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Uniquement, adv. only. Univers, s. m. universe. Université, s. f. university. Usage, s. m. use, custom. Usant, pres. part. of user, using. User, v. n. to use, wear out. Utile, adj. useful.

Utilité, s. f. use, usefulness.


Va, 2 per, sin. imper. of aller, go. Va, 3 per sin. pres. ind. of aller, is going; va à pied, walks on foot: foots it; qui va et vient, going backward and forward. Vache, s. f. a cow. Vaillant, adj. courageous; faire le vaillant, to pretend to be courageous.

Vain, adj. vain; en vain, to no purpose.

Vaincrai, 1 per sin. fut. of

vaincre, I'll beat, vanquish. Vaincu, past part. of vaincre, conquered, vanquished, over


Vainqueur, s. m. conqueror.
Vaisseau, s. m. a ship.
Valet, s. m. a servant.
Vanité, s. f. vanity.

Vantait, 3 per. sin. imp. of vanter, extolled; se vantait, he boasted.

Se Vantaient, 3 per pl. imp.

of se vanter, they bragged. Vantant, pres. part. extolling. SeVanter. v. r. to boast, to brag.

vanter, thou

Vantes (tu te), 2 per. sin. pres.
ind. of se

Vantez, 2 per pl. imper. of
vanter, extol.
Varieté, s. f. variety.
Vaudrait, 3 per. sin. cond. of
valoir, might be worth; ne
vaudrait-il pas mieux ? would
it not be better?
Vaudront, 3 per. pl. fut. of
valoir, they will be worth.
Vaut, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of
valoir, it is worth; il vaut
mieux, it is better.
Vas, 2 per. sin. pres. ind. of
aller, thou art going.
Veau, s. m. a calf.
Vécurent, 3 per. pl. pret. ind.
of vivre, lived.

Vécusse, 1 per. sin. pret. subj. of vivre, I might live. Vécut, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of vivre, lived.

Veines, s. f. pl. veins. Venait, 3 per. sin. imp. of venir, came; venait de couper, had just cut. Vendant, pres. part. of vendre, selling.

Vendit, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of vendre, he sold.

Vendez, 2 per. pl. pres. ind.
and imper. of vendre, sell.
Vendre, v. a. to sell.
Venez, 2 per. pl. pres. ind.

and imper. of venir, come. Vengé, past part. revenged. Se Vengea, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of se venger, was revenged.


Vengeance, s. f. revenge. Venger, v. r. to be revenged. Vénielles, adj. f. pl. venial, excusable.

Venir, v. n. to come; fit venir, sent for.

Venons, 1 per. pl. pres. ind. of
venir, we come.
Vent, s. m. the wind.
Ventre, s. m. the belly.
Venu, past part. come.
Ver, s. m. a worm.
Vérité, s. f. truth; à la vérité,
en vérité, indeed.

Verrez, 2 per. pl. fut. of voir, you will see.

Verrons, 1 per. pl. fut. of voir, we shall see.

Vers, prep. to, towards.
Vers, s. m. verse.

Vertu, s. f. virtue.

Vêtu, past part. of vêtir, clothed.

Veulent, 3 per. pl. pres ind. of vouloir, they will, they please; they have a mind." Veut, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of vouloir, wishes. Veux, 1 and 2 per. sin. pres. ind. of vouloir, I will, or thou wilt; je le veux, I will have it; je le veux bien, with all my heart. Viande, s. f. meat. Vice, s. m. vice. Victimes, s. m. pl. victims. Victoire, s. f. the victory.

Vide, adj. empty.

vider, settle, decide.

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Vient, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of venir, comes.

Vieux, adj. m. old.

Vif, m. vive; f. adj. lively.
Vigne, s. f. a vine:

Vil, adj. vile.
Vilain, adj. ugly.

Village, s. m. a village.
Villageois, s. m. a countryman.
Ville, s. f. a city.
Vin, s. m. vine, wine.
Vingt, adj. twenty; quatre-
vingts, eighty.
Vint, 3 per. sin.
Vinrent, 3 per. pl.
venir, came.
Violé, past part. violated; foi
violée, breach of faith.
Violence, s. f. violence.
Violent, adj. violent, fierce,

pret. ind. of

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Videz, 2 per. pl. imper. of Vis, 1 per. sin. pres. ind. of

vivre, I live.


Visage, s. m. face; un homme à deux visages, a double dealer. Visite, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of visiter, he visits. Visiter, v. a. to visit

Vit, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of voir, saw.

Vit, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of vivre, he lives. Vite, adj. quick; decends vite, descend quickly; au plus vite, with all speed.



Vivait, 3 per. sin. Vivaient, 3 per. pl. S vivre, lived, did live. Vivant, adj. alive, living. Vivent, 3 per. pl. pres. ind. and imper. of vivre, live, vivent les souris, long live the mice. Vivez, 2 per. pl. pres. ind. of vivre, you live.

Viviez, 2 per. pl. imp. of vivre, lived.

Vivrai. 1 per. sin. fut. of vivre, shall live. Vivre, v. n. to live. Vivrez, 2 per. pl. fut. of vivre, you shall live.

Voici, adv. here is; m'y voici

donc, here I am; now then look at me. Voient, 3 per. pl. pres. ind.

of voir, they see. Voilà, adv. behold, that is, there is.

Voir, v. a. to see; faire voir, to show.

Vois, 1 & 2 per.sin. pres. ind. of voir, I see, thou seest; voisje? do I see? vois-tu? dost thou see?

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Voler, v. a. to rob; v. n. to fly. Volerait, 3 per. sin. cond. of voler, would rob. Voleur, s. m. a thief. Volez, 2 per. pl. imp. fly. Volonté, s. f. the will. Volontiers, adv. willingly, with all my heart, with pleasure. Vôtre, pron. your's; c'est ici le vôtre, this is your's. Votre, adj. poss. your. Voudra, 3 per. sin. fut. of vouloir, will be willing. Voudras, 2 per. sin. fut. of vouloir, wilt. Voudrais, 1 per. sin. cond. Voudrait, 3 per. sin. of vouloir, would, could wish, je ne voudrais pas, I would not have. Voudrions, 1 per. pl. cond. of vouloir, would wish. Voulaient, 3 per. pl. imper. of

vouloir, were willing. Voulait, 3 per. sin. imp. of vouloir, were willing, wished.


Voulant, pres. part. being willing.

Voulez, 2 per. pl. pres. ind. of vouloir, are willing, will. Vouliez, 2 per. pl. imp. of vouloir, wished.

Vouloir, v. n. to be willing, or desirous.

Voulons, 1 per. pl. pres. ind. are willing. Voulu, past part. of vouloir, been willing, wished. Voulurent, 3 per. pl. Voulut, 3 per sin. of vouloir, wished. Vous, pro. pers. you. Voyait, 3 per. sin. imp. of voir,




Voyant, pres. part. of voir, seeing.

Voyage, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of voyager, travels. Voyager, v. n. to travel. Voyageant, pres. part. travelling.

Voyageaient, 3 per. pl. imp. of

voyager, were travelling. Voyagent, 3 per. pl. pres. ind. travel.

Voyageur, s. m. a traveller. Voyez, 2 per. pl. pres. ind. & imp. of voir, you see, see. Vrai, adj. true.

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Y aura (il), fut. there will be. Y aurait (il), cond. there would be.

Y a eu (il), comp. of pres. there has, or have been.

Y avait (il) eu, il y avait eu, il y eut eu, comp of imp. & pret. there had been. Y aurait, il y aurait eu, comp. of

cond. there would have been. Y a t-il? is there? are there? Y avait-il? would there be. Yeux, s. m. eyes, pl. of œil.

Zèle, s. m. zeal; pour prix de son zèle, as a reward for his affection.


6 & 7, Great Brunswick-st.

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