Ant. Then, tell me, Who's the next heir of Naples ? Seb. Claribel. Ant. She, that is queen of Tunis; she, that dwells (The man i' the moon's too slow,) tili new-born chins Whereof what's past is prologue; what to come, Seb. What stuff is this? - How say you? 'Tis true, my brother's daughter's queen of Tunis; So is she heir of Naples; twixt which regions There is some space. Ant. A space whose every cubit Seems to cry out, How shall that Claribel As this Gonzało; I myself could make A chough of as deep chat. O, that you bore For your advancement! Do you understand me? Ant. And how does your content Tender your own good fortune? You did supplant your brother Prospero. Ant. True: And, look, how well my garments sit upon me; Much feater than before: My brother's servants Were then my fellows, now they are my men. Seb. But, for your conscience If he were that, which now he's like; whom I, Seb. Thy case, dear friend, Shall be my precedent; as thou got'st Milan, I'll come by Naples. Draw thy sword; one stroke Shall free thee from the tribute which thou pay'st; And I the king shall love thee. Ant. Then let us both be sudden. Con. Now, good angels, preserve the king! [They wake. Alon. Why, how now, ho! awake! Why are you drawn? Wherefore this ghastly looking? Gon. What's the matter? Seb. Whiles we stood here securing your repose, Ant. O, 'twas a din to fright a monster's ear; Alon. Heard you this, Gonzalo? Gon. Upon mine honour, sir, I heard a humming, And that a strange one too, which did awake me: I shak'd you, sir, and cry'd; as mine eyes open'd, I saw their weapons drawn:-there was a noise, That's verity: Best stand upon our guard; Or that we quit this place: let's draw our weapons. Alon. Lead off this ground; and let's make further [Aside. So, king, go safely on to seek thy son. [Exeunt. SCENE II. - Another part of the Island. Cal. All the infections that the sun sucks up From bogs, fens, flats, on Prosper fall, and make him By inch-meal a disease! His spirits hear me, And yet I needs must curse. But they'll nor pinch, Sometime like apes, that moe and chatter at me, All wound withadders, who, with cloven tongues, Enter TRINCULO. Here comes a spirit of his; and to torment me, Trin. Here's neither bush nor shrub, to bear off any weather at all, and another storm brewing; Ihear it singi' the wind: yond' same black cloud, yond' huge one, looks like a foul bumbard that would shed his liquor. If it should thunder, as it did before, I know not where to hide my head: yond' same cloud cannot choose but fall by pailfuls. - What have we here? a mau or a fish? Dead or alive? Afish: he smells like a fish; avery ancient and fish-like smell; a kind of, not of the newest, Poor-John. A strange fish! Were I in England now, (as once I was,) and had but this fish painted, not a holiday fool there but would give a piece of silver: there would this monster make a man; any strange beast there makes a man: when they will not give a doit to relieve a lame beggar, they will lay out ten to see a dead Indian. Legg'd like a man! and his fins like arms! Warm, o' my troth! I do now let loose my opinion, hold it no longer; this is no fish, but an islander, that hath lately suffered by a thunder-bolt. [Thunder.] Alas! the storm is come again: my best way ter here about: Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows. I will here shroud, till the dregs of the storm be past. ! is to creep under his gaberdine; there is no other shel- But art thou not drowned, Stephano? I hope now, Enter STEPHANO, singing; a bottle in his hand. This is a very scurvy tune to sing at a man's funeral: [Drinks. The master, the swabber, the boatswain, and I, The gunner, and his mate, Lov'd Mall, Meg, and Marian, and Margery, But none of us car'd for Kate: She lov'd not the savour of tar nor of pitch, Cal. Do not torment me:0! Ste. What's the matter? Have we devils here? Do you put tricks upon us with savages, and men of Inde? Ha! I have not'scap'd drowning, to beafeard now of your four legs; for it hath been said, As proper a man as ever went on four legs, cannot make him give ground: and it shall be said so again, while Stephano breathes at nostrils. Cal. The spirit tormentsme: O! Ste. This is some monster of the isle, with four legs; who hath got, as I take it, an ague: Where the devil should he learn our language? I will give him some relief, if it be but for that: If I can recover him, and keep him tame, and get to Naples with him, he's a present for any emperor that ever trod on neat'sleather. Cal. Do not torment me, pr'ythee; I'll bring my wood home faster. Ste. He's in his fit now; and does not talk after the wisest. He shall taste of my bottle: if he have never drunk wine afore, it will go near to remove his fit: if I can recover him, and keep him tame, I will not take too much for him: he shall pay for him that hath him, and that soundly. Cal. Thou dost me yet but little hurt; thon wilt anon, I know it by thy trembling: now Prosper works upon thee. Ste. Come on your ways;, open your mouth: here is that which will give language to you, cat; open your mouth: this will shake your shaking, I can tell you, and that soundly: you cannot tell who's your friend; open your chaps again. Trin. I should know that voice: It should be - But he is drowned; and these are devils: O! defend me! Ste. Four legs, and two voices; a most delicate monster! His forward voice now is to speak well of his friend; his backward voice is to utter foul speeches, and to detract. If all the wine inmy bottle will recover him, I will help his ague: Come, - Amen! I will pour some in thy other mouth. Trin. Stephano, Ste. Doth thy other mouth call me? Mercy! mercy! This is a devil, and no monster: I will leave him; I have no long spoon. Trin. Stephano!-- if thou beest Stephano, touch me, and speak to me; for I am Trinculo; -be not afeard, thy good friend Trinculo. Ste. If thou beest Trinculo, come forth; I'll pull thee by the lesser legs: ifany be Trinculo'slegs, these are they. Thou art very Trinculo, indeed: How cam'st thou to be the siege of this moon-calf? Can he vent Trinculos? Trin. I took him to be killed with a thunder-stroke: thou art not drowned. Is the storm overblown? I hid me under the dead moon-calf's gaberdine, for fear of the storm: And art thou living, Stephano? O Stephano, two Neapolitans 'scap'd! Ste. Pr'ythee, do not turn me about; my stomach is not constaut. Cal. These be fine things, an if they be not sprites. That's a brave god, and bears celestial liquor: I will kneel to him. Ste. How did'st thou 'scape? How cam'st thou hither? swear by this bottle, how thou cam'st hither. I escaped upon a butt of sack, which the sailors heaved over-board, by this bottle! which I made of the bark of a tree, with mine own hands, since I was cast ashore. Cal. I'll swear, upon that bottle, to be thy true subject; for the liquor is not earthly. Ste. Here; swear then how thou escap'dst. Trin. Swam a-shore, man, like a duck; I can swim like a duck, I'll be sworn. Ste. Here, kiss the book: Though thou canst swim like a duck, thou art made like a goose. Trin. O Stephano, hast any more of this? Ste. The whole butt, man; my cellar is in a rock by the sea-side, where my wine is hid.-How now, mooncalf? how does thine ague? Cal. Hast thou not dropped from heaven? Ste. Out o' the moon, I do assure thee: I was the man in the moon, when time was. Cal. I have seen thee in her, and I do adore thee: My mistress showed me thee, thy dog, and bush. Ste. Come, swear to that; kiss the book: I will furnish it anon with new contents: swear! Trin. By this good light, this is a very shallow monster:-Iafeard of him? a very weak monster:-the mani' the moon?-a most poor credulous monster :Well drawn, monster, in good sooth. Cal. I'll shew thee every fertile inch o'the island; And kiss thy foot: I pr'ythee, be my god! Trin. By this light, a most perfidious and drunken monster! when his god's asleep, he'll rob his bottle. Cal. I'll kiss thy foot: I'll swear myself thy subject. Ste. Come on then; down, and swear! Trin. I shall laugh myself to death at this puppyheaded monster: A most scurvy monster! I could find in my heart to beat him, Ste. Come, kiss! Trin. - but that the poor monster's in drink: An abominable monster! Cal. I'll shew thee the best springs; I'll pluck thee berries; I'll fish for thee, and get thee wood enough. I'll bear him no more sticks, but follow thee, Trin. A most ridiculous monster; to make a wonder of a poor drunkard. Cal. I pr'ythee, let me bring thee where crabs grow; And I with my long nails will dig theepig-nuts; Shew thee a jay's nest, and instruct thee how To snare the nimble marmozet; I'll bring thee To clust'ring filberds, and sometimes I'll get thee Young sea-mells from the rock: Wilt thou go withme? Ste. I pr'ythee now, lead the way, without any more talking. - Trinculo, the king and all our company else being drowned, we will inherit here.Here; bear my bottle! Fellow Trinculo, we'll fill him by and by again. Cal. Farewell, master; farewell, farewell! [Sings drunkenly. Trin. A howling monster; a drunken monster! Cal. No more dams I'll make for fish; Nor fetch in firing At requiring, Nor scrape trenchering, nor wash dish; Has a new master-Get a new man. Freedom, hey-day! hey-day, freedom! hey, freedom! Ste. O brave monster! lead the way! (Exeunt. Mira. I do not know One of my sex; no woman's face remember, freedom, I am skill-less of; but, by my modesty, SCENE I. - Before Prospero's Cell. Fer. There be some sports are painful; and their labour Delight in them sets off: some kinds of baseness Are nobly undergone; and most poor matters Point to rich ends. This my mean task would be As heavy to me, as 'tis odious; but The mistress, which I serve, quickens what's dead, And makes my labours pleasures: O, she is Ten times more gentle than her father's crabbed; And he's composed of harshness. I must remove Some thousands of these logs, and pile them up, Upon a sore injunction: My sweet mistress Weeps, when she sees me work; and says, such baseness Had ne'er like executor. I forget: But these sweet thoughts do even refresh my labours; Most busy-less, when I do it. Enter MIRANDA; and PROSPERO at a distance. Mira. Alas, now! pray you, Work not so hard! I would, the lightning had Fer. O most dear mistress, The sun will set, before I shall discharge Fer. I am, in my condition, The flesh-fly blow my month.-Hear my soul speak : My heart fly to your service; there resides, Mira. Do you love me? Fer. O heaven, o earth, bear witness to this sound, What best is boded me, to mischief! I, To weep at what I am glad of. Of two most rare affections! Heavens rain grace Fer. Wherefore weep you? Mira. At mine unworthiness, that dare not offer What I desire to give; and much less take What I shall die to want: But this is trifling; And all the more it seeks to hide itself, I'll bear your logs the while. Pray, give me that; You may deny me; but I'll be your servant, What I must strive to do. The bigger bulk it shews. Hence, bashful conming! Mira. If you'll sit down, If not, I'll die your maid: to be your fellow I'll carry it to the pile. Whether you will or no. Fer. No, precious creature: Fer. My mistress, dearest, And I thus humble ever. As well as it does you: and I should do it Mira. And mine, with my heart in't: And now fare With much more ease; for my good will is to it, well, And yours against. Till half an hour hence. Pro. Poor worm! thou art infected; Fer. A thousand! thousand! [Exeunt Fer. and Mira. This visitation shews it. Pro. So glad of this as they, I cannot be, Mira. You look wearily. Who are surpris'd with all; but my rejoicing Fer. No, noble mistress; 'tis fresh morning with me, At nothing can be more. I'll to my book; Ste. Tell not me; - when the butt is out, we will drink water; not a drop before: therefore bear up, and board'em: Servant-monster, drink to me! Trin. Servant-monster? the folly of this island! They say, there's but five upon this isle: we are three of them; if the other two be brained like us, the state totters. Ste. Drink, servant-monster, when I bid thee; thy eyes are almost set in thy head. Trin. Where should they be set else? he were a brave monster indeed, if they were set in his tail. Ste. My man-monster hath drown'd his tongue in! sack; for my part, the sea cannot drown me: I swam, ere I could recover the shore, five-and-thirty leagues, off and on, by this light. - Thou shalt be my lieutenant, monster, or my standard. Trin. Yourlieutenant, if you list; he's no standard. Trin. Nor go neither: but you'll lie, like dogs; and yet say nothing neither. Ste. Moon-calf, speak once in thy life, if thou beest a good moon-calf. Cal. How does thy honour? Let me lick thy shoe! I'll not serve him, he is not valiant. Trin. Thou liest, most ignorant monster; I am in case to justle a constable. Why, thou deboshed fish, him, Having first seiz'd his books; or with a log One spirit to command: They all do hate him, thou, was there ever man a coward, that hath drunk As rootedly as I: Burn but his books; so much sack as I to-day? Wilt thou tell a monstrous lie, being but half a fish, and half a monster? Cal. Lo, how he mocks me! wilt thou let him, my lord? Trin. Lord, quoth he!- that a monster should be such a natural! Cal. Lo, lo, again! bite him to death, I pr'ythee. Ste. Trinculo, keep a good tongue in your head; if you prove a mutineer, the next tree - The poor monster's my subject, and he shall not suffer indignity. Cal. I thank my noble lord. Wilt thou be pleas'd to hearken once again the suit I made thee? Ste. Marry will I: kneel and repeat it! I will stand, and so shall Trinculo. He has brave utensils, (for so he calls them,) The beauty of his daughter; he himself Calls her a non-pareil: I ne'er saw woman, But she as far surpasseth Sycorax, As greatest does least. Ste. Is it so brave a lass? Cal. Ay, lord; she will become thy bed, I warrant, And bring thee forth brave brood. Ste. Monster, I will kill this man: his daughter and I will be king and queen; (save our graces!) and Trinculo and thyself shall be viceroys: - Dost thou like the plot, Trinculo? Trin. Excellent. Ste. Givemethy hand! I am sorry I beat thee; but, while thou livest, keep a good tongue in thy head! Cal. Within this half hour will he be asleep; Wilt thou destroy him then? Ste. Trinculo, if you trouble him any more in his tale, Cal. Thou mak'st me merry: I am full of pleasure; by this hand, I will supplant some of your teeth. Trin. Why, I said nothing. Ste. Mum then, and no more. Proceed. Ste. Ay, on mine honour. Ari. This will I tell my master. Let us be jocund! Will you troul the catch You taught me but while-ere? [To Caliban.] Ste. At thy request, monster, I will do reason, any reason: Come on, Trinculo, let us sing! [Sings. Cal. I say, by sorcery he got this isle; From me he got it. If thy greatness will Revenge it on him-for, I know, thou dar'st; But this thing dare not. Ste. That's most certain. Cal. Thou shalt be lord of it, and I'll serve thee. Ste. How now shall this be compassed? Can'st thou bring me tho the party? Cal. Yea, yea, my lord; I'll yield him thee asleep, Where thou may'st knock a nail into his head. Ari. Thou liest, thou canst not. Cal. What a pied ninny's this? Thou scurvy patch!- And take his bottle from him: when that's gone, Ste. Trinculo, run into no further danger! Interrupt the monster one word further, and, by this hand, I'll turn my mercy out of doors, and make a stock-fish of thee. Trin. Why, what did I? I did nothing: I'll go further off. Ste. Didst thou not say, he lied? Ste. Do I so? take thou that. [Strikes him.] As you Trin. I did not give the lie: - Out o' your wits, and hearing too? - A pox o' your bottle! this can sack, and drinking do. - A murrain on your monster, and the devil take your fingers! Flout'em, and skout'em; and skout'em, and flout'em; Cal. That's not the tune. [ARIEL plays the tune on a tabor and pipe. Ste. What is this same? Ste. Lead, monster; we'll follow. - I would, I could Wallets of flesh? or that there were such men, see this taborer: he lays it on. SCENE III. - Another part of the Island. Enter ALONSO, SEBASTIAN, ANTONIO, GONZALO, ADRIAN, Whoseheadsstood in their breasts? which now we find Trin. Wilt come? I'll follow, Stephano. [Exeunt. Each putter-out on five for one, will bring us Good warrant of. Alon. I will stand to, and feed, Thunder and lightning. Enter ARIEL, like a harpy, device, the banquet vanishes. FRANCISCO, and others. Gon. By'r lakin, I can go no further, sir; My old bones ache: here's a maze trod, indeed, Through forth-rights, and meanders! by your pa- claps hiswings upon the table, and, with a quaint tience, I needs must rest me. Alon. Old lord, I cannot blame thee, Who am myself attach'd with weariness, To the dulling of my spirits: sit down and rest! Even here I will put off my hope, and keepit No longer for my flatterer: he is drown'd, Whomthus we stray to find; and the seamocks Our frustrate search on land: Well, let him go! Ant. I am right glad that he's so out of hope. [Aside to Sebastian. Do not, for one repulse, forego the purpose That you resolv'd to effect., Seb. The next advantage Will we take thoroughly. Ant. Let it be to-night; For, now they are oppress'd with travel, they As when they are fresh. Seb. I say, to-night: no more. Solemn and strange musick; and PROSPERO above, invisible. Enter several strange Shapes, bringing in a banquet; they dance about it with gentle actions of salutation; and, inviting the king, etc. to eat, they depart. Alon. What harmony is this? my good friends, hark! Gon. Marvellous sweet musick! Alon. Give us kind keepers, heavens! What were these? Seb. A living drollery: Now I will believe, That there are unicorns; that, in Arabia There is onetree, the phoenix' throne; one phoenix At this hour reigning there. Ant. I'll believe both; And what does else want credit, come to me, And l'il be sworn 'tis true: Travellers ne'er did lie, Though fools at home condemn them. Ari. You are three men of sin, whom destiny [Seeing Alon. Seb.etc.drawtheir swords. Your swords are now too massy for your strengths (For that's my business to you,) that you three He vanishes in thunder: then, to soft musick, enter the Shapes again, and dance with mops and mowes, and carry out the table. Pro.[Aside.] Bravely the figure of this harpy hast thou Perform'd, my Ariel; a grace it had, devouring: Gon. If in Naples Of my instruction hast thou nothing'bated, I should report this now, would they believe me? In what thou hadst to say: so, with good life, If I should say, I saw such islanders, And observation strange, my meaner ministers (For, certes, these are people of the island,) Their several kinds have done: my high charms work, Who, though they are of monstrous shape, yet, note, Andthese, mine enemies, are all knit up They have left their viands behind; for we have sto- I'll seek him deeper than e'er plummet sounded, them |