Modern Language Texts EDITED BY L. E. KASTNER Professor of French Language and Literature, University of Manchester W. P. KER Professor of English Literature, University of London AND J. G. ROBERTSON Professor of German Language and Literature, University of London FRENCH SERIES: MODERN SECTION DU CONTRAT SOCIAL OU PRINCIPES DU DROIT POLITIQUE JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU EDITED BY C. E. VAUGHAN MANCHESTER AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 12 LIME GROVE, OXFORD ROAD LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. LONDON, NEW YORK, BOMBAY, ETC. Published by the University of Manchester at THE UNIVERSITY PRESS (H. M. McKECHNIE, Secretary) 12 LIME GROVE, OXFORD ROAD, MANCHESTER LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. LONDON: 39 Paternoster Row NEW YORK: 443-449 Fourth Avenue and Thirtieth Street CHICAGO Prairie Avenue and Twenty-fifth Street BOMBAY 8 Hornby Road CALCUTTA: 6 Old Court House Street MADRAS: 167 Mount Road 5-7-26 £. A. Vihils. So the - 7511 .79 15 NOTE UNIVERSITY teachers of Modern Languages have felt for some time past the need for a series of Modern Language Texts which sets itself primarily to fulfil the requirements of University students. In many cases, and particularly where mediaeval literature is concerned, the Universities have been obliged to import from abroad the Texts they require for class use. The present Series is intended to meet this want and provide Modern Language Texts for the use of English-speaking University students; at the same time, it is hoped that the Series may be found serviceable in the Upper Forms of Schools. 593958 |