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Read S. Luke ii. 15-20.

I. Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. Ib. 19.

This is an example of meditation for our instruction; keeping the things of God; keeping all; pondering them. So also should we dili gently reflect on such things, lest we let them slip. Heb. ii. 1.

II. The Shepherds returned glorifying and praising God. ĺb. 20.

They returned from converse with Christ, full of holy affections, which they bore with them to their several callings. Would we carry with us in our duties the love of Christ? First, then, have communion with Him. Acts iv. 13; Exod. xxxiv. 29-35.

III. For all the things that they had heard and seen. Ib.

In all things they glorified God. If we would but attend to the calls of His providence, there is nothing for which, and in which, we may not give Him glory. (1 S. Pet. iv. 10, 11.) Is this really my first object?


If a man keep My saying, he shall never see death. S. John viii. 51.

Read Gen. xvii. 10; or S. Luke ii. 21;
Rom. i. 25-29.

I. And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the Child. S. Luke ii. 21.

Christ was sinless, and therefore not subject to the law; yet He submitted to it, though bitter. We transgress the law too often when light, and avoid it when difficult. Is this an imitation of Christ? 2 Cor. v. 21; Eph. ii. 15.

II. Thy law is within my heart. Ps. xl. 10.

The Mother of our Lord knew that He was not bound to such a rite; but she knew the will of God, and gave not way to earthly affection. Is our will thwarted? will our neighbour be offended, or a relation grieved? what is the will of God? which shall I follow? Acts iv. 19.

III. How am I straitened till it be accomplished. S. Luke xii. 50.

Consider also the suffering of our Lord: He who was God foresaw, foreknew it; yet He went cheerfully to it. How do I fall short of Jesus; when I foresee danger or pain, how do I seek to flee from it! S. Matt. xvi. 24.


Lord, why cannot I follow Thee? S. John

xiii. 37.


Read Rom. iii. 19-31.

I. A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Is. liii. 3.

By the Circumcision of our Lord, the reality of His human body was shewn; that He had truly taken our nature, and was subject to our pains. Be not contented with appearances, but seek the living reality of holiness, and adore God manifest in the flesh. S. Luke

xxiv. 39.

II. This is My covenant, which ye shall keep. Gen. xvii. 10.

Our Lord thus declared Himself a Son of Abraham, to whom this law was given; neither shame nor pain deterred Him; neither should it restrain me from following earnestly my vocation. S. Matt. x. 38.

III. With lovingkindness have I drawn thee. Jer. xxxi. 3.

He wished to shew thus early His love for us; to suffer for another is the truest mark of love. Do I readily, willingly. cheerfully take up the cross in myself? for Him? for others? 1 Pet. iv. 1.


If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him. 2 Tim. ii. 12.



Read Heb. xii. 1-6.

I. Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience. Heb. v. 8.

1. OBEDIENCE. He was not obliged, yet He obeyed; shewing His willingness to be subject to the whole law, however severe. Why, then, do we shrink even from the lighter yoke of a Christian life, of which also the gain would be all ours? Ps. i. 2; 1 Kings xii. 4. II. He made Him to be sin for us. 2 Cor. v. 21.

2. HUMILITY. Our Lord put Himself under the imputation of sin and defilement; yet He knew no sin, nor was His nature corrupt. Compare thyself with Him; thou, a sinner, wouldst be thought righteous; learn to bear all true and even false censures. S. Luke xxiii. 41.

III. Christ also hath loved us and hath given Himself for us. Eph. v. 2.

3. CHARITY. For us He hastened to suffer and bear an infant's wounds. He sought not glory or comfort, but shame and sorrow, and so early! (Jer. ix. 23, 24.) How late, how coldly, how feebly have I loved Thee, O Lord!


Be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility. 1 Pet. v. 5.


Read Phil. ii. 5-11.

I. His name was called Jesus. S. Luke ii. 21.

Named "JESUS" in the hour of the Circumcision; when He abased Himself and received the token of a sinner, God exalted Him, and gave Him that glorious name. We are called followers of JESUS; be we also followers of His humility. Phil. ii. 2.

1. He called His name Jesus. S. Matt. i. 25.

Again think of the rite of Circumcision. The name of JESUS was sealed with blood; we call ourselves followers of JESUS; am I willing to be mortified and suffer with Him? have I been so hitherto ? S. Luke xiv. 26.

III. His name was called Jesus. S. Luke ii. 21.

Once more; in the Circumcision He was pledged to obey and keep the whole law. We are called followers of JESUS; are we, with Him, followers of all the ordinances of God, and of the Christian rule, and of Christ? (S. Mark iii. 35.) Examine thyself, consider.


There is none other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts iv. 12.

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