Of here and every where. I had a sister, [To Viola. Such a Sebastian was my brother too, So went he suited to his watery tomb: If spirits can assume both form and suit, You come to fright us. Seb. A spirit I am, indeed; But amin that dimension grossly clad, Vio. And died that day, when Viola from her birth Had number'd thirteen years. Seb. O, that record is lively in my soul! He finished, indeed, his mortal act But this my masculine usurp'd attire, Of place, time, fortune, do cohere, and jump, I'll bring you to a captain in this town, Where lie my maiden weeds; by whose gentle help Seb. So comes it, lady, you have been mistook : But nature to her bias drew in that. You would have been contracted to a maid; [To Olivia. Clo. So I do, madonna; but to read his right wits, is to read thus: therefore perpend, my princess, and give ear! Oli. Read it you, sirrah! [To Fabian. Fab. [reads.] By the Lord, madam, you wrong me, and the world shall know it: though you have put me into darkness, and given your drunken cousin rule over me, yet have I the benefit of my senses as well, as your ladyship. I have your own letter that induced me to the semblance I put on; with the which I doubt not but to do myself much right, or you much shame. Think of me as you please. I leave my duty a little unthought of, and speak out of my injury. The madly-used MALVOLIO. Oli. Did he write this? Clo. Ay, madam. Duke. This savours not much of distraction. Oli. See him delivered, Fabian; bring him hither! [Exit Fabian. My lord, so please you, these things further thought on, To think me as well a sister as a wife, One day shall crown the alliance on't, so please you, Here at my house, and at my proper cost. Duke. Madam, I am most apt to embrace your offer.Your master quits you, [To Viola.] and, for your service done him, So much against the mettle of your sex, So far beneath your soft and tender breeding, And since you call'd me master for so long, Here is my hand; you shall from this time be Your master's mistress. Oli. A sister?-you are she. Re-enter FABIAN, with MALVOLIO. Duke. Is this the madman? How now, Malvolio? Nor are you therein, by my life, deceiv'd, Mal. Madam, you have done me wrong, You are betroth'd both to a maid and man. Notorious wrong. Duke. Be not amaz'd; right noble is his blood. Oli. Have I, Malvolio? no. If this be so, as yet the glass seems true, Mal. Lady, you have. Pray you, peruse that letter: I shall have share in this most happy wreck: You must not now deny it is your hand, Boy, thou hast said to me a thousand times, [To Viola. Write from it, if you can, in haud, or phrase; Oli. Alas, Malvolio, this is not my writing, Though, I confess, much like the character: But, out of question, 'tis Maria's hand. Is now in durance; at Malvolio's suit, A gentleman, and follower of my lady's. Oli. He shall enlarge him. Fetch Malvolio hither :- That e'er invention play'd on? tell me why? And yet, alas, now I remember me, They say, poor gentleman, he's much distract. Re-enter Clown with a letter. A most extracting frenzy of mine own From my remembrance clearly banish'd his.- Clo. Truly, madam, he holds Belzebub at the stave's end, as well as a man in his case may do: he has here writa letter to you, I should have given it you to-day morning; butasa madman's epistles are no gos gospels, so it skills not much, when they are delivered. Oli. Openit, and read it! And now I do bethink me, it was she First told me, thou wast mad; then cam'st in smiling, grounds Fab. Good madam, hear me speak, Clo. Look then to be well edified, when the fool de- And let no quarrel, nor no brawl to come, livers the madman:- By the lord, madam, Oli. Hownow! art thou mad? Clo. No, madam, I do but read madness: an your ladyship will have it as it ought to be, you must allow vox. Oli. Pr'ythee, readi'thy right wits! Taint the condition of this present hour, Upon some stubboru and uncourteous parts, The letter, at Sir Toby's great importance; Oli. Alas, poor fool! how have they baffled thee! [Exeunt. SONG. Clo. When that I was and a tiny little boy, But when I came to man's estate, But when I came, alas! to wive, But when I came unto my bed, [Exit. MEASURE FOR MEASURE. Persons of the Drama. ANGELO, lord deputy in the duke's absence.. ESCALUS, an ancient lord, joined with Angelo in the Clown, servant to Mrs Over-done. deputation. CLAUDIO, a young gentleman. VINCENTIO, duke of Vienna. ELBOW, a simple constable. FROTH, a foolish gentleman. ABHORSON, an executioner. BERNARDINE, a dissolute prisoner. ISABELLA, sister to Claudio. Lucio, a fantastic. Two other like gentlemen. VARRIUS, a gentleman, servant to the duke. Lords, Gentlemen, Guards, Officers, and other At tendants. SCENE,- Vienna. Duke. Of government the properties to unfold, My strength can give you. Then no more remains, For common justice, you are as pregnant in, [Exit an Attendant. Not light them for themselves: for if our virtues Did not go forth of us, 'twere all alike, As if we had them not. Spirits are not finely touch'd, But to fine issues: nor nature never lends The smallest scruple of her excellence, But, like a thrifty goddess, she determines Herself the glory of a creditor, Both thanks and use. But I do bend my speech Hold therefore, Angelo; In our remove, be thou at full ourself! Mortality and mercy in Vienna Live in thy tongue and heart. Old Escalus, Ang. Now, good my lord, Let there be some more test made of my metal, Duke. No more evasion! We have with a leaven'd and prepared choice Ang. Yet, give leave, my lord, Nor need you, on mine honour, haveto do 2 Gent. I never heard any soldier dislike it. Lucio. I believe thee; for, I think, thou never wast where grace was said. 2 Gent. No? a dozen times at least. 1 Gent. What? in metre? Lucio. In any proportion, or in any language. 1 Gent. I think, or in any religion. Lucio. Ay! why not? Grace is grace, despite of all controversy: as for example, thou thyself art a wicked villain, despite of all grace. 1 Gent. Well, there went but a pair of sheers be tween us. Lucio. I grant; as there may between the lists and the velvet: thou art the list. 1 Gent. And thou the velvet: thou art good velvet; thou art a three-pil'd piece, I warrant thee: I had as lief be a list of an English kersey, as be pil'd, as thou art pil'd, for a French velvet. Do I speak feelingly now? Lucio. I think thou dost; and, indeed, with most painful feeling of thy speech. I will, out of thine own confession, learn to begin thy health; but, whilst I live, forget to drink after thee. 1 Gent. I think, I have done myself wrong; have I not? 2 Gent. Yes, that thou hast; whether thou art tainted or free. Lucio. Behold, behold, where madam Mitigation comes! I have purchased as many diseases under her roof, as come to 2 Gent. To what, I pray ? 1 Gent. Judge! 2 Gent. To three thousand dollars a-year. 1 Gent. Ay, and more. Lucio. A French crown more. 1 Gent. Thou art always figuring diseases in me: but thou art full of error; I am sound. Lucio. Nay, not as one would say, healthy; but so sound, as things that are hollow: thy bones are hollow; impicty has made a feast of thee. Enter Bawd. 1 Gent. How now? Which of your hips has the most profound sciatica? As to your soul seems good. Give me your hand! I'll privily away: I love the people, But do not like to stage me to their eyes: Though it do well, I do not relish well Their loud applause, and aves vehement; Nor do I think the man of safe discretion, That does affectit. Once more, fare you well! [Exit. Escal. I shall desire you, sir, to give me leave To have free speech with you; and it concerns me To look into the bottom of my place: A power I have; but of what strength and nature, Bawd. Marry, sir, that's Claudio, signior Claudio. 1 Gent. Claudio to prison! 'tis not so. Bawd. Nay, but I know, 'tis so! I saw him arrested; saw him carried away; and, which is more, within these three days his head's to be chopped off. I am not yet instructed. Bawd. Well, well; there's one yonder arrested, and carried to prison, was worth five thousand of you all. 1 Gent. Who's that, I pray thee? Ang. "Tis so with me:- let us withdraw together, And we may soon our satisfaction have Touching that point. Escal. I'll wait upon your honour. SCENE II. - A street. Enter LUCIO and two Gentlemen. Lucio. But, after all this fooling, I would not have it so. Art thou sure of this? Bawd. I am too sure of it: and it is for getting madam Julietta with child. [Exeunt. Lucio. Believe me, this may be he promised to meet me two hours since; and he was ever precise in promise-keeping. Lucio. If the duke, with the other dukes, come not to composition with the king of Hungary, why, then all the dukes fall upon the king. 1 Gent. Heaven grant us its peace, but not the king of Hungary's! 2 Gent. Amen. 2 Gent. Besides, you know, it draws something near to the speech we had to such a purpose. 1 Gent. But most of all, agreeing with the proclamation. Lucio. Away; let's go learn the truth of it! [Exeunt Lucio and Gentlemen. Bawd. Thus, what with the war, what with the sweat, what with the gallows, and what with poverty, I am custom-shrunk. How now? what's the news with you? Enter Clown. Clo. Yonder man is carried to prison. Bawd. But what's his offence? Bawd. What, is there a maid with child by him? Clo. No; but there is a woman with maid by him. You And the new deputy now for the duke, -' have not heard of the proclamation, have you ? Bawd. What proclamation, man? Clo. All houses in the suburbs of Vienna must be pluck'd down. Bawd. And what shall become of those in the city? Clo. They shall stand for seed: they had gone down too, but that a wise burgher put in for them. Bawd. But shall all our houses of resort in the suburbs be pull'd down? Clo. To the ground, mistress. Bawd. Why, here's a change, indeed, in the commonwealth! What shall become of me? Clo. Come; fear not you: good counsellors lack no clients: though you change your place, you need not change your trade; I'll be your tapster still. Courage! there will be pity taken on you: you, that have worn your eyes almost out in the service, you will be consi dered. Bawd. What's to do here, Thomas Tapster? Let's withdraw! Clo. Here comes signior Claudio, led by the provost to prison; and there's madam Juliet. SCENE III. - The same. [Exeunt. Enter Provost, CLAUDIO, JULIET, and Officers; Whether it be the fault and glimpse of newness, A horse, whereon the governor doth ride, Or in his eminence, that fills it up, I stagger in: - but this new governor Which have, like unscour'd armour, hung by the wall Claud. Fellow, why dost thou show me thus to the Such as moves men; beside, she hath prosperous art, world? Claud. From too much liberty, my Lucio, liberty: So every scope by the immoderate use ▲ thirsty evil; and, when we drink, we die. Lucio. If I could speak so wisely under an arrest, I would send for certain of my creditors. And yet, to say the truth, I had as lief have the foppery of freedom, as the morality of imprisonment. - What's thyoffence, Claudio? Claud. What, but to speak of would offend again. I got possession of Julietta's bed; You know the lady; she is fast my wife, When she will play with reason and discourse, Lucio. I pray, shemay: as well for the encouragement of the like, which else would stand under grievous imposition, as for the enjoying of thy life, who I would be sorry should be thus foolishly lost at a game of tick-tack. I'll to her. Claud. I thank you, good friend Lucio. Claud. Come, officer, away! SCENE IV. - A monastery. [Exeunt. Duke. No, holy father; throw away that thought; Fri. May your grace speak of it? Duke. My holy sir, none better knows, than you, How I have ever lov'd the life remov'd, And held in idle price to haunt assemblies, Where youth, and cost, and witless bravery keeps. (A man of stricture, and firm abstinence,) My absolute power and place here in Vienna, For so I have strew'd it in the common ear, Fri. Gladly, my lord. Duke. We have strict statutes, and most biting laws, That goes not out to prey. Now, as fond fathers Fri. It rested in your grace To unloose this tied-up justice, when you pleas'd: Duke. I do fear, too dreadful: Sith 'twas my fault to give the people scope, Who may, in the ambush of my name, strike home, Visit both prince and people; therefore, Ipr'ythee, Supply me with the habit, and instruct me, How I may formally in person bear me, Like a true friar! More reasons for this action, As those that feed grow full; as blossoming time, Isab. Some one with child by him? - My cousin Juliet? Lucio. Is she your cousin? Isab. Adoptedly; as school-maids change their By vain, though apt affection. Lucio. She it is. Isab. O, let him marry her! Lucio. This is the point. The duke is very strangely gone from hence; Of business'twixt you and your poor brother. Lucio. H'as censur'd him Already; and, as I hear, the provost hath Isab. Alas! what poor ability's in me Lucio. Assay the power you have! Lucio. Our doubts are traitors, names, I'll send him certain word of my success. Isab. Good sir, adieu! [Exeunt. Lucio. Gentle and fair, your brother kindly greets you: Lucio. I take my leave of you. Not to be weary with you, he's in prison. Isab. Woe me! For what? Lucio. For that, which, if myself might be his judge, He should receive his punishment in thanks: He hath got his friend with child. Isab. Sir, make me not your story! Lucio. It is true. |