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Après cette recherche infructueuse, Georges





courut à la maison, et se plaignit


to the

[blocks in formation]

house, and himself complained to his

mère de ce qu'un méchant garçon s'était

[blocks in formation]

to him insult:


le coup, mon fils, tu t'es trahi,'

[blocks in formation]

son, thou thyself hast betrayed,

himself was "Pour


et tu

and thou

t'accuses toi-même, lui dit-elle. Apprends

thyself accusest


to him said she.


que tu n'as rien entendu que tes propres

that thou hast nothing


but thy


paroles; car, de même de même que tu as plus d'une

[blocks in formation]

tu viens d'entendre ta propre voix dans la

thou bast just heard thy Own

[blocks in formation]

forêt. Si tu avais crié une parole obligeante,"

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


Hardi, bold.

Hardiesse, boldness.
Hareng, herring.

Hareng saison, herring season.
Harengère, fish-woman.
Hargneux, surly, peevish.
Haricot, French beans.
Haridelle, jade, hack.
Harnacher, to harness.
Harnais, armour.
Haro, hue and cry.
Harpailler, to wrangle.
Harpe, harp.

Harpeau, grappling-iron.
Harper, to gripe.
Harpie, harpy.

Harpin, boat-hook.
Harpiste, harpist.
Harpon, harpoon.
Harponner, to harpoon.
Hart, band, hanging.
Hasard, hazard.
Hasarder, to venture.
Hase, doe-hare, doe-rabbit.
Haubert, hauberk.
Hausse, a lift.

Hausse-col, neck-piece.
Hausser, to raise.

Haut, high.

Hautain, haughty.

Hâve, ghastly.

Havir, to scorch.

Havre, haven.

Havresac, knapsack.
Hé! ho!

Héler, to hail a ship.

Hem! hem!

Hennir, to neigh.

Hennissement, neighing.
Héraut, herald.
Hère, wretch.

Hérisser, to stand on end.

Hérisson, hedgehog.
Hernie, rupture.
Héron, heron.

Héros, hero.

Hersage, harrowing.
Herse, harrow.

Hêtre, beech-tree. Heurt, shock.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

**Many of these words are given for reference, as they are so seldom met with. In héroisme h is silent, though aspirate in its primitive héros.


For the consonants which, although mute at the end of words, are tied to the next word beginning with a vowel, see § 27.

125. B at the end of words is silent, except in radoub; club. 126. C is sounded except in estomac; broc; croc; accroc; marc; les échecs; tabac; jonc; franc; blanc.

[blocks in formation]

126A. D is mute at the end of words: quand; bond; fond;

pied, &c.

127. CH is sounded like k: catéchumène; chiromancie ; archange; chaos; orchestre; écho; chœur; Michel-Ange.

128. F is sounded at the end of words, except in des œufs; des bœufs; bœuf gras; des nerfs.

is silent in chef-d'œuvre.

129. G is silent in bourg; faubourg; legs; poing; seing;


sounds like c in gangrène (first g like c).

130. I is not sounded in oignon; moignon; poignard; poignée;


131. P is silent in baptême; drap; camp; champ; cep; coup; dompter; exempt (t mute also); loup; prompt (t silent also); je romps; tu romps; il romp; sculpteur; sculpter; sirop; temps; sept (pronounced sett); trop; beaucoup.

132. QU has the sound of cou in aquatique; équation; équateur; in-quarto; quadragénaire ; quadruple; quaker.

133. R is sounded in the verbs in ir like finir, and oir like devoir. 134. S is harsh at the beginning of words, but like z between two


is sounded in as; atlas; aloès; hélas; fils (1 mute); laps; mœurs; ours; os (plural mute); sens; vis; vasistas; en sus; lis; presbytère; Anvers.

is mute in bon sens; fleur de lis; Jésus; Judas; alors; arcs-en-ciel; gens;

dessus, &c.

135. ST is sounded in Christ; Est; Ouest; lest; zest. is mute in Jésus-Christ (pronounced cri); il est. 136. Tis sounded only in but; brut; contact; correct; déficit ; direct; distinct; dot; échec et mat; exact; fat; granit; infect; intact; luth; net; prétérit; rapt; suspect; tact; toast; transit: zénith.

is sounded in vingt followed by another number (not in quatre-vingt).

137. U is sounded separately in aiguille and compounds; aiguiser; arguer; inextinguible; Guise.

138. Z is sounded s in Rhodez.

REMARK ON oi versus ai.

139. Anglois, foible, françois, and monnoie always were pronounced as they are now spelt, i.e. Anglais, faible, français, and monnaie.

140. Not so with connoître, lisoit, paroître, and many others, which have been made connaître, lisait, paraître; whilst some old words in oi, like exploit, bourgeois, suédois, danois, hongrois, &c., have preserved the sound. Roide (stiff), which is more generally now spelt raide, always retains the latter sound.

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