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The figures 1, 2, 3, indicate respectively the first, second, and third persons of the verb.

The letters placed after the masculine adjective denote the change which it undergoes in the Feminine form, thus-éclatant, e, signifies that the adjective is éclatant in the masculine, and éclatante in the feminine; so also such forms as joyeu-x, se denote that the masculine is joyeux, and the feminine joyeuse.

1 See Noel and Chapsal, pp. 17, 19.



Comprising all the Words contained in the Fables,


The pronounciation (given in accordance with the best authorities) is denoted by the words enclosed in brackets.


A, or a, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of avoir, has; il y a, there is, there are. A, or à, prep. to, at, of, by, in, with, after, for, before. [The preposition à is marked with the grave accent () in order to distinguish it from the verb a, which is not accented.] S'Abaisser, [s'a-bè-sé] v. r. to humble one's self. S'Abandonnaient, 3 per. pl. imp. of s'abandonner, they

abandoned themselves. S'Abandonner, v. r. to aban

don one's self. Abandonnèrent, 3 per. pl. pret. ind. of abandonner, they quitted, abandoned. Abats, 1 per. sin. pres. ind. of abattre, I pull down.


Abattit, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of abattre, shook down. Abeille, [abè-y'] s. f. a bee. Abondamment, adv.plentifully. Abondance, [a-bon-dans] 8. f. plenty, abundance. Aborda, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of aborder, came up. Aborde, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of aborder, he comes up. Aboutissent, 3 per. pl. pres. ind. of aboutir, they come to the end, tend. Aboyait, 3 per. sin. imp. of aboyer, he barked. Aboyer, [aboi-yé] v. n. to bark. Abri, s. m. shelter; à l'abri, sheltered.

Absence, s. f. absence. Absolument, [ab-so-lu-man] adv, by any means, by all means, absolutely.


Absurde, adj. absurd. Abusent, 3 per. pl. pres. ind. of abuser, they abuse. Accablé, past part. loaded. Accablent, 3 per. pl. pres, ind. of accabler, they load. Accepte, 1 per. sin. pres. ind. of accepter, I accept. Accident, [ak-si-dan] s. m. accident.

Accommoder, s'accommoder de,

v.r. to like, be satisfied with. Accompagné, [akonpann-yé] past part. accompanied, attended. Accompli, [akonpli] adj. accomplished.

Accomplirent, 3 per. pl. pret. ind. of accomplir, they accomplished.

Accord, s. m. accord, consent. Accorda, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of accorder, he granted; agreed.

Accorder, v. a. to grant. Accordèrent, 3 per. pl. pret. ind. of accorder, they granted. Accourir, v. n. to run to. Accourut, 3 per. sin. pret. ind.

of accourir, he ran to. Accoutume, on s'accoutume, pres. of accoutumer, we accustom ourselves. Accoutumé, past part. accustomed.

Accueillir, [aken-yir] v. a. to receive, to accept, to welcome. Accusation, s. f. accusation. Accuser, v. a. to accuse. Accusons, 1 per. pl. imper. of accuser, let us accuse.


Acheta, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of acheter, he bought. Achetait, 3 per. sin. imp. ind. of acheter, was buying. Acheter, [ash-té] v. a. to buy. Achetèrai, 1 per. sin. fut. of acheter, I shall buy. Achetèrais, 1 per. sin. cond. of acheter, I should buy. Achever, [ash-vé] v. a. to make an end of, to finish. Acheverons, 1 per. pl. fut. of achever, we will finish. Acier, [a-sié] s. m. steel. Actuel, adj. actual, present. Actuellement, adv. now actually.

Acquérir, [a-ké-rir] v. a. to acquire, to obtain. S'Acquitter, v. r. to discharge. Adieu, adv. farewell. Adjugea, 3 per. sin, pret. ind. of adjuger, awarded. Admirant, pres. part. of admirer, admiring. Admire, 3 per. pres. sub. of admirer, may admire; faites qu'on vous admire, cause persons to admire you. Admirons, 1 per. pl. pres. ind. of admirer, we admire. Adressa, s'adressa, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of s'adresser, applied.

Adresser, s'adresser, v. r. to apply, address one's self, make application. Adroit, [a-drwa] adj. cunning. Affaiblit, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of affaiblir, weakened.


Affaire, f. business; avoir affaire à, to have to do with: se tirer d'affaire, to get off. Affamé, past part. hungry, famished.

Afin que, conj. that, in order that; afin de, in order to. [Afin is a contraction of the Latin ad finem, "to the end that," "for the purpose of."] Affliction, s. f. affliction. Affligea, s'affligea, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of affliger, he grieved himself.

Affligez, 2 per. pl. pres. ind. of affliger, you grieve. Affreux, [afreû] adj. frightful. Affront, s. m. an affront, an insult. Tant d'affronts, so many insults. Age, s. m. age. Agé, adj. aged, old, in years. Agile, adj. active.

Agir, v. n. to act, act their parts, to deal; fait agir, makes use of.

Agissent, 3 per. pl. pres. ind. of agir, they act. Agit, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of agir, acts.

Agitait, 3 per. sin. imp. of agiter, shook.

Agitée, past part. f. of agiter, agitated.


Agneau, [aneo] 8. m. a lamb. Agréa, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of agréer, liked, approved of. Agréaient, 3 per. pl. imp. of agréer, they liked. Aguets, [a-ghê] s. m. pl. watch; se tenir aux aguets, to lie in wait.

Ah ça, interj. well. Ai, 1 per. sin. pres. ind. of avoir, I have; ai-je? have I? Aide, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of aider, helps.

Aident, 3 per. pl. pres. ind. of aider, they help. Aider, v. a. to help. Aiderai, 1 per. sin. fut. of aider, I will help.

Aie, 1 per. sin. pres. subj. of

avoir, I may have. Aient, 3 per. pl. pres. subj. of avoir, they have, or may have.

Aigle, s. m. § ƒ. añ eagle. Aiglon, s. m. an eaglet. Aile, s. f. a wing; sur ses ailes, upon his wings. Ailé, adj. winged.. Ailleurs, [a-yeur] adv. elsewhere, somewhere else. Aimable, adj. amiable. Aimaient, 3 per. pl. imp. of aimer, they loved.

1 With verbs in éer, one e is cancelled before o, a, or i.

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Aimait, 3 per. sin. imp. of aimer, loved.

J'Aime, 1 per. sin. pres. ind. of aimer, I love, or like. Alla, 3 per. sin. pret. ind. of aller, went; s'en alla, went away; s'en allant, going away. Allait, 3 per. sin. imp. of aller, was going, used to go, went; s'en allait, was going away. Aiment, 3 per. pl. pres. ind. of aimer, they love. Aimer, v. a. to love. Aimera, 3 per. sin. fut. of aimer, he will love. Ainsi, adv. thus, therefore, so. Air, s. m. the air; appearance, manner. D'un air de suffisance, in a conceited manner, with a conceited air. Aire, s. f. the nest (of a bird of prey). Aise, adj. glad; bien aise, very glad. Aise, s. f. ease.

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Aisé, adj. easy; bien-aisé, very easy; mal-aisé, very difficult. [Aisé, " easy, is accented; Aise, "glad," is not accented.] Aisément, adv. easily. Ajouta, 3 per. sin. pret. Ajouta-t-il, ind. of ajouter, he added, added he. Ajouter, v. a. to add; ajouter foi, to give credit. Ajustaient, 3 per. pl. imp. of ajuster, were arranging. Alarme, s. f. alarm.


Alerte, adj. brisk, swift. Aliment, [a-li-man] s. m. alimens, pl. food.

Aime, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of aimer, loves, or likes; elle aime, she loves.

Aimé, past part. loved. Allassions, 1 per. pl. pret. subj. of aller, we might or shoulċ

go. Alléguées, past part. f. pl. alleged. Allemand, [alman] adj. German: chez les Allemands, among the Germans.

Aller, v. n. to go.
Allez, 2 per. pl. imper. of aller.


Alliance, s. f. an alliance;

faire alliance, to associate. Allons, 1 per. pl. imper. of aller,

let us go; come. Alors, adv. then, at that time. Alouette, [a-loo-et] s. f. a lark. Altéré, adj. thirsty. Altère, 3 per. sin. pres. ind. of altérer, impairs; s'y altère, is impaired by it. Alternativement, adv. alternately.

Altesse, s. f. highness (a title); son altesse, his highness. Amant, s. m. a lover. Amassé, past part. laid up. Amasser, v. a. to lay up. Ambassadeur, s. m. an ambas sador.

Ambigu, adj. ambiguous. Ambitieux, m. adj. ambiti



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