Laun. Well, let his father be what he will, we talk | Laun. Indeed, the short and the long is, I serve the of young master Launcelot. Gob. Your worship's friend, and Launcelot, sir. Laun. But I pray you ergo, old man, ergo, I beseech you; talk you of young master Launcelot? Gob. Of Launcelot, an't please your mastership. Laun. Ergo, master Launcelot; talk not of master Launcelot, father; for the young gentleman (according to fates and destinies, and such odd sayings, the sisters three, and such branches of learning,) is, indeed, deceased; or, as you would say, in plain terms, gone to heaven. Gob. Marry, God forbid! the boy was the very staff of my age, my very prop. Laun. Do look like a cudgel, or a hovel-post, a staff, or a prop? Do you know me, father? Gob. Alack the day, I know you not, young gentleman: but, I pray you, tell me, is my boy, (God rest his soul!) alive, or dead? Laun. Do you not know me, father? Gob. Alack, sir, I am sand-blind, I know you not. Laun. Nay, indeed, if you had your eyes, you might fail of the knowing me: it is a wise father that knows his own child. Well, old man, I will tell you news of your son. Give me your blessing; truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long, a man's son may; but, in the end, truth will out. Gob. Pray you, sir, stand up; I am sure you are not Launcelot, my boy. Laun. Pray you, let's have no more fooling about it, but give me your blessing. I am Launcelot, your boy that was, your son that is, your child that shall be. Gob. I cannot think you are my son. Laun. Iknow not what I shall think of that; but I am Launcelot, the Jew's man; and, I am sure, Margery, your wife, is my mother. Gob. Her name is Margery, indeed: I'll be sworn, if thou be Launcelot, thou art mine own flesh and blood. Lord worshipp'd mighthe be! what a beard hast thou got! thou hast got more on thy chin, than Dobbin my thill-horse has on his tail. Laun. It should seem, then, that Dobbin's tail grows backward; I am sure he had more hair on his tail, than I have on my face, when I last saw him. Gob. Lord, how art thou chang'd! How dost thou and thy master agree? I have brought him a present; How 'gree you now? a very Laun. Well, well; but for mine own part, as I have set up my rest to run away, so I will not rest till I have run some ground: d: my master's Jew! Give him a present! give him a halter. I am famish'd in his service; you may tell every finger Ihave with my ribs. Father, I am glad you are come; give me your present to one master Bassanio, who, indeed, gives rare new liveries; if I serve not him, I will run as far, as God has any ground.-O rare fortune! here comes the man;-to him, father: for Iam a Jew, if I serve the Jew any longer. Enter Bassanio, with LEONARDO, and other Followers. Bass. You may do so; -but let it be so hasted, that supper be ready at the farthest by five of the clock. See these letters deliver'd; put the liveries to making; and desire Gratiano to come anon to my lodging! Laun. To him, father! Gob. God bless your worship! [Exit a Servant. Bass. Gramercy; would'st thou aught with me? Laun. Not a poor boy, sir, but the rich Jew's man; that would, sir, as my father shall specify, Gob. He hatha great infection, sir, as one would say, to serve, Jew, and I have a desire, as my father shall specify,-Gob. His master and he, (saving your worship's reverence) are scarce cater-cousins: Laun. To be brief, the very truth is, that the Jew having done me wrong, doth cause me, as my father, being I hope an old man, shall frutify unto you,Gob. I have here a dish of doves, that I would bestow upon your worship; and my suit is, Laun.In very brief, the suit is impertinent to myself, as your worship shall know by this honest old man; and, though I say it, though old man, yet, poor man, my father. Bass. One speak for both;-what would you? Gob. This is the very defect of the matter, sir. son: well parted between Take leave of thy old master, and enquire Laun. Father, in :-I cannot get a service, no; I have ne'er a tongue in my head.-Well; [Looking on his palm.] if any man in Italy have a fairer table, which doth offer to swear upon a book. I shall have good fortune; go to, here's a simple line of life! here's a small trifle of wives: alas, fifteen wives is nothing; eleven widows, and nine maids, is a simple coming-in for one man; and then, to 'scape drowning thrice; and to be in peril of my life with the edge of a featherbed;-here are simple 'scapes! Well, if fortune be a woman, she's a good wench for this gear.-Father, come; I'll take my leave of the Jew in the twinkling of an eye. [Exeunt Launcelot and old Gobbo. Bass. I pray thee, good Leonardo, think on this; Belmont. Bass. Why, then you must. But hear thee, Gratiano; - Parts that become thee happily enough, Gra. Signior Bassanio, hear me: If I do not put on a sober habit, Talk with respect, and swear but now and then, Use all the observance of civility, Like one well studied in a sad ostent * To please his grandam, never trust me more. Bass. Well, we shall see your bearing. Gra. Was not that letter from fair Jessica? Lor. I must needs tell thee all: she hath directed, How I shall take her from her father's house; What gold, and jewels, she is furnish'd with; Gra. Nay, but I bar to-night; you shall not gage me What page's suit she hath in readiness. By what we do to-night. Bass. No, that were pity; I would entreat you rather to put on Your boldest suit of mirth, for we have friends Gra. And I mustto Lorenzo, and the rest; [Exeunt. SCENE III.-The same. Aroom in Shylock's house. Jes. I am sorry, thou wilt leave my father so; And so farewell! I would not have my father Laun. Adieu!-tears exhibitmy tongue.-Most beautiful pagan,-most sweet Jew! If a Christian do not play the knave, and get thee, I am much deceived. But, adieu! these foolish drops do somewhat drown my manly spirit; adieu! Jes. Farewell, good Launcelot! Alack, what heinous sin is it in me, I am not to his manners: O Lorenzo, SCENE IV. - The same. A street. [Exit. If e'er the Jew her father come to heaven, [Exeunt. Jes. Call you? What is your will? Laun. I beseech you, sir, go; my young master doth [Exit. expect your reproach. Enter GRATIANO, LORENZO, SALARINO, and SALANIO. Gra. We have not made good preparation. Salar. We have not spoke us yet of torch-bearers. Salan. 'Tis vile, unless it may be quaintly order'd; And better, in my mind, not undertook. Lor. "Tis now but four o'clock; we have two hours To furnish us: Enter LAUNCELOT, with a letter. Shy. So do I his. Laun. And they have conspired together, -I will not say, you shall see a masque; but if you do, then it was not for nothing that my nose fell a bleeding on Black-Monday last, at six o'clock i'the morning, fallng out that year on Ash-Wednesday was four year in the afternoon. Shy. What! are there masques? Hear you me, Jessica: Friend Launcelot, what's the news? seem to signify. Lor. I know the hand: in faith, 'tis a fair hand; And whiter than the paper it writ on, Is the fair hand that writ. Gra. Love-news, in faith. Lor. Whither goest thou? Laun. Marry, sir, to bid my old master the Jew to Lor. Hold here, take this:-tell gentle Jessica, I will Will you prepare you for this masque to-night? Salar. Ay, marry, I'll be gone about it straight. Lor. Meet me, and Gratiano, At Gratiano's lodging some hour hence. I have no mind of feasting forth to-night: Laun. I will go before, sir.- There will come a Christian by, Will be worth a Jewess' eye. Do, as I bid you, Shut doors after you; Fast bind, fast find; Salar."Tis good we do so. [Exeunt Salar. and Salan. A proverb never stale in thrifty mind. Exit. Enter GRATIANO and SALARINO, masqued. Gra. This is the pent-house, under which Lorenzo Desir'd us to make stand. Salar. His hour is almost past. Gra. And it is marvel he out-dwells his hour, For lovers ever run before the clock. Salar. O, ten times faster Venus' pigeons fly Gra. That ever holds: Who riseth from a feast, Enter LORENZO. Salar. Here comes Lorenzo; more of this hereafter. Lor. Sweet friends, your patience for my long abode! Not I, but my affairs, have made you wait : When you shall please to play the thieves for wives, I'll watch as long for you then.-Approach; Here dwells my father Jew. -Ho! who's within? Enter JESSICA above, in boy's clothes. Jes. Who are you? Tell me, for more certainty, Jes. Lorenzo, certain; and my love, indeed; Lor. Heaven, and thy thoughts, are witness that thou art. Jes. Here, catch this casket; it is worth the pains, I am glad 'tis night, you do not look on me, For I am much asham'd of my exchange: But love is blind, and lovers cannot see The pretty follies that themselves commit; For if they could, Cupid himself would blush To see me thus transformed to a boy. Lor. Descend, for you must be my torch-bearer. Jes. What, must I hold a candle to my shames? They in themselves, good sooth, are too, too light. Why, 'tis an office of discovery, love; And I should be obscured. SCENE VII.-Belmont. A room in Portia's house. Flourish of cornets. Enter PORTIA, with the Prince of Morocco, and both their trains. Por. Go, draw aside the curtains, and discover The several caskets to this noble prince:Now make your choice! Mor. The first of gold, who this inscription bears;Who chooseth me, shall gain what many men desire. The second, silver, which this promise carries;Who chooseth me, shall get as much as he deserves.' This third, dull lead, with warning all as blunt;Who chooseth me, must give and hazard allhe hath. How shall I know if I do choose the right? Por. The one of them contains my picture, prince; Who chooseth me, must give and hazard all he hath. Do it in hope of fair advantages: A golden mind stoops not to shows of dross; If thou be'st rated by thy estimation, Thou dost deserveenough; and yet enough Stamped in gold; but that's insculp'd upon. But here an angel in a golden bed Lies all within. - Deliver me the key; Here do I choose, and thrive I as I may! Por. There, take it, prince; and if my form lie there, Then I am yours. [He unlocks the golden casket. Mor. O hell! what have we here? A carrion death, within whose empty eye There is a written scroll? I'll read thee writing. All that glisters is not gold, SCENE VIII. - Venice. A street. Salar. Why man, I saw Bassanio under sail; Of double ducats, stol'n from me by my daughter! Salar. Marry, well remember'd. I reason'd with a Frenchman yesterday; Salar. A kinder gentleman treads not the earth. SCENE IX. - Belmont. A room in Portia's house. Enter NERISSA, with a Servant. Ner. Quick, quick, I pray thee, draw the curtain straight! The prince of Arragon hath ta'en his oath, Flourish of cornets. Enter the Prince of Arragon, Por. Behold, there stand the caskets, noble prince! O, that estates, degrees, and offices, Por. Toolonga pause for that, which you find there. Wito chooseth me, shall have as much as he deserves. And of opposed natures. The fire seven times tried this; Still more fool I shall appear By the time I linger here: With one fool's head I came to woo, But I go away with two. Sweet, adieu! I'll keep my oath, Patiently to bear my wroth. [Exeunt Arragon, and Train. Por. Thus hath the candle sing'd the moth. Enter a Servant. Serv. Where is my lady? Por. Here; what would my lord? A day in April never came so sweet, Por. No more, I pray thee; I am half afeard, Thou wilt say anon, he is some kin to thee, Thou spend'st such high-day wit in praising him.-- Quick Cupid's post, that comes so mannerly. Salan. Let me say amen betimes, lest the devil cross my prayer; for here he comes in the likeness of a Jew. Enter SHYLOCK. How now, Shylock? what news among the merchants? Shy. You knew, none so well, none so well as you, of my daughter's flight. Salar. That's certain; I, for my part, knew the tailor that made the wings she flew withal. Salan. And Shylock, for his own part, knew the bird was fledg'd; and then it is the complexion of them all to leave the dam. Shy. She is damn'd for it. Salar. That's certain, if the devil may be her judge. Shy. I say, my daughter is my flesh and blood. Salar.There is more difference between thy flesh and hers, than between jet and ivory: more between your bloods, than there is between red wine and rhenish But tell us, do you hear, whether Antonio have had any loss at sea, or no? Shy. There I have another bad match: a bankrupt, a prodigal, who dare scarce show his head on the Rialto; abeggar, that used to come so smug upon the mart; let him look to this bond: he was wont to call me usurer; - let him look to his bond: he was wont to lend money for a Christian courtesy ;-let him look to his bond! Salar. Why, I am sure, if he forfeit, thou wilt no take his flesh; what's that good for? Shy. To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me, and hindered me of half a million; laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; and what's his reason? I am a Jew: hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we notlaugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and, if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? if we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wronga Christian, what is his humility? revenge: if a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian exam Ner. Bassanio, lord Love, if thy will it be! [Exeunt. ple? why, revenge. The villainy, you teach me, I will execute; andit shall go hard, hard, but I will better the in struction. Enter a Servant. SCENE I.- Venice. A street. Salan. Now, what news on the Rialto? Salar. Why, yet it lives there uncheck'd, that Antonio hath a ship of rich lading wreck'd on the narrow seas: the Goodwins, I think they call the place; a very dangerous flat, and fatal, where the carcases of many a tall ship lie buried, as they say, if my gossip report be an honest woman of her word. Salan. I would she were as lying a gossip in that, as ever knapp'd ginger, or made her neighbours believe she wept for the death of a third husband: but it is true--without any slips of prolixity, or crossing the plain high-way of talk,--that the good Antonio, the honest Antonio,----O that I had a title good enough to keep his name company!- Salar. Come, the full stop! Salan. Ha,--what say'st thou?--Why, the end is, he hath lost a ship! Salar. I would it might prove the end of his losses! Serv. Gentlemen, my master Antonio is at his house, and desires to speak with you both. Salar. We have been up and down to seek him. Enter TUBAL. Salan. Here comes another of the tribe; a third cannot be matched, unless the devil himself turn Jew. [Exeunt Salan. Salar. and Servant. Shy. How now, Tubal, what news from Genoa? hast thou found my daughter? Tub. I often came where I did hear of her, but cannot find her. Shy. Why there, there, there, there! a diamond gone, cost me two thousand ducats in Frankfort! The curse never fell upon our nation till now; I never felt it till now:-two thousand ducats in that; and other precious, precious jewels. - I would, my daughter were dead at my foot and the jewels in her ear! 'would she were hears'd at my foot, and the ducats in her |