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vos your lois, laws mais but

emportées passionate dans votre in your conduite; conduct; votre colère, your pas

sion, qui pique that stings vos your ennemis, enemies, donne gives la mort death (à) vous; to you; et votre and your folle foolish cruauté cruelty fait does make plus de mal more harm (à) vous to you qu' (que) than

à personne. to anyone. Il vaut mieux It is better

avoir to have
des qualités qualities
moins less

éclatantes brilliant

avec with

plus de more




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| Au partir On leaving de ce lieu (of) that place

qu' (for que) which elle remplit she fills de crainte with fear la perfide the perfidious (one) descend goes down tout droit quite straight à l'endroit to the place où where la laie the sow était en gésine was in the straw. Ma bonne My good amie friend

et ma voisine, and my neighbour,

dit-elle said she lui to her

ni nor pourvoir to provide aux besoins to the wants de ses petits; of her

young ones; la laie the sow encore still moins: less: sottes foolish (ones) de ne pas voir for not seeing que that

le plus grand the greatest

des soins, of cares, ce doit être (that) must be d'éviter to avoid la famine. famine. L'une et l'autre Both

s'obstine persists

tout bas, in a very low (ought to be s'obstinent)

tone of voice,

incessamment incess-je donne I give


et creuser and digging une mine? a mine? C'est pour It is in order déraciner to uproot assurément without any doubt

le chêne, the oak, et (pour) and (in order)

attirer to cause
la ruine the ruin
de nos of our
nourrissons: nurslings:
l'arbre the tree
tombant falling
ils seront dévorés; they
will be devoured;
qu'ils s'en tiennent pour
assurés. let them take
it for certain.
S' (for si) if

il restait it was left
m' (for me) to me
un seul only one
en of them

I would

smooth ma plainte. my complaint.

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fondra will make a stoop l'occasion: the occasion:

sur vos at your petits. young ones. Obligez-moi Oblige me de by dire saying rien nothing en, of it,

son courroux her wrath tomberait would fall sur moi. upon me. Ayant semé Having sowed l'effroi fright dans in cette that autre other

famille, family,

la chatte the she-cat se retire retires en son trou. to her hole. L'aigle The eagle n'ose does not dare sortir to go out

l'oiseau the bird
royal, royal,
en cas in case

de mine; of (a) mine; la laie the sow

en cas in case d'irruption. of (an) irruption. La faim Hunger détruisit destroyed tout; all;

il ne resta personne no one was left de la gent marcassine of the swine race et de la gent aiglonne and of the eaglet race qui which n'allât did not go de vie from life à trépas: to death: grand great renfort supply

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131. We must divide the adjectives into qualificative and determinative.


132.-A qualificative adjective is a word added to a substantive to express its quality, as :-homme bon, good man ; grand arbre, large tree.

133.-The French for strong man is-homme fort

strong woman-femme forte

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strong women-femmes fortes.

Why is the French for strong spelt in four ways?

Because :

The adjective in French alters its termination according to the gender and number of the substantive to which it relates.

134.-When an adjective relates to two or more nouns, it is put in the plural, as:—

The father, uncle and son are strong, le père, l'oncle et le fils sont forts.

The mother and the daughter are strong, la mère et la fille sont fortes.

135. When the adjective relates to nouns of different genders, it is put in the masculine plural, as:

The father and mother are strong, le père et la mère sont forts.

The mother, daughter, aunt, sister, and brother are strong, la mère, la fille, la tante, la sœur et le frère sont forts.


136. To form the feminine of an adjective, add an e mute to the termination of the masculine singular, as:

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137.-Do not make any alterations in adjectives ending

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138.-Change x into se in adjectives ending with x

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139.-Change finto ve in adjectives ending with f, as:

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140.-Double the last consonant, and add an e mute in adjectives ending with el, eil, ien, on, et, as :—

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141.-Change eur into euse in most of the adjectives ending

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The above rule has two numerous classes of exceptions.

(a) Eleven adjectives in eur add an e mute; they are:

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(b) 78 adjectives out of 100 ending in teur, change eur

into rice. They are:

masc. accélérateur


fem. accélératrice

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