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Des bords qu'il a quittés reconnoissant l'ombrage,
Doute de son exil à leur touchante image,
Et d'un doux souvenir sent son cœur attendri.
Je t'en prends à témoin, jeune Potaveri ;
Des champs d'Otaïti, si chers à son enfance
Où l'amour, sans pudeur, n'est pas sans innocence,
Ce sauvage ingénu dans nos murs transporté,
Regrettoit en son coeur sa douce liberté,
Et son ile riante, et ses plaisirs faciles.
Ebloni, mais lassé de l'éclat de nos villes
Souvent il s'écrioit: rendez moi mes forêts.
Un jour dans ces jardins où Louis à grands frais
De vingt climats divers en un seul lieu rassemble,
Ces peuples végétaux surpris de croitre ensemble
Qui, changeant à la fois de saison et de lieu
Viennent tous à l'envi rendre hommage à Jussieu,
L'Indien parcouroit leurs tribus réunies,
Quand tout à coup parmi ces vertes colonies,
Un arbre qu'il connut dès ses plus jeunes ans
Frappe ses yeux. Soudain, avec des cris perçans
Il s'élance, il l'embrasse, il le baigne de larmes..
Le couvre de baisers. Mille objets pleins de charmes,
Ces beaux champs, ce beau Ciel qui le virent heureux,
Le fleuve qu'il fendoit de ses bras vigoureux,
La forêt dont ses traits perçoient l'hôte sauvage,
Ces bananiers chargés et de fruits et d'ombrage,

Et le toit paternel, et les bois d'alentour,

Ces bois qui répondoient à ses doux chants d'amour,
Il croit les voir encore, et son ame attendrie
Dumoins pour un instant retrouva sa patrie.

AND the happy stranger, recognizing the trees of the shores which he has left, doubts his exile at their affecting sight, and feels his heart warmed by the sweet recollection. I call you to witness, young Potaveri. This ingenuous savage having been transported within our walls from the fields of Otaïti, so dear to his childhood, where tove is without shame, yet not without innocence, was bewailing in his heart his sweet liberty and his smiling island, and its easy pleasures. Dazzled, yet tired with the splendour of our cities, he frequently exclaimed-restore me to my forests. Being one day in those gardens where Louis collects at a vast expence on a single spot, from twenty different climates, those vegetable races which surprised at growing up-together, in other seasons and in other

places, all vie to do homage to Jussieu: the young Indian was wandering among their collected tribes, when in the midst of these verdant colonies, a tree which he had known from his early years suddenly struck his eyes. He instantly darted upon it with piercing cries, he embraced it, bathed it with his tears, and covered it with his kisses. A thousand delightful objects, the charming fields, the beautiful sky, that witnessed his happiness, the river which he cut with his vigorous arms in swimming, the forests whose wild inmates were pierced with his arrows, the bannana-trees, loaded at the same time with fruit and with foliage, and the parental roof, and the woods around, those woods which re-echoed his sweet love songs, he fancied he beheld them all, and in the emotion of his heart he found himself again in his own country, at least for one moment.

L'heureux étranger, the happy stranger. Un étranger, s. m. a stranger, a foreigner, an alien. This word denotes all the three ideas, and is also an adj. Un pays étranger, a foreign country; des coutumes étrangères, foreign customs. Etranger is also a r. a. v. 1. to drive away, to keep at a distance. It is chiefly said of game. Les braconniers ont étrangé le gibier du pays, the poachers have driven the game from the country. In this sense it is also used as a refl. v. Le gibier s'est étrangé de ce canton, the game has left that part of the country. And in familiar conversation the French say, il s'est étrangé de cette maison, he has left off visiting that family, he is become a stranger to it.

L'ombrage, s. m. the shade of trees; figuratively umbrage, distrust, suspicion. Donner, or causer de l'ombrage, to create distrust, suspicion. Faire ombrage à quelqu'un, to be in the way of a person, to excite his distrust, his suspicions. But ombre, f. is any shade, whether caused by trees or by any other object that intercepts the light; figuratively-1. Patronage, support, especially when used adverbially : à l'ombre d'une protection si puissante, under the patronage of so powerful a protector.-2. Combined with the preposition sous, the word ombre means a pretence. Sous ombre d'amitié, under the pretence of friendship.-3. Appearance, shadow. Il n'a qu'une ombre de pouvoir, his power is not real; he has but a shadow of power. Faire ombre à quelqu'un, to throw a person in the shade, to surpass him in power. But

tout lui fait ombre, he mistrusts every thing. Avoir peur de son ombre, to be easily frightened. In the sense of darkness and obscurity, poëts prefer the plural; they say les ombres de la nuit. Ombres, pl. also denotes the uninvited strangers, which invited guests were allowed to bring with them among the ancient Romans. The game at cards called "ombre” in English, is always spelt l'hombre, with an h, because it comes from the Spanish hombre, the man; and is masc. There is also a fish called ombre, omble, or umble, s. m.; it is a kind of salmon trout in the Lake of Geneva. The French Academy declares ombre to be the most corect pronunciation; and at Genève they pun upon the word by saying, quand l'ombre est bonne l'ombre est bon, whenever the shade is desirable the salmon trout is in perfection; to denote that the salmon trout of the lake is better in summer than in any other season. You may say, voulez vous manger de l'ombre, et puis jouer à l'hombre à l'ombre de ces chênes?

Doute de son exil, doubts his exile, doubts whether he is an exile from his native country. Exil, s. m. banishment. Douter, v. n. 1. to doubt, is always construed with the genitive or with the conjunction que. Je doute de la chose, I doubt the matter, I am in doubt about it. Hence you say j'en doute, I doubt it. Je doute qu'il vienne, I doubt his coming. But se douter d'une chose, is to suspect a thing, to foresee it as it were. Hence you say, je m'en doute, I suspect it; je m'en suis douté, I have suspected, I have foreseen it. Sans doute, adv. doubtless, without doubt; and s'en doute, suspects it, are pronounced alike. Elle s'en doute sans doute, she no doubt suspects it.

Je t'en prends à témoin, I take thee to witness, I call thee to witness. Prendre à témoin, to call to witness. Témoin, s. m. a witness. Dieu m'est témoin que... God knows that . . also a testimony, a proof. Ses blessures sont les témoins de son courage, his wounds are proofs of his courage. In this sense it is also used adverbially: Le Duc a rendu de grands services à l'Etat, témoin les victoires qu'il a remportées, the Duke has rendered great services to the State, witness the victories which he has gained. Témoin oculaire, an eye

witness. lemoin auriculaire, an ear witness, a witness who heard the conversation.

Potavéri was the name of a young Otaïtian, whom Bougainville, the French circumnavigator, who died in 1811, in his 89th year, brought with him to France. The fact is true, though it did not happen at the Botanic garden (jardin des plantes, or jardin du Roi) in Paris. "Je n'ai fait, que changer le lieu de la scène," says the Abbé Delille. "J'aurois voulu mettre dans mes vers toute la sensibilité qui respire. dans le peu de mots qu'il prononça en embrassant l'arbre qu'il reconnut et qui lui rappelloit sa patrie. C'est O taï ti, dit-il; et en regardant les autres arbres, ce n'est pas O taï ti. Ainsi ces arbres et sa patrie s'identifioient dans son esprit."

Ingénu, ue, adj. ingenuous, frank, without disguise. This word must be carefully distinguished from ingénieux, euse, adj. ingenious, witty, skilful. Ingénu is also used substantively. L'ingenu, m. the ingenuous man. Voltaire has written a tale entitled, Le Huron ou l'Ingénu. All the French words in u are m. except la bru, the son's wife, the daughter in-law; la glu, birdlime; la tribu, a tribe; and la vertu, virtue.

Son île riante, his laughing, his smiling isle. Here you have again a declinable participle active or verbal adjective, from the verb rire, to laugh, page 294, 295, XIX: riunt, pleasing to the sight.

Un jour, one day. To the observation that un is both "one," and the article "a" (page 4, I.) which Mr. Cobbett incidentally makes in § 47 of his French Grammar, he ought to have added that the numeral adjective One is supplied in French by the addition of the adjective Seul," single,” whenever un or une might be mistaken for the article "a." Je ne vous demande qu'une fleur, I only ask you for a flower. Je ne vous demande qu'une seule fleur, I ask you only for one flower:

A grands frais, at a great expence. Frais, s. m. pl. ex-, pence, charges, costs. Constituer quelqu' n en frais, to put a person to expences; figuratively, recommencer sur nouveaux frais, to begin any thing, any work afresh, anew; à peu de

frais, with little expence, with little trouble. Frais, s. m. sing. a refreshing coolness. To take an airing is, in French-prendre le frais; and in the language of mariners the different degrees of the violence of the wind are called, petit frais, a loom gale; joli frais, a gentle breeze; bon frais, fair wind; grand frais, a strong breeze. The adj. frais, fraiche, is cool, fresh, new. The French say, je suis tout frais de cette lecture, I have just read that book. The adv. frais is both coolly and newly. Il est frais arrivé, he is newly arrived; he is a new comer. Frai, s. m. the spawn or young fry of fish; la frate, f. the spawning time; le frêt, m. the hire of a ship, the freight. All the French words in ais are m. without exception. Se mettre en frais, to put one's self to expences; faux frais, idle expences; tous fraits faits, every thing being paid, all expences paid.

A l'envi, adv. vying with each other, emulously. But envie, f. envy, longing, fancy. Avoir envie de, to have a mind to; j'ai envie, or j'ai grande envie de sortir, I long to go out. Remember that avoir envie never is synonimous with envier, to envy. In that sense you must say porter envie. The Duc de Nivernois, in his imitation of the 16th ode of the third book of Horace, says―

Un clair ruisseau, de petits bois,
Une fraiche et tendre prairie,
Me sont un trésor que les rois

Ne pourroient voir qu'avec envie.

En vie, in two words, means "alive." Louis XVIII. étoit encore en vie la dernière fois que je fus à Paris.

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Rendre hommage à Jussieu, to do homage to Jussieu.: Bernard Jussieu, one of the greatest botanists, whom Linué, bimself, who went to see him at Paris, acknowledged as such, was Professor of Botany in the Botanic garden at Paris, : where he died on the 6th of Nov. 1777, in the 79th year of his age. Tout à coup, adv. on a sudden, suddenly; tout d'un coup, adv. all at once. These two adverbial expressions are by no means synonimous.." Ce qui se fait tout d'un coup, ne se fait ni par degrés ni à plusieurs reprises; ce qui se fait tout à coup n'est ni prévu, ni attendu. Comme Saint Paul étoit sur la route de Damas, où il se rendoit pour exécuter contre les

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