A DISCOURSE Concerning the Happiness of Good Men, AND THE Punishment of the Wicked, IN THE NEXT WORLD, &c. Under the following HEADS: Viz. I. Concerning the true Rea- IV. Concerning the Gospel Evidence of Immortal Life. Faith and Hope of Immor- V. That Salvation, which is II. Concerning the Natural III. What farther Evidence wrought for us by Chrift, VI. The Conclufion. A Com- By WILLIAM SHERLOCK, D. D. The FIFTH EDITION. LONDON: Printed for J.WALTHOE, J. J. and P. KNAPTON, A.BETTESWORTH MDCCXXXV. velation, Ibid. of the Soul, Ibid. Sect. 2. That Salvation which is wrought for us by Christ, gives Sect. 2. The Eternal Godhead of our Saviour is the A DISCOURSE OF THE Immortality of the SOUL, AND A FUTURE STATE. The INTRODUCTION. T HE Serious Confideration of Death must die, disparages all present Enjoyments; and if we fuffer fuch Thoughts to fink into our Souls, they naturally moderate our Affections, and fet bounds to our use of them. That we shall be judged, and rewarded and punished, B ac 3 |