inconvenient, s. m. inconvenience.
Incrédule, adj. incredulous.
Incroyable, adj. incredible.
Inculte, adj. uncultivated, wild.
Inde, s. f. India; les Indes, the In-
Indépendamment, adv. independent-

Indépendance, s. f. independence.
Indépendant, e, adj. independent.
Index, s. m. fore-finger.
Indice, s. m. sign, proof.
Indien, ne, adj. & s. Indian.
Indifféremment, adv. indifferently.
Indigène, adj. native, indigenous.
Indigne, adj. unworthy.
Indiquer, v. a. to indicate, point out.
Indiscret, ète, adj. indiscreet.
Individu, s. m. individual.
Indocile, adj. intractable,

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Infecté, e, part. infected.
Inférieur, e, adj. lower, inferior.
Infesté, e, part. infested.
Infidèle, adj. & s. faithless, false,

Infini, e, adj. infinite; à l'infini,
without end.

Infiniment, adv. infinitely.
Infinité, s. f. multitude.
Infirme, adj. infirm.
Infirmerie, s. f. infirmary.
Infirmité, s. f. infirmity, failing.
Inflammatoire, adj. inflammatory.
Influent, e, adj. influential.
s'Informer, v. r. to inquire.
Infortune, s. f. misfortune.
Infortuné, e, adj. & s. unfortunate.
Ingénieux, se, adj. ingenious.
Ingénu, e, adj. ingenuous, frank.
Ingénuité, s. f. ingenuousness.
Ingénument, adv. ingenuously.
s'Ingérer, v. r. to meddle.
Ingrat, e, adj. & s. ungrateful; in-

Inhabile, adj. incapable, unapt.
Inhabitable, adj. uninhabitable.
Inhumain, e, adj. inhuman.

Injonction, s. f. command, injunction
Injures, s. f. pl. reproaches.
Injurier, v. a. to abuse.
Injurieux, adj. offensive, abusive.
Injuste, adj. unjust.

Injustice, s. f. injury, injustice.
Innombrable, adj. innumerable.
head- Inondation, s. f. inundation, deluge
Inonder, v. a. to inundate, overflow
Inouï, e, adj. unheard-of.

Industrie, s. f. industry.
Inébranlable, adj. immovable.
Inégal, e, adj. unequal.
Inépuisable, adj. inexhaustible.
Inespéré, e, adj. unhoped, unlooked-

Inexact, e, adj. inexact.

Inquiet, e, adj. uneasy, alarmed.
Inquiéter, v. a. to disturb, disquiet
s'Inquiéter, v. r. to be uneasy.
Inquiétude, s. f. uneasiness, disquiet.
Inquisiteur, s. m. inquisitor.
Inscrire, v. a. to inscribe.

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