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Grattant, pres. part. of gratter, scratching.

Gratte, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of
gratter, scrapes, scratches.
Grave, adj. grave.
Gravement, adv. gravely.
Gravité, s. f. gravity.
Grec, adj. Greek.

Grenier, s. m. granary. Grenouille, [grenou-y'] s. f. a frog.

Grief, s. m. grievance.
Griffe, s. f. clutches, claw.
Grillon, s. m. a cricket, (an

Grimace, s. f. a grimace. Lui fait une grimace, he makes a face at it.



The H is aspirated in the words marked with an asterisk, [*].

Habile, adj. skilful, cunning; bien habile, very cunning. Habilement, [abilman] adv. cunningly, skilfully. Habitaient, 3 per. pl. imp. of habiter, inhabited, lived in. Habitans, s. m. pl. inhabitants. Habite, 1 per. sin. pres. ind. of habiter, I dwell. Habitez, 2 per. pl. pres. ind. of habiter, you inhabit, dwell. Habitude, s. f. habit. *Hachis, s. f. minced meat. *Haie, [he] s. f. a hedge.

Grimpa, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of *Haïssez, 2 per. pl. pres. ind.

grimper, climbed up.

Gris, e, adj. gray.

Grisonner, v. n. to grow grey.
Gros, se, adj. large, great.
Grosseur, s. f. size, bigness.
Grossier, adj. rude, brutal.
Grue, s. f. a crane.
Guêpe, s. f. a wasp.
Guères, adv. hardly, seldom,
but little.

Guéri, past part. cured.
Guerir, v. a. to cure.
Guérirai, 1 per. sin. fut. of
guérir, I will cure.
Guérissent, 3 per. pl. pres. ind.
of guérir, they cure.
Guerre, s. f. war.
Guet, s. m. the watch; fai
sant le guet, being upon the
Gueule, [gheu-1] 8. f. the mouth.

of hair, you hate. *Haleine, s. f. breath. *Halier, s. m. a thicket. *Happer, v. a. to snap at, to


*Harangue, s. f. a speech. *Haranguer, v. n. to make a speech, to harangue. *Harangues, 2 per. pres. ind. of haranguer, thou talkest. *Hardi, adj. bold. *Harnais, s. m. harness. *Hasard, s. m. chance. *Hasarda, 3 per. sin. pret. ind.

of hasarder, ventured. *Hasarder, v. a. to hazard. *Haut, [ho] s. m. the top. *Haut, [hô] adj. high. *Hauteur, s. f. height, haughti


*Hé, inter. eh!


*Hé bien, adv. well. Hébété, adj. stupid, dull. Hélas, interj. alas!

*Hennissait, 3 per. sin. imp. of hennir, neighed. *Hennissement, s. m. neighing.

Herbe, s. f. herb, grass. *Hérisson, s. m. a hedge-hog. *Héritage, s. m. an inheri


Heure, s. f. an hour; à l'heure qu'il est, à cette heure, now; à la bonne heure, well and good, with all my heart; de bonne heure, in good time, early; trop bonne heure, too early.

Heureusement, adv. luckily, happily.

Heureux, adj. m.; heureuse, f. happy. Hirondelle, s. f. a swallow. Hiver, s. m. winter. Hommage, s. m. homage, duty. Homme, s. m. a man; homme à deux visages, a double dealer. Honneur, s. m. honour, credit. Honnêteté, 8. f. kindness. Honnête, adj. honest. *Honte, s. f. shame; avoir honte, to be ashamed. adj.



ashamed. Horreur, s. f. horror. *Hors (de), prep. out of. Hospitalité, s. f. hospitality. Hostilité, s. f. hostility. Hôte, s. m. a host, guest.


Hôtesse, s. f. hostess. *Housse, s. f. a horse-cloth. *Hoyau, s. m. a mattock. Huche, s. f. a trough, a kneading trough.

Huître, [ui-tr] s. f. an oyster. Humain, [u-man] adj. human; le genre humain, mankind. Humanité, [u-man-i-té] s. ƒ. humanity.

Humeur, s. f. humour.
Hydre, s. f. hydra, a water


I. J.

[J in French is generally pronounced like zh. It resembles the sound of the s in the English word invasion.-SPIERS.] Jalou-x, se, adj. jealous. Jamais, adv. never; à jamais, for ever.

Jambe, s. f. a leg; jambes de
fuseaux, spindle-shanks.
Jambon, s. m. a ham.
Jardin, s. m. a garden; jardin

potager, kitchen garden. Jardinage, s, m. gardening. Jardinier, s. m. a gardener. Ici, adv. here; ici près, hard by; jusqu'ici, hitherto, to this place, so far; ici-bas, here below, in this world. Je, j', pro. pers. I. Jeu, s. m. play, game. Jeune, adj. young. Jeunesse, s. f. youth. Jeta, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of jeter, he cast or threw; se jeta, threw himself. Jetant, pres. part. throwing.


Jeté, past part. thrown. Jetèrent, 3 per. pl. pret. ind. of jeter, threw; se jetèrent, threw themselves.

Jète, 1 per. sin. pres. ind. of jeter, I cast or throw. Ignorance, s. f. ignorance. Ignorans, adj. pl. ignorant. Ignore, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of ignorer, is ignorant; l'on m'ignore, they do not know me, i.e. they disregard me. Ignoré, adj. ignorant, unknown.

Il, pro. pers. he it.
Ils, pl. they.

Il y a, v. pres. ind. there is, there are; il y en a, there are some, there is some, of it, of them.

Il y avait, imp. there was, there were.

Il y eu, pret. there was, were. Il y aura, fut. there will be. Il y aurait, cond. there would be Il y a eu, compound of pres. there has been, there have been.

Il y avait eu, comp. of imp. il y eut eu, comp. of pret. there had been.

Image, s. f. an image. S'Imagina, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of s'imaginer, he or she thought. S'Imaginait, 3 per. sin. imp. of

s'imaginer, thought. S'Imaginant, pres. part. of s'imaginer, thinking. Imaginé, past part. contrived.


S'Imaginent, 3 per. pl. pres. ind. of s'imaginer, they imagine. S'Imaginer, v. a. to think. Imitateur, s. m. imitator. Imiter, v. a. to imitate. Immanquable, adj. infallible, inevitable. Immanquablement, adv. infallibly. Immense, adj. immense. Impie, adj. impious. Impiété, s. f. impiety. Implora, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of implorer, he implored. Implorent, 3 per. pl. pres. of implorer, they implore. Impossible, adj. impossible. Importe, v. imp. it concerns; n'importe, no matter, it matters not; qu'importe? what does it signify? que m'importe? what is it to me? Imposteur, s. m. impostor, cheat. Imprudence, [in-pru-dāns] s. f. imprudence. Impudemment, adv. impudently. Impudence, [in-pu-dans] s. f. impudence. Incertain, [in-ser-tin] adj. uncertain; l'incertain, an uncertainty. Incivilité, s. f. rudeness. Inclination, s. f. inclination. Incommodait, 3 per. sin. imp. of incommoder, troubled. Incommodaient, 3 per. plural, imp.of incommoder, troubled.


Incommoder, v. a. to trouble. Incommodité, s. f. inconvenience.

Incorrigible, adj. incorrigible.

Inculquer, [in-kul-ké] v. a. to in-
Indien, adj. Indian.
Indigné, [indinn-y'] past part.
full of indignation.
Indocilité, s. f. indocility.
Industrie, s. f. industry.
Inexpiable, adj. inexpiable.
Infaillible, adj. infallible.
Infinité, s. f. an immensity."
Infirme, adj. infirm.
Infirmité, s. f. infirmity.
Informer, v. a. to inform;
m'informer, to inquire.
Informe, adj. shapeless.
Infortune, s. f. misfortune.
Infortuné, adj. unfortunate,

s. f. indigence,

Ingénieux, adj. m. euse, f. ingenious.

Ingrat, s. m, an ungrateful


Ingratitude, s. f. ingratitude.
Inhumanité, [i-nu-ma-ni-té] s. f.
Injure, s. f. injury.
Injustice, s. f. injustice,
Innocence, s. f. innocence.
Innocent, [i-no-san] adj. inno-
cent; les innocens, the in-


Inquiétude, [in-kie-tu-d] s. f. uneasiness, anxiety.


S'Inquiéter, v. r. to be or make one's self uneasy. Inquiétez, 2 per. pl. imper. of s'inquiéter, make yourselves

uneasy. S'Inquiétèrent, 3 per. pl. pret. ind. of s'inquiéter, they were uneasy; ils ne s'en inquiétèrent nullement, it did not make them uneasy in the least.

Insatiable, adj. insatiable. Insecte, s. m. an insect. Insigne, [insinn-y'] adj. egregious, notorious. Insolemment, adv. insolently. Insolence, s. f. insolence. Insolent, e, adj. insolent, presumptuous,

Instance, s. f. entreaty, ear


Instant, [ins-tan] s. m. an in

stant; en un instant, à l'instant, immediately, in a mi


Instinct, [ins-tin] 8. m. instinct.

Instruirai, 1 per. sin. fut. of instruire, I will instruct. Instruire, v. a. to instruct. Insulte, s. f. & m. an af

front. Insulter, v, a. to insult. Insultèrent, 3 per. pl. pret. ind. of insulter, they insulted. Insurmontable, adj. insuperable. Intempérance, s. f. intemper


Intention, s. f. intention.


Intéresse, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of intéresser, concerns; s'y intéresse, is affected by it. Intéressé, adj. interested, concerned.

Intérêt, [In-té-rê] s. m. interest. Interrogé, past part. being asked. Interrompit,3 per.sin. pret. ind. of interrompre, interrupted. Interrompît, 3 per. sin. pret. subj. might interrupt. Interrompre, v. a. to interrupt. Interrompu, past part. interrupted.

Intrigue, s. f. an intrigue. Invective, s. f. invective. Inventé, past part. invented. Inventeur, s. m. inventor, author.

Invention, [in-van-sion] 8. f. an invention. Invincible, adj. invincible. Invita, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of inviter, invited. Invoqua, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of invoquer, called upon. Inutile, adj. useless. Joie, 8. f. joy.

Joindre, v. a. to join; joindre les deux bouts de l'année ensemble, to join the two ends of the year together, i. e. to make both ends meet. Joli, adj. pretty. Jonc, [jon] s. m. a rush, a bulrush. Jouaient, 3 per. pl. imp. of jouir, were playing. Jouer, v. n. to play. Joug, s. m. yoke.

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Jouis, 1 per. sin. pres. ind. of jouir, I enjoy. Jouissaient, 3 per. pl. imp. of jouir, they enjoyed. Jour, s. m. day; un jour, one day; bon jour, good day; tous les jours, every day; huit-jours, a week. Joyeu-x,se,adj.joyful, cheerful. Ira, 3 per. sin. fut. of aller, he will go.

Irai, 1 per. sin. fut. of aller, I will go.

Irait, 3 per. sin. cond. of aller, he would go.

Iras, 2 per. sin. fut. of aller, thou shalt go.

Irons, 1 per. pl. fut. of aller, he would go. Irrité, adj. incensed. Juge, s. m. a judge. Jugeant, pres. part. of juger, judging. Jugement, s. m. judgment. Juger, v. a. to judge. Jugez, 2 per. pl. imper. of juger, judge, imagine. Jumeaux, s. m. pl. twins. Junon, s. f. Juno. Jupiter, s. m. Jupiter. Jura, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of jurer, he swore. Jurer, v. n. to swear. Jusques, jusqu'au, jusqu'a ce prep. till, until; jusqu'ici, hitherto. Juste, adj. just. Justice, s. f. justice.

Se Justifia, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of se justifier, cleared himself.

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