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When You See Me, You Know Me, &c.
(S. Rowley), ii. 132.
Whetstone, G., i. 118, 250, 408.
White, R., ii. 372.

White Devil, the, or Vittoria Corombona

(J. Webster), ii. 254.

Whore of Babylon, the (T. Dekker and
T. Middleton), ii. 46.
Widow, the (T. Middleton, B. Jonson, and
J. Fletcher ?), ii. 89, 239.
Widow's Tears, the (G. Chapman), ii. 28.
Wieland, Chr. M., i. 263; his translation
of Shakspere, 312.

Wife for a Month, a (J. Fletcher), ii.

Wild Gallant, the (J. Dryden), ii. 497.
Wild-Goose Chase, the (J. Fletcher), ii.


Wilkins, G., i. 422; supposed author of
Pericles and Timon, 423; ii. 137.
Wilmot, R., i. 117.

Wilson, D., on Caliban, i. 443.
Wilson, J., ii. 489; his life, 490; his
comedies, ib. seqq.; his merits as a
dramatist, 492; cf. i. 402.
Wilson, R., i. 77 note.
Wilson, R., i. 237, 549.
Wily Beguiled, ii. 140.

Winter's Tale, the (W. Shakspere), i. 436.
Wise-Woman, the, of Hogsdon (T. Hey-
wood), ii. 120.

Wit and Science (J. Redford; morality),
i. 67.

Wit at several Weapons (F. Beaumont
and J. Fletcher), ii. 190.

Wit in a Constable (H. Glapthorne), ii.

Wit without Money (J. Fletcher), ii. 194.
Witch of Edmonton, the (J. Ford, T.
Dekker and others), ii. 48, 305.


Witch, the (T. Middleton), ii. 75.
Wits, the (Sir W. D'Avenant), ii. 362.
Witty Fair One, the (J. Shirley), ii. 319.
Wolsey, Cardinal, i. 448.

Woman, a, Killed with Kindness (T. Hey-
wood), ii. 113.

Woman-Captain, the (T. Shadwell), ii.

Woman-Hater, the (F. Beaumont (?) and
J. Fletcher), ii. 172.

Woman in the Moon, the (J. Lyly), i. 160.
Woman's Prize, the (J. Fletcher), ii. 211.
Women beware Women (T. Middleton),
ii. 82.

Women Pleased (J. Fletcher), ii. 210.
Wonder of a Kingdom, the (T. Dekker),
ii. 45.

Wonder of Women, the, or Sophonisba

(J. Marston), ii. 59.

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January 1875.


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