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disciples de Jésus Christ les ordres de la Synagogue, Dieu le frappa tout à coup (on a sudden) d'une lumière très vive, qui, l'éblouïssant et le renversant par terre, lui ouvrit les yeux de l'ame; et cet homme, qui auparavant ne respiroit que»< sang et que carnage, se trouva tout d'un coup (all at once) éclairé, touché, et rempli de zèle et de charité pour les disciples du Seigneur."

Pleins de charmes, full of charms, delightful. Charme, s. m. a charm, a spell, an enchantment, a delight.

Pourquoi l'amour est-il donc le poison,

Et l'amitié le charme de la vie?

C'est que l'amour est fils de la folie,
Et l'amitié fille de la raison.

Charme is also the hornbeam tree. "On plantoit autrefois le charme dans les parcs en France pour former ces allés si tristes connues sous le nom de Charmilles (high-cut hedges of hornbeam trees.) The plural of charme generally denotes personal attractions, beauty, charms. Elle est si belle, rien ne résiste à ses charmes.

La forêt dont ses traits perçoient l'hôte sauvage, the forest of which his arrows pierced the wild inmate, the forest the wild inmates of which were pierced by his arrows. Trait here is an arrow; page 132, IX. Hôte, s. m. (the his mute, l'hôte) innkeeper, host, landlord, tenant, he who entertains company, and also the guest who is entertained. La Fontaine has it in both meanings in the fable of Le Satyre et le Passant.

Són hôte n'eut pas la peine

De le semondre deux fois.

His host had no occasion to invite him twice; and

Le Satyre s'en étonne:

Notre hôte! à quoi bon ceci ?

The Satyr is astonished at it, and asks, our guest! what is this good for? For what purpose do you do so?

Les bois d'alentour, the woods around; alentour, adv. round about, around. Some writers spell it à l'entour. But Delille, and most modern authors, spell it in one word. With

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tout and ici, the French say autour. Tout autour, all around; ici autour, round here, in this neighbourhood. Ces bois qui répondoient à, those woods which answered to, which reechoed. Répondre, to answer, must not be ranked among the verbs which denote a repetition; if it were derived from pondre, to lay eggs, the derivative would be repondre, without an accent, to lay eggs again. Mr. Cobbett, in § 193 of his French grammar, has fallen into a strange mistake when he states, that répartir means, "to reply," as well as "to set out again." It signifies neither, nor is it of the third conjugation, but of the second, like agir. It simply denotes "to distribute." The verb that Mr. Cobbett had in view is repartir, to set out again, to reply. As a grammarian, he ought to have known that when the syllable re prefixed to a verb, represents the Latin re, in the sense of rursus, “again,” it does not take the acute accent, when the primitive verb to which it is tacked begins with a consonant: faire, gives refaire; gagner, regagner; partir, repartir, &c. The particle re takes the acute accent only before a verb, beginning with an i, an u, oran h mute : imprimer, gives réimprimer; unir, réunir; habituer, réhabituer, &c. and whenever the primitive verb begins with an a or an accented é, it merely adds the letter r in the beginning: écrire, gives récrire; apporter, rapporter, &c. When the primitive begins with an s it takes res, in the beginning, instead of re: sortir, gives ressortir; sentir, ressentir, &c. But with respect to ressortir, to go out again, Mr. Cobbett ought to have cautioned the learner, that there is another verb ressortir, of the second conjugation, like agir, which means, to be under the jurisdiction: ce Canton ressortit à tel Tribunal, this part of the country is under the jurisdiction of such and such a court of justice. The thirteen verbs of the third conjugation should have been arranged, so as to let the learner perceive, at once, which are derivatives; thus

mentir, démentir,


sentir, servir, sortir, se repentir. repartir, consentir, desservir, ressortir.


What we observed in the beginning of this Number respecting the conversion of poëtry into prose, applies also to the German language, in which poëtry, however, differs not so much from prose as in the French language, because there is a very great latitude of construction in the German prose, as may be seen in Boileau's Key to the German language and conversation, page 95 to 121. The student, therefore, will do well to construe the German poëtical extracts in the logical order, which operation will give him the habit of attending to the inflections of the German articles, nouns, and pronouns ; to the peculiarities of compound tenses, of adverbial expressions, of pronouns relative, and of conjunctions; and to the words which the poët may omit, but which must be supplied in prose. Take, for instance, the beginning of Schiller's Tale of the Glove. (der Handschuh.)

Vor seinem Löwengarten

Das Kampfspiel zu erwarten

Sasz König Franz,

Und um ihn die Groszen der Krone

Und rings auf hohem Balkone

Die Damen in schönem Kranz.

Und wie er winkt mit dem Finger
Aufthut sich der zweite Zwinger;
Und hinein mit bedächtigem Schritt
Ein Löwe tritt,

Und sieht sich stumm

Rings um,

Mit langem Gähnen,

Und schüttelt die Mähnen,

Und streckt die Glieder,

Und legt sich nieder.

This would be in prose: "König Franz sasz vor seinem Löwen garten das Kampfspiel zu erwarten, und die Groszen der Krone (waren) um ihn, und rings auf hohem Balkone (saszen) die Damen in schönem Kranz. Und wie er mit dem Finger winkt thut sich der zweite Zwinger auf, und ein Löwe tritt hinein mit bedächtigem Schritt, und mit langem Gähnen sieht (er) sich stumm rings um, schüttelt die Mähnen, streckt die Glieder, und legt sich nieder." The following short, but

beautiful Ode of the same poët (Schiller) will afford us interesting remarks. It was written in 1795.


Senk', o strahlender Gott,—die Fluren dürsten
Nach erquickdem Thau, der Mensch verschmachtet
Matter ziehen die Rosse—

Senke den Wagen hinab.

Siehe, wer aus des Meeres krystallner Woge
Lieblich lächelnd der winkt! Erkennt dein Herz sie?
Rascher fliegen die Rosse,

Thetis, die göttliche, winkt!

Schnell vom Wagen herab in ihre Arme
Springt der Führer, den Zaum ergreift Cupido ;

Stille halten die Rossc,

Trinken die kühlende Fluth.

An dem Himmel herauf mit leisen Schritten
Kommt die duftende Nacht; ihr folgt die süsze
Liebe. Ruhet und liebet!

Phoebus, der liehende, ruht.


COME down, O radiant God,-the plains are thirsting after a refreshing dew, men are fainting, the steeds pull more feebly;-come down with thy chariot. See, who beckons thee, with a lovely smile, out of the crystal wave of the sea! Does thy heart recognize her? The steeds fly more swiftly: Thetis, the goddess, beckons ! quickly down from his chariot the driver leaps into her arms, Cupid seizes the reins, the horses stand still and drink the cooling flood. Misty night advances along the heavens with gentle steps; sweet Love is in her train. Indulge in rest and love! Phoebus, the loving one, is taking his rest.

Schiller composed this Ode after he had seen a picture re-' presenting the evening. Senk', contr. for Senke is the imperative of Senken, page 29, II. Strahlender, part. act. of the verb strahlen, page 107, VII., used adjectively. As nothing shows the gender in the vocative, the syllable er must be added in the masculine. We say die strahlende Sonne, the radiant sun; das strahlende Morgenlicht, the beaming dawn of day; ein strahlendes Feuer, a beaming fire. Die Fluren is

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the pl. of die Flur, page 75, V. It generally denotes commons, the verdant fields about towns and villages. Utz says: O Wald! o Schatten grüner Gänge! Geliebte Flur voll Frühlingspracht! Mich hat vom städtischen Gedränge

Mein günstig Glück zu euch gebracht.

Der Flur, m. is the entry, vestibule, or hall of a house.. "Der Flur ist derjenige Raum, welcher sich in dem Eingange eines Hauses zwischen den Zimmern befindet, und welcher auch bisweilen der Vorsaal genannt wird. Doch pflegt man dabey den Unterschied zu beobachten, dasz man diesen Raum in den geringen Häusern, wo er gewöhnlich nur klein ist, den Flur, in den gröszern und prächtigern hingegen, den Vorsaal nennt."

Dursten, or dürsten, r. n. v. to be dry, to thirst; mich darstet, I am thirsty; fig. nach etwas dürsten, to long for, to thirst after. Erquicken, page 109, VII. Haug says of a refreshing mineral spring :

"Hier im Felsen verborgen erquicket die Nymphe des Heilquelles; Lern, o Mensch, so geben und so den Geber verbergen."

Concealed in the rock the Nymph of the salutary spring re- › freshes here; learn, O man! to give and to conceal the giver like her.

Verschmachten, r. insep. comp. n. v. to languish, to faint away; ich verschmachte, ich verschmachtete, ich bin verschmachtet. It is also used actively, and then it is conjugated with haben. Er hat sein Leben im Kerker verschmachtet. He has languished all his life in a prison.

Matter is the compar. of matt, adj. and adv. weak, feeble, exhausted, weary, faint, languid, flat. In speaking of metals, unpolished-mattes Gold, unpolished gold; figuratively, mattes Lob, faint or cold praise; and in the game of chess, mate. "Eine Stimme ist matt wenn sie keinen starken Eindruck aufdas Gehör macht; das Gold ist matt, die Sonnenstrahlen sind matt wenn sie keinen starken Eindruck auf das Gesicht machen."

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Hinab, "down that way," is the opposite of herab," down this way," and is confined to the higher styles of writing. It

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