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it he is perfectly acquainted with it; for from thence he came, and there he is. And therefore let us not be timorous when we think of removing to a strange country, but confidently rely on his knowledge more than our own. Let us remember the words of these witnesses, which say, He is the Son of God, in whom is eternal life. Let us trust his judgment, who thought it more desirable to go away, though upon a cross, than to stay here in the greatest pleasure. And since all these witnesses say he is in heaven, let us resolve that we will die looking up to him, and saying,

Lord, remember it is the will of the Father that we should have everlasting life. Thou thyself appearedst to St. Stephen, and madest him confident thou wilt receive our spirit. The Holy Ghost, which is the Spirit of truth, saith thou art glorified, and wilt glorify us with thyself. This thou hast preached to us this thy blood hath purchased for us: this thou didst rise again to prepare against our coming to thee: this thy holy apostles say thou sentest them to publish to the world: this thou hast made us believe, and wait for, and suffer for, and long to enjoy. O dearest Lord, and most merciful Saviour, who art the true and faithful Witness, though we miserable sinners deserve to be denied, yet deny not thyself: let not the price of thy precious blood be lost; let not the word of the Father, of the Holy Ghost, thine own word, fail. If thou art not alive, I am content to perish; but if thou art, as thou hast persuaded me, then I will not cease to call upon thee; I will die with these words in my mouth, and be confident thou wilt hear me, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.

Thus the blessed martyr St. Stephen expired, looking up steadfastly unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who then appeared in glory to him: whose example all the rest of that noble army followed, triumphing over death in an assured hope of immortal life. Which they had not the least doubt of, it is manifest from hence, that (as Clemens Alexandrinus observes v) ἐν αὐταῖς τῶν κολάσεων ταῖς ἀκμαῖς εὐχαρι στοῦσι τῷ Θεῷ, in the very extremity of their torments they gave thanks to God,' who they knew would reward their fidelity, having in this very way consecrated Jesus to the highest office, of being the finisher or crowner of our faith. Therefore v Lib. vii. Stromat. p. 756. [p. 869. ed. Potter.]

their heart was glad, and their glory rejoiced; and they sang cheerfully, with the holy Psalmist, but with a far greater confidence, God shall redeem my soul from the power of the grave, for he shall receive mex.

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'And, O thou Lord and Creator of all things, especially of this thy workmanship! O thou God and Father of thy men! O thou Lord of life and death! O thou Benefactor of souls, and Dispenser of all good things! O thou who didst form all things, and in due time, thou best knowest how, in the depth of thy wisdom and administration, wilt transform us, by that divine Artificer, the Word! receive me also hereafter, when thou seest most convenient; in the mean time governing me in this flesh as long as it will be profitable. And receive me in thy fear, prepared, not disturbed, nor hanging back at the last day, and dragged by force from hence, (like the lovers of the world and the flesh,) but cheerfully and willingly, unto that everlasting and blessed life which is in Christ Jesus our Lordy."

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'And, O thou Word of God! thou Light! thou Life, and Wisdom, and Power! (for I delight in all thy names;) O thou Offspring and Image of that great Mind! O intellectual Word, and visible Man, who upholdest all things by the word of thy power! May it now please thee to accept of this book, (though not the firstfruits, yet the last perhaps that I may be able to offer thee,) both as a grateful acknowledgment for all thy benefits, and an humble supplication that I may have no other troubles beside the necessary sacred ones of my charge. Stop the fury of any disease which may seize on me; or thy sentence, if I be removed by thee. And if thou art pleased to grant me a dissolution according to my desire, and I be received into the heavenly tabernacles, there I hope to offer acceptable sacrifices to thee at thy holy altar, O Father, and Word, and Holy Ghost for to thee belongs all glory, honour, and dominion, for ever and ever. Amen."

× Psalm xlix. 15.

y Greg. Naz. Orat. x. in Cæsarium fratrem, p. 176. [ed. Ben. Orat. vii. § 24. tom. i. p. 215, 6.].

z Id. Orat. xlii. eis tò äyɩov IIáoxa, p. 696. [ed. Ben. Orat. xlv. § 30. tom. i. p. 868.]





REV, XXII. 20.


Ἡ Καθολικὴ καὶ τελευταία Καθαίρεσις, εὐχῆς ἔργον ἐστὶν ἡμῖν. St. Chrysostom [Hom. de Resurrectione,] tom. vi. p. 709. [ed. Savill., sed in ed. Ben. tom. ii. p. 431 B.]


Hic Liber cui titulus THE GLORIOUS EPIPHANY, &C.

GEO. THORP, Reverendissimo in Christo Patri et Dno, Dno GuLIELMO Archiep. Cantuar. a Sacris Domesticis.

April 30, 1678.







HAVING Composed a treatise, most reverend Father, concerning the appearing of the chief Shepherd of our souls (whom we look for from heaven at the last day), I know not to whom more properly to address it than to your Grace; whom our Lord hath been pleased to entrust with the high office of presiding in chief over that part of his flock which he hath gathered within the fold of this kingdom. A charge of which, as your Grace was not in the least ambitious, so all judged you highly worthy; and may well look upon it as a token God hath still some kindness for this church (which hath been so long miserably distracted and torn in pieces by many sects and different factions), that he hath been pleased to guide his Majesty to the choice of a person so rarely qualified, both with piety and prudence, with uprightness and inflexible virtue, as well as with learning and other accomplishments, to be the prime pastor of it.

This I am sure makes some good men hope that he intends still to feed us in our green pastures, and to lead us forth beside the waters of comforta; and hath moved me to take the humble boldness (among the crowds who come upon that errand) of approaching your Grace in this manner, to congratulate to your Grace that singular honour, and to the church that great happiness.

a [Psalm xxiii. 2.]

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