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with Ort, masc. der Ort, des Ortes, dem Orte, in the pl. Orte, and Oerter, with the diphthong like Wort.

Wo find ich ihn ? where find I him, because it refers to Schatz, m. where shall I find it? The Germans often employ the present instead of the future. Wo, inter. adv. of place, "where," ich finde, I find; from the irr. finden, to find; ich fand, I found; ich habe gefunden, I have found.

er schickt nach Leuten aus, he sends out after people; ausschicken, a sep. comp. verb, which throws the particle behind in simple tenses, is derived from the reg. schicken, to send. nach, prep. after; sometimes it means towards. Ich gehe nach Hause, I am going home. It gov. the dat. Leuten is the dat. of Leute, people; used only in the plural, like the French Gens. Ce sont de bonnes gens, " es sind gute Leute," they are good people.

Die Schätze sollen graben können. This is the most difficult line in the Fable. Die is here pron. rel. who; Schätze, pl. treasures; sollen, which generally means "ought, are to, shall," here means "are reported to." Die Griechen sollen die Türken geschlagen haben, the Greeks are reported to have beat the Turks: but it always means a vague report which demands confirmation. graben, to dig, is irr.; ich grub, I digged. Ich habe gegraben, I have dug. Können, aux. verb. to be able. Ich kann nicht, I cannot. Können Sie, can you? Both Sollen and Können must be learnt in the Grammar. They occur as frequently as the English shall and can.

durchbricht, breaks through, from the insep. comp. verb, durchbrechen, derived from the irreg. brechen, to break; ich brach, ich habe gebrochen. Durch is sometimes separable, and sometimes inseparable. It generally is inseparable when it has the power of a preposition, and the verb is an active one, as here. But we should say separably, der Flusz bricht überall durch, the river breaks through every where; and inseparably, die Sonne durchbricht die Wolken, the sun breaks through the clouds.

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der Scheuren harte Tennen, the barn's hard floors, the hard floors of barns.

durchgräbt den Garten und das Haus, digs through; the same as durchbricht.

und gräbt doch keinen Schatz heraus, and yet digs no treasure out. Herausgraben is a sep. comp. verb, which follows the same rule as anfangen, to begin-page 10, No. I.

nach viel vergeblichem Bemühn, after much fruitless trouble. viel, much, is indeclinable here, but it may be used as an adj. and declined. vergeblichem, dat. neut. of the adj. because it is used without the article, and agrees with das Bemühn, the trouble. vergeblich means both venial, pardonable, and fruitless, ineffectual.

heiszt er, he bids, from the irr. heissen, which, as an active verb, is to bid, to order-as a neuter, to be called. Wie heissen Sie ? what is your name? how are you called? Heissen makes ich hiesz, ich habe geheissen.

die Fremden, the strangers, from the adj. fremd, strange, foreign, which used substantively, makes ein Fremder, a stranger, and der Fremde, the stranger, because in the latter the article shews the gender.

wieder ziehn, to move again, to remove. Ziehen is irreg. ich ziehe, ich zog, ich habe gezogen. einziehen, to move into a house; ausziehen, to remove, to move out of it.

sucht selber in dem Hause nach, searches in the house himself; from the reg. sep. comp. verb nachsuchen, derived from the reg. suchen, to search, to seek.

durchsucht, like durchbricht, and durchgräbt.

des Vaters Schlafgemach, the father's bed-room. In common life, das Schlafzimmer, die Schlafkammer, or die Schlafstube. The word Gemach, neuter, is of the higher styles of writing. We commonly say Schlafgemach only of the bedrooms of persons of high distinction. Das heimliche Gemach, the secret chamber, is a refined expression for a water-closet. und findt, and finds; findet, from finden.

mit leichter Müh, with light trouble, with little trouble. mit, with, prep. always governs the dative; mit mir, with me; mit Ihnen, with you. Leichter, dat. fem. of the adj. leicht, because Müh is fem. commonly die Mühe. Geben sie sich nicht die Mühe, do not give yourself that trouble.

wie grosz, how great. wie, adv. of inter. how; sometimes it is the conj. as. Er ist so grosz wie ich, he is as tall as I


Wie befinden Sie sich? how do you find yourself? how do you do?

war sein Vergnügen, was his pleasure; das Vergnügen, the pleasure; Ich hoffe ich werde das Vergnügen haben Sie morgen hier zu sehen, I hope I shall have the pleasure of seeing you here to-morrow.

ihn unter einer Diele liegen, him (it) under a deal lie, it lying under a deal. unter, prep. under, governs both the dat. and acc. die Diele, the deal, the board, the plank; liegen, the infin. instead of the part. act. in English.

The French Fable is, in German-

DER VON EINEM MANNE ÜBERWUNDENE LÖWE. MAN stellte eine Mahlerey aus worin der Küntsler einen Löwen von ausserordentlicher Grösse abgemahlt hatte der von einem einzelnen Manne zu Boden geworfen worden war. Die Zuschauer frohlockten darüber, ein Löwe aber brachte sie im vorbeygehen zum schweigen. Ich sehe es allerdings, sagte er, dasz man euch wirklich hier den Sieg zuschreibt; allein der Mahler hat euch hintergangen; es stand ihm wohl frey zu erdichten, doch würden wir mit grösserem Rechte den Sieg davon tragen wofern meine Brüder mahlen könnten.

The German Fable, is, in French


UN Père, accablé de maladie, appella son fils. Mon enfant, lui-ditil, il y a longtems que j'ai caché un trésor pour pourvoir à tes besoins. Tu le trouveras et au même instant le père mourut. Quelle fut la consternation du fils? Un trésor! (telles étoient ses paroles) un trésor! mais dans quel endroit ? où le trouver? Il fait venir des gens réputés habiles à découvrir des trésors cachés. Il brise les aires solides de ses granges; il fouille dans le jardin, dans la maison, mais sans trouver de trésor. Après bien des efforts inutiles, il renvoye les étrangers; fait lui-même des recherches dans sa maison, et dans la chambre-à-coucher de son père; et au bout de quelques légers efforts, il trouve (quelle fut sa joie !) le trésor caché sous une planche.

Sold by T. HOLT, No. 1, CATHERINE-STREET, STRAND; and all the Booksellers and Newsmen in Town and Country.

W. WILSON, Printer, 57, Skinner-Street, London.

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AN anonymous correspondent, for whose good wishes we return our best thanks, seems to think that it would be a great convenience if we were to give the literal translation of every word under the line, in the same way as the Hamiltonian lessons are printed. But we cannot attend to his suggestion.

Literary interlineary translations may pass for very young children; they do no good to persons whose school education is finished, which we suppose to be the case with most of our readers. The knowledge which it is our ambition to impart, is not of that superficial Transatlantic or flimsy Parisian texture. Words in all languages have different significations and shades of meaning, according to the particular order and connexion in which they are employed; it is to this connexion, and to this order, and not to the individual expressions alone, that the attention of a mature intellect ought to be directed. The ablest Latin scholar on seeing for the first time the well-known puzzling line, "Sunt oculos clari qui cernis sidera tanquam," is obliged to give it a moment's consideration to arrange the words in their logical order, and this operation, which is rapidly performed whenever the grammatical rules and inflexions of a language are known, would be rather impeded than assisted by the English," are eyes bright which thou seest stars as," underneath the line. The French language, though less involved, opposes a great inconvenience from its pronouns personal conjunctive, with en and y constantly placed before the verb. Take only one short line from No. II., "On vous donne ici la victoire,”


people you gives here the victory;" and a literal translation of the German would be still more perplexing, although it rests on more steady rules than the Latin construction. Remember the line of No. II. "hab' ich vor langer Zeit einst einen Schatz verborgen," have I before long time once a treasure hid! What help can you possibly expect from such translations? is it not better to familiarize you at once on the outset with the march and genius of the language which you study, by giving you first a close translation, in harmony with your native idiom, that you may share the sentiments and feelings of the foreign author, and then enabling you to understand the full value of each word in the place where it is, and to know its general signification by means of our parsing remarks, which we shall endeavour to render more and more entertaining? To study languages in this manner is insuring one of the principal advantages derived from a good classical education: it begets the habit of steady attention and quick observation, which is so pleasing in all the pursuits of this sublunary life, whether we be engaged in grave and useful occupations, or in recreative innocent amusements. In the former case it is highly beneficial to ourselves; in the latter, it endears us to the friends with whom we pass the social hour.

As the French language is chiefly learnt for the purpose of conversation, to which it is peculiarly adapted from the clearness of its construction and the velocity of its sounds, we will study one of La Fontaine's Fables, remarkable for its elegance, and yet not rising above the tone of polite intercourse. The French, like the English, speak in the second person plural.


"Le chêne un jour dit au roseau:
Vous avez bien sujet d'accuser la nature;
Un roitelet pour vous est un pesant fardeau;
Le moindre vent qui d'aventure

Fait rider la face de l'eau

‚Vous oblige à baisser la tête ;

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