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cafion. The greatest object in the universe, says a certain philofopher, is a good man ftruggling with adversity; yet there is ftill a greater, which is the good man that comes to relieve it. After he had regarded my fon for fome time with a fuperior air, I again find,' faid he, unthinking boy, that the fame crime'-But here he was interrupted by one of the gaoler's fervants, who came to inform us that a person of diftinction, who had driven into town with a chariot and several attendants, fent his refpects to the gentleman that was with us and begged to know when he should think proper to be waited upon. Bid the fellow wait,' cried our guest, till I fhall have leifure to receive him;' and then turning to my fon, I again find, Sir,' proceeded he, 'that you are guilty of the fame offence, for which ? you once had my reproof, and for which the law is now preparing its jufteft punishments. You imagine perhaps that a contempt for your own life gives you a right to take that of another: but where, Sir, is the difference between a duellift who hazards a life of no value, and the murderer who acts with greater fecurity? Is it any diminution of the gamefter's fraud when he alledges that he has ftaked a counter??

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Alas, Sir,' cried I, whoever you are, pity the poor mifguided creature; for what he has done was in obedience to a deluded mother, who in the bitterness of her refentment required him upon her bleffing to avenge her quarrel. Here, Sir, is the letter which will ferve to convince you of her imprudence and diminish his guilt.'

He took the letter and haftily read it over. This,' fays he, though not a perfect excufe, is fuch a palliation of his fault, as induces me to forgive him. And now, Sir,' continued he, kindly taking my fon by the hand, I fee you are furprised at finding me here; but I have often vifited pri

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• fons upon occafions lefs interefting. I am now come to fee juftice done a worthy man, for whom I have the moft fincere efteem. I have long been a difguifed fpectator of thy father's benevolence. have at his little dwelling enjoyed refpect uncontaminated by flattery, and have received that happiness that courts could not give, from the amufing fimplicity round his fire-fide. My nephew has been apprised of my intentions of coming here, and I find is arrived; it would be wronging him ' and you to condemn him without examination: if there be injury there fhall be redrefs; and this I may fay without boafting, that none have ever taxed the injuftice of Sir William Thornhill.'


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We now found the perfonage whom we had fo long entertained as an harmless amufing companion was no other than the celebrated Sir William Thornhill, to whofe virtues and fingularities fcarcely any were strangers. The poor Mr. Burchell was in reality a man of large fortune and great intereft, to whom fenates liftened with applaufe and whom party heard with conviction; who was the friend of his country but loyal to his king. My poor wife recollecting her former familiarity feemed to fhrink with apprehenfion; but Sophia, who a few moments before thought him her own, now perceiving the immense distance to which he was removed by fortune, was unable to conceal her tears.

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Ah, Sir,' cried my wife with a piteous afpect, how is it poffible that I can ever have your forgivenefs; the flights you received from me the laft time I had the honour of feeing you at our house, and the jokes which I audaciously threw out, thefe jokes, Sir, I fear can never be forgiven.'

My dear good lady,' returned he with a fmile, if you had your joke I had my anfwer: I'll leave it to all the company if mine were not as good as yours. To fay the truth, I know nobody whom I

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am difpofed to be angry with at prefent but the ⚫ fellow who fo frighted my little girl here. I had not ⚫ even time to examine the rafcal's perfon fo as to <defcribe him in an advertisement. Can you tell me Sophia, my dear, whether you fhould know • him again?'

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Indeed, Sir,' replied the, I can't be positive; yet now I recollect he had a large mark over one of his eye-brows.' I ask pardon, madam,' interrupted Jenkinson, who was by, but be fo good 6 as to inform me if the fellow wore his own red hair? Yes, I think fo,' cried Sophia. And did your honour,' continued he, turning to Sir William, obferve the length of his legs?' I can't be fure of their length,' cried the Baronet, but I am convinced of their swiftnefs; for he outran me, which is what I thought few men in the kingdom could have done. Please your honour,' cried Jenkinfon, I know the man: it is certainly the fame; the best runner in England; he has beaten Pinwire of Newcastle, Timothy Baxter is his name, I know him perfectly, and the very place of his retreat this moment. If your honour will bid Mr. Gaoler let two of his men go with me, I'll engage to produce him to you in an hour at fartheft. Upon this the gaoler was called, who inftantly appearing, Sir William demanded if he knew him. Yes, please your honour,' replied the gaoler, 'I know Sir William Thornhill well, and every body that knows any thing of him will defire to know more of him.' Well, then,' faid the Baronet, my request is, that you will permit this man and two of your fervants to go upon a meffage by my authority, and as I am in the commiffion of the peace I undertake to fecure you. promife is fufficient,' replied the other, may at a minute's warning fend them over ' whenever your honour thinks fit.'

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In pursuance of the gaoler's compliance, Jenkinfon was dispatched in fearch of Timothy Baxter, while we were amufed with the affiduity of our youngest boy Bill, who had juft come in and climbed up to Sir William's neck in order to kiss him. His mother was immediately going to chastise his familiarity, but the worthy man prevented her; and taking the child all ragged as he was upon his knee, 'What, Bill, you chubby rogue,' cried he, do you remember your old friend Burchell? and Dick too, my honeft veteran are you here, you fhall find I have not forgot you.' So faying, he gave each a large piece of gingerbread which the poor fellows eat very heartily, as they had got that morning but a very fcanty breakfast.

We now fate down to dinner which was almost cold; but previously, my arm ftill continuing painful, Sir William wrote a prefcription, for he had made the study of phyfic his amusement and was more than moderately killed in the profeffion: this being sent to an apothecary who lived in the place, my arm was dreffed and I found almost instantaneous relief. We were waited upon at dinner by the gaoler himself, who was willing to do our gueft all the honour in his power. But before we had well dined another meffage was brought from his nephew, defiring permiffion to appear in order to vindicate his innocence and honour, with which request the Baronet complied and defired Mr. Thornhill to be in-" troduced.



Former benevolence now repaid with unexpected intereft.

MR. Thornhill made his appeaaance with a smile which he feldom wanted, and was going to embrace his uncle, which the other repulfed with an air of disdain. No fawning, Sir, at prefent,' cried the Baronet, with a look of feverity, the only way to my heart is by the road of honour; but here I only • fee complicated instances of falfehood, cowardice, ⚫ and oppreffion. How is it, Sir, that this poor man, for whom I know you profeffed a friendship, is used thus hardly? His daughter vilely feduced as a recompence for his hofpitality, and he himself thrown into a prifon, perhaps but for refenting the infult? His fon too whom you feared to face as a

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Is it poffible, Sir,' interrupted his nephew, that my uncle could object that as a crime, which his repeated inftructions alone have perfuaded me to ' avoid.'

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Your rebuke,' cried Sir William, is juft; you have acted in this inftance prudently and well, though not quite as your father would have done : < my brother indeed was the foul of honour; but thou-yes you have acted in this inftance perfectly right, and it has my warmeft approbation.'

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And I hope,' faid his nephew, that the rest of my conduct will not be found to deferve cenfure. I appeared, Sir, with this gentleman's daughter at fome

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