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and (406.) solecisms. 37. The Scotch highlanders live UPON oaten bread. (481.) 38. The thirty islands of Orkney and the thirty of Shetland are inhabited BY the same people, who live UNDER the same laws. 39. Come TO MY HOUSE. 40. I shall go TO MY DOCTOR'S. 41. Take this atlas To the bookseller's. 42. The ancient Roman military dress has been preserved AMONGST (426.) the Scotch highlanders. 43. AS FOR me, I am not of your opinion. 44. We were going TOWARDS the mountain. 45. The princess was charitable To the poor. 46. He spent the day IN the sweetest idleness, amusing himself IN (415.) gathering flowers and IN hearing the birds sing.


XLIV.-P. 176.-1. One feels at home here. 2. The Duke of Cumberland arrived in Edinburgh on the 10th of February. 3. Your clerk came home at about three o'clock. 4. Charles-Edward landed in Scotland in 1745. 5. Derby is in England. 6. They learnt that Prince (542.) Edward had advanced as far as Carlisle, and at last that he was at Derby, in the very heart of England. 7. Alexander gave to Porus a larger kingdom than the one he had previously. 8. The king was praying. 9. He took his children upon his knees. 10. He was leaning against the window. 11. He was reading in the 27th chapter of the Gospel according to Matthew. 12. The next day, about twelve o'clock, he had a second interview with Fairfax in the house of his secretary. 13. He ate a piece of bread and drank a glass of wine. 14. All fathers, even the most grave, play with their children. 15. Men armed with swords, pikes, and muskets, filled the hall. 16. He related that to me laughing. 17. Can we live without eating? 18. He went away after having sung a 19. You will be punished for having made a noise. 20. Walk before me. song. Start before them. 22. I shall go and prowl about the house. 23. Who is behind you? 24. Who is before you? 25. Who was king of France before Louis Philippe? 26. We were walking upon the bank of the river. 27. We were going towards the wood. 28. Behave well towards your benefactor. 29. America was discovered towards the end of the 15th century by Christopher Columbus. 30. When you have a house of your own, I shall go and see you. 31. Make yourself at home. 32. How long have you been in this town? 33. What month is this? 34. The highlanders lost some time in looking in the dark for their muskets, which they had thrown down in the midst of the action, according to their custom. 35. Molière has painted mankind from nature. 36. I am coming from my uncle's. XLV.-P. 177.-CONJUNCTIONS.-1. Be sober, for health requires it. 2. The rich are mortal as well as the poor. 3. It is as I told you yesterday. 4. You believe, then, that he is ruined. 5. Corneille and Racine were two great poets. 6. The French founded New Orleans (559.), but it no longer belongs to them. 7. Neither gold nor grandeur makes (860.) us happy. 8. Now I maintain that you are wrong. 9. It was either Lamartine or Victor Hugo who wrote that. 10. You are mistaken, it was neither. 11. Why did CharlesEdward come to Scotland in 1745? 12. Do not waste your time, for life is made of it; employ it well, if you wish to be happy; and do not lose one hour, since you are not certain ́ of a minute. 13. Though I had still preserved some hope, my master would have made me lose it entirely. 14. I believe that the soul is immortal. 15. Glasgow is as large as Vienna. 16. Charles XII. was more enterprising than Gustavus Adolphus. 17. If the Duke of Orleans had not perished, the revolution of 1848 would not have happened. 18. Although poor, he is happy. 19. Either from fear or contempt, he would not write to him. 20. He blushes, therefore he is guilty.

XLVI.-P. 180.-1. He is neither kind nor amiable. 2. The compass was not invented by a mariner, nor the telescope by an astronomer, nor the microscope by a natural philosopher (see note ‡, p. 42), nor printing by a mau of letters, nor gunpowder by a military man. 3. Laugh neither long, nor often, nor to excess. 4. Either from weakness or kindness, he has pardoned him. 5. Whether they punish him or forgive him, they can never

dans laquelle on parle. Ainsi un Anglais qui dirait, je suis chaud, pour j'ai chaud, ferait un barbarisme.

On fait un barbarisme, 1° quand on emploie un mot qui n'est pas du dictionnaire de la langue, comme la crudélité pour la cruauté.

2° Quand on prend un mot de la langue dans un sens différent de celui qui lui est assigné par le bon usage. Par exemple ce serait un barbarisme que de dire: “Monsieur, vous avez pour moi des boyaux de père;" il faut "des entrailles de père."-(Voir la préface du Dict. ang-franç., de Spiers, p. 11.)

Il y a, dit Voltaire, deux sortes de barbarismes, celui des mots et celui des phrases. Egaliser les fortunes, pour égaler les fortunes; éduquer, pour donner de l'éducation, élever : voilà des barbarismes de mots. Je crois de bien faire, au lieu de: je crois bien faire: voilà un barbarisme de phrase.

SOLECISME, faute grossière contre la syntaxe, par exemple: je ne vois pas ni l'un ni l'autre, au liên de: je ne vois ni l'un ni l'autre; je voudrais que vous viendriez ce matin, au lieu de: je voudrais que vous vinssiez ce matin.

obtain anything from him. 6. I shall conform my fate to yours, whether you consent to live or resolve to die. 7. I doubt whether your friend would have succeeded in his undertaking without your kind assistance. 8. As the sun shines upon the earth, so shall the righteous shine in heaven. 9. I would be your friend even though you did not wish it. 10. I have never travelled.-Nor have I. 11. As the summer has been very bad, and as the autumn is very fine, it is likely we shall prolong our stay in the country. 12. He had affected coolness with me, to see whether or not I should be afflicted at the change. 13. Come near, that I may speak to you. 14. At night his companion took him either into a convent, a castle, or even into the dwelling of some rich villager.


(PAGE 185.)

1ST LESSON.-P. 185.-1. Have you any English books? 2. Are you fond of books? 3. What kind of books do you like best? 4. What is your mother-tongue? 5. How did you learn it? 6. Are we in England? 7. How long have you been in it? 8. What language are we speaking now? 9. You are not a Frenchman, are you? (777.) 10. What o'clock is it?

2D LESSON.-11. What day is this? 12. Does your aunt speak French? 13. In what country are we? 14. What country do you belong to? 15. Is yours a fine country? (636.) 16. Is French a widely-spread language? 17. Do you understand me when I speak French? 18. How many languages do you understand? 19. Have you had breakfast? 20. Is this a fine day? (303.)

3D LESSON.-P. 186.-21. Where is English spoken? (ON, p. 289.) 22. Have you been in America? 23. Do you know (358.) any Americans? 24. Do you know me? 25. What language is spoken in the United States? 26. Do they not speak French in New Orleans? (559.) 27. Have you been in New York? 28. Is it cold to-day? 29. At what o'clock do you dine? 30. Is it bad weather to-day?

4TH LESSON.-31. Where is French spoken? 32. Have you been in Belgium? 33. Do you know Switzerland? 34. Is French spoken in Brussels? 35. Is not Geneva the native town of Jean-Jacques Rousseau? 36. What is your native country? 37. Are we fellow-countrymen? 38. Were not Francis I. and Henry VIII. contemporaries? 39. Is this a warm day? 40. At what o'clock do you go to bed?

5TH LESSON.-41. Do you know (358.) geography? 42. Where is Geneva situated? 43. Where was Christopher Columbus born? 44. Are the Genoese still as famous as formerly? 45. Are not the Genevese excellent watchmakers? 46. What language is spoken in Geneva? 47. Was not the celebrated Necker, Mme de Staël's father, a Genevese? 48. Have you read the works of that distinguished lady? 49. Are you fond of reading? 50. What works are you reading at present?

6TH LESSON.-51. How far (note, p. 168) is it (page 125) hence to Paris? 52. Do you know any Parisians? 53. Would you like to go to Paris? 54. Are not the Parisians excellent jewellers? 55. What is the population of Paris? 56. Is Paris fortified? 57. Was not Mme de Staël born in Paris? 58. Where were Molière, Boileau, and Voltaire born? 59. How did they distinguish themselves? 60. Does it rain to-day?

7th Lesson.—61. What is the most picturesque country in (129.) Europe? 62. Into how many cantons is (281.) Switzerland divided? 63. What are the principal lakes in Scotland? 64. Which is most admired? 65. What is a mountain? 66. Are you a Scotchman (or a Scotchwoman)? 67. What are the largest towns in Scotland? 68.

Were you in the COUNTRY lately? 69. What is the largest country in Europe? 70. Did not Joan of Arc save her cOUNTRY?

8TH LESSON.-71. Do you know Dublin? 72. Have you any relations in Ireland? 73. Were not the Irish independent once? 74. How do you go from England to Ireland? 75. How are you to-day? 76. Did you come here yesterday? 77. Will you take a lesson to-morrow? 78. Did you take one the day before yesterday? 79. Will you have a holiday the day after to-morrow? 80. How do you like (or, What do you think of) this town?

9TH LESSON.-P. 187.-81. Do you take milk (39.) in your coffee? 82. Where does good coffee come from? (509.) 83. Where is Mocha? 84. At what o'clock did you come in? 85. Where does tea come from? 86. For how much does it sell a (550.) pound? 87. Do people consume as much of it in France as in England? 88. What are the largest towns in China? 89. Did you ever see any Chinese? 90. Have not the Chinese women very small feet?

10TH LESSON.-91. Do you take sugar in your tea? 92. Where does sugar come from? 93. What is sugar made of? 94. Where is the sugar-cane (485.) grown? 95. Do you like beetroot? 96. Where do they make beetroot sugar? (481.) 97. What is the price of loaf sugar? 98. What is the price of fine moist sugar? 99. How many questions have you answered? 100. Do you like to speak French?

11TH LESSON.-101. Was not Calvin a (525.) Frenchman? 102. Was he not born (352.) at Noyon? 103. What countryman was Luther? 104. Name me two or three countries where Calvinism is dominant. 105. How long have you been learning French? 106. What is your name? 107. Where will you go on leaving this? 108. Are you tired? 109. How much have you in your purse? 110. How much do six hundred francs make in English money? 111. How many francs in a pound sterling? 112. How many "sous" in a franc? 113. What is a "centime?" 114. What is a "décime?" 115. What is the change for a franc? 116. What effigy do gold pieces (481.) bear in France? 117. How much is a "louis" worth in English money? (See note †, p. 248.) 118. How many francs in a sovereign? 119. Where is money coined in France? 120. Could you (358.) guess this enigma: "He who has me does not say it, he who receives me does not know me, and he who knows me will not have me?"

12TH LESSON.-121. Is not "bad coin" the answer to the enigma I proposed to you at the last lesson? 122. Are there many coiners (of base money)? 123. How many banks are there in London? 124. Are there many banks in Scotland? 125. Was not the financier Law a Scotchman? 126. What is a banker? 127. Do you prefer gold to bank notes? (481.) 128. What is the value of the lowest English bank notes? 129. What is the largest banking house in Europe? 130. Are not the Rothschilds (503.) bankers? 131. Are there several Rothschilds in Europe? 132. Do you sometimes go to the Exchange? 133. What is the Exchange? 134. Is there a fine Exchange in this city? 135. What month is this? 136. Name to me the twelve months of the year. 137. Which do you like best? 138. In what month does winter begin? 139. Where will you SPEND the winter? 140. Do you SPEND much money?

13TH LESSON.-P. 188.–141. How do you spend your time? 142. Are you fond of reading the newspapers ? 143. What newspaper do you take in? 144. What is the newspaper most largely circulated in England? 145. What is new? 146. Do you read the "Times?" 147. Do people advertise as much in France as in England? 148. What is "feuilleton ?" 149. Are you able to read the French newspapers? 150. Is not the "Charivari" a very funny newspaper? 151. What is the best review published in France? 152. Does the "Revue des Deux Mondes" appear often? 153. What are the leading English reviews ? 154. Do you take in the "Courrier de l'Europe ?" 155. Is it a daily or weekly paper? 156. Have you a headache? 157. Do you enjoy good health? 158. Does the climate of this country agree with you? 159. The climate of the south of France is mild and pleasant, is it not? (777.) 160. What are the largest towns in the south of France?

In French journals, the feuilleton is the bottom part of the paper, generally devoted to light litera

ture or criticism.

14TH LESSON.-161. Have you any uncles and aunts? 162. How many sisters have you? 163. Have you no brothers? 164. Are you the eldest of the family? 165. How are your brothers called? 166. In what country were you born? 167. Do your father and mother belong to the same country? 168. How is your younger brother called? 169. How many first cousins have you? 170. Is your brother tall? 171. What is your height? (See p. 251.) 172. Have Spanish women a handsome figure? 173. Have you any cousins, and what are their names? 174. Do all your relations live in England? 175. Have you any in France? 176. What town do we live in? 177. Have you always lived in it? 178. Do you like it? 179. Is it DARK now? 180. Where were you last NIGHT?

15TH LESSON.-181. Do you learn history? 182. What is history? 183. Have you studied ancient history? 184. Where does the history of the middle ages end? 185. Where does modern history begin? 186. Is history useful? 187. Was not M. Guizot professor of history? 188. Do you prefer the study of history to that of geography? 189. What is geography? 190. What is a "cape?" 191. What difference is there between "fleuve" and "rivière ?" 192. Who are the best historians that Great Britain has (969.) produced? 193. Do you know natural history? 194. Mention a fact showing that you studied the history of Greece. 195. Is the history of Russia interesting? 196. What is required to study geography? 197. What is the most important town in Spain next to Madrid? 198. If you wanted to go to Barcelona, through what places would you pass? 199. Are you fond of travelling by sea? 200. Where does sherry come from?

16TH LESSON.-P. 189.-201. Do you go to school? 202. Were you ever at a boarding-school? 203. At what o'clock does school open? 204. How many classes do you attend? 205. Are you first? 206. Are you a (525.) boarder or a day scholar? 207. When will your holidays begin? 208. How long will they last? 209. Where will you spend them? 210. Do you often get a holiday? 211. What do you learn? 212. Have you a singing-master? 213. How many meals do you take every day? 214. Have you been learning (510.) French long? 215. Do you speak it with facility? 216. What o'clock is it by your watch? 217. How many universities are there in England? 218. Do you intend to complete your education at the university of London? 219. Is the university of London as ancient as the university of Oxford? 220. Is there a French chair in the university of London?

17TH LESSON.-221. Do you understand the Latin poets pretty well? 222. Can you read (translate) Homer? 223. Can you write Latin verses? 224. What is logic? 225. Do you admire the Eneid? 226. Who translated the Eneid into English? 227. What is a dead language? 228. What is a living language? 229. How many languages do you know? 230. What language is spoken (567.) in Peru? 231. Do the Italians pronounce Latin in the same way as the French do? 232. Is Italian a widely-spread language? 233. Do you intend to learn it? 234. What is necessary to study a language? 235. What is required to learn a language well? 236. Custom is the legislator of languages, is it not? 237. Who said this: "A man who knows four languages is worth four men ?" 238. How many languages did Charles the Fifth know? 239. Why do the French call him "Charles-Quint" (see p. 64), and not " Charles-Cinq?" 240. What was he before being emperor of Germany? (See foot of p. 25.)

18TH LESSON.-P. 190.-241. When will you go into the country? 242. Is the country beautiful in England? 243. What are the most important countries in Europe? 244. What is the oldest monarchy in Europe? 245. Do you prefer the town to the country? 246. Whom does Gibraltar belong to? 247. Whom does Algeria belong to? 248. Who ruled over Algiers before the French? 249. What sea divides Europe from Africa? 250. What is the colour of Africans? 251. Was not Toussaint Louverture a negro? 252. Have you seen any negresses? 253. Where is the slave trade carried on? 254. Where is Toulon? 255. Where did Napoleon distinguish himself for the first time? 256. Where was he born? 257. Where did he die? 258. Was he not for some time a prisoner in the island of Elba? 259. Have you read his history? 260. How old was (656.) he when he was elected emperor of the French?

+ Un fleuve est un cours d'eau qui se jette dans la mer. Une rivière est un cours d'eau qui se jette dans un fleuve ou dans une autre rivière. On ne se sert guère du mot fleuve dans la conversation, excepté en parlant des grands fleuves de l'Amérique.

19TH LESSON.-261. Where is Corsica? 262. Whom does Corsica belong to? 263. Since when? 264. What language is spoken there? 265. Has Corsica produced many great men? 266. Where is the island of Elba? 267. How long did Napoleon remain there? 268. Where is, and to whom belongs, St. Helena? 269. Where are the ashes of Napoleon? 270. Who founded the "Hôtel des Invalides?" 271. In what year was Napoleon born? 272. In what year did he die? 273. How old was he when he died? 274. To whom can he be compared? 275. How was his first wife called? 276. Whom did he marry next? 277. What title did he give his son? 278. How many brothers had he? 279. Had he any sisters? 280. Who succeeded the emperor?

20TH LESSON.-281. How long did the emperor Napoleon reign? 282. Who governs France now? 283. How many empires are there in Europe? 284. Who is emperor of Russia? 285. What countries should you pass through to go to Austria? 286. Were not Marie-Antoinette and Maria Louisa Austrians? 287. Is Paris as populous as London? 288. Is Glasgow less populous than Vienna? 289. Is there not in France a town of the name of "Vienne ?" 290. Does not Champagne produce excellent wine? 291. Do you like champaign? 292. Did not Colbert and Turenne belong to Champagne? 293. What was Colbert? 294. Was not his father a wool-dealer in Reims? 295. Was not Turenne born in Sedan in 1611? 296. Did not Bossuet and Buffon belong to Burgundy? 297. What is the most important town in Burgundy? 298. What is the principal commerce of that fine province of France? 299. When did you say that Buffon was born? 300. Who said: "Le style, c'est l'homme ?" (Réponse: Buffon.)

21ST LESSON.-P. 191.-301. Who is the greatest novelist of Great Britain? 302. Have you read any of his novels? 303. Where was Walter Scott born? 304. Which of his works do you like best? 305. Have you a good edition of his works? 306. Has Walter Scott been translated into French? 307. Do you understand the Scottish dialect? 308. Have you travelled through the highlands of Scotland? 309. Do you admire the dress of the highlanders? 310. What is their favourite music? 311. What language do they speak? 312. Do you like to hear the bagpipe? 313. Do they preach in Gaelic in the highlands? 314. When did Charles-Edward land in Scotland? 315. How many times was he victorious? 316. Who commanded the English at Prestonpans? 317. Who lost the battle of Culloden? 318. Were all the Scots on Charles-Edward's side? 319. In what part of Scotland is Culloden? 320. What is the present population of Scotland?

22D LESSON.-321. Have you travelled much? 322. Have you any relations in the East Indies? 323. Should you like to go to Australia? 324. Why have men been rushing to Australia for some time past? 325. Did not Gustavus Wasa see himself compelled to work in the copper mines? (481.) 326. Are there many iron mines in France? 327. Are there many coal works in England? 328. What do people burn in England? 329. Do people burn much coal in France? 330. Is firewood dear? 331. Are all the towns of France lighted with gas? 332. Is coal dear in Scotland? 333. Do you like peat fire? 334. Are you cold? 335. Has winter been severe this year? 336. Is the fire lighted? 337. Shall I see you to-morrow? 338. Are you making progress in the French language ? 339. Will you persevere? 340. Are you very busy?

23D LESSON.-341. Does it rain to-day? 342. Have you an umbrella? 343. Do you hear the thunder? 344. Who invented the lightning-conductor? 345. Was not Benjamin Franklin an American? 346. Is there a screen in this apartment? 347. From what place does the wind come, and through what place does it escape? 348. Did you ever travel in Wales? 349. Who bears the title of Prince of Wales? 350. What title used the eldest son of the king of France to bear formerly? 351. Where is Dauphiné? 352. What title did the eldest son of Louis Philippe bear? 353. Where is Orleans? 354. How can you go from Paris to Orleans? 355. Is there a railway from Paris to Marseilles? 356. By what class do you travel? 357. What was the ancient name of France? 358. What was the temperament of the Gauls? 359. How many years did Cæsar require to subdue Gaul? 360. Did the Gauls adopt the language of their conquerors?

24TH LESSON.-361. Are not country towns (481.) dull? 362. Do you sometimes go a-fishing? 363. What is required to fish? 364. Fishing does not amuse me, does it you? 365. Are you fond of cats? 366. What do you think of the cat? 367. Do you keep a horse? 368. Can you ride? 369. Is your brother a good rider? 370. Whence comes the word "chivalry?" 371. Have you read the history of Bayard, the fearless and spotless knight? 372. If you were to go into the army, would you prefer the cavalry to the in

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