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way they had gone, they took notice of other parts of the fame coaft without much ftopping; yet with fome profit by ranfoms, till at laft they arrived at the port of St. Jago in Cuba on the fifteenth of November fifteen hundred and eighteen.

Some few days before, Pedro de Alvarado had put into the fame harbour, and been very well received by the governor Diego Velazquez, who expreffed an incredible joy on hearing of the large countries difcovered, and, above all, at the fight of the fifteen thousand ducats of gold, which fupported the account without the affiftance of exaggeration.

The governor beheld those riches; and hardly believing his eyes, affifted his own ears by begging of Pedro de Alvarado to repeat a fecond and third time what he had before related, finding ftill fomething new in the very thing he had just heard; as a musician is delighted with the repetition of his tune. Yet this fatisfaction was foon allayed, as it mixed with disappointment: he foon began to reflect with impatience, that Juan de Grijalva G


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de Grijalva no buviale fundado | Jean de Grijalve n'avoit point

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laiffé de colonie dans le païs où il avoit été fi bien reçu. Et quoique Pierre d'Alvarade s'efforça de l' excufer; néanmoins il avoit été luimême un de ceux qui avoient confeillé de laiffer une co

alguna poblacion en aquellas
tierras, donde le hicieron buena
acogida; y aunque Pedro de
Alvarado intentaba difculparle,
fue de los que fintieron que fe de
bia poblar en el Rio de Vanderas:
y fiempre fe dice floxamente lo que
Je procura esforzar contra el pro-lonie à la Riviere des dra-
prio dictamen.

peaux; et l'on parle toujours foiblement quand on parle contre fon propre fentiment. Diego Velazquez accufa Grijalve de manque de refo

propre choix, il convenoit qu'il avoit eu tort de l'envoyer. I refolut donc de confier cette entreprise à quelque perfonne douée de plus d' activité, fans confidérer qu'il fafoit grand tort à un parent, au quel il devoit ce mêine bien dont il s'agiffoit. Mais le premier effet que le bonheur produit fur l'efprit des ambitieux, eft de fubju

Acufabale Diego Velazques de poco refuelto; y encjandofe de fu eleccion, confefaba la culpa de ka-lution; et trés faché de fon verle embiado, proponiendo encargar aquella faccion à perfona de mayor actividad, fin reparar | en el defayre de fu pariente, à quien debia aquella mifma felici dad que ponderaba: pero la primero que hace la fortuna en los ambiciofos, es cautivar la razon, para que no fe ponga de parte dei agradecimiento. Ya nada le bacia fuerza, fino el confeguir à prieffa, y à qualquiera cofta, toda la profperidad que je prometìa deguer la raifon, afin qu'elle aquel defcubrimiento, elevando à ne puifle point éveiller la regrandes cofas la imaginacion, y connoiflance. Rien à préfent llegando con las efperanzas adinde ne lui tenoit au coeur, que antes no llegaba con las defios. le défir d'obtenir bientôt, et par tel moyen que ce fut, les grands biens que cette décou verte lui promettoit, s'élévant bien haut avec fon imagination, et atteignant par fon efpoir jufque-là, où auparavant fes fouhaits mêmes n'atteignoient pas.

Tratò luego de prevenir les nedios para esta conquista, acre



Il fongea d'abord à trouver les moyens de faire cette conquête,

Giovanni di Grijalva non aveva formata alcuna colonia in quelle terre dove aveva ricevuta buona accoglienza: e comechè Pietro d' Alvarado fi provale a difcolparlo, e' fu però una di quelli che giudicarono doverfi lafciare una colonia nel Fiume delle Bandiere: e fempre fi dicono flofciamente quelle ragioni ch' uno vorrebbe pur porre innanzi contro la propia opinione.

had not made a fettlement in the country where he had been fo well received: and although Pedro de Alvarado endeavoured to excufe him, yet he was one of those who had advised the making of a fettlement in the River of Banners; and a man speaks always faintly whenever he enforces any thing against his own opinion.

Diego Velazquez accufava Gri- Diego Velazquez accused jalva di poco rifoluto; e dolendofi Grijalva of want of refoludella feelta fatta, confeffava d' tion, and, angry at his own aver errato nell' inviarlo, pro- choice, confeffed that he was ponendofi di fidare quella intra- to blame for having fent him, prefa a qualcuno di maggiore atti- and refolved to entrust that vità, fenza badare al pregiudizio fame undertaking to fome d'un fuo parente, al quale doveva body of more activity, withquello fteflo bene, di cui stava ora out confidering how he martellandufi. Ma la prima cofa wronged a relation, to whom che la propizia forte opera negli he owed the very good that ambiziofi, è il cattivare la ra- he was finding fault with. gione, acciocchè non dia luogo al- But the firft effect that good la gratitudine. Già non badava fortune has on the minds of egli ad altro che ad affrettarfi the ambitious, is to enflave per ottenere a qualunque costo their reafon that it may not tutta quella felicita che fi promet- excite gratitude. He had noteva da quelle fcoperte, levando thing elfe in his thoughts, Timmaginazione a cofe grandi, e but a defire to obtain quickaggiungendo colle Speranze dovely, and at any rate, all the prima non aggiungeva nè tampoco co' defiderj.

Pensò tofto a trovare i mezzi di fare una tale conquista, chiamandola

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happinefs that he promised himself from fuch a difcovery, raising his imagination to mighty things, and reaching with his hopes where before he did not even reach with his wishes.

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ditandola con el nombre de Nueva
España, que daba grande reco-
mendacion y Sonido à la empresa.
Comunicò fu refolucion à los Re-
ligiofos de San Geronymo que refi
dian en la isla de Santo Domingo,
con palabras que fe inclinaban
mas à pedir aprobacion que licen-
cia; y embiò perfona à la corte
con larga relacion de lo defcubi-
erto; y un memorial, en que no
iban obfcurecidos de mal pondera-
dos fus fervicios: por cuya recom-
penfa pedia algunas mercedes, y
el titulo de adelantado de las
tierras que conquistasse.

conquête, la décorant du nom de Nouvelle Espagne pour lui donner de l'éclat. Il fit part de fa refolution aux Moines de St. Jérome qui réfidoient à Saint Domingue; mais de façon à leur faire comprendre, qu'il demandoit leur approbation, et non leur permifGion. Il envoya à la cour une perfonne munie d'un long détail de tout ce qu'on avoit déja découvert, de même qu'un mémoire, dans le quel fes mérites n'étoient ni oubliés ni obfcurcis; demandant plufieurs chofes pour fa recompenfe: entr'autres le titre de lieutenant du Roi dans les païs à conquire.

Il avoit deja acheté quelques vaiffeaux, et commencé à ravitailler une nouvelle flot

Tà tenia comprados algunos baxeles, y empezado el apresto de nueva armada, quando llegò Juan de Grijalva, y le ballò tante,lorfque Jean deGrijalve arirritado como pudiera efperarle agradecido. Reprehendiòle con afpereza y publicidad, y el defayudaba con fu modeftia fus difculpas, aunque le pufo delante de los ojos fu mifma inftruccion, en le ordenaba que no fe detuvieffe à poblar; pero Velazquez eftaba yà tan fuera de los terminos razonables con la novedad de fus penfamientos, que confeffaba la orden, y trataba como delito la obediencia.



riva, et le trouva tout auffi plein de colére, qu'il avoit droit de s'attendre à le trouver plein de réconnoiffance. Velazquez le réprimanda bien fort et publiquement. Grijalve ne fe difculpa guéres par modeftie: Il lui préfenta pourtant fes propres inftructions, qui défendoient expreffément de former aucune colonie: mais les nouveaux deffeins de Velazquez l'emportoient fi loin des limites de la raison, qu'il convenoit des ordres qu'il avoit donné, et traitoit comme un crime l'obeïffance avec la quelle on les avoit fuivis. The

mandola la conquista della Nuova Spagna, onde dare credito e fuono alla intraprefa. Comunicò la fua rifoluzione a' Frati di San Girolamo che dimoravano nell' ifola di San Domingo, e con parole tali da far loro intendere che domandava approvazione e non licenza: mandò quindi una perfona alla corte con un ampio ragguaglio delle Scoperte già fatte, aggiungendo un memoriale, nel quale il fuo paffato fervire non era punto melo in un lume cattivo, domandando alcune grazie in ricompenfa, infieme col titolo di governator generale delle terre da conquistarfi.

Egli aveva già comprate alcune navi, e cominciati i preparativi d'una nuova flotta quando Giovanni di Grijalva giunfe; il quale lo trovò tanto irritato quanto dovea fperarlo riconofcente. Velazquez lo rimproverò con afprezza, e pubblicamente: Grijalva per modeftia fi difefe con dolcezza; mettendogli però dinanzi agli occhi le fue fteffe iftru zioni, dalle quali venivagli ordinato non s'indugiaffe a formar colonie. Ma tanto era l'altro fuora d'ogni termine di ragione per la forza delle fue nuove idee, che confeffava d'aver dato l'ordine, e trattava tuttavia come delitto l'ubbidienza che fe gli era preftata.


conqueft, to which the name of New Spain gave a great reputation. He communicated his refolution to the Friars of St. Jerom that refided in the island of San Domingo; but in fuch terms as bespoke their approbation rather than their permiffion, and fent a person to Court with a large account of the difcovery, together with a memorial, in which his own fervices were fet off in a very good light; and as a reward for them, he requested several favours, together with the title of king's lieutenant of thofe countries that he fhould conquer.

He had already bought fome veffels and begun the fitting out of a new fleet, when John de Grijalva arrived, and found him as much incenfed as he had reafon to expect him thankful. Velazquez reprimanded him. fharply and publicly the other modeftly forbore to difculpate himself; yet he laid before him his own inftructions, which expressly ordered him not to ftop to make a fettlement. But Velazquez's new defigns tranfported him fo far beyond the bounds of reason, that he owned the order; and yet treated obedience to it as a crime.


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