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ses favoris, près de Memphis, sous des palmiers fleuris, sur la rive féconde que le Dieu du Nil embellit de son onde en tous les tems."

un ange, m. an angel, a genius; le bon ange, the guardian angel; le mauvais ange, or l'ange de tenèbres, the demon or spirit of darkness. Chanter comme un ange, to sing uncommonly well; but rire aux anges, to feel so happy as to laugh alone without saying a word. un lit d'ange is a bedstead without posts, the curtains of which are merely suspended over it as a drapery.

me voilà roi, behold me a king, now I am a king. Voici, prep. here is-voilà, prep. there is: one points at what is near the speaker, the other at what is farther off. But they also refer to moral things. You may say, voici mes raisons, and voilà mes raisons, these are my motives; but the former refers to what you are going to state, the latter to what you have stated. In familiar conversation these two prepositions are often coupled with the conjunction que. Voici que le convoi approche, here is the funeral coming; voilà que tout le monde court, there is every body running.

Comment m'y prendre? how shall I betake myself to it? how must I go about it? what must I do? It is an elliptical expression for comment dois-je m'y prendre. We had the active, prendre, to take, page 85, No VI.: its conjugation requires your attention, on account of its many derivativesapprendre, to learn; comprendre, to understand; entreprendre, to undertake; se méprendre, to mistake; reprendre, to take back, to censure; surprendre, to surprise. But s'y prendre means to go about doing a thing. Elle s'y prend bien, she goes the right way to work; on s'y prend mal, they go the wrong way to work: je ne sais comment m'y prendre, I do not know how to set about it, how to begin. Observe that s'y prendre is conjugated like a reflected verb, and, makes in the compound tenses, je m'y suis pris, I went about it; elle s'y est prise de toutes les façons, mais elle n'a jamais, pu réussir, she went about in all possible ways, but she never could succeed. When y prendre is used actively, it means, to catch at: on ne m'y prendra plus, they shall not catch me

at it any more; vous y auriez été pris comme moi, you would have been caught like me.

un directeur, m. a director. In Catholic countries this word is often used for a keeper of the conscience, a confessor. Dix recteurs, ten rectors of a college, or grammarschool, has exactly the same pronunciation; j'ai diné chez le directeur avec dix recteurs.

vous l'apprendrez, you will learn it, you will hear it. When the English" to hear" denotes to have been informed, it ought always to be rendered in French by apprendre. I hear the king is ill, j'apprends que le roi est malade, never j'entends;" I heard good news, j'ai appris de bonnes nouvelles.

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le prince y vole, the prince flew to it, he hastened thither. Voler, r. a. 1. to fly, fig. to hasteu; but it also means to steal, to rob. This double signification is alluded to in the following pun upon an attorney at law, against whom the friend of the poët felt some anger. Un procureur, m. a solicitor, an attorney at law. Une plume, f. a feather, and a pen. Allukindle. You will now understand the

mer, r. a. 1. to witticism

"Cher ami, ta fureur,

Contre ton procureur
Injustement s'allume;
Cesse d'en mal parler,

Tout ce qui porte plume

Fut créé pour voler."

le parvis, m. the porch of a temple. All the words in is åre masculine except une brebis, f. a sheep, une souris, f. a mouse, and une vis, f. a screw. But in this word the s is sounded, whilst in all the others it is not heard.

une Déité, f. a divinity, is used only in poëtry, for une divinité.

un sourire, or un souris, m. a smile. Le sourire, a verbal noun, the same with the infinitive, is however more expressive, as it paints the action; le souris is rather the result or effect of that action.

encor tout énivrée. encore, adv. yet, still, may be spelt

without the final e in poëtry, as here. It is used with reference to the present, the past, and the future. Il vit encore, he is still living; it vivoit encore il y a dix ans, he was still living ten years ago; c'est un homme à vivre encore trente ans, he is likely to live yet thirty years longer. It also means again, once more. Il est encore dans sa bibliothèque, he is again in his library, and it is often employed for “ at least." Encore s'il vouloit convenir qu'il a tort, if he would only confess that he is wrong. It is very singular that the English use the French adverb encore! in their theatres, when they wish a song to be repeated, whilst the French themselves make use of the Italian expression, "Da capo." tout enivrée, quite intoxicated. Tout, see page 39, No. III. 70, No. V. Though it is here the adv. quite, it would assume the form of an adjective if the adj. or participle fem. with which it is coupled, were the fem. of a word beginning with a consonant. elle étoit tout éplorée, mais à present elle est toute consolée, she was quite disconsolate, but now she is quite comforted. Enivrée, part. past, f. of the r. a. 1. enivrer, to intoxicate; pronounce an-nivré, giving to an the nasal sound. Some pronounce é-nivré, but that is incorrect.

ces trois vilaines gens, those three ugly people, ugly fellows. Vilain, e, adj. anciently signified rustic, peasant-like, the word being derived from the Latin villa, a country-house. But now it means ugly, disagreeable, inconvenient, dirty, infamous, dangerous, niggard. It is from this last meaning that the French derive their proverbial saying, graissez les bottes d'un vilain, il dira qu'on les lui brûle, blacken the boots of a miser, and he will say that you burn them, meaning, render a service to a miser and he will complain of it, that he may be excused showing any gratitude. Vilain is employed in its ancient meaning in one of De Béranger's modern popular songs, which begins with the words-je suis vilain, and in which he spurns all pretensions to nobility, though there is a de before his name, the preposition or particle de being generally prefixed to names derived from landed estates. Gens, m. the plural of the obsolete, la gent, f. the nation, race, or people, denotes several persons or people

collectively, and retains the signification of nations only n le droit des gens, the law of nations. It becomes f. when joined to an adj. that stands first; les vieilles gens, les bonnes gens, old people, good people; but even in such cases the predicate remains masculine, as les vieilles gens sont soupçonneux, old people are suspicious. Gens also denotes the attendants of a family: où sont nos gens? where are our servants? and when it is followed by the prep. de it denotes a profession. Gens d'épée, soldiers; gens d'église, clergymen; gens de robe, lawyers; gens de finance, bankers and moneybrokers; gens de lettres, literary men.

qui vous font tant de peine, who give you so much uneasiness, who displease you, whom you so much dislike. la peine, f. pain, toil, trouble, uneasiness, grief; avoir de la peine, to toil in misery; avoir peine à faire une chose, to be averse to do a thing; avoir de la peine à faire un chose, to do a thing with difficulty; faire de la peine, to give uneasiness; être en peine, to be uneasy; se mettre en peine, to trouble one's-self about. De quoi vous mettez vous en peine? what do you trouble yourself about?

un propos, (m. like all the words in os) a discourse, talk, purpose. A quel propos? for what purpose? Entrer en propos, to begin a conversation; à tout propos, on every occasion; à propos, seasonably, opportunely. It is used substantively in l'apropos, m. what is seasonable. Le grand mérite de ce qu'il dit tient à l'apropos, the great merit of his observations is that they are always suited to the occasion. A propos is also used in familiar conversation for "now I think of it."

me plait assez, pleases me well enough, tolerably well. Though assez, adv. of quantity, means enough, sufficiently, it often approximates to the English tolerably. Je la vois assez souvent, I see her pretty frequently.

elle tient dans sa main, she holds in her hand. The irr. v tenir, to hold, demands your particular attention, as it has a great latitude of meanings, which render it of frequent occurrence, and its derivatives follow the same conjugation, viz. appartenir, to belong; contenir, to contain; détenir, to

detan; entretenir, to entertain; maintenir, to maintain; obtenir, to obtain; retenir, to retain; and the refl. v. s'abstenir, to abstain. Dont elle est occupée, which engage her attention. être occupée d'une chose, to be busy with a thing, not être occupé avec une chose. Pénible, adj. painful, attended with difficulties. Se rebuter, refl. r. 1. to be disheartened. Sensible, adj. who has much feeling. Remember that the French word sensible does not mean "sensible" in the English way. A sensible man is un homme sensé, un homme d'esprit.

soit en paix, soit en guerre, either in peace or war. This conjunction is derived from the subjunctive of the verb être, and means "be it this," or "be it that," and soit, adv. be it so, well and good.

Décidez vous, come to a determination, make your choice, from the r. a. 1, décider, to decide, to determine; se décider, refl. to come to a resolution.

mes tendresses, my affections, is a poëtical license, the word tendresse, f. tenderness, love, affection, being generally employed in the singular only. All the words in esse are invariably feminine.

toutes deux, all two, f. both. You may say tous deux, m. and toutes deux, f. both, in familiar conversation, and in the lighter styles of writing as here; but in solemn discourses, and in the higher styles of poëtry, it must be with the article tous les deux, and toutes les deux.

We select for the theme of our remarks on the German language, a song of L. H. C. HÖLTY, who died at 28 years of age, in 1776. His juvenile poëms had raised very great expectations. He excelled in delineating the charms of rural scenery, and in treating melancholy subjects.


WER wollte sich mit Grillen plagen
So lang uns Lenz und Jugend blühn?
Wer wollt'in seinen Blütentagen
Die Stirn in düstre Falten ziehn?

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