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have not lost any horns, vous avez donc dcs cornes, (ergo) consequently you have horns.

il avint, it happened, from avenir, to happen by chance; derived from venir, to come, and conjugated like it, but used only impers.; il avient, it happens; s'il avenoit, if it should so happen; and in the infinitive.

par un cas fort plaisant, by a chance very odd, very oddly; un cas, m. a case, occasion, chance, deed, esteem, exigency. Faire cas de, to value; fort, adv. very, plaisant, e, adj. amusing, diverting, odd, ridiculous ; un plaisant, s. m. a merry jovial man, a jester, a wag, a buffoon.

que, conj. that; le Prévôt, m. a provost, a magistrate. Before the French revolution, le Prévôt des marchands was the highest civil magistrate at Paris, the same with the Lord Mayor in London; but un prévôt de Salle is a fencingmaster's assistant.


tout en l'interrogeant, whilst he was interrogating, examining him; from interroger, r. a. 1. Tout, here is an expletive, it sometimes insinuates as much as the English though;" tout en dinant, tout en jouant, though I dined, though I was playing at that time. It is one of those French expressions which has a variety of meanings that cannot always be rendered by any equivalent word in English. Remember what we observed about tout, page 39, No. III.

remet en lui son compagnon de classe, recollects in him his companion on the form, (in the school), recognizes him to be a school-fellow of his, (who was in the same class with him, or sat on the same form). Remettre, irr. a. (derived from mettre, to put, to place, which must be learnt in the Grammar, and like which it is conjugated), to replace, to put back, to restore, to deliver, to put off, to recollect, to recognize. Je ne vous ai pas reconnu tout de suit, mais je vous remets à présent, I did not immediately recognize you, but now I recollect you. Classe, f. class, rank, form at school. C'est un peintre de la première classe, he is one of the most distinguished painters. The words in asse are mostly fem.

Figurez vous son ébahissement, figure to yourself his as

tonishment; figurer, r. a. and n. 1. to figure, to adorn with figures, to cut a figure; se figurer, to fancy, to imagine; ébahissement, s. m. astonishment, great surprise. The verb s'ébahir, from which the word is derived, is rather obselete.

il croit rêver, he fancies to dream, he fancies he dreams. We had croire, page 5, No. I., in the sense of believing. Observe that when another verb follows, that verb is in the inf. Je crois vous l'avoir mandé dans ma dernière lettre, I think, or, I fancy, I have informed you of it in my last letter; rêver, r. n. 1. to dream, to indulge in reveries, to meditate, to wander in a fever. It is also used actively. Depuis son voyage sur mer, ma sœur est sujette à réver des naufrages, my sister, ever since her sea voyage, has been subject to dream of shipwrecks.

il le regarde en face, he looks him in the face.

oui, c'est lui même, yes, it is he himself; hélas! alas! c'est mon vaurien, it is my good-for-nothing fellow! The pron. possess. mon, softens the harshness of the epithet, by insinuating an attachment to the person. C'est un vaurien! would be infinitely more offensive. Vaurien, m. a good-for-nothing fellow, from vaut, (valoir,) is worth, and rien, nothing. All the words in ien are m.

puisque c'est toi, since it is thou. To address any one in the second person singular is rude in French, unless there is an habitual intimacy, as between very near relations, schoolfellows, &c. mon cher G., my dear G. The adj. cher, e, dear, like the English word, means both dear, that costs much, and dear, tenderly beloved. It is also an adv. Ce marchand est cher, il vend ses marchandises fort cher, that shopkeeper is dear, he sells his goods very dear. eh bien! well! lui requiert-il, to him inquires he, inquired he of him, asked he. Requérir, as a law-term, to demand, generally to request; c'est votre frère qui m'en a requis, your brother requested it of me. Used in the inf. it denotes to refetch, to fetch a second time; it is derived from the irr. quérir, to fetch, and is conjugated like this verb, or better like acquérir, which has all its tenses, and which must be studied in the grammar. Since the French Revolution, requérir also signi

fies to put in requisition, to demand for government, for the use of the army, &c.

apprends moi des nouvelles de nos amis, teach me news of our friends, give me some account of our friends; apprendre, from the irr. prendre, to take, (whose conjugation it follows,) to teach, to learn, to inform, to hear. J'ai de bonnes nouvelles à vous apprendre, I have good news to inform you of; n'avez vous rien appris au sujet de mon voisin? have you heard nothing about my neighbour? Nouvelle, f. news, intelligence, a fresh account of any thing, a novel, a tale. The words in elle are mostly f. except un libelle, du vermicelle, un violoncelle, which are nearly the same in English. With an adj. and in the sense of news, you may say indifferently, c'est une bonne nouvelle, or ce sont des bonnes nouvelles, these are good But without an adj. it is generally used in the pl. particularly in those idiotisms, vous aurez de mes nouvelles, you shall hear of me, (by way of threatening ;) je sais de vos nouvelles, I have heard of your pretty doings (jocosely;) and likewise, je n'en ai pas des nouvelles, in the pl. I have no account of it.


nos Catons, our wise lads. Caton is the name of "Cato," the celebrated Roman sage. C'est un Caton, in French, may mean, he is a very wise man, but sneeringly, he is a wiseacre, he pretends to be wise and is not so; il fait le Caton, he sets up for a wise man.

nos modèles, our patterns; un modèle, m. a model, a pattern. The words in ele require particular attention; there are 6 m. and 10 f.

ils valoient mieux que toi, they were better men than you. Valoient, 3d pers. pl. imperf. of the irr. n. valoir, to be worth, to be good for. This verb must be carefully learnt in the grammar. Valoir mieur, to be better, to be superior; ce drap vaut mieux que l'autre, this cloth is better than the other.

que font. Que is here the acc. of the inter. pr. quoi, what; que faites vous? what are you doing? ils font, they do, they make; que font-ils ? what are they doing? from faire, page 37, No. III.

sur tout, adv. above all, is spelt in two words, to distinguish it from surtout, m. a top coat.

ils promettoient, they promised, they were promising lads, promettre, to promise, derived from mettre, to put, and conjugated like it.


ils iront loin, they will go far, they will get on in the world; iront, 3d pers. pl. fut. of the verb aller, to go, which very irregular, and must be correctly learnt, on account of its frequent use. The compound tenses are with the verb être, je suis allé, &c. loin, adv. far; aller loin, to advance rapidly, to make great progress, to get on. Remember that you never say in French, comment loin? how far? you must say, à quelle distance ? how far is it from Paris to Rheims? quelle est la distance de Paris à Rheims ?

je croi, I believe, I think. It is here spelt without the s, by a poëtical licence, to make it rhyme with moi, even to the eye.

l'ame émue, the soul moved, with emotion of soul, with great emotion; l'ame, f. the soul, the mind, the heart. There are as many words in ame, m. as f.; émue, part. p. f. of the irr. v. émouvoir, to move, (derived from, and conjugated like mouvoir,) to shake, to agitate, to affect.

tous sont pendus, all are hanged, all have been hanged; pendu, past p. of the r. v. 4. pendre, to hang, to suspend. excepté vous et moi, except you and me; excepté, prep. except, save.

The following German song is one of Gleim's, who wrote many patriotic songs, during the seven years' war, in behalf of the Prussian cause, and who died in 1803, in his 84th year. It runs thus:


Ich hab'ein kleines Hüttchen nur,
Es steht auf einer Wiesenflur
An einem Bach; der Bach ist klein!
Könnt' aber wohl nicht heller seyn.

Am kleinen Hüttchen steht ein Baum,
Man sieht vor ihm das Hüttchen kaum,
Und gegen Sonne, Kält' und Wind
Beschützt er die darinnen sind.

Und eine gute Nachtigall

Singt auf dem Baum so süssen Schall,
Dasz jeder, der vorüber geht,
Ihr zuzuhören stille steht.

Du kleine, mit dem blondem Haar
Die längst schon meine Freude war,
Ich gehe, rauhe Winde wehn;

Willst du mit mir ins Hüttchen gehn?


I HAVE Only a poor little hut; it stands on a verdant meadow, near a brook; the brook is small; but it could not well be clearer. Close to the poor little hut stands a tree; one can hardly see the little hut for it, and it shelters those who are within from the sun, the cold, and the wind. And a pretty nightingale sings on this tree so sweet a song, that every one who passes by stands still to listen to her. Thou little one with fair hair, who has long since been my joy! I am going home, the winds are blowing roughly, wilt thou go with me into the little hut?

Die Einladung, f. the invitation. All the words in ung are fem. except der Sprung, the leap; der Ursprung, the origin; der Schwung, the swing; der Dung, (in upper Germany for der Dünger) the dung. The words in ung are mostly verbal nouns, as Einladung, from einladen, to invite; Anwendung, application, from anwenden, to apply; Bewegung, motion, from bewegen, to move; Drohung, menace, from drohen, to threaten, &c.

Ich hab'ein kleines Hüttchen nur, I have a small little hut only; I have only a small little hut; a poor little hut; a small little hut appears a pleonasm: but hüttchen, n. is the diminutive of Die hütte, f. the hut, and the epithet klein added to it, indicates that it is very small; ein kleines, n. because hüttchen is n. All diminutives in chen are n. whatever be the gender of the word to which the syllable chen is tacked.

nur, conj. only, but. It means, no other, nothing else. Ich habe nur eine Bitte an Sie, I have but one request to make of you. Bleiben sie nur noch einen Augenblick, stay but one moment longer.

Es steht, it stands, because the pron. refers to hüttchen, n. stehen, irr. to stand; ich stehe, ich stand, (stund, which is

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