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The much-tried man, for whom thou now dost grieve,

Will robes of immortality receive.

A truer patriot ne'er for Country died,

And of the followers of the Crucified

Was none more humble or more faithful found ;

As Saint and Martyr canonised and crown'd,
Not by authority to mortal given,

But God's own fiat, with the acclaim of Heaven.'


FOR the particulars of the life and death of Enrico Tazzoli I have relied on the brief but spirited, and often deeply pathetic, biography of this Italian scholar, priest, and patriot, written by Gaetano Polari, and published at Turin in the series called 'I Contemporanei Italiani.' Many of these memoirs are composed by men who lived and acted in the scenes which they describe; and not only are the topics most interesting, but the style and tone of the authors are equal to the themes. Small in size, but great in matter, the books are sold at a very low price; but the wide circulation which they have obtained is due, not to their cheapness, but to their truth, and to the love and admiration which the people of Italy feel for those who accomplished and suffered so much for them.

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If those who may glance at my humble tribute to Enrico Tazzoli will refer to Polari's narrative, they will see that I have not exaggerated his manly virtues and Christian graces. Nothing,' his biographer says truly, can give an idea of the spiritual power of men in these last times like this grand sacerdotal figure in the volcanic epoch of 1851.... Perhaps to have dared, with such

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