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article definite. But the pron. personal conjunctive can never be omitted, because it would then be impossible to know whose limb or limbs are alluded to. Here you have, on lui lia les pieds, not on lia ses pieds. Le chirurgien lui coupa le bras, the surgeon amputated his arm; il se cassa la jambe, he broke his leg; j'ai mal à la tête, my head aches. In the expression, vous avez mal aux dents, you have the tooth-ache, the two languages agree.

On vous le suspendit, they suspended him. The pron. pers. conjunctive vous, inserted here, is a mere expletive, intended to direct the attention of the hearer or speaker more particularly to the object mentioned. It answers, in some degree, to the familiar English expression, "only think;" on vous le suspendit, only think! they suspended the ass. La Fontaine is fond of this turn of expression. He says, elsewhere:

"Le renard sort du puits, laisse son compagnon,

Et vous lui fait un beau sermon."

Le meûnier n'en a cure, the miller does not care for it. N'en avoir cure, not to care for, is now obsolete. The modern expression is, ne pas s'en soucier. Cure, f. is now used only for a cure, a healing-La cure de cette maladie a été bien longue; and for a living, page 183, No. XII.

que l'on ne vous le dise, means avant que l'on ne vous le dise, before you be told so, without waiting for being told to do so, The conjunction que is frequently used instead of à moins que, unless; sans que, without; and avant que, before; which is the case here. Il ne sera pas tranquille qu'il ne la sache, he will not be quiet unless he knows it; elle ne sortira pas que je ne l'accompagne, she shall not go out without me. Que, in this sense, always requires the subjunctive. Be careful to note the different uses of que, page 56, No. IV., 72, V., 133, IX. c'étoit à vous de suivre, it was your business, your turn, to march behind; it behoved you to follow.

l'enfant met pied à terre, the boy sets his foot on the ground; meaning, alights, dismounts. Mettre pied à terre, to alight, to set foot on the ground. Do not pronounce piétaterre, but pié à terre: the d in pied is never heard. Un

pied à terre, m. is a small house, or a few rooms which individuals residing in the country have in a neighbouring large town, to sleep there occasionally. Thus when the Margravine of Anspach, who resided at Hammersmith, had a very small house in Piccadilly, near Park-Lane, you would have said, elle n'a pas de maison à Londres, elle n'y a qu'un pied à


faire le veau, to act the calf, to stretch one's-self out indolently.

un quolibet, m. (pron. kolibé) a bad pun, a sorry jest, from the Latin quod libet, what you please. Of this word the scholastic divines had in their disputations formed the adj. quodlibétique, which denoted questions on all kinds of subjects so void of sense and meaning, that quolibet has ever since denoted any thing ridiculous and silly.

gloser, r. a. and n. 1. As an active verb, it signifies to make marginal notes for the literal explanation of a text; as a neuter verb, it means to criticise, to blame, to find fault. Il n'y a point à gloser sur sa conduite, there is nothing to be said against his conduct; but even in this sense you may say, actively, il n'y a rien à gloser là dessus, there is nothing to reprehend (to be found fault with) in that respect.

sie nous en viendrons à bout, whether shall we succeed. Observe that the conditional si, if, can never be construed with the future or conditional, but the dubitative si, whether, may be so construed, as here: let us try whether we shall accomplish it. Je ne sais pas si le médecin viendra aujourd'hui; s'il ne venoit que demain nous serions fort embarassés, I do not know whether the physician will come to-day; if he should come only to-morrow we should be much at a loss. Venir à bout, to accomplish, to succeed in what is undertaken; but venir à bout d'une personne, to get the better of an individual, to conquer his obstinacy, his resistance. Se prélasser, to strut like a prelate walking in a procession. Un quidam, m. a nameless person, a stranger, whose name is either not known, or not worth mentioning. dorénavant, adv. of time, henceforth, hereafter.

The following hymn on Immortality was written by Frederick Janisch, who died ten or fifteen years ago, rather young, as a country parson at Marwitz, near Potsdam. Its harmonious and impressive style entitles it to the attention of our readers.


Horch! des Meeres Wellen toben,
Stürme sausen fürchterlich,

Blitze stürzen her von oben,

Und der Löwe flüchtet sich;

Und der Mensch, der arme Schwache,
Scheint ein Opfer das die Rache,
Die sein Herz im Busen trägt,
Mitternächtlich niederschläght.

Lasz bejahrte Berge heulen
Aus der Höhlen tiefsten Grund;
Lasz die Erde auch sich theilen ;

Stehe dicht am offnen Schlund!

Mehr als Thier, das schüchtern fliehet
Bist du, Mensch! Dein Leben glühet
Seiner Stärke sich bewuszt
Unauslöschbar in der Brust.

Lasz Gewalt den Bau zertrümmern,
Der den wahren Menschen hüllt;
Die Gewalt musz dich nicht kümmern
Wenn Gefühl des Pflicht dich füllt!

Nur den Leib, nur ihn zu tödten
Wird des Mordes Stahl sich röthen ;
Nur der schwache Bau zerbricht,
Doch der Geist, der Starke, nicht.

Fasze Muth getrost zu wallen
Wo Gefahr dem Staube droht.
Im Gefühl der Pflicht zu fallen,
Himmel, welch ein schöner Tod!

Nur der Leib gehört dem Staube;
Wie das Blatt der Sommerlaube
Das dem Staube zugehört

Wird des Menschen Leib zerstört.

Nach der Wahrheit heil'ger Sonne,
Nach der Tugend Vaterland,
Nach der Liebe schöner Wonne

Ist ja hier dein Blick gewandt.

Wahrheit, Tugend, Liebe wohnen
Wo, erfüllte Pflicht zu lohnen
Gott sein Paradies gebaut,
Wo die Wolke nicht ergraut.

Lasz des Lebens Stürme toben
Lasz Gewalten dich bedräun;
Eine Stimme ruft von oben;

Mensch; du wirst der Sieger seyn!

Wenn der Staub in Staub zerfallen
Ha! so schwebt in jenen Hallen,
Wie der Adler stolz sich hebt,
Unser Geist, der ewig lebt.


HARK! the waves of the sea are raging; storms roar frightfully; lightnings dart from above, and the lion takes to flight; and man, poor weak man! seems a victim which the revenge that his heart bears in his bosom, dispirits every night. Let ancient mountains howl from the deepest recesses of their caverns; let the earth open; stand thou close to the opened abyss. Man! thou art more than the beast that flies affrighted! Thy life, conscious of its strength, glows inextinguishable in thy breast! Let violence crush to pieces the fabric which envelops the real man. Thou must not heed violence when animated by the sentiment of duty. The murdering steel reddens only to kill the body, nothing but the body. The weak fabric only breaks; but the mind, thy strength, breaks not. Take courage to step confiding wherever danger threatens the dust. To fall with the sentiment of doing one's duty: heavens, what a beautiful death! The body alone returns to dust; man's body is destroyed like the leaf of the summer arbour which crumbles to dust. Even here thy looks are turned to the sacred sun of truth, to the native land of virtue, to the high delights of love. Truth, virtue, and love, dwell where, to reward duty faithfully performed, the Almighty built his paradise free from clouds. Let the storms of life be raging; let violence threaten; a voice calls from above-Man, thou shalt be the conqueror. Ah! when the dust is crumbled to dust, our soul, which lives for ever, wings itself to yon halls, like the eagle that proudly soars on high.

der untersbliche, m. the immortal. The adj. unsterblich, used as a substantive, page 78, No. V. Here it embraces the whole species of human beings. In English it requires the addition of the word man. We e owe the advantage of

converting adjectives into substantives to our distinct articles definite for the three genders. We may say der geitzige, the avaricious man; der zerstreute, the absent man; der wunderliche, the odd fellow; der gelehrte, the learned man. But with the article ein we are obliged to mark the gender in the adjective, because ein is likewise the indefinite article for the neuter. We say, ein geitziger, ein gelehrter.

toben, r. n. to rage, to fret, to be in a fury, to make a boisterous noise: it is conjugated with haben. Wüthen, r. n. also signifies to rage with anger; but toben denotes a raging attended with a boisterous noise, and may be produced by an excess of joy, or attendant on a diversion. Schiller calls the chase, die tobende Jagd; and he says, respecting children

"Gönne den Knaben zu spielen, in wilder Begierde zu toben, Nur die gesättigte Kraft kehret zur Anmuth zurück."

Allow the boys to play, to be boisterous in their wild freaks: it is satiated strength only which settles in gracefulness.

sausen, r. n. (with haben) to whistle, to make a hissing noise, like the wind that blows violently. Whenever it denotes motion attended with a hissing noise, it is conjugated with seyn. Er ist herein gesauset, he rushed in. Säuseln is the diminutive of sausen. Luther translated gospel of St.

John, iii. 8,

"Der Wind bläset wo er will, und du hörest sein Sausen wohl."

"The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof."

der Blitz, es, e, pl. die Blitze, (m. like all the words in itz, except das Antlitz, page 206, No. XIII.) the lightning. ein Blitzstrahl, m. a flash of lightning; ein Blitzableiter, m. a conductor.

herstürzen, r. sep. c. n. v. from her, hither, this way, and stürzen, page 94, No. VI. to fall suddenly and violently towards the speaker or agent. ich stürze her, ich stürzte her, ich bin hergestürzt. The English "to start" springs from the

same root.

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