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JULY, 1856 . . . . OCTOBER, 1856.
ART. I.-1. An Enquiry into the Credibility of the Early Roman
History. By the Right Hon. Sir George Cornewall
Lewis, Bart. Two Vols. London: 1855, .
II.-Tagebuch des Generals Patrick Gordon, während
seiner Kriegsdienste unter den Schweden und Polen
vom Jahre 1655 bis 1661, und seines Aufenthalt in
Russland vom Jahre 1661 bis 1699. Zum ersten
Male vollständig veröffentlicht durch Furst M. A.
Obolenski und Dr. Phil. M. C. Posselt. Moskau,
1849-1851. 2 band.
(The Diary of General Patrick Gordon, during his
Military Service with the Swedes and Poles from
the Year 1655 to 1661, and his Residence in Russia
from the Year 1661 to 1699. Published completely
for the first time by Prince M. A. Obolenski and
M. C. Posselt, Ph. D. Moscow, 1849-1851. 2 vols.) 24
1. London in the olden Time. By William Newton.
London: 1855.
2. Post Office London Directory. London: 1856.
3. Reports and Tables relating to the Census of 1851.
Presented by the Census Commissioners in 1851,
1852, 1853, 1854.
4. The Food of London; a Sketch of the chief varieties
and supply of Food for a community of two millions
and a half. By George Dodd. London: 1856,
. 51
IV. Recollections of the Table Talk of Samuel Rogers;
to which is added Porsoniana. London: 1856,
V.-1. A Cry from the Desert. London: 1707.
2. Nouveaux Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire des
Trois Camisards, où l'on voit les Déclarations du
Colonel Cavallier. London: 1708.
3. Memoirs of the Wars of the Cevennes. By J.
Cavallier. London: 1726.
4. Histoire des Troubles des Cevennes, ou de la Guerre
des Camisars sous Louis le Grand. Par A. Court.
Villefranche: 1760.
5. Histoire des Pasteurs du Desert. Par Napoleon
Peyrat. Paris: 1842.
6. The Pastors of the Wilderness. London: 1851,
VI. — Numismata Hellenica. A Catalogue of Greek Coins
collected by William Martin Leake, F.R.S., one of
the Vice-Presidents of the Royal Society of Lite-
rature. With Notes, a Map, and Index. London:
1854, . 161
VII. 1. Vermischte Schriften von Heinrich Heine. 3 Bände.
Hamburg: 1854.
2. Poems by Heinrich Heine.
Translated by the
Honourable Julian Fane. Not published. Vienna:
3. Heinrich Heine's Book of Songs. A Translation
by John E. Wallis. London: 1856,
VIII.-1. A letter to Lord Lyndhurst on the House of Peers
in its Judicial Character, as it was and as it is, with
proofs and illustrations, and some remarks on Life
Peerages. By John Fraser Macqueen, Esq.
don: 1856,
IX.-1. Sermons, Doctrinal and Practical. By the Rev.
W. A. Butler, M.A. First Series and Second Series.
Edited, with a Memoir of the Author's Life, by the
Rev. T. Woodward, M.A. 8vo. Cambridge: 1855.
2. Letters on Romanism in reply to Mr. Newman's
Essay on Development.' By the Rev. W. A. Butler,
M.A. 8vo. Edited by the Rev. T. Woodward, M.A.
3. Lectures on the History of Ancient Philosophy.
By the Rev. W. A. Butler, Professor of Moral Phi-
losophy in the University of Dublin. Edited by
W. H. Thompson, Regius Professor of Greek in the
University of Cambridge. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge:
X.-Memoirs by the Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel,
Bart., M.P. Published by the Trustees of his Papers,
Lord Mahon (now Earl Stanhope) and the Right
Honourable Edward Cardwell, M.P. Part I. The
Roman Catholic Question, 1828-29. London: 1856, 251
XI. 1. Papers relative to Recruiting in the United States.
2. Correspondence with the United States respecting
Central America. 1856.
3. Secretary Marcy's letter of May 27. 1856 to Lord
Clarendon. New York: 1856,
ART. I.-1. Œuvres de François Arago, Secrétaire Perpétuel
de l'Academie des Sciences, &c. Paris: 1855.
2. The Autobiography of Francis Arago. Translated
by Rev. Professor Powell, F. R. S. (Traveller's Li-
brary.) London: 1855.
3. Meteorological Essays. By F. Arago. With an
Introduction by Baron Humboldt. Translated by
Colonel Sabine, V.P.R.S. &c. 8vo. London: 1855.
4. Popular Astronomy. By the same. 2 vols. 8vo.
Translated by Admiral Smyth, F.R.S. &c., and
R. Grant, Esq., F.R.A.S.,
[And other Works.]
II.—1. Festus: a Poem. By Philip James Bailey. Fifth
Edition. 1854.
2. The Angel World, and other Poems. By Philip
James Bailey. 1850.
3. The Mystic. By Philip James Bailey. 1855.
4. The Roman: a Dramatic Poem. By Sydney Yen-
dys. 1850.
5. Balder. Part the First. By the Author of The
'Roman.' Second Edition. 1854.
6. England in Time of War. By Sydney Dobell,
Author of 'Balder,' &c. 1856,
III.-1. Sinai and Palestine in connexion with their His-
tory. By Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, M.A. With
Maps and Plans. 8vo. London: 1856.
2. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah
and Meccah. By Richard F. Burton, Lieutenant,
Bombay Army. 3 vols. 8vo. London: 1855–6,
IV.-Geschichte der Deutschen Höfe. Von Dr. Eduard
Vehse. (History of the German Courts. By Dr.
Edward Vehse.) Hamburg: 1854-56,
V. 1. The Tour of Mont Blanc and of Monte Rosa:
being a Personal Narrative, abridged from the
Author's Travels in the Alps of Savoy,' &c. By